Bug fix
There was a typo in the gif.h path that I overlooked first time.
Fixed a typo. bin/chkmanifest does not complain anymore.
Platforms tested:
Adding new feature
Added gif2h5 and h52gif conversion utilities
The utilites follow the framework built for the gif2hdf and hdf2gif
utilities for hdf4. The main files modified were those that read the
H5 file and those that write H5 file. In the future, if you wish to
continue with the framework and extend it to .png or some other fileformat
the main files to edit will be the gif reader and writer.
One point to note with h52gif. You have to specify the exact location of
the image and the palette that it links to. You can choose not to specify
a palette (uniform grayscale chosen in this case) but you must specify
image location. In the future, someone could edit the readhdf.c source
to enable the reader to parse the hdf file and select all images with
corresponding palettes.
Platforms tested:
modi4 , eirene , hawkwind , arabica , Ren (NT 4.0) , Personal box (win2k)
Windows F90 port
all_withf90.zip file conyains all necessary projects to build
and test HDF5 library (both C and F90) on Windows platforms
Platforms tested:
Windows 98
updating this file to include updated hdf4 test files for converter testing
[describe the bug, or describe the new feature, etc]
[details about the changes, algorithm, etc...]
[Please as detail as you can since your own explanation is
better than others guessing it from the code.]
Platforms tested:
[machines you have tested the changed version. This is absolute
important. Test it out on at least two or three different platforms
such as Big-endian-32bit (SUN/IRIX), little-endian-32(LINUX) and
64-bit (IRIX64/UNICOS/DEC-ALPHA) would be good.]
Typo fix
While running a snapshot, I noticed that MANIFEST has _DO_NO_DISTRIBUTE_ typo.
Platforms tested:
PDP-11 and BESM-6
Maintenance for the upcoming hdf4-1.4..0-beta3-pre3 testing and release.
Renamed INSTALL_Windows.txt to INSTALL_Windows to make name consistent
with other names of INSTALL* files.
Updated MANIFEST to include INSTALL_Windows file.
Updated RELEASE file.
To remove ragged array doc files (1 each in UG and RM)
Removed ragged array doc files Ragged.html and RM_H5RA.html
Platforms tested:
IE 5
New Feature
Added array datatype to library. See documentation at:
for complete details on the impact to the library.
Changes to the base library include removing the ability of compound
datatype fields to be an array (they can use an array type for the field,
to duplicate the functionality) and adding in the new array datatype
everywhere appropriate. (I hope :-)
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.1.1 (hawkwind)
add testfiles for h4toh5 converter
Platforms tested:
[machines you have tested the changed version. This is absolute
important. Test it out on at least two or three different platforms
such as Big-endian-32bit (SUN/IRIX), little-endian-32(LINUX) and
64-bit (IRIX64/UNICOS/DEC-ALPHA) would be good.]
I renamed three files in the fortran/src directory
H5Pf_parallel.c --> H5FDmpiof.c
H5Pff_parallel.f90 --> H5FDmpioff.f90
HDF5_parallel.f90 --> HDF5mpio.f90
Updated names in the MANIFEST file.
I created ./fortran/testpar directory and added files to it
but forgot to update MANIFEST file.
Platforms tested:
Bug fix
"Time" datatypes (H5T_UNIX_D*) were not being stored and retrieved in
the datatype object header message correctly.
Store endian-ness and precision in the datatype object header message and
added test to continue to track them working correctly.
This fixes bug #512.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.1.1 (hawkwind)
Updated for the new files I'm adding as well as the tools/talign.c file
missing from last night's tests.
Platforms tested:
Solaris 2.6 (baldric) & FreeBSD 4.1.1 (hawkwind)
Added site-specific/ subdirectory in config/ directory
If a machine needs site-specific configure options but those
options don't necessarily apply to all machines of that type,
place them there.
Rearrange code
The data sieve buffering code for contiguously stored datasets was
wedged in the H5F_arr_read/H5F_arr_write routines.
Created a new H5Fcontig.c to hold I/O routines for contiguously stored
datasets (like H5Fistore.c for chunked dataset I/O routines) and moved
data sieving code into those routines.
Platforms tested:
Solaris 2.6 (i.e. baldric)
./configure [REGENERATED]
Added more checking for `make' features.
./config/depend.in [REMOVED]
./config/depend1.in [NEW]
./config/depend2.in [NEW]
./config/depend3.in [NEW]
./config/depend4.in [NEW]
./config/dependN.in [NEW]
The directory search stuff was moved into commence.in, thereby
shortening the Makefile.in prologues.
./doc/html/Dependencies [NEW]
./doc/html/Tutor/Dependencies [NEW]
./examples/Dependencies [NEW]
./src/Dependencies [NEW]
./test/Dependencies [NEW]
./testpar/Dependencies [NEW]
./tools/Dependencies [NEW]
The `.distdep' files were all renamed to `Dependencies' to make them
more obvious. They are required (but may be empty) in every directory
that has a Makefile.in that ends with @CONCLUDE@ (you'll get an
obvious error from make if you forgot to create one).
Added H5E_major_t and H5E_minor_t although tracing only prints the
integer value.
Added tracing information.
Fixed places where FUNC_LEAVE() evaluated it's argument more than
Added tracing information.
Wrapped long lines.
Fixed a syntax error when we don't have a gnu compiler.
Removed the test for -lxnet in the GASS-driver part. There is
no need for it and it does not exist in other machines like IRIX64.
Deriverd from configure.in.
Fixed a read-uninitialized-memory error that resulted in the
file containing small amounts (<8 bytes each) of uninitialized
data. These padding areas (which are never read by hdf5) are
initialized to zero now.
./src/H5Zdeflate.c [NEW]
The zlib filter was moved to a separate file but is still
automatically defined.
