Ran bin/reconfigure to update the Makefile.in in directories not part of the fortran directory check=in. Updates Makefile.in due to changes made in configure.in for the Fortran 2003 additions.
Tested on all platforms run under daily tests.
Simplify use of property lists to H5Rdereference, and switch to use
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.6.8 (amazon)
(too small to require h5committest)
General shared library improvements for CYGWIN / AIX
Shared libraries are disabled on both CYGWIN and AIX due
to inability to build them correctly. Part of the problem
in both of these situations is the lack of the libtool
flag -no-undefined, which tells libtool that all needed
symbols are defined at link time (a requirement on these
systems) and that it's okay to build shared libraries.
Another problem are lack of dependencies between wrapper
libraries and core C HDF5 library.
This patch addresses both of these by fixing configure to
add in -no-undefined flag for libtool during linking and
adds automake dependencies in the Makefile.am files.
After testing, both CYGWIN and AIX now generate shared
libraries, but there are still some test failures in each.
(cache_api, dt_arith, and testerror.sh on CYGWIN, and
fortran tests on AIX).
Even though the shared libraries are not quite perfect,
this is a general improvement to what we had before, so
I'm applying the patch anyways. Note that default behavior
of shared libraries on these systems being disabled has
NOT been changed and requires the use of the
--enable-unsupported to attempt to build them.
We will need to address the test failures in each
architecture prior to formally supporting shared
libraries on each.
h5committested & CYGWIN tested (on bangan)
(AIX tested by Albert on bp-login2)
Add "silent make" mode configure option.
Automake 1.11 has a new option available that allows for a
silent make mode. This functionality needs to be explicitly
enabled in configure.in via the use of the automake macro
AM_SILENT_RULES, which is what this commit is adding.
This introduces a new configure option:
This option is on by default, and simplies compile and link
line outputs when building the library. Disabling this option
will print full "verbose" output (i.e., full compile and
linking lines for each target).
This was tested on jam & h5committested
Fixed issue HDFFV-5866 (BZ 2156). Changed scripts to run examples to use specific names for compiled executable files instead of a.out, which did not work on Cywin as it produces a.exe by default. Removed issue from known problems section of RELEASE.txt.
Tested with Cygwin 1.7.8 on Windows 7.
This line, and those below, will be ignored--
M release_docs/RELEASE.txt
M hl/c++/examples/run-hlc++-ex.sh.in
M hl/fortran/examples/run-hlfortran-ex.sh.in
M hl/examples/run-hlc-ex.sh.in
M c++/examples/run-c++-ex.sh.in
M fortran/examples/run-fortran-ex.sh.in
M examples/run-c-ex.sh.in
- Revise shared Fortran library disabling scenarios in configure
- Improve configure output summary
Shared Fortran libraries are not supported on Mac, but were being
disabled by configure in a way that also forced the C libraries
to be static-only. This has been fixed, so now only shared Fortran
is disabled while shared C can remain.
This prompted two additional changes:
1. While working on the check that addresses whether or not
shared Fortran libraries are allowed, removed old and no
longer needed check(s) that disable shared Fortran
libraries with HP, Intel 8, PGI, and Absoft compilers.
(Essentially, Mac is the only situation in which Fortran
shared are disabled by configure.)
2. Having two different states of libraries (i.e. shared C
library with static-only Fortran library) was not apparent
in the configure summary, which labeled all libraries as
either shared and/or static. I've added lines to both the
C++ and Fortran output sections to list shared/static-ness
of these libraries specifically.
Additionally, I've made sure that the new --enable-unsupported
configure option correctly overrides configure if it tries to
disable a shared library.
jam, fred, & h5committest
Improve configure's large-file support control.
Modified configure to now attempt to add defines necessary for
supporting largefiles on all systems, instead of solely on linux. This
is in response to user requests to enable largefile support on Solaris
by default, as well as to give extra control on AIX (instead of just
jamming the necessary flag into the config files).
The old --enable-linux-lfs flag has been removed in favor of the
--enable-largefile flag (enabled by default), which can be used on all
On systems where large files cannot be supported in this manner,
configure will report as such.
AIX (NCSA's blue_print machine)
duty, liberty, and linew.
