Added H5File::getFileInfo; IdComponent::getNumMembers and typeExists
* commit '4fc97f28531bd89640c10389dd36270335e5a971':
Purpose: Add new C++ wrappers Description: Added wrappers for H5Fget_info2, H5Inmembers, and H5Itype_exists
Added wrappers for H5Fget_info2, H5Inmembers, and H5Itype_exists
// Gets general information about this file.
void getFileInfo(H5F_info2_t& file_info) const;
// Returns the number of members in a type.
static hsize_t getNumMembers(H5I_type_t type);
// Determines if an element type exists.
static bool typeExists(H5I_type_t type);
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (jelly)
Darwin (osx1010test)
* commit 'c3321cba03450d8d70934505f40676c3a530a2cb':
Fix some more signed -> unsigned value issues with cache data structures, also misc. style cleanups. All to align w/incoming page_buffering changes.
* commit 'be6e9282f6ed824c367d364b4edd79d00b23f9f1':
Make release script fail and return failing exit code when any of the steps for creating the docs.tar file fails.
h5vers: Added code to update version strings in config/cmake/scripts/HDF5config.cmake.
Added code to update version strings in
Added options to create CMake tar.gz and zip files containing the
HDF5 source and scripts to build and test HDF5 with cmake and ctest
by running a single command. These were previously assembled
Added a call to h5vers to set the version being released where it
occurs in files. In particular, the sub-release version string
"currently under development" was not being removed from
cpp_doc_config or HDF5config.cmake.
* commit '101fa7af8ebe26ad015b64d3b881df8a9124ccc2':
Cleanups and normalizations against incoming page_buffering changes.
Switch major error code from H5E_FSPACE [back] to H5E_RESOURCE
Misc. style cleanups from the page_buffering branch.
New C++ wrappers for H5P[s/g]et_file_space.
* commit '5f759d6d9f804d99572f605f9d9933c897ef3671':
Description: Fixed and added function comments. Platform tested: Jam (very minor)
Description: Fixed small typos Platform tested: Jam (very minor)
Purpose: Add new C++ wrappers Description: Added wrappers for H5Pset_file_space and H5Pget_file_space
* commit '92f4153a86a6a77f8d10507f3f922677da19a4b9':
Resolve missed conflicts.
Remove references to SVN.
Check in changes to snapshot script from hdfdts repository to copy in HDF5 develop branch. Most of the changes are for the switch from subversion to it repositories. This copy is not used for THG daily tests, but is available for testing on remote machines.
* commit '08b5edca0b6df7c50696ecf777ae5f108b19a953':
Fix parallel h5diff test comapare
Set depends test dependency for parallel h5diff
Convert string APPEND to set commands
Revert whitespace
Close file before trying to remove it
Added wrappers for H5Pset_file_space and H5Pget_file_space
// Sets the strategy and the threshold value that the library will
// will employ in managing file space.
void setFileSpace(H5F_file_space_type_t strategy, hsize_t threshold) const;
// Returns the strategy that the library uses in managing file space.
H5F_file_space_type_t getFileSpaceStrategy() const;
// Returns the threshold value that the library uses in tracking free
// space sections.
hsize_t getFileSpaceThreshold() const;
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (jelly)
Darwin (osx1010test)
HDF5 develop branch. Most of the changes are for the switch from
subversion to it repositories. This copy is not used for THG daily
tests, but is available for testing on remote machines.