Features of this version of dumper
* loop detection
* data type
** atomic type
** committed/transient/unamed compound type
* data space
** scalar space
** simple space
* dataset
dumper can display dataset's
** attribute
** type
** space
** data
* group
dumper can display group attributes and group members which include
** named/unamed data type
** group
** dataset
** softlink
* attribute
dumper can display attribute's
** type
** space
** data
* hard link
* soft link
* format of data
** fit on 80 columns
** end of line after each row
(more work will be done on data.)
Renamed what was called h5dump.c to h5tools.c.
Changed Makefile.in to reflect all the changes.
(Make dependence is to be processed later.)
Tested in Solaris 2.5