Autotool Upgrade / Libtool Bug Fix
Updated autotools referenced in bin/reconfigure as follows:
Autoconf 2.64 --> Autoconf 2.65
Automake 1.11 --> Automake 1.11.1
Libtool 2.2.6a --> Libtool 2.2.6b-mcg
The referenced libtool version is a custom version of 2.2.6b. It
has been tweaked to fix a bug in libtool that occurs
when using PGI 10.0 compilers. A check incorrectly categorizes
the C++ compiler as version 1.0 instead of 10.0, and the link
line is subsequently set up incorrectly and fails to compile.
A patch has been made available and will be included in the next
release of libtool, but in the meantime I've applied the patch to a custom
installation as indicated above. This bin/reconfigure now references
the custom installation, and the resulting configure script will correctly
categorize the PGI 10.0 C++ compiler.
Ran bin/reconfigure to regenerate configure and makefiles.
jam and amani with PGI 10.0 compilers.
The mixed use of RUNTEST (original) and RUNTESTS (new) caused
confusion. E.g., the timings in test/ was still using the old
$RUNTEST. It made more sense to use $RUNTEST which is used
by the dejagnu feature of automake. So, I changed all
config/commence.am & config/conclude.am are the two files
that got changes. Also fixed an error in test/Makefile.am.
The rest are changed by bin/reconfigure.
Tested: h5committested.
Tests to verify the bug fixed are installed.
Test: v1.8.4 passed all tests on
Jam (default and with --disable-depreacted-symbol), Amani (v16API),
Linew (default).
This should be good for trunk version too.
The error started out as an erroneous test of using v16 API via
source code. (See bug 1264). It was implemented as:
#include "hdf5.h"
#define H5_USE_16_API
That was incorrect and generated warnings in Linux but error in AIX
for redefining macro H5_USE_16_API.
I corrected it yesterday to pass AIX by moving H5_USE_16_API up as:
#define H5_USE_16_API
#include "hdf5.h"
This is the proper way to turn on v16API and it passes all normal
tests. I knew it would not work if somehow v16API is disabled
but hoping it can be fixed later. Well, it broke last night
under --disable-deprecated-symbols.
Removed the #define H5_USE_16_API and let Raymond fix it after
the release.
#define H5_USE_16_API
was inserted AFTER #include <hdf5.>, too late was it to take
effect. Instead, it caused a macro redefinition, flagged as an error
by AIX.
Fixed by moving it before the <hdf5.h>.
Tested: Jam.
CFLAGS overhaul
Modified the way configure handles CFLAGS.
(note: all changes also apply to FCFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LDFLAGS).
1. The configure process will now always preserve a user's CFLAGS
environment variable setup. Any additional flags necessary for compilation
added at configure time will be passed into the Makefiles as AM_CFLAGS,
which is an automake construct to be used in addition to CFLAGS.
This will allow a user to have the final say, as CFLAGS will always appear
later in the compile line than AM_CFLAGS. Additionally, setting CFLAGS
during make will no longer completely erase all flags set by configure,
since they're maintained in AM_CFLAGS.
2. Additionally, where possible, flags previously being assigned directly
into CFLAGS (and thus propagating into h5cc) have now been redirected into
H5_CFLAGS, so they're used ONLY for compiling hdf5, and not embedded into
the h5cc wrapper script as well.
*Note that H5_CFLAGS ultimately is assigned into AM_CFLAGS for use in the
Makefiles. Complete description of changes and build process will be
included in a Configure Document that Elena and I are working on.
3. Removed unsupported config files. This includes:
4. Modified configure summary to display additional values. Specifically,
appropriate AM_* variables are being shown, as well as H5_FCFLAGS and
H5_CXXFLAGS, which were for some reason not already present.
- H5committest
- Tested on all THG / NCSA machines, using several combinations of the more
prominent configure options (c++, fortran, szip, threadsafe, parallel,
et cetera). (Thanks to Quincey for rysnc testing setup!)
- With regards to new automated testing, anything *necessary* for
compilation will be caught by the daily tests as it stands now. (i.e.,
if LDFLAGS is not properly set when szip is used, linking will fail).
