- Remove Infering parallel compilers (C and Fortran) from configure.ac
- Remove restriction to build shared with parallel
- Cleanup parallel sections in configure.ac
- remove large file support checks
- MPE fixes.
tested with h5committest.
Removed restiction of disabling shared libraries on the MAC, H5_FORTRAN_SHARED was replaced with HAVE_SHARED_CONDITIONAL since H5_FORTRAN_SHARED was removed.
tested: jam
Developers will now have to run bin/reconfigure (deprecated, will be removed
soon) or autogen.sh after checking out code.
Part of: HDFFV-9120
Tested on: jam with Fortran and C++
Changed all the instances of AC_TRY_RUN for the Fortran and C++ tests to use
AC_COMPILE_IFELSE and moved all the tests to new files in m4 directory:
aclocal_cxx.m4 (for C++ tests)
aclocal_fc.m4 (for Fortran tests)
tested: jam
ib files. The fix also removed dependencies on libhdf5, etc. when the --disable-sharedlib-rpath co
nfigure option was invoked.
Added instead configure variable hardcode_into_lib=no. This removes rpath from lib files on Linux
and solaris machines.
Tested with h5committest on jam, koala, ostrich and platypus (cmake), and with configure option --disable-sharedlib-rpath on emu, platypus and quail.
For