* commit '54957d37f5aa73912763dbb6e308555e863c43f4':
Commit copyright header change for src/H5PLpkg.c which was added after running script to make changes.
Add new files in release_docs to MANIFEST. Cimmit changes to Makefile.in(s) and H5PL.c that resulted from running autogen.sh.
Merge pull request #407 in HDFFV/hdf5 from ~LRKNOX/hdf5_lrk:hdf5_1_10_1 to hdf5_1_10_1
Change copyright headers to replace url referring to file to be removed and replace it with new url for COPYING file.
Tested platform:
Kagiso only since it is only a comment block change. If it works in one
machine, it should work in all, I hope. Still need to check the parallel
build on copper.