Additionally, with regards to which flags get into h5cc, if any
*necessary* flags have been improperly removed, then daily tests should
fail during make installcheck. Additional machine-specific desired
behaviors and/or checks may have to be set up separately within the
daily tests, so this is something to work on.
Updating autotools
Installed new autotools and used them to reconfigure HDF5.
- Automake upgraded to 1.11
- Autoconf upgraded to 2.64
- bin/reconfigure script edited to use new versions (on jam), and
run to generate new configure script and Makefile.in's.
- configure.in script edited to add "_cv_" to all AC_CACHE_VAL strings
(in order to comply with new autoconf standard).
Tested on machines jam, smirom, liberty, linew.
Tested w/ features c++, fortran, parallel.
Tested w/ compilers gcc, pgcc, icc.
Further testing via Daily Tests should catch any other outliers. Upon
passing DT's, I'll propogate the new tools into 1.8, hdf4, et cetera.
Tweak down the size of datatype created for dataset, so that the
elements are a reasonable size and the dataset's size can fit into a 64-bit
value for storing in the file.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/64 6.3 (liberty)
(too minor for h5committest)
If the AR command has embedded shell separators such as the case of
"AR = ar -X 64", $AR ends up as a blank.
Put quotes around the command substitution string to protect against embedded
separators. Applied the same to both AR and RANLIB assignments.
At Up (AIX 5.3) only because that was where I discovered the error
when AR is ar -X 64
- Updated bin/reconfigure to use latest version of automake (1.10.2).
Re-generated Makefile.in's by running bin/reconfigure.
- Added libtool version numbers to c++, fortran, hl, hl c++, and hl fortran
jam, liberty, smirom
Bug Fix
Fixing BZ #1381. The --includedir=DIR configure option, which is used
to specify the installation location of C header files, did not work
correctly as the path was hard-coded in config/commence.am. I'm presuming
this is because an older version of automake didn't know where to put
c header files. In any case, removing this line now defaults the includedir
to the same directory that it is currently hard-coded to, and also fixes
the configure flag to allow customization of this value.
jam, liberty
Remove another call to H5E_clear_stack() from within the library.
Clean up lots of compiler warnings.
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.5.6 (amazon)
(followup on other platforms forthcoming)
the way h5ls prints types, it starts searching for NATIVE types first. One solution would be h5ls not to detect these native types, using for example the same print datatype function that h5dump does, that would make the output look the same on all platforms ("32-bit little-endian integer" would be printed instead). Drawback, this "native" information would not be available. Other solution is to have not one but 2 expected outputs and make the shell script detect the endianess and compare with one output or other
tested: h5committest
check whether the macros H5_USE_16_API works properly. There used to be a problem to compile
if H5_USE_16_API is defined in the application program (see bug #1264).
Tested on kagiso - simple change.
th user's definition of H5_USE_16_API. The H5_USE_16_API_DEFAULT is defined through
configure with the flag --with-default-api-version=v16.
Tested with h5committest.
- Remove need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH when using shared szip library.
- Libtool 2.2.6a is now used to generate libraries.
- 'make check install' dependency bug is fixed, and should no longer
break the build.
- removed hard coding of shell in config/commence.am, as this causes
problems on Solaris with the new version of libtool.
- RELEASE.txt with appropriate changes.
- kagiso, smirom, linew (merged from 1.8, pretty quick tests)
Remove trailing whitespace from C/C++ source files, with the following
foreach f (*.[ch] *.cpp)
sed 's/[[:blank:]]*$//' $f > sed.out && mv sed.out $f
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.5.5 (amazon)
No need for h5committest, just whitespace changes...
The fortran Makefile.am used HDF_FORTRAN to indicate it is part of the
Fortran API source so that conclude.am will give fortran api prefix in the
test output. The symbox HDF_FORTRAN is also used in configure for a different
purpose (indicated --enable-fortran). They conflicted.
Similar problem for the symbol HDF_CXX.
Changed all the involved Makefile.am to use "FORTRAN_API" instead. It is
a more appropriate name. Same for CXX_API.
Along the way, discovered that the Makefile.am of hl/fortran/test and
hl/cxx/test did not have those symbols at all. Added them in.
Platform tested:
Kagiso only. It is a trivia change.
src/libhdf5.settings was the initial configure summary and is installed.
