Added H5Ffamily.c and H5Fsplit.c
Added `const' to sublass arguments.
Make sure file buffers get flushed during a call to
H5Fflush(). Check for overflow in address encoding and decoding.
Implementation of file families so 32-bit machines can access
64-bit files.
Removed H5O_NO_ADDR constant.
Added -DH5G_DEBUG and -DH5F_DEBUG to the list of debugging flags.
Changed some <offset>-sized things to <length>-sized things.
Lots of changes caused by generalizing addresses. The haddr_t
is now a struct, so you can no longer perform arithmetic on
it. But since it's small, simple, and often used, storage is
allocated like with an integer. But we always pass them
around by reference. That is, when using an address in
another struct, allocate space:
struct my_struct {
char *name;
haddr_t address;
} x;
But when passing it to a function, pass by reference:
H5F_addr_print (stderr, &(x.address));
Addresses should be initialized with
H5F_addr_undef (&(x.address));
Functions for operating on addresses are in H5Flow.c and begin
with H5F_addr_... Functions never return haddr_t or haddr_t*;
they always pass them through arguments instead. A function
that returns an address through an argument does so with its
last argument and it is marked with `/*out*/'. Calls to such
functions also mark output-only arguments with `/*out*/'
./src/H5Fsplit.c (new)
A two-member family where all meta data goes in the first
member and all raw data goes in the second member.
Differentiate between meta data storage and raw data
storage. Provide a mechanism so that the file driver can
extend the file to allocate more memory.
Added the error H5E_TRUNCATED to be reported when the file is
shorter than the length recorded in the boot block.
Added H5F_locate_signature() so we only do it in one place
Just a couple clarifications.
Documents how external files work.
Fixed printf's on 64-bit machines.
Added ifdef's to test the split file driver.
Rewritten to be more flexible.
Accumulates cache statistics and displays the results on
stderr when the file is closed if it was opened with
H5F_ACC_DEBUG passed into H5F_open()
Added more debugging which is turned on if H5B_DEBUG is
defined on the compile command (see config/linux).
Fixed a couple of bugs with left insertions which are used by
the indexed storage stuff.
Fixed a memory leak.
Fixed warnings about shifting more than size of object.
Fixed seek optimizations back to the way Quincey originally
had them.
Removed unused variables.
Added new files.
Added documentation for group stuff.
./src/H5Flow.c NEW
./src/H5Fsec2.c NEW
./src/H5Fstdio.c NEW
Low-level file driver is selected at runtime.
Got rid of `shift >= sizeof operand' warnings on big endian
Still working on indexed storage...
Removed alignment constraints.
Fixed backslashes in sed script because the H5Gnode.c
dependency info was disappearing. You'll have to rerun
config.status to rebuild the Makefiles unless you use gnu
Also removes emacs backup files, TAGS, and svf backup files.
Grouped gcc flags and added provisions for debugging vs. production.
Updated messages 0x0008, 0x0009, and 0x000A.
Documentation describing storage schemes.
New source files.
Changed VOIDP to void* in a couple places.
Removed `const' from some variables because H5G_node_found() wanted
to modify it's udata argument. Removing const there caused it
to cascade to these other locations.
Added an extra argument to H5AC_find_f() and H5AC_protect(). This
arg gets passed to the load() method. Also added an extra
argument to the H5AC_find() macro.
Extra argument passed to the sizeof_rkey() method.
./src/H5Fistore.c (new)
Added indexed I/O operations.
Beginning to add H5G_open/close and related bug fixes.
./src/H5Oistore.c (new)
Added the H5O_ISTORE messsage (0x0008) for indexed storage of
Added extra braces around both sides of the FUNC_ENTER() and
FUNC_LEAVE() macros so FUNC_ENTER() can appear before
declarations or after executable statements the second case is
used by H5G_namei() to initialize output arguments to sane
values before FUNC_ENTER() might return failure.
int f ()
int decl1;
printf ("This happens before FUNC_ENTER()\n");
int another_declaration;
Extra arguments for key encoding and decoding.
Indexed, chunked, sparse storage (not ready for general consumption
./src/H5V.c (new)
./src/H5Vprivate.h (new)
./test/hyperslab.c (new)
Vector, array, and hyperslab functions.
Added functionality for indexed storage.
Fixed problems with seek optimizing. Recommend we disable it
until we can implement it in the file/address class since all
of HDF5 must be aware of it.
Fixed comeent speling erorr :-)
Added new files.
Added the word `Testing' to the test cases. So if a test
program is called hyperslab then the make output will contain
the line `Testing hyperslab'.
The default file I/O library is Posix section 2 on my linux
machine so I can do some I/O performance testing.
Added ability to set size of indexed-storage B-tree.
Changed `directory' to `group' in numerous places.
The FILELIB constant can be set on the compile command-line.
./src/istore.c NEW
Tests for indexed storage.
to int64 encode/decode to fix purify on 32-bit systems, changes to
H5O_modify, changes to H5D.c to use H5F_open/close(), etc.
Documentation will be mailed shortly...
Changed the MESSAGE macro so it doesn't have a semicolon
inside the argument list and automatic indentation tools work
Old call: MESSAGE (5, printfunc("foo%s %d", s, i););
New call: MESSAGE (5, ("foo%s %d", s, i));
The parentheses are required.
Added more tests.
Fixed include files.
./test/Makefile.in NEW
Removed Makefile; it is now generated from Makefile.in by
Removed tests for H5_BTREEPAGE_SIZE and added tests for
Removed call to H5O_link() since it's handled by H5G_insert().
Added defn for int64 and uint64 on irix. It seems to be
wrong, but at least things compile and run. This file will go
away with autoconf anyway.
Added tstab.c
Added tstab.c
Fixed bugs with CHECK_I() and CHECK_PTR().