/** \page DDLBNF114 DDL in BNF for HDF5 1.14.4 and above \todo Revise this & break it up! \section intro114 Introduction This document contains the data description language (DDL) for an HDF5 file. The description is in Backus-Naur Form (BNF). \section expo114 Explanation of Symbols This section contains a brief explanation of the symbols used in the DDL. \code{.unparsed} ::= defined as a token with the name tname | one of or opt zero or one occurrence of * zero or more occurrence of + one or more occurrence of [0-9] an element in the range between 0 and 9 '[' the token within the quotes (used for special characters) TBD To Be Decided \endcode \section ddl114 The DDL \code{.unparsed} ::= HDF5 { opt } ::= ::= SUPER_BLOCK { SUPERBLOCK_VERSION FREELIST_VERSION SYMBOLTABLE_VERSION OBJECTHEADER_VERSION OFFSET_SIZE LENGTH_SIZE BTREE_RANK BTREE_LEAF ISTORE_K USER_BLOCK { USERBLOCK_SIZE } } ::= FILE_SPACE_STRATEGY FREE_SPACE_PERSIST FREE_SPACE_SECTION_THRESHOLD FILE_SPACE_PAGE_SIZE ::= H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_FSM_AGGR | H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_PAGE | H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_AGGR | H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_NONE | Unknown strategy ::= GROUP "/" { * opt opt * * } ::= | | | ::= DATATYPE { } ::= the assigned name for anonymous named type is in the form of #oid, where oid is the object id of the type ::= | |