Bug fix/optimization
Address slowdown in MPI-I/O file metadata operations that was introduced
mid-stream. We now _require_ a POSIX compliant parallel file system for the
MPI-I/O file driver (as well as for the MPI-POSIX file driver).
Also optimized file open operation when the file is being created by
reducing the number of collective & syncronizing calls.
Additionally, refactor the MPI routines into a common place, eliminating
duplicated code.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.9 (sleipnir) w/parallel
Renamed old "HDF5 User's Guide" as "HDF5 User's Guide, Release 1.4.5".
Added navigation bar link to new user's guide on HDF server.
Changed release tag line (in old UG only) back to
"Describes HDF5 Release 1.4.5, February 200 3"
Platforms tested:
IE 5
Add short copyright notice.
Update release tag line.
Added short copyright notice as comment in source files;
does not display in browser.
Updated release tag line in footers to read as follows:
Describes HDF5 Release 1.6.0, July 2003
Platforms tested:
IE 5
DreamWeaver (DW) adaptation of the HDF5 doc set, introducing the use of
stylesheets and DW libraries.
Stylesheets -- for consistent format management.
DW libraries -- for managing common elements across documents.
Platforms tested:
IE 5 and 6
been checked into "HDF5 Development" branch.
Various "copy edit" types of repairs.
Revisions to document cross-linking.
Added structural links tying all docs together (banners
at top and bottom of documents, similar to Reference Manual
banners of the Beta release).
Set background color to white in all documents.
New image files to make the documents more self-contained
(i.e., to prevent loading images from NCSA and HDF home servers).
Redesigned to isolate links external to the installation
in a single location.
Intro to HDF5
Fixed banner linking Intro to other docs.
Set all URLs to be relative within the distribution; nothing
points back to the HDF server.
Updates to "Limits of the Current Release" and "Changes in
the Current Release."
HDF5 User's Guide
Changed several User Guide section titles such that all
sections that are primarily about a particular interface
are now titled in the format "The xxxxx Interface (H5x)".
Commented out links to developer docs since they are marked
in MANIFEST as not being for distribution in the release.
Removed 2nd and 3rd indices from page.
Changed "freeform" lists of sections (TOCs) to aligned tables.
Removed the sentence "I'm deferring definition until later
since they're probably not as important as the other data
types." from Section 3.3, "Properties of Date and Time
Atomic Types."
Added info regarding 'char' versus 'string' datatypes. Added
as Section 3.7, "Character and String Datatype Issues."
Commented out substantial material (at end of document) from
References planning document that is not appropriate for
the User Guide but that is worth keeping around.
Final edits from elimination of "current working group."
HDF5 Reference Manual
Removed "Draft" from the <title>__</title> lines.
Removed 2nd and 3rd indices from page.
Changed "freeform" lists of sections (TOCs) to aligned tables.
Add file mounting information.
Fixed a typo in the registration of the `unsigned char' to
`unsigned long long' type conversion that caused it to not be
registered, falling back to software whenever that conversion
path was taken.
./test/theap.c [REMOVED]
./test/lheap.c [NEW]
./test/tohdr.c [REMOVED]
./test/ohdr.c [NEW]
./test/tstab.c [REMOVED]
./test/stab.c [NEW]
Removed the `t' from the front of these names and made each
test a stand-alone program following the format of most of the
other tests.
Uses libh5test.a but always sets the low-level driver to 1GB
file family.
The `#if' near the top to set the data space to 8GB has been
simplified now that `long_long' is always defined and the
error message is improved when `long_long' isn't wide enough.
Cleanup code was added to the error handling.
Uses libh5test.a. Added error cleanup code.
Added 68 new tests that check hardware and software
conversions between `long long' and `unsigned long long' and
the other integer types. The tests only run on machines where
sizeof(long_long)!=sizeof(long). We test a total of 180
different integer conversions, half in hardware and half in
Cut down the number of times each test is run from 5 to 1 so
it doesn't take so long. If you want to run more times
there's a constant that can be changed at the top of the file.
Removed unused variable.
The h5_cleanup() returns true/false so it can be used in an `if'
statement to clean up additional files.
Indented. Added HDF5_PREFIX and HDF5_DRIVER descriptions.
Changed the trace type for the second argument from `Iu' to
`x' since it's an output parameter.
Added a warning that the GNU zlib that comes with the latest
version of HDF4 is too old to use with HDF5 and must be
renamed so configure doesn't see it when `--enable-hdf4' is
New file.
Environmental variables and configuration parameters.
New file.
Copyright statement, linked into User's Guide and Reference Manual.