/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root * * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the * * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and * * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at * * http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have * * access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #include "hdf5.h" #include "h5test.h" #include "h5repack.h" int make_all_objects(hid_t loc_id); int make_attributes(hid_t loc_id); int make_special_objects(hid_t loc_id); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: make_testfiles * * Purpose: make a test file with all types of HDF5 objects, * datatypes and filters * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int make_testfiles(void) { hid_t loc_id; /* file ID */ TESTING(" generating datasets"); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * create a file for general copy test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if((loc_id = H5Fcreate(FNAME1,H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT))<0) return -1; if (make_all_objects(loc_id)<0) goto out; /* close */ if(H5Fclose(loc_id)<0) return -1; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * create a file for attributes copy test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if((loc_id = H5Fcreate(FNAME2,H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT))<0) return -1; if (make_attributes(loc_id)<0) goto out; /* close */ if(H5Fclose(loc_id)<0) return -1; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * create a file for special items test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if((loc_id = H5Fcreate(FNAME3,H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT))<0) return -1; if (make_special_objects(loc_id)<0) goto out; /* close */ if(H5Fclose(loc_id)<0) return -1; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * create a file for the filters test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if((loc_id = H5Fcreate(FNAME4,H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT))<0) return -1; if (make_filters(loc_id)<0) goto out; /* close */ if(H5Fclose(loc_id)<0) return -1; PASSED(); return 0; out: H5E_BEGIN_TRY { H5Fclose(loc_id); } H5E_END_TRY; return -1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: make_all_objects * * Purpose: make a test file with all types of HDF5 objects, datatypes * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int make_all_objects(hid_t loc_id) { hid_t dset_id; hid_t group_id; hid_t type_id; hid_t root_id; hid_t space_id; hsize_t dims[1]={2}; /* Compound datatype */ typedef struct s_t { int a; float b; } s_t; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5G_DATASET *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ space_id = H5Screate_simple(1,dims,NULL); dset_id = H5Dcreate(loc_id,"dset_referenced",H5T_NATIVE_INT,space_id,H5P_DEFAULT); H5Sclose(space_id); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5G_GROUP *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ group_id = H5Gcreate(loc_id,"g1",0); root_id = H5Gopen(loc_id, "/"); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5G_TYPE *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create a memory compound datatype */ type_id = H5Tcreate (H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(s_t)); H5Tinsert(type_id, "a", HOFFSET(s_t, a), H5T_NATIVE_INT); H5Tinsert(type_id, "b", HOFFSET(s_t, b), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT); /* Commit compound datatype and close it */ H5Tcommit(loc_id, "type", type_id); H5Tclose(type_id); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5G_LINK *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ H5Glink(loc_id, H5G_LINK_SOFT, "dset", "link"); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * write a series of datasetes on the group, and root group *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ write_dset_in(root_id,"dset_referenced",loc_id,0); write_dset_in(group_id,"dset_referenced",loc_id,0); /* Close */ H5Dclose(dset_id); H5Gclose(group_id); H5Gclose(root_id); return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: make_attributes * * Purpose: make a test file with all types of attributes * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int make_attributes(hid_t loc_id) { hid_t dset_id; hid_t group_id; hid_t root_id; hid_t space_id; hsize_t dims[1]={2}; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5G_DATASET *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ space_id = H5Screate_simple(1,dims,NULL); dset_id = H5Dcreate(loc_id,"dset",H5T_NATIVE_INT,space_id,H5P_DEFAULT); H5Sclose(space_id); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5G_GROUP *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ group_id = H5Gcreate(loc_id,"g1",0); root_id = H5Gopen(loc_id, "/"); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * write a series of attributes on the dataset, group, and root group *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ write_attr_in(dset_id,"dset",loc_id,0); write_attr_in(group_id,"dset",loc_id,0); write_attr_in(root_id,"dset",loc_id,0); /* Close */ H5Dclose(dset_id); H5Gclose(group_id); H5Gclose(root_id); return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: make_special_objects * * Purpose: make a test file with non common items * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int make_special_objects(hid_t loc_id) { hid_t group1_id; hid_t group2_id; hid_t group3_id; hsize_t dims[2]={3,2}; int buf[3][2]= {{1,1},{1,2},{2,2}}; hid_t dset_id; hid_t space_id; hid_t plist_id; herr_t status; int fillvalue=2; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * create a dataset and some hard links to it *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (write_dset(loc_id,2,dims,"dset",H5T_NATIVE_INT,buf)<0) return -1; if (H5Glink(loc_id, H5G_LINK_HARD, "dset", "link1 to dset")<0) return -1; if (H5Glink(loc_id, H5G_LINK_HARD, "dset", "link2 to dset")<0) return -1; if (H5Glink(loc_id, H5G_LINK_HARD, "dset", "link3 to dset")<0) return -1; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * create a group and some hard links to it *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ((group1_id = H5Gcreate(loc_id,"g1",0))<0) return -1; if ((group2_id = H5Gcreate(group1_id,"g2",0))<0) return -1; if ((group3_id = H5Gcreate(group2_id,"g3",0))<0) return -1; if (H5Glink2(loc_id, "g1", H5G_LINK_HARD, group2_id, "link1 to g1")<0) return -1; if (H5Glink2(group1_id, "g2", H5G_LINK_HARD, group3_id, "link1 to g2")<0) return -1; H5Gclose(group1_id); H5Gclose(group2_id); H5Gclose(group3_id); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_INTEGER, write a fill value *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ plist_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE); status = H5Pset_fill_value(plist_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &fillvalue); space_id = H5Screate_simple(2,dims,NULL); dset_id = H5Dcreate(loc_id,"dset_fill",H5T_NATIVE_INT,space_id,plist_id); status = H5Dwrite(dset_id,H5T_NATIVE_INT,H5S_ALL,H5S_ALL,H5P_DEFAULT,buf); status = H5Pclose(plist_id); status = H5Dclose(dset_id); status = H5Sclose(space_id); return 0; }