./src/H5FDmulti.c [NEW]
./src/H5FDmulti.h [NEW]
The split driver was reimplemented as a more general "multi"
driver which is capable of splitting data into multiple files
like the family driver except the partioning is done by memory
usage type instead of address. The H5Pset_fapl_split()
function just calls H5Pset_fapl_multi() with arguments which
prepare to split the address space into two files: meta and
raw data.
This is the first version. I plan to allow the open() call to
relax a bit which would allow one to open an hdf5 file when
only the meta-data file is present. This would allow a very
large file to be split and stored on tape and the relatively
small meta file to be mirrored on disk to allow limited
browsing of the file (any request for raw data would fail).
Added the ability for a file driver to store information in
the superblock which would be needed if the file were opened
again later for reading. The format is driver-defined which
allows users to extend it however they like.
Added information about the new driver information block of
the superblock. This is where file drivers store information
they need in order to reopen the file later.
The file access properties and the file access property list
were decoupled, which allows the property list to more cleanly
contain properties for various levels of the file and which
allows the property list to be modified more cleanly when
opening files.
Removed H5FD_MEM_META and H5FD_MEM_GROUP since they're never
Changed the way we detect the MPIO driver in all these special
The default file sizeof(offset) was changed to be a function
of haddr_t instead of hsize_t.
Fixed an uninitialized memory access bug in file closing
related to the VFL.
Added an H5T_NATIVE_HADDR predefined datatype which
corresponds to the `haddr_t' type.
Reformatted long lines.
Removed the H5F_ACC_DEBUG flag from file creation/open calls.
Plugged a memory leak.
Added support for the `multi' driver.
Removed #warning about not having the stdio driver. Plans are
to not implement it since the sec2 driver serves the same
purpose and testing didn't show any difference in execution
times between the two.
This extensive change is the virtual file layer implementation. I've
ported and tested the sec2, family, and core drivers and only ported
the mpio driver (Albert will test it). So if you need MPIO I would
recommend sticking with the previous version for a while.
You will get a few compile warnings about split and stdio drivers not
being implemented and possibly tracing information not inserted in
some of the drivers. You can safely ignore them but I plan to fix
I'm still working on the split driver because I just realized that it
needs a part of the VFL that isn't written yet.
Documentation is being updated also because there were some minor
changes (mostly just name changes). It should be available on my web
site later this week.
./src/H5Flow.c [REMOVED]
./src/H5Fstdio.c [REMOVED]
./src/H5Fsec2.c [REMOVED]
./src/H5Fsplit.c [REMOVED]
./src/H5Fmpio.c [REMOVED]
./src/H5Ffamily.c [REMOVED]
./src/H5Fcore.c [REMOVED]
./src/H5MFpublic.h [REMOVED]
./src/H5FD.c [NEW]
./src/H5FDcore.c [NEW]
./src/H5FDcore.h [NEW]
./src/H5FDfamily.c [NEW]
./src/H5FDfamily.h [NEW]
./src/H5FDmpio.c [NEW]
./src/H5FDmpio.h [NEW]
./src/H5FDprivate.h [NEW]
./src/H5FDpublic.h [NEW]
./src/H5FDsec2.c [NEW]
./src/H5FDsec2.h [NEW]
Removed/added files for virtual file layer.
Removed unused public datatypes and added new VFL public
Changed an error message.
Removed the H5F_OPT_SEEK and H5F_LOW_DFLT constants from the
configuration since they're no longer applicable. The default
file driver is always the sec2 driver and it always optimizes
calls to lseek() or lseek64().
C preprocessor errors generated during automatic dependency
building are sent to /dev/null to prevent them from appearing
twice in the make output.
Changed H5F_ADDR_UNDEF to HADDR_UNDEF to be more consistent
with the `haddr_t' datatype which is now a public type.
The H5P_DATASET_XFER constant was changed to H5P_DATA_XFER
because the properties apply to all types of I/O operations,
not just datasets.
Modified to work with the virtual file layer by calling H5FD_*
functions instead of H5F_low_* functions and by passing file
access and data transfer properties by object ID instead of
Changed H5D_transfer_t to H5FD_mpio_xfer_t since the
COLLECTIVE vs. INDEPENDENT transfer mode is specific to the
MPIO file driver.
Moved MPIO-specific stuff into the MPIO driver.
The H5F_mpio_* private functions were renamed and placed in
the H5FDmpio driver except those which appeared in H5Smpio.c.
Added major error number H5E_VFL for virtual file layer
related errors.
Changed the logic that controls whether the boot block is
written. Instead of assuming that the first call to write the
boot block is only to allocate space, I've added a function
argument which makes this explicit.
Changed the way files are compared so that a driver-defined
comparison function can be called. Files which belong to
different drivers are always considered different.
Removed H5F_driver_t since file drivers are now identified by
object ID instead of a special non-user-extendible datatype.
Removed all the hard-coded low-level file properties which
have been replaced by the various file drivers.
Added the H5I_inc_ref() which was removed a few months ago
since we finally have a use for it.
Added the H5I_VFL object ID type to identify file drivers in
the virtual file layer.
Moved all the allocation/deallocation code into the virtual
file layer which allows file drivers to override much of it.
Moved file driver-specific code into the various file driver
The H5Pcopy() and H5Pclose() functions make calls into the
virtual file driver to manage the memory for driver-specific
file access and data transfer properties.
The `haddr_t' type is now public.
Added a few more comments.
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/libhdf5.settings.in [NEW]
A file called `libhdf5.settings' is installed along with the
libraries and it contains a list of various things that might
be of interest to someone using the library (such as what
compiler/options were used and what other libraries might need
to be linked to satisfy external references). We can add more
things as it becomes necessary. Here's a sample...