Then configure is changed to dump a summary of the configure settings to
the output and also append it to src/libhdf5.settings. That created
two different output formats and duplicated information. This is the
initial attempt to clean up this confusion and unify the output format.
It is decided to use the src/libhdf5.settings template as the unified means.
This requires more macros symbols be defined. The following symbols are
all related to generating the src/libhdf5.settings file.
The src/libhdf5.settings.in has CONDITIONAL's added to it too. The
untrue conditions turned into a "#" and these lines are cleaned by the
post processing script.
Platform tested:
h5committest on kagiso, smirom and linew.
Description: Applying update to autotools that was applied to 1.8 a couple
of weeks ago to the trunk.
Updated bin/reconfigure script to reflect the new versions of
libtool and automake in the /home1/packages/ directory.
Rearranged configure.in script. When using libtool 2.2.2, the
libtool script doesn't generate until later in the configuration
process, so I had to move a test that parsed through the libtool
script to a point after where it was actually being generated.
Ran libtoolize on the project, and ran bin/reconfigure to
regenerate configure and Makefile.in's throughout.
Tested: kagiso, smirom, linew (h5committest)
Correct the prototype for H5Sselect_elements() to take an 'hsize_t *' for
the coordinates, instead of 'hsize_t **'.
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.5.1 (amazon)
Add work-around to allow reading files that were produced with a buggy
earlier version of the library, which could create objects with the wrong
object header message count. There is now a configure flag
"--enable-strict-format-checks" which triggers a failure on reading a file
with this sort of corruption (when enabled) and allows the object to be read
(when disabled). The default value for the "strict-format-checks" flag is
yes when the "debug" flag is enabled and no when the "debug" flag is disabled.
Note that if strict format checks are disabled (allowing objects with
this particular kind of corruption to be read) and the file is opened with
write access, the library will re-write the object header for the corrupt
object with the correct # of object header messages.
This closes bugzilla bug #1010.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.4 (tg-login3) w/parallel, w/FORTRAN, in production mode
Corrected a compiler warning in the local heap code.
Fixed the shared message flag symbols from the recent switchover.
Tested on:
FreeBSD 6.2/32 (duty)
Change H5Oget_info -> H5Oget_info_by_name and re-add H5Oget_info in a
simpler form for querying a particular object, to align with other new API
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Change H5Literate -> H5Literate_by_name and add simpler form of
H5Literate, to bring this routine into alignment with the other new API
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Change existing H5Gget_info -> H5Gget_info_by_name and add new version
of H5Gget_info, with simpler parameters, to better match new API routines.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Change H5Aiterate2 -> H5Aiterate_by_name to be more consistent with
other new API routine names
Re-add H5Aiterate2, to operate on a particular object
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Changed H5Acreate2 -> H5Acreate_by_name, to be more consistent with
other new API routines.
Re-added simpler form of H5Acreate2, which creates attributes directly
on an object.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Change H5Aopen -> H5Aopen_by_name, in order to be more consistent with
other new API routines.
Re-add H5Aopen as a simpler routine, to open attributes on a particular
object. (Much like the old H5Aopen_name routine).
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Make H5Tarray_create() and H5Tget_array_dims() versioned, and drop the
"perm" parameter from the '2' versions.
Shift internal library usage to '2' versions.
Add simple regression tests for '1' versions.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Move H5Pinsert() out of old "compat v1.6" section and into API
versioning, switching internal usage to H5Pinsert2().
Add regression test for H5Pinsert1()
Clean up some other minor warnings.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Make H5Dopen versioned and change all internal usage to use H5Dopen2
Add simple regression test for H5Dopen1
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Deprecate H5Dextend in favor of H5Dset_extent (without using API
versioning, due to changed behavior) and switch internal usage to H5Dset_extent
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Put H5Acreate() under API versioning, with all internal usage shifted
to H5Acreate2().
Add regression tests for H5Acreate1().
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Move H5Aopen_name() routine to deprecated symbol section and replace
internal usage with H5Aopen().
