* commit '0b721858e46a317c370a24115032d5be41688f67':
Make these scripts relocatable again: derive a relative path for the original installation prefix from the examples prefix. Use that relative path to locate the current installation prefix, always. Fall back to an absolute installation prefix if the relative path cannot be derived.
Get the path to prefix right: needs a ../ to back out of subdirectory c/.
Make this script relocatable again: derive a relative path for the original installation prefix from the examples prefix. Use that relative path to locate the current installation prefix, always. Fall back to an absolute installation prefix if the relative path cannot be derived.
Let us override the examples directory using --with-examplesdir=DIR. This is handy for NetBSD where HDF5 examples are installed by convention in $prefix/share/examples/hdf5/ rather than in ${prefix}/share/hdf5_examples/, which is the HDF5 default.
Follow longstanding execv convention for compatibility with NetBSD.
Under the examples directories, always find the installed HDF5 executables and scripts using @prefix@ instead of a relative path, because the number of ../ in the relative path will be different on NetBSD than on other systems.
Make the HDF5 configure script grok NetBSD.
For portability, insulate the HDF5 library from some system macros.
Not every system has perl installed in /usr/bin/, so change the shebang (#!) line to `/usr/bin/env perl` to locate perl on the PATH.
For portability, use the POSIX sh(1) string-comparison operator `=` instead of `==`.
* commit 'aeb145428f5e6bc51742fff031b0cf8cf6fbefbb':
Updated h5trav.c to emit output that doesn't require ddl changes for map support.
Fixed Map API CMake option
Renamed H5Mdelete_key to H5Mdelete and H5Mset to H5Mput.
Added ifdef for intel compilers, __GNUC__ has to be defined for header files which use it to work with intel compilers. This gives a warning for intel compiler about fallthrough, so added a check not to include fallthrough if using intel compilers.
Added the map (H5M) API
* commit '4227b8948d7091205b4f8dc1271d7dcae01bb0fb':
Reverts the removal of config/conclude_fc.am while keeping the changes to config/gnu-fflags.
Fixed a couple of typos.
* commit 'd169391529f253a9903b8e6cacf38c59ceefab07':
Parallel Fortran tests now use the MPI module instead of including mpif.h.
First stab at gfortran versions. Tested on gfortran 7-9 so far.
Moved the -std=f2008 option to gfortran 9 for now.
Updated gfortran options. * Removed conclude_fc.am, which was causing verbose builds. Need to investigate more, though. * Added gfortran 9 warnings and flags. This will need to be separated into other version blocks based on when the options first appeared. * The standard is now explicitly set at 2008.