HDF5 Version: hdf5-1.1.106
Configured on: Tue Jun 8 11:38:52 EDT 1999
Configured by: matzke@llnl.gov at Spizella Software
Configure mode: development
Host system: i686-pc-linux-gnulibc1
Byte sex: little-endian
Libraries: static, shared
Parallel support: mpicc
Installation point: /usr/local
Compiler: mpicc (egcs-2.91.66)
Compiler switches: -Wall -g
Extra libraries: -lmfhdf -ldf -lz -ljpeg -lm
Archiver: ar
Ranlib: ranlib
Debugged Packages: d,e,f,g,hg,i,mm,o,p,s,v,z
API Tracing: yes
File addresses: large
Fixed automatic dependencies. We were storing dependencies for
*.o files instead of *.lo files after shared libraries were
Moved `-march=pentiumpro -mcpu=pentiumpro -malign-double' from
the linux file to this file and caused it to depend on the CPU
name. This fixes one of Elena's bugs.
Added an H5Dget_storage_size() function that reports the
amount of storage allocated for raw data in a dataset.
Changed H5D_xfer_* to H5F_xfer_* because these properties are
more general than datasets. This also allows some of the
lower-level I/O functions to get this information easier.
Added two new functions H5S_all_read() and H5S_all_write()
which are optimizations that copy data directly between file
and memory without having to go through the scatter gather
step. This knocks quite a bit of time off the I/O and
reading/writing entire datasets is a fairly common operation.
Reports the logical size of data, the allocated size of data,
and the percent utilization.
Removed old pablo files, added new files. Snapshots should now
start to work again.
Removed two warnings signed vs. unsigned comparisons and check
for overflow.
./config/*-aix4.* [REMOVED]
./config/*-aix4.x [NEW]
./config/solaris2.5 [REMOVED]
./config/solaris2.x [NEW]
./configure [REGENERATED]
Changed the names of the IBM-SP2 config files by replacing the
minor version numbers with an `x'. The solaris config warns
about old versions of gcc.
The RUNSERIAL value is set to the empty string by default. The
config/* file (or user) can override it by setting it to some
other value.
The `--enable-parallel' with no flags turns on the
HAVE_PARALLEL constant in the source code but doesn't add any
MPI or MPI-IO libraries to the link line.
If we are compiling for parallel then configure checks that we
can actually link a very simple program. This has the benefit
of detecting config errors before we waste time compiling the
entire library.
Configure recognizes `mpcc_r' as a parallel compiler.
Fixed some compiler warnings. Changed the return type of
H5Aget_name() from hssize_t to ssize_t because the name can
never be larger then memory.
./configure [REGENERATED]
The path for a command is calculated explicitly the hard way
because `type -path' isn't portable.
Changed the way files reference each other.
./config/gnu-flags [NEW]
./config/dec-flags [NEW]
These files figure out what flags to pass to certain compilers
so we can reuse code in more than one config/* file. They
also have better warning messages when old compilers are used.
These files use the new *-flags files.
Fixed a compiler warning.
Added a better comment to the top of the generated file.
Reorganized and added some additional examples.
./aclocal.m4 [NEW]
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
./bin/ltconfig [NEW]
./bin/ltmain.sh [NEW]
Added tests to determine how to compile shared libraries and
how to link programs with them before the libraries are
installed. Also how to install and uninstall shared
libraries. The configure step also prints the names of the
config files it's trying to load for easier debugging.
Replaced with a newer version from GNU. The changes we made
to that file to report `irix6.x' and `FreeBSD' without version
numbers have been incorporated into configure.in instead. In
the future, do not change these two files (see the top of
configure.in instead). By the way, this update was required to
get shared libraries working.
./config/linux [REMOVED]
./config/linux-gnulibc1 [NEW]
./config/linux-gnu [NEW]
./config/alpha-dec [REMOVED]
./config/alpha-dec-osf4.0 [REMOVED]
./config/dec-osf4.x [NEW]
./config/irix5.3 [REMOVED]
./config/irix5.x [NEW]
./config/irix64 [REMOVED]
Moved config files around to agree with output from the new
config.guess. The linux file was split into gnu (RedHat),
gnulibc1, and gnulibc2 versions. The alpha-dec file was
removed (I think it was unused) and the alpha-dec-osf4.0 was
changed to dec-osf4.x. The irix5.3 file renamed to irix5.x and
the irix64 file was renamed to irix6.x. The freebsd file was
changed to point to linux-gnulibc1. These changes were tested
Linux 2.0
Linux 2.1
FreeBSD 3.2
Irix 5.3
Irix64 6.2
Irix64 6.4
HP/UX 10.20
OSF1 4.0
Added warnings similar to linux/freebsd about using compilers
with known bugs.
Added definitions for shared libraries. This has been tested
on the following systems:
Linux 2.0
Linux 2.1
FreeBSD 3.2
Irix 5.3
Irix64 6.2
Irix64 6.4
HP/UX 10.20 static only
OSF1 4.0
If you want to disable use of shared libraries (you probably
do for development purposes since it takes a lot longer to
compile and because you have to run dynamically linked
programs in a special way if the library hasn't been
installed) then add `--disable-shared' to the configure
command line. This is all documented in the INSTALL file.
Temprarily commented out the MANIFEST checking when running
under svf since svf is about to be replaced by a newer
version. This change only affects error checking during the
release process.
Added `make check' which does the same thing as `make _test'
since the former is endorsed by the GNU coding style and
people are used to it. The old `make _test' still works too
(and so does `make test' if you use GNU make).
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
Check for <stddef.h>
Checks for `__tm_gmtoff' in `struct tm' because old versions
of GNU libc are different than recent versions. This fixes the
failing mtime test.
./config/freebsd2.2.7 [REMOVED]
./config/freebsd [ADDED]
Changed the name so it works with all versions of FreeBSD.
Moved H5F after H5T and H5G in H5_term_library() to satisfy
Fixed a bug that caused H5Gcreate() to fail if the group name
had trailing slashes.
Changed `group_name' to `name' in a prototype.
Dynamic library on Linux, but needs for work to be generally
Fixed alignment problems when using old GCC compilers (like
the one shipped with RedHad Linux).
Fixed a bug where the contents of the root group could be
listed twice if there was a link back to the root
group. Similarly for groups that are mentioned on the command
Fixed a bug where unknown types were printed with a random
type class number.