Add simple regression test for H5Aopen_name() to deprecated routine
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64-amd64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Linux/64-ia64 2.6 (cobalt) w/Intel compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Make H5Aiterate() versioned and change all internal use to H5Aiterate2()
Leave some regression tests that exercise H5Aiterate1()
Fix attribute display in h5dump & h5ls to be "by name" by default
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty) in debug mode
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty) w/C++ & FORTRAN, in debug mode
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso) w/PGI compilers, w/C++ & FORTRAN, w/threadsafe,
in debug mode
Linux/64 2.6 (smirom) w/default API=1.6.x, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
in production mode
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew) w/deprecated symbols disabled, w/C++ & FORTRAN,
w/szip filter, in production mode
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) in debug mode
Add H5Rget_obj_type() to the API versioning and switch internal
routines to use H5Rget_obj_type2()
Misc. other code cleanups, etc.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty)
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty)
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso)
Linux/64 2.6 (smirom)
AIX/32 5.3 (copper)
Solaris/32 2.10 (linew)
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon)
Move H5Giterate() and H5G_iterate_t to deprecated symbols section,
replacing them with H5Literate and H5L_iterate_t respectively.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty)
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty)
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso)
Linux/64 2.6 (smirom)
AIX/32 5.3 (copper)
Solaris/32 5.10 (linew)
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon)
Remove all plain calls to H5Gopen() from source, replacing them with
either H5Gopen2().
Add test for H5Gopen1().
Reformatted several pieces of code, to clean them up.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty)
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty)
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso)
Linux/64 2.6 (smirom)
Solaris/32 5.10 (linew)
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon)
Pursue calls to H5Gcreate() relentlessly and ruthlessly exterminate
them, leaving only a few tame specimens in text files and comments. ;-)
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon)
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty)
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty)
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso)
Linux/64 2.6 (smirom)
Solaris/32 5.10 (linew)
Add --enable-deprecated-symbols configure option, to allow users to
remove deprecated public API symbols at configure time.
Add bin/make_vers script to bin/reconfigure actions.
Run bin/reconfigure to regenerate autotool components.
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon)
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty)
Linux/32 2.6 (kagiso)
Bug fix.
It used to clean out all *.h5 when done but this could cause a racing
condition error if parallel make (e.g., gmake -j ...) is used because
the "rm ... *.h5 ..." would remove *.h5 generaged and are still used
by other test programs (e.g. h5_write/h5_read).
Removed "*.h5" from the cleanup list since the test program has already
taken care of removing temporary *.h5 generated.
Tested platform:
Kagiso, both serial and parallel. Not triple platforms tested since
this is just a simple shell script change.
2) Removing configuration of c++/src/H5cxx_pubconf.h file.
Reasoning: the additional pubconf file caused compilation complications, this is cleaner.
Tested: kagiso, smirom
Description: added new configuration to generate a pubconf file
in the c++/src directory, H5cxx_pubconf.h. When C++
compiler recognizes 'offsetof', the macro
H5_CXX_HAVE_OFFSETOF is defined in the new
pubconf file.
tested: kagiso, smirom
Description: a new configure flag has been created that will now set a macro
in the test/Makefile. The flag is with-default-vfd=. When set to
a virtual file driver (e.g. "--with-default-vfd=sec2"), the macro
DEFAULT_VFD will hold this value.
Tested: kagiso, smirom, linew
file size from MPI_File_get_size. Bypass this problem by replacing it with
stat. Add an option --disable-mpi-size in configure to indicate this function
doesn't work properly. Add a test in testpar/t_mpi.c, too. If it returns wrong
file size, print out a warning.
Tested on kagiso (parallel) because already tested the same change to v1.6 on
several platforms (kagiso, cobalt, copper, and sol).
The test scripts did not take in account that the binary has been installed
somewhere other than the original prefix. Added a provision to allow
explicit definition of $prefix to work.
Most fortran compilers do not support the Preprocessing -E option. Removed
the tests for preprocessing only.
Updated comments and some cosmetic rearrangement.
No substance changes.
Tested platform:
Copper, kagiso.
Change H5[D|G|T]<foo>_expand() "temporary" API routines to
H5[D|G|T]<foo>2() "versioned" routines. Also added
H5[D|G|T](create|commit)_anon() routines to continue to allow "anonymous"
objects to be created in a file.
