Added missing fortran functions.
Four Library Fortran API functions have been added:
h5get_libversion_f, h5_check_version_f, h5garbage_collect_f and
h5dont_atexit_f. Only first two functions were tested.
Documentation file and RELEASE.txt were updated.
Platforms tested:
Solaris 2.7, IRIX64-6.5 and Linux 2.2
Bug fix
Search path for include files to build h5test_fortran.a did not have
hdf5_builddir and hdf5_srcdir directories. Compilation failed when
scrdir configure flag was used.
Modified Makefile.in to include the directories into the search path.
Platforms tested:
modi4 with srcdir on AFS and build dir in $SCR using --enable-parallel
--enable-fortran flags.
Bug fix, code improvement
Fortran tests didn't cleanup created files. Also HDF5_PREFIX and
HDF5_PARAPREFIX were not used to specify location of the files.
There was a redundant file in the testpar directory that contained
an error reporting function used by both serial and parallel tests.
Created library h5test_fortran.a that contains functions used by the
serial and parallel tests. It includes Fortran and C functions that
may be called from Fortran programs to report errors, to modify
file names and to cleanup files after run. Modified test code to
use new functions.
Platforms tested:
Linux 2.2 (eirene) serial
IRIX64 (modi4) parallel with HDF5_PREFIX and HDF5_PARAPREFIX set to $SCR
Solris 2.7 with mpich 1.2.4 with HDF5_PARAPREFIX set to /tmp/epourmal
bug fix
[ i s this a bug fix? feature? ...]
the copy of a symbol table entry was done with a shallow copy, in H5T_copy
this was causing an exception on the free call of the ID to name buffer
replaced a shallow copy of a symbo l a edescribe the bug, or describe the new feature, etc]
[details about the changes, algorithm, etc...]
[Please as detail as you can since your own explanation is
better than others guessing it from the code.]
Platforms tested:
windows 2000
solaris with cpp, fortran
irix64, with fortran, parallel i r
[machines you have tested the changed version. This is absolute
important. Test it out on at least two or three different platforms
such as Big-endian-32bit (SUN/IRIX), little-endian-32(LINUX) and
64-bit (IRIX64/UNICOS/DEC-ALPHA) would be good.]
Bug fix
_DLL_ macro was not replaced by H5_DLL macro in the Fortran stabs
header file when it was replaced in the C header files.
Replace it.
Platforms tested:
Tested on Solairs 2.7 with --enable-fortran --enable-cxx flags.
use H5_DLLCPP to replacer __DLLCPP__ for c++ interfaces.
Platforms tested:
linux 2.2.18smp, IRIX64, solaris 2.7, windows 2000
__DLL__ is a keyword in some platforms and __DLL__ is also defined as a macro for windows DLL applications.
That causes problems.
Use H5_DLL*** to replace __DLL***__ at all header files.
Change the macro defination at H5api_adpt.h.
Platforms tested:
linux2.2.18smp, irix64, solaris 2.7 and windows 2000
bug fix
memory leak regarding the ID to name buffer
added a new function H5G_free_ent_name that is called on several places of the library
Platforms tested:
windows 2000
linux, with cpp
solaris, with fortran, cpp
irix64, with parallel, fortran
API name change
Change all "space time" references to "alloc time", including API functions
and macro definitions, etc.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) w/C++
Solaris 2.7 (arabica) w/FORTRAN
IRIX64 6.5 (modi4) w/parallel & FORTRAN
Code cleanup
Switch order of test on array bounds to avoid reading data outside of array
Located by purify.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) w/C++
Solaris 2.7 (arabica) w/C++
IRIX64 6.5 (modi4) w/parallel & fortran
Code cleanup
Two of the parameters to H5S_select_hyperslab are defined as
"const hsize_t foo[]", and then "foo" is assigned another value, which is
technically against the C standard and is now causing problems for a user
with a more strict compiler.
Changed "const hsize_t foo[]" to "const hsize_t *foo".
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) - not a significant enough change to worry about
multi-platform testing.
Cleanup gcc cases to be more general about gcc 3.x, now that gcc 3.2 has
been released.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) - not a significant enough change to worry about
multi-platform testing.
Bug fix.
Fix bug in log file driver where the size of the buffer for recording the
log information was being set incorrectly.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) - no additional testing on other machines neceessary,
due to scope of fix.
Bug Fix
Sometimes, we needed to pick up a header file in the current build
Added a test to see if the compiler can handle the "-I." option so
that it will get that header file.
Platforms tested:
Bug Fix
We were getting the wrong MPIRUN program when you used the full
pathname. The "case" statement was checking the "F9X" macro, but it
really only needed the basename of the F9X macro.
Put wildcard matching in so that it would find the appropriate
Platforms tested:
bug fix in 'ID to name' function
the function replace_name was only checking for immutable datatypes
added a new function H5T_is_named, that checks for named datatypes
Platforms tested:
windows 2000, linux, solaris with Fortran
Bug Fix
Some macros had "NULL" instead of "FAIL" as the return value.
Change from NULL to FAIL.