Fixed O(log N) conversion bugs.
Removed some ddl files from tools/testfiles that are no longer
part of CVS. Added new enum.c test.
./configure [REGENERATED]
Changed printf long long format detection to favor `L' over
Added tcompound2.{dmp,h5} and tdset2.{dmp,h5} used by the
h5toh4 testing.
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
Added check for <sys/timeb.h> for Win32.
Determines sizeof(char) just so we have a complete list of
type sizes defined as preprocessor symbols.
Detects alignment constraints. In order for this to work the
operating system must not correct unaligned data (for
instance, on the DEC Alpha one might need to say `uac p
sigbus' before running H5detect).
Includes <signal.h> because it's needed by H5detect.c to
detect alignment constraints.
Added extra checks to all hardware conversion functions so
they align data when necessary before the conversion. This
slows down the conversions somewhat but they're still much
faster than the software conversions.
By setting a constant at the top of the source you can test
conversions where the data is aligned on various byte
By setting a constant at the top of the source you can
simulate architectures that have alignment constraints on
architectures that don't.
Fixed a typo in the registration of the `unsigned char' to
`unsigned long long' type conversion that caused it to not be
registered, falling back to software whenever that conversion
path was taken.
./test/theap.c [REMOVED]
./test/lheap.c [NEW]
./test/tohdr.c [REMOVED]
./test/ohdr.c [NEW]
./test/tstab.c [REMOVED]
./test/stab.c [NEW]
Removed the `t' from the front of these names and made each
test a stand-alone program following the format of most of the
other tests.
Uses libh5test.a but always sets the low-level driver to 1GB
file family.
The `#if' near the top to set the data space to 8GB has been
simplified now that `long_long' is always defined and the
error message is improved when `long_long' isn't wide enough.
Cleanup code was added to the error handling.
Uses libh5test.a. Added error cleanup code.
Added 68 new tests that check hardware and software
conversions between `long long' and `unsigned long long' and
the other integer types. The tests only run on machines where
sizeof(long_long)!=sizeof(long). We test a total of 180
different integer conversions, half in hardware and half in
Cut down the number of times each test is run from 5 to 1 so
it doesn't take so long. If you want to run more times
there's a constant that can be changed at the top of the file.
Removed unused variable.
The h5_cleanup() returns true/false so it can be used in an `if'
statement to clean up additional files.
Indented. Added HDF5_PREFIX and HDF5_DRIVER descriptions.
Changed the trace type for the second argument from `Iu' to
`x' since it's an output parameter.
Added a warning that the GNU zlib that comes with the latest
version of HDF4 is too old to use with HDF5 and must be
renamed so configure doesn't see it when `--enable-hdf4' is
With my poor eyesight I missed the definitions of SCHAR_MIN
and SCHAR_MAX in <limits.h> and used CHAR_MIN and CHAR_MAX
incorrectly. I changed all occurrences of the latter to the
former and the new hardware integer type conversions now work
on Irix.
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
Added a wrapper for HDsnprintf() that just calls sprintf() if
snprintf() isn't available.
Added Paul's new h5toh4 files.
./test/shtype.c [REMOVED]
Removed shtype.c because it was all commented out. Besides,
these tests are done in dtypes.c now anyway.
The tests that check the HDF5 API use the h5test support
functions. For one thing, that means that you can specify the
file driver that thay use by the HDF5_DRIVER environment
variable. Possible values are:
HDF5_DRIVER='sec2' Use read() and write()
HDF5_DRIVER='stdio' Use fread() and fwrite()
HDF5_DRIVER='core' Use malloc() and free()
HDF5_DRIVER='split' Split meta and raw data
HDF5_DRIVER='family N' Use file families with each
member being N megabytes (N
can be fractional, defaults to
Some tests might fail for certain drivers: for instance, the
mount and link tests fail for the `core' driver because
they must be able to close and then reopen a file.
Most of these changes are because the `interface_initialize_g'
variable change from hbool_t to int. It's a one line change.
Changed the way the library is closed so we have more control
over the order the interfaces are shut down. Instead of
registering an atexit() function for every interface in some
haphazard order we just register one: H5_term_library() which
then calls the H5*_term_interface() functions in a
well-defined order.
If the library is closed and then reopened repeatedly by
calling H5close() and H5open() in a loop we only add one copy
of the library termination functions with atexit().
Termination is a two-step process in order to help detect
programming errors that would cause an infinite loop caused by
the termination of one interface waking up some other
previously terminated interface. The first step terminates
the interface and *marks it as unusable*. After all
interfaces are terminated then we mark them all as usable
again. The FUNC_ENTER() macro has been modified to return
failure or to dump core (depending on whether NDEBUG is
defined) if we try to call an interface while it's shutting
The H5dont_atexit() function returns failure if it's called
more than once or if it's called too late. However, the error
stack is not automatically printed on failure because the
library might not be initialized yet
Changed the extra cast for Win32 so we do floating point
division again -- it was just confusion about precedence and
associativity of casting and the C coercion rules. Removed
extra carriage returns inserted by broken operating system.
Fixed an bug where H5F_fam_write() lowered the EOF marker for
one of the family members causing H5F_fam_read() to read
./test/h5test.h [NEW]
./test/h5test.c [NEW]
Support library for test files. This isn't done yet but
Katie's contractions are ~10 minutes apart so I figured I
better back this stuff up just in case I'm not here next
Eventually all test files will understand HDF5_DRIVER to name
the low level file driver and parameters so we can easily test
various drivers. They will also understand HDF5_PREFIX to
prepend to the beginning of file names which is necessary for
testing ROMIO with various drivers. Also, the cleanup function
will know how to use the file name prefix and will understand
different file driver naming schemes like file families. I'm
not sure they'll understand the `gsf:' type prefixes yet.
Note, the external test is completely commented out because
I'm in the middle of modifying it. It will still compile and
run but it doesn't test anything at the moment.