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.4.9 (amazon)
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty)
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty)
Linux/32 2.6 (chicago)
Linux/64 2.6 (chicago2)
Add version # and flags to external link format (as fields in a single
byte), in order to accomodate future changes/expansions.
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.4.9 (amazon)
Linux/32 2.6 (chicago)
Linux/64 2.6 (chicago2)
FreeBSD/32 6.2 (duty)
FreeBSD/64 6.2 (liberty)
Example incorrectly assumed that string attribute had index 2.
As a result H5Aread failed.
Interate through all attributes and find the string, after that read it.
Platforms tested:
kagiso, copper
Description: Multiple copies of Copyright appeared in Makefile.in. This was
due to automake copying the copyright right in the included files such as
Solution: Automake treats double hashes as comments and does not copy them
to Makefile.in. Changed all the copyright notices in config/*.am to use
double hashes for the Copyright right notice.
Tested: kagiso via bin/reconfigure.
Tested platform:
Kagiso only since it is only a comment block change. If it works in one
machine, it should work in all, I hope. Still need to check the parallel
build on copper.
The examples had been depending on the build libraries in src, but should have
been depending only on the installed h5cc. Fixed this.
Tested on kagiso (dependency change only, and was unable to replicate the
problem on any system). Real test will be Daily Tests tonight.
It seems that while Cygwin supports the time command, it has trouble with
the syntax
srcdir="../../hdf5/test" time ./testhdf5
and complains.
The solution is to test the above case in configure and not to use the time
command if it fails; Cygwin is fine with
srcdir="../../hdf5/test" ./testhdf5
Tested on Cygwin and kagiso. This feature shouldn't be a major compatibility
problem since every platform but Cygwin is already fine with the current
The version of libtool used by HDF5 isn't directly affected by the reconfigure
script; instead, libtoolize --force must be used by hand. Libtool was the
source of the problem, so rolling its version back to 1.5.14 should solve the
issue (at least temporarily).
Reconfigure should still work on both heping and kagiso.
Tested on heping, kagiso, and tg-login3.
Added new example for datasets regions; it uses two new functions
H5Iget_name and H5Rget_name to get name of the dataset the region refernce points to.
Platforms tested:
Should disable linking against shared libraries in Fortran for compilers that
don't support shared libraries.
Should also fix problem when the wrong Fortran file extension was specified.
If these changes don't solve the Daily Test issues, I'll look at backing out
the autotool version change until I have time to fix them.
Tested on heping, kagiso, juniper.
Change H5Pset_elink_prefix to be more similar to rest of library and make
a copy of the string passed in.
Change H5Pget_elink_prefix to be link rest of library routines that query
a string.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 4.11 (sleipnir) w/threadsafe & debugging turned on
Linux/32 2.4 (heping) w/FORTRAN & C++
Linux/64 2.4 (mir) w/build-all & 1.6 compat enabled
AIX/32 5.x (copper) w/FORTRAN & parallel
Refactor generic property list initialization code to put property list
specific routines in property list modules, instead of scattered to the four
winds. Also, introduce property list class initialization objects, to make
adding new property list classes in the library easier.
Fix daily test failure by using H5Pget_elink_prefix() API routine instead
of looking at the "raw" generic property list information.
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.4.8 (amazon)
FreeBSD/32 4.11 (sleipnir) w/threadsafe
Linux/32 2.4 (heping) w/C++ & FORTRAN
Linux/64 2.4 (mir) w/build-all & 1.6 compat
the linkval buffer, per Elena and Frank's suggestions while revising
the documentation. Added error checking using this size, as well as a
couple of tests.
Tested on juniper, kagiso, and sol.
and quote its arguments. Also checks for the 'socket' library on
If this patch passes the Daily Tests and makes the user happy, I'll
port it back to the 1.6 branch.
Tested on mir and sol.
File format is not stable, don't keep files produced!
First stage of checkins modifying the format of groups to support creation
order. Implement "dense" storage for links in groups.
Try to clarify some of the symbols for the H5L API.
Add the H5Pset_latest_format() flag for FAPLs, to choose to use the newest
file format options (including "dense" link storage in groups)
Add the H5Pset_track_creation_order() flag for GCPLs, to enable creation
order tracking in groups (although no index on creation order yet).
