#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w require 5.003; use Cwd; # Builds a release. Arguments are zero or more of the words. # # tar -- build a tar file *.tar # compress -- build a compressed tar file *.tar.Z # gzip -- build a compressed tar file *.tar.gz # bzip2 -- build a compressed tar file *.tar.bz2 # # If no arguments are given then `gzip' is assumed. If the only argument # is the word `all' then all forms are used. $releases = "./releases"; # Directory for release tarballs ############################################################################## # Read version info, return an array (MAJOR,MINOR,RELEASE,PATCHLEVEL) or # a string "MAJOR.MINOR.RELEASE PATCHLEVEL" # sub getver () { my @ver; open SRC, "./src/H5private.h" or die "cannot read HDF5 version"; while () { $ver[0] = $1 if /define\s+HDF5_MAJOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)/; $ver[1] = $1 if /define\s+HDF5_MINOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)/; $ver[2] = $1 if /define\s+HDF5_RELEASE_VERSION\s+(\d+)/; $ver[3] = $1 if /define\s+HDF5_PATCH_VERSION\s+(\d+)/; } close SRC; wantarray ? @ver : "$ver[0].$ver[1].$ver[2]".chr(ord('a')+$ver[3]); } ############################################################################## # Set version information. Input is a string or an array. # sub setver ($;$$$) { my @ver = @_; local $_; if ($ver[0]=~/\D/) { @ver = $ver[0] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)([a-z])$/ or return ""; $ver[3] = ord($ver[3])-ord('a'); } $_ = `cat ./src/H5private.h`; s/(define\s+HDF5_MAJOR_VERSION\s+)(\d+)/$1$ver[0]/; s/(define\s+HDF5_MINOR_VERSION\s+)(\d+)/$1$ver[1]/; s/(define\s+HDF5_RELEASE_VERSION\s+)(\d+)/$1$ver[2]/; s/(define\s+HDF5_PATCH_VERSION\s+)(\d+)/$1$ver[3]/; open SRC, "> ./src/H5private.h" or return ""; print SRC $_; close SRC; return 1; } ############################################################################## # Make sure MANIFEST contains all the necessary files. If we are running # under CVS then look at the CVS/Entries files to get the names that should # be in the manifest. Otherwise we really can't do anything. # sub manifest () { my ($fname, %manifest); my $nprobs=0; # We can't do anything if we're not running under cvs. return "" unless -d "CVS"; # Read the files from the manifest. open MANIFEST, "MANIFEST" or die "unable to read manifest"; while () { chomp; $manifest{$_} = 1; } close MANIFEST; # Read files from CVS/Entries open FIND, "find . -name Entries -print | sort |" or die "unable to find CVS entries"; while ($fname=) { chomp $fname; my ($dir) = $fname =~ m%(.*)/CVS/Entries%; open ENTRIES, $fname or die "unable to open $fname"; while () { my ($ename) = m%^/(.*?)/%; $ename = "$dir/" . $ename; if (exists $manifest{$ename}) { delete $manifest{$ename}; } else { print "NEW: $ename\n"; $nprobs++; } } close ENTRIES; } close FIND; for (sort keys %manifest) { print "OLD: $_\n"; $nprobs++; } if ($nprobs) { print "Please add the new files to MANIFEST and remove the old\n"; print "files and try again. The MANIFEST should contain all files\n"; print "that are to be distributed for a release.\n"; exit 1; } } ############################################################################## # Build a release # sub release (@) { my @types = @_; my ($ver, $status, $created_symlink); local $_; # Make sure no one forgot to update MANIFEST manifest; # Make sure the version number is correct. print "Building an HDF release...\n"; print "HDF version to release [", ($ver=getver), "] "; return "" unless defined ($_=); chomp; (setver ($ver=$_) or die "cannot set version") if /\S/; # Clean the source tree, showing only errors. print "Cleaning source tree...\n"; $status = system "make distclean >/dev/null"; die "cannot make distclean" if $status >> 8; # Move default top-level makefile into place. $status = system "cp Makefile.dist Makefile"; die "cannot install default Makefile" if $status >> 8; # Make sure release directory exists (mkdir $releases, 0777 or die "cannot create $releases") unless -d $releases; die "no manifest" unless -r "MANIFEST"; # We build the release from above the root of the source tree so the # hdf5 directory appears as part of the name in the tar file. We create # a temporary symlink called something like `hdf-5.0.0a' that points to # our current working directory. $_ = cwd; my ($parent,$root) = m%(.*)/(.*)$% or die "cannot split directory"; if ($root ne "hdf-$ver" && ! -e "../hdf-$ver") { symlink $root, "../hdf-$ver" or die "cannot create link"; $created_symlink = 1; } my $name = "$root/$releases/hdf-$ver"; # Build the releases. @types = ("gzip") unless @types; @types = qw/tar gzip compress bzip2/ if 1==@types && "all" eq $types[0]; $_ = `cat MANIFEST`; s/^\.\///mg; @filelist = ("Makefile", split /\s*\n/, $_); $filelist = join " ", map {"hdf-$ver/$_"} @filelist; chdir ".." or die; for (@types) { print "Compressing with $_...\n"; /^tar$/ && do { $status = system "tar cf $name.tar $filelist"; next; }; /^gzip$/ && do { $status = system "tar cf - $filelist |gzip -9 >$name.tar.gz"; next; }; /^compress$/ && do { $status = system "tar cf - $filelist |compress -c >$name.tar.Z"; next; }; /^bzip2$/ && do { $status = system "tar cf - $filelist |bzip2 -9 >$name.tar.bz2"; next; }; } continue { print STDERR "$_ failed\n" if $status >> 8; } chdir $root or die; # Remove the temporary symlink we created above. unlink "../hdf-$ver" if $created_symlink; # Update version info print <); chomp; (setver ($ver=$_) or die "cannot set version") if /\S/; if (-d "CVS") { print <