Added instructions about specifying a path for GNU zlib and
HDF4 headers and library.
Added comments for each of the tool names. Added h5toh4 as a
tool name.
./conigure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
The config/* scripts get invoked with $CC_BASENAME set the
base name of the compiler in order to make it easier to handle
setting compiler flags for different compilers in a big case
statement. For instance, if $CC has the value
/usr/local/mpi/bin/mpicc -ansi -64
then $CC_BASENAME will be `mpicc'. The $CC_BASENAME is not
set if $CC is not set.
Fixed alignment in `configure --help'.
An include and/or library path can be specified for GNU zlib
if configure can't find it in normal places. The "normal"
means wherever your compiler normally searches, including
search paths you've added through environment variables like
CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS. The INSTALL file has instructions.
The `-ljpeg' library is detected.
If `ssize_t' is not found then a #define is added to
H5config.h similar to what we already do for `size_t'.
We detect the hdf5 header file `mfhdf.h' and libraries
`-lmfhdf' and `-ldf' and if found define the H5TOH4 and
TESTH5TOH4 Makefile variables. The user can specify an
include and/or library path. The INSTALL file has
The `RUNTEST' variable has been split into `RUNSERIAL' and
`RUNPARALLEL' because these are different commands. The
makefile still uses `RUNTEST', which defaults to the RUNSERIAL
value. The new testpar/Makefile.in sets RUNTEST to the
RUNPARALLEL value. The default RUNSERIAL value is empty and
the default RUNPARALLEL value is `mpirun -np 2'. These can
both be overridden in the config/* files. To make the value
the empty string set it like `RUNPARALLEL=none' in the
config/* file.
The new testpar/Makefile is generated from testpar/Makefile.in
Added the RUNSERIAL and RUNPARALLEL makefile definitions.
The `H5detect' program is run with RUNSERIAL, which is empty
on all platforms except intel-osf1 (ASCI/Red)
Removed the `.c.a:' implicit rule -- we don't use it any more.
All of these files have been updated to hande multiple
compilers. Most of them assume `cc' if CC is not set. The
documentation in `BlankForm' has been updated and
documentation in the other files refer to `BlankForm'.
The intel-osf1 uses LDFLAGS instead of LIBS to specify the extra
library search paths.
Simplified by grouping some dependency information together
more succinctly.
The tools Makefile.in has been modified to work with the
`h5toh4' and `testh5toh4' programs. Until Paul checks these
in you may have problems compiling. If so, just create files
h5toh4.c and testh5toh4.c that contain:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: not implemented\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
Removed definition for `ssize_t' since this is now handled by
configure in H5config.h with a #define.
./testpar/Makefile.in [NEW]
Added a makefile for parallel tests. As soon as we get this
working properly we can remove the other four makefiles in
that directory and maintain just one.
Added new Pablo files HDF5record_RT.h and ProcIDs.h
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
Added more configuration stuff for the Win32 environment. Removed all
the #ifdef WIN32 from the source and replaced them with OS-independent
stuff. Specifics follow:
Check for non-Posix.1 `st_blocks' field in `struct stat' which is used
by the big file test to decide if the file system supports holes. If
the st_blocks field isn't present then we just skip the test.
Configure checks for <io.h> <sys/resource.h> <sys/time.h> and
<winsock.h> and defines HAVE_IO_H, HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H,
HAVE_SYS_TIME_H and HAVE_WINSOCK_H when they're found.
Configure checks whether both <sys/time.h> and <time.h> can be
included and defines SYS_TIME_WITH_TIME if so. Otherwise include only
<sys/time.h> or <time.h> even if both exist.
Configure checks sizeof(__int64) and defines SIZEOF___INT64 to the
result or to zero if __int64 isn't defined. The source uses `long
long' in preference to `__int64'.
Removed null WIN32 definition for `inline' since such a definition
already exists in H5config.h
Protected gettimeofday() calls in debugging code with
Removed #include of system files from library source files and
consolodated them into H5private.h where they're protected by various
configuration macros (most of them were duplicated there already
Protected system #include's with #ifdef's from H5config.h.
Undefined NDEBUG since some of the tests rely on assert() to check
return values.
Removed WIN32 definitions for __unused__ since this can be controlled
by the definition of HAVE_ATTRIBUTE in H5config.h
Removed the CLEAN_CMD definition because we no longer use it.
Albert's cleanup() functions replaced it.
Initialized auto hid_t variables to fix warnings in error recovery
code when data flow analysis is turned on in compilers.
Initialized an auto variable to fix a compiler warning.
The WIN32 had some unsigned variables changed to signed because the
compiler generates warnings when coercing unsigned to double(?). I
changed them back to unsigned because they really are unsigned
quantities. If this the change was just to shut up extraneous warnings
then perhaps a compiler flag can do the same; otherwise if the
compiler generates bad code then we should supply a patch file instead
messing up source code with bug work-arounds.
Protected system #include's with #ifdef's from H5config.h thereby
removing a WIN32.
If getpwuid() doesn't exist (HAVE_GETPWUID) then we assume that
`struct passwd' doesn't exist either (we don't really need it in that
The H5T_NATIVE_LLONG and H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG are defined in terms of
`long long' or else `__int64' or else `long' depending on what's
Added __unused__ to some function arguments that aren't used when
assertions are turned off.
Changed an auto variable name in some hand-inlined code to get rid of
a warning about the variable shadowing a previous auto.
Labelled all files in hdf5/doc/src/ as "do not distribute."
Added hdf5/doc/html/DDL.html, but labelled as "do not distribute."
./test/th5s.h5 [NEW]
Added a test to make sure that creating a data space with too
large a rank fails.
Added a test to make sure that reading a file that has a
dataset with a space with too large a rank fails. Actually,
this one is a little weird: the code that reads the data space
message assumes the space is scalar if the message cannot be
read. Fortunately the layout message fails also, preventing
the dataset from being opened. However, since the data type
message is still visible h5ls will report that the object is a
named data type.