Platforms tested:
Eirene (C++), Arabica (Fortran), Modi4 (pp and Fortran).
bug turnaround in test_hdf5_fortran on a h5fmount_c call
the H5I_nmembers(H5I_GROUP) call that is made inside
h5fmount_c -> H5G_replace_name -> H5I_nmembers(H5I_GROUP)
is not detecteting correctly that the entry belongs to the group list
therefore a call is made to H5I_search(H5I_DATATYPE) (there are always non-named datatypes)
and H5G_replace_ent is called with a search for the datatype group
ent = H5T_entof((H5T_t*)obj_ptr);
which returns a NULL ent
a tweak for this is to add
if( !ent) goto done;
Platforms tested:
windows 2000, Linux, Solaris with fortran
Bug fix
script did not work for SP system.
added "eval" command to launch the mpi execution. This works fine
for SP and is basically a no-op for non-batch systems like workstations.
Also got rid of the wrongle implemented TESTING message since the
result was not printed and the tests output mess up the format already.
Platforms tested:
SP (snow). Did not test more since it has been tested out fine
in the v1.4 checkin.
Added 'ID to name' support
There is a new API function H5Iget_name
Most of the changes are on H5G.c , regarding the symbol table entry struct H5G_entry_t
which has 2 new fields 'name' and 'old_name'
A new private function was introduced H5G_ent_copy, that does a deep copy
between 2 symbol table entries
The test file is getname.c
Platforms tested:
windows 2000, Linux, Solaris
Code cleanup/New Feature
Improve the space allocation in the file by re-using freed space more
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) w/serial & parallel
Additional test
Add in a fill-value to one of the tests, to make certain that they are
handled correctly.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) w/serial & parallel
Code cleanup
Cleaned up some compiler warnings.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) w/serial & parallel. Will be testing on IRIX64
6.5 (modi4) in serial & parallel shortly.
Code cleanup/More tests
Cleaned up some compiler warnings and wrote additional tests for space
allocation and storage size routines.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) w/serial & parallel. Will be testing on IRIX64
6.5 (modi4) in serial & parallel shortly.
Bug fix/Code cleanup/New Feature
Correct problems with writing fill-values to external storage and allocate
the data storage at the correct times.
Also, mostly straighten out the strange code which allocates and fills
raw data storage for datasets. Things are still a bit odd in that the
fill-values for chunked datasets are written when the space is allocated,
instead of in a separate routine, but there are two reasons for this:
it's inefficient (especially in parallel) to iterate through all the chunks
twice, and (more importantly) the space needed to store compressed chunks
isn't known until we've got a buffer of compressed fill-values ready to
write to the chunk.
Additionally, add in the H5D_SPACE_ALLOC_INCR and H5D_SPACE_ALLOC_DEFAULT
setting for the "space time", which incorporate the previous behavior of
the space allocation for chunked datasets.
The default settings for the different types of dataset storage are now
as follows:
Contiguous - Late
Chunked - Incremental
Compact - Early
This checkin also incorporates a change to the behavior of external data
storage in two ways - fill-values are _never_ written to external storage
(under the assumption that writing fill-values is triggered by allocating
space in an HDF5 file, and since space is not allocated in the file, the
fill-values should not be written) and external data files are now created
if they don't exist when data is written to them. The fill-value will
probably need to be revisited at some time in the future, this just seemed
like the safer course currently.
I think I cleaned up some compiler errors also, before getting bogged down
in the fixes for the space allocation and fill-values.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) w/serial & parallel. Will be testing on IRIX64
6.5 (modi4) in serial & parallel shortly.
Update windows including zlib macro updating, new source adding and some source code tuning.
Need to update fortran case later.
Platforms tested:
windows 2000
Regression test for bug fix
Adjust selection so chunked data needs to be read from pre-allocated chunks
w/filters, to verify that filter is applied correctly.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) w/parallel
Bug fix
Correctly apply filters (like compression) to fill values in chunks that
are pre-allocated.
This is OK in parallel also, since all the chunks are identical at this
point and any chunk may be written by any process.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) w/parallel
Rename variables.
In this file, dataset address offset is misnamed as file offset. Changed
them back to dset_offset_XXX or dset_offset.
Platforms tested:
Bug fix.
In H5D_init_storage, contiguous dataset is not initialized properly when
fill value is library default.
Platforms tested:
bug fix
Last change of FUNC_ENTER to FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI did not include
definition of variable ret_value and label done.
Added the missing ret_value and label done.
Not sure if the logic is correct since the function will abort
if some assert fails. This fix only takes care of the syntax
Platforms tested:
eirene(pp). Did not test on other machine since the syntax fix
is pretty simple.
Design for compact dataset
Compact dataset is stored in the header message for dataset layout.
Platforms tested:
arabica, eirene.
v1.4's configure had enable-trace default as on. That is not right for
production code as it increase the object code and uses up compute time.
Changed --enable-trace default to depend on --enable-debug. If debug is
on, trace is on. Otherwise it is off.
Also added the printing of CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LDFLAGS in the summary.
Platforms tested:
eirene, arabica (pp).
Additional regression tests & bug fixes
There was no testing for the H5Dget_storage_size function and it seemed to
be having problems with compressed, chunked datasets, so write some tests
to verify that its working correctly.
Also, fix case for allocating storage early for chunked datasets
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir) serial & parallel
Code cleanup
Move get/set routines for each type of property list (file creation,
dataset creation, file access and dataset transfer) into their own source
code module.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.6 (sleipnir)