Remove --enable-group-revision configure flag, as file format issues are
now handled in a backwardly/forwardly compatible way.
Clean up lots of compiler warnings and other minor formatting issues.
Tested on:
FreeBSD/32 4.11 (sleipnir) w/threadsafe
Linux/32 2.4 (heping) w/FORTRAN & C++
Linux/64 2.4 (mir) w/enable-v1.6 compa
Mac OSX/32 10.4.8 (amazon)
AIX 5.3 (copper) w/parallel & FORTRAN
Since these examples need to follow filesystem paths, the Makefiles need
to create directories in the examples directory; added this to the
Tested on Windows, mir, juniper
"make check-vfd" will now run all tests in the test directory with different
file drivers (at least, all of those tests that use the testing framework's
FAPL). Tests that fail will be skipped.
This is not a perfect fix, but is better than nothing.
Along with this change, check-vfd should be added to the Daily Tests.
Configuration feature
'make install' now tests both static and shared libraries if both are installed.
Previously, shared libraries were only tested when static libraries were not installed.
Also cleaned up line in commence.am that was including HL library in all Makefiles.
Platforms tested:
mir (Makefile change only)
Bug fix - bugzilla #552
On Cray X1, trying to use : as an argument confused the system.
Added a test in configure to see if : as an argument is bad.
If so, skipped the test.
Platforms tested:
mir, Cray X1 (change to configure only)
Bug fix.
The ${TR}, though avoid the error, is inconvenient. It is needed
because configure.in use the char range in the style of 'a-z'.
The other style of '[a-z]' is more commonly accepted by all tr
but autoconf tends to strip away [], making the syntax rather
Learned from autoconf that it avoids the use of character range
by just spell all the letters out. Changed our tr commands to
use those variables defined by autoconf. Also removed the
definition of ${TR} since it will cause inconsistancy when
autoconf also use plain 'tr' in its generated code.
The Makefile.in are changed because the elimination of ${TR} from
configure triggered its removal from all Makefil.in. That is okay
because ${TR} is not used at all in Makefile.
Platforms tested:
h5committested. (sol failed to connected). also tested in shanti
using both /usr/ucb/tr and /bin/tr (the bad one before.)
Misc. update:
Updated both INSTALL and RELEASE files.
Several bug fixes
Added config file for Cray X1 (previous file was misnamed)
Simplified some code in hyperslab.c test that seemed to have been
confusing compiler on Cray X1.
Fixed typo in config/commence.am
Cleaned up hl/src/Makefile.am
All four fixes should be straightforward. The failure on Cray was
very difficult to debug, but involved arithmetic errors.
This change seems to fix it.
Platforms tested:
heping, copper, sol, some Cray X1 (more testing when system comes back up)
new feature
1) separated the HL library into "public" and "private" header files, with the same caracteristics as the basic library
2) added the public headers to hdf5.h (with a conditional include macro, defined in configure.in)
3) added the path to HL in all Makefile.am 's , because of the inclusion in hdf5.h
Platforms tested:
linux 32, 64
with fortran and c++
(one packet table example fails)
Misc. update:
Bug fix
Previous checkin did a bad thing; 'make clean' failed in example directories.
Fixed commence.am so that examples no longer break, and fixed a mistake
in conclude.am.
Platforms tested:
heping (minor makefile change)
Misc. update:
Bug fix
make check-clean didn't clean results of example tests
Fixed Makefiles so that check-clean recurses into example directories.
Also a little Makefile cleanup.
Platforms tested:
mir, modi4, heping, copper
Description: h5_group example didn't work on VMS; it turned out
that a group was not closed and since the default
file close degree is "weak", file was not closed either.
When program attempted to open the same file, system reported
an error since the file was "locked by another user".
UNIX systems apperently do not care and open the same file
without any problem.
Solution: Added H5Gclose calls.
Platforms tested: VMS server and heping
Misc. update:
Added high-level example directories
Refactored common code out of examples Makefiles.am, added high-level
example directories, added packet table examples.
Examples now draw from a common config/examples.am file, which
contains rules for installing, uninstalling, and cleaning examples.
High-level example directories are mostly empty, except for the
C and C++ packet table tests.
Platforms tested:
mir, sleipnir, copper, shanti
Bug fix
Fortran type generation was broken in two ways. Fixed both.