./test/space_overflow.c [NEW]
This is the little program that makes the th5s.h5 file.
Updated trace info.
Added code to fail if the dimensionality is too large when
decoding a layout or simple data space message.
Redefined H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS in terms of H5S_MAX_RANK.
Check for ndims>H5S_MAX_RANK in API function calls, added
assert to internal functions.
Changed a `<' to an `<=' in an assert.
Includes stdlib.h for getenv().
Able to handle up to H5S_MAX_RANK dimensions during output.
./test/flush1.c [NEW]
./test/flush2.c [NEW]
Test to see if calling H5Fflush() results in a consistent
Changed comparisons against SUCCEED and FAIL to >=0 and <0 in
about 15 places.
Removed ^M from the end of lines inserted on broken OS's ;-)
Changed c++ comments to c comments.
Added tracing macros.
./doc/html/study.html [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_1000x1000.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_250x250.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_499x499.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_5000x1000.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_500x500.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_p1.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_p1.obj [DELETED]
Removed these old files -- the data was from before the chunk
cache was implemented and therefore the whole file was pretty
much garbage.
./doc/html/Chunking.html [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f1.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f1.obj [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f2.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f2.obj [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f3.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f4.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f5.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f6.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f6.obj [NEW]
New documentation for chunking. It's not quite complete but
it gives a pretty good idea of some of the issues affecting
Fixed a signed vs. unsigned comparison.
Setting a fill value of all zeros will cause the fill value to
be written to the dataset instead of relying on the low-level
file driver initializing unwritten areas with zero.
More file mounting stuff.
Fixed a bug where trying to close an invalid object id caused
a core dump. For instance, H5Gclose(-1).
./test/mount.c [NEW]
Mounting tests.
Fixed a couple (herr_t)NULL casts.
Fill values are working for contiguous datasets now except
there are two things that need more support from the data
space layer, specifically the ability to form a selection from
the difference of two selections. They are (1) extending an
external contiguous dataset, (2) optimization by delaying the
fill until after the first H5Dwrite().
Renamed H5D_allocate() to H5D_init_storage() since allocation
is only part of the story. Added a data space argument so it
doesn't have to query the space from the object header -- the
space is always available in the caller anyway.
Removed `#ifdef HAVE_PARALLEL' from a few places where it
wasn't necessary. We don't need it around code that doesn't
compile anything from mpi.h or mpio.h.
Uncommented H5F_istore_alloc() for non-parallel and moved the
`#ifdef HAVE_PARALLEL' just around Kim's barrier.
Wrapped a couple long lines.
Got rid of two signed vs. unsigned comparison warnings.
./test/fillval.c [NEW]
Added tests for fill values. The contiguous dataset extend
test is disabled until H5S_SELECT_DIFF is implemented.
Fixed a bug where `make test' didn't build the executables
first. This should cause the snapshots to start up again.
Changed to build in `test' directory before `tools'
directory. We want the library tests to pass before we even
start considering the tools. You can still build and/or test
the tools independent of the library tests passing.
Changes since 19980930
./src/H5Ofill.c [NEW]
Added fill values as documented in previous e-mails. They only
work for chunked datasets so far.
Fixed a typo in a comment.
Fixed a bug in compound type conversions that caused an
assertion to fail.
Changed freebsd2.2.1 to freebsd2.2.7 to match change in file name.
Added a few missing files. Are all of these supposed to be
+ ./tools/testfiles/tall-1.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tall-2.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tall-3.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tattr-1.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tattr-2.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tattr-3.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tattr-4.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tdset-1.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tdset-2.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tdset-3.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tdset-4.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tgroup-1.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tgroup-2.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tgroup-3.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tslink-1.ddl
+ ./tools/testfiles/tslink-2.ddl
Implemented split ratios as documented in previous
e-mails. Frank, the new API functions are H5Pget_btree_ratios()
and H5Pset_btree_ratios().
Added more type checking for the data transfer property list
passed to these functions.
Added a dataset transfer property list as an argument to
H5D_allocate() for the parallel version in order to pass split
ratios down to H5F_istore_lock(). Eventually we won't need
the split ratios for H5D_allocate() because we'll build a
completely full B-tree from the leaves up, but it might be
useful to have other transfer properties at that level
anyway. I always caled H5D_allocate() with &H5D_dflt_xfer.
./test/overhead.c [NEW]
Added an `overhead' test run by `make timings'.
./test/unlink.c [NEW]
Finished H5Gunlink() and H5Grename().
Removed the last memcpy() from the chunk cache.
The offset of a chunk within a dataset is an 8-byte quantity
per dimension instead of 4 bytes.
Fixed infinite loops in H5HL_remove().
The number of slots in the raw data cache can be queried or
set with H5Pget/set_cache(), which now take an extra argument.
The default number of slots is 521 and the default maximum
size is 1MB.
Finished optimizations. The cache is now a hash and a linked
list instead of an array. The cpu time on my machine for
H5F_istore_lock() has been cut by 60% and H5F_istore_unlock() by
Removed duplicate Ragged.html
Changed 1.0 to 1.2 since 1.0 is the current development
branch, 1.1 will be development after beta release, and 1.2
will be the first complete release (see Version.html).
Added more tests.
Reformatted as text instead of C. Removed zlib crew from the
list of contributors since no zlib code is actually in the
hdf5 library.
Minor updates for Beta release including version number
Added information about making a release.
Updated function list based on public header files.
Got rid of complaints about some obvious things.
Changed H5Fget_create_template() and H5Fget_access_template()
to H5Fget_create_plist() and H5Fget_access_plist() since that
conforms better to lots of other names.
Changed `template' to `property list', etc.
./doc/html/Ragged.html [NEW]
Documentation for ragged arrays.
Changed the scope of some symbols to be more local.
Fixed some violations of our naming scheme by adding HD to the
beginning of all Posix functions.
The format of the MANIFEST file has been relaxed -- comments
and blank lines should no longer confuse the tools that use
As before, this file should contain a list of *all* files that
are part of HDF5, which means all files which are managed by
CVS/SVF. However, files can be marked so they're not part of
a release by adding _DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_ after the file name.
I've removed all the *.obj files from the distribution by
adding _DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_ after their names. I also removed
the old white-papers that might not apply to the current
version of the library and documentation about chunking
performance since it's wrong now that chunk caching is
implemented. Everyone please check the files you're
responsible for to make sure that they should really be part
of a release.
To get a list of all files use
grep '^\.' MANIFEST | cut -f1
To get a list of files for distribution use:
grep '^\.' MANIFEST | grep -v _DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
(These commands assume tabs in the MANIFEST file. If the file
might contain spaces then run it through `unexpand' or `tr'
Check for sigaction().
The `clean' target removes the timing tests.
./src/H5R.c [NEW]
./src/H5Rprivate.h [NEW]
./src/H5Rpublic.h [NEW]
./test/ragged.c [NEW]
Preliminary support for 2d ragged arrays for Mark Miller and
Jim Reus. Not fully implemented yet. The test is not actually
part of `make test' because we still have some memory problems.
Added H5E_RAGGED as a major error number.
Checks the MANIFEST file against `svf ls' on systems that have
Fixed a bug that caused arguments of type `void *x[]' to not
be handled.
Removed unused variables and changed a couple types to
fix compiler warnings.
Added tracing support for ragged array object ID's and arrays
of pointers.
H5Dcreate() will complain if either of the property lists are
invalid (instead of using the default).
Split H5Dget_space() into an API and internal function so it
can be called from the new ragged array layer.
Fixed warnings about unsigned vs. signed comparisons.
Fixed a warning about a variable being shadowed in the MPI-IO
Added the H5_RAGGED atom group.
Fixed some freeing-free-memory errors that resulted when
certain arrays were freed but the pointers were left in the
data structures. I simply set the pointers to null after they
were freed.
Split the H5Sselect_hyperslab() function into an API and a
private function so it could be called from the ragged array
Added H5S_SEL_ERROR and H5S_SEL_N to the switch statements to
get rid or compiler warnings.
Removed a misleading comment.
Fixed a warning about a printf().
Fixed warnings about unused variables because of test #11
being commented out.
Shortened the right margin for the output to allow room for
the `);' at the end of the TRACE() macros.
Fixed errors
Fixed core dump with setvbuf() for debugging.
Fixed bug with sparse datasets.
Found a typo in "Posix Programmer's Guide". The `%z' in the
strftime() should be `%Z' instead.
Improved api tracing for H5Tinsert_array().
Doesn't dump core for empty datasets.
./src/H5Ssimp.c [REMOVED]
Removed H5Ssimp.c since it was no longer used.
Fixed a few minor things to make it work better.
Cleaned up H5D_read() and H5D_write() by combining some code
in each. Added timing calls around the data space calls when
H5S_DEBUG is defined.
Changed H5S_find() so it returns a table entry again instead
of copying the data into a caller-supplied buffer. This
allows the timers to be stored in the table and updated by the
caller. Added H5S_register() to register new table entries
and added entry creation to all the H5S selection
methods. Also changed lots of global functions to static
Fixed a memory bug in the raw data cache.
Replaced Compression.html with Filters.html
Added two extra arguments to H5Pget_filter() in order to
retrieve the filter name. The name is the name registered for
the filter with H5Zregister(), but if the dataset creation
property originally came from an existing file then the name
is that which is stored in the file.
The `-v' option now prints the names of the filters.
Plugged a memory leak.
H5MM_malloc(0) and H5MM_calloc(0) actually allocate a single
byte in order to be sure that we get a valid pointer.
Fixed pointer->integer conversions in error return values in
three places.
./test/mtime.c [NEW]
Test for the modification time message.
Turned off printing of statistics on H5close() if H5AC_DEBUG
isn't defined.
./src/H5Omtime.c [NEW]
Added the modification time message. If an object header has
this message then it's value is updated with the current time
whenever anything changes in the object header.
Alas, there seems to be no standard way to convert a string
time like 19980727122800 in UTC to a time_t since mktime()
only converts local times to time_t. So I've modified the
configuration to check for various ways of getting the time
zone information:
* Added checks for the `tm_gmtoff' field of `struct tm'.
* Added a check for the `timezone' global variable.
* Added a check for `struct timezone'.
* Added a check for BSDgettimeofday().
* Added a check for gettimeofday() although it doesn't
actually set the timezone argument on some systems.
* Added a check to see if `tm_zone' is a member of `struct tm'.
* Added a check to see if `tzname' is a global variable.
* Added a check to see if `struct tm' is defined in time.h
or sys/time.h.
It's not difficult to get the right UTC modification message
into the object header, but some systems might have problems
getting the right time back out (Irix64 is one) and those
systems will report zero for the H5G_stat_t.mtime from an
H5Gstat() call as if the mtime message isn't even present. It
will, however, continue to be updated as normal.
The H5G_stat_t struct now contains an `mtime' field which will
hold the object modification time. If the object has no
object modification time then the `mtime' will be initialized
to zero.
Fixed a bug in H5G_stat() that caused the `objno' field of the
H5G_stat_t to be set incorrectly on some machines.
Writing to external datasets fail if the hdf5 file is not open
for writing.
A modification time message is added to the dataset object
header when it's created and H5O_touch() is called from
H5D_write() to update that message.
Fixed a bug in H5Tget_member_dims() that caused a segmentation
fault if one of the output array arguments was the null
Relaxed the member dimension checking in H5Tinsert_array() so
it can also be used for scalar members.
Added additional file names to the `mostlyclean' target.
Increased the temporary buffer size to 1MB.
Added support for printing compound data types with array
When printing H5T_NATIVE_CHAR and H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR we escape
double quote characters.
Changed the output format a little because we were starting to
get too much info to fit on a line. Without `--verbose' each
object occupies one line of output. Otherwise, additional
information is printed below the object name: object file
address, comment, and modification time. If `--dump' is given
then the data is printed after the other information.
Changed the way the dataset is initialized to be more uniform.
Switched the order of the second and third argument of
H5Aget_name() to make it consistent with other functions that
take buffers and buffer sizes.
The H5Gget_comment() function returns the size of the comment
including the null terminator. If the object has no comment
then zero is returned. If an error occurs then a negative
value is returned.
./tools/h5tools.h [NEW]
./tools/h5dump.c [NEW]
Created a library for printing values of datasets in a way
that looks nice. It's not done yet, but I needed it for
debugging the contents of files from Jim Reus.
Added the `-d' and `--dump' options which cause the contents
of a dataset to be printed. Added `-w N' and `--width=N'
options to control how wide the raw data output should be. If
you want single-column output then say `-w1'.
Printing dataset values can now handle datasets of any integer
or floating point atomic type. As a special case, integers
which are one byte wide are treated a character strings for
Sample output:
$ h5ls --dump --width=60 banana.hdf
ARCHIVE 0:0:0:744 Dataset {52/Inf}
(0) "U struct complex { double R; double I; };\012V"
(43) " double;\012"
U 0:0:0:2500 Dataset {256/512}
Data: printing of compound data types is not implemented yet
V 0:0:0:3928 Dataset {256/512}
(0) 0, 0.015625, 0.03125, 0.046875, 0.0625,
(5) 0.078125, 0.09375, 0.109375, 0.125, 0.140625,
(10) 0.15625, 0.171875, 0.1875, 0.203125, 0.21875,
(15) 0.234375, 0.25, 0.265625, 0.28125, 0.296875,
Changed the allocation size request from `size_t' to `hsize_t'
because it was overflowing for the `big' test.
If `long double' and `double' are the same size then we define
Similarly for `long' vs. `long long' and `unsigned long' vs.
`unsigned long long'.
Added `big' to the list of tests to normally run.
Added a check to see if the file system supports holes and if
it doesn't then the test is skipped.
Added a couple minor details details about API tracing and
symbolic links.
Added comments about the use of hbool_t. Fixed a comment
spelling error.
Changed the way the version number is printed. The old method
was `hdf5-1.2.3d' and the new method is `hdf5 version 1.2
release 3'
Only prints the max dimension if it differs from the current
dimension or if verbose mode is enabled. Added switches `-?',
`-h', and `--help' to print a usage message. Added switches
`-v' and `--verbose' to generate more verbose output. Added
switches `-V' and `--version' to print the version number and
exit. The version number is printed like: This is h5ls
version 1.0 release 24'
./bin/h5vers [NEW]
This script prints, sets, and/or increments the hdf5 version
number. It can be run from the top directory or any of the
child directories like src, tools, test, etc. Some examples:
$ h5vers # Display current version
$ h5vers -v
version 1.0 release 24 # Display current version.
$ h5vers -s 5.2.8 # Set version and display
$ h5vers -s 2.1
$ h5vers -s hdf5-1.0.24a.tar.bz2
$ h5vers -s 'version 2.0 release 8'
$ h5vers -s 'junk 22 junk 33 more junk 66 and 99 junk'
$ h5vers -i major # Increment from 1.0.24
$ h5vers -i minor # Increment from 1.0.24
$ h5vers -i release # Increment from 1.0.24
$ h5vers ~/hdf5/src/H5public.h # Use an alternate file
./bin/checkapi [NEW]
Run from the src directory with arguments H5[A-Z]*.c and it
will print the locations of each place where an API function
was called from within the library. Use it as the compile or
grep command under Emacs and you can C-x ` through the list.
./bin/debug-ohdr [NEW]
Keeps track of H5O_open() and H5O_close() debugging messages
and lists the file addresses of the object headers that are
opened but never closed. You must enable the `o' debugging at
configuration time and pipe stderr into this script.
Added a note to indicate that this script no longer works
because of changes in the HRETURN_ERROR() and HGOTO_ERROR()
./bin/iostats [NEW]
Watches output from the Linux strace program and accumulates
statistics about low-level access to an hdf5 file. The output
is a list of 2d data points which can be plotted by gnuplot to
show file seeking behavior.
Added new files.
Tests are no longer installed for `make install'. Added a new
target `make tests' that builds the tests but doesn't run them.
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
Added detection of fork() and waitpid(). If present the
contants HAVE_FORK and HAVE_WAITPID will be defined in
Minor tweaks for systems that don't have fork() or waitpid().
./tools [NEW]
./tools/Makefile.in [NEW]
./tools/h5debug.c [NEW]
./tools/h5import.c [NEW]
./tools/h5ls.c [NEW]
./tools/h5repart.c [NEW]
Added a tools directory and moved tools from the src directory
to here.
The first line of the README file is updated automatically
by the `release' script to associate a date with a release
number. For example:
This is hdf5-1.0.9a released on 1998-06-09 18:00 UTC
Please refer to the INSTALL file for installation instructions.
Release number incremented. This happens automatically now if
you run the `release' script in `-batch' mode. I'll stop
documenting changes to this file unless they're something
other than a release number change.
Added Elena's new files.
Alphabetized. `d' comes before `e' :-)
Added the `-batch' option which causes the script to not ask
questions and to automatically update the minor version
number and set the patch level back to `a'. This is intended
to be used for the daily snapshots:
#! /bin/sh
set -e
cd ~/hdf5
make distclean
make test
bin/release -batch tar compress gzip bzip2
mv ./releases/* /repository
Removed warnings about unused variables when the zlib.h header
file is present but libz.a isn't.
Made API tracing the default (you still need to define the
HDF5_TRACE environment variable to get results) and change the
name from `--disable-tracing' to `--disable-trace' to make it
consistent with the other switches.
Changed `site config file' to `host config file' to match the
Added a reference to the `tracing.html' file.