Firstly, there were a couple of path problems. Fixed a typo and
specified the full path of a file.
Secondly, the dependencies weren't right when building with HDF5-specific
commands (make lib, make check-s, etc.). Tweaked dependencies
to fix the problem.
Platforms tested:
mir, modi4, sleipnir
Configure feature
Added 'make trace' target.
Added tracing to 1.7. This was done automatically in 1.6, but left out
of 1.7 until now (oops!).
Tracing in 1.7 only happens manually, when the user types 'make trace.'
Tracing automatically requires more framework than it's worth.
I also fixed a couple of tracing bugs and ran trace.
Platforms tested:
mir, sleipnir, modi4
Misc. update:
Bug fix
Before this checkin, 'gmake check-s' would fail if there was a file in
the current directory named 'check-s'.
This is fixed under gmake (not sure how to fix for other makes).
check, progs, install, etc. are what gmake calls "phony" targets,
which means that no file should be created. These targets can be
specified by a line of the form
.PHONY: check progs install ...
Automake adds this line for targets it knows about, but HDF5 has a
lot of custom rules. This checkin adds a .PHONY line for those rules.
I believe that only gmake recognizes the .PHONY line (at least, pmake
doesn't seem to), but a partial solution is better than none.
This error should occur very rarely anyway (the user has to manually
create files with names like 'build-check-s' or '_test').
Platforms tested:
mir, sleipnir, modi4
New feature
Check in baseline for compact group revisions, which radically revises the
source code for managing groups and object headers.
This initiates the "unstable" phase of the 1.7.x branch, leading up
to the 1.8.0 release. Please test this code, but do _NOT_ keep files created
with it - the format will change again before the release and you will not
be able to read your old files!!!
There's too many changes to really describe them all, but some of them
- Stop abusing the H5G_entry_t structure and split it into two separate
structures for non-symbol table node use within the library: H5O_loc_t
for object locations in a file and H5G_name_t to store the path to
an opened object. H5G_entry_t is now only used for storing symbol
table entries on disk.
- Retire H5G_namei() in favor of a more general mechanism for traversing
group paths and issuing callbacks on objects located. This gets us out
of the business of hacking H5G_namei() for new features, generally.
- Revised H5O* routines to take a H5O_loc_t instead of H5G_entry_t
- Lots more...
Platforms tested:
h5committested and maybe another dozen configurations.... :-)
Bug fix/feature
Added support for -shlib in h5fc and h5c++.
Made check-install use -shlib when only shared libraries have been installed.
h5fc and h5c++ didn't recognize -shlib. Stole code from h5cc to link against
shared libraries.
When static libraries are disabled, the examples Makefiles will automatically
use the -shlib option to link against shared libraries. Thus,
--disable-static and make check-install should work together.
Platforms tested:
heping(disable-static, enable-static, fortran, c++), modi4 (disable-static, fortran, c++, parallel, enable-static)
Bug fix
Failed parallel tests now cause make to exit with an error.
Edited config/conclude.am to throw an error if parallel test programs fail.
Platforms tested:
heping, modi4
Bug fix
Changed configure.in to use an environment variable TR to set the path
to the tr utility.
There are two kind of tr on Solaris with slightly different syntax.
HDF5's configure relies on the "standard" tr. Traditionally, HDF5ers
have needed to make sure that the "right" tr was found before the
wrong one in their path; now they can use an environment variable.
Platforms tested:
mir, shanti, sol
Misc. update:
Forgot to update release notes. Off to do that now.
Makefile bug fix
Previously, automake didn't output rules to build perform/mpi-perf or
the test/gen_* programs.
Now these can be built by typing 'make mpi-perf' (or 'make foo') or by
configuring with --enable-build-all.
Automake doesn't like having rules for programs it doesn't build. Tricked
it by having these programs built "sometimes"--whenever the user enables
--build-all. This should be used mostly for testing and to ensure that
these helper programs compile.
These programs do *not* currently compile. When --enable-build-all is used
(not the default), gen_new_fill fails because it uses an old API. This is
an existing "bug" that has simply been exposed by this checkin.
Platforms tested:
sleipnir, modi4, sol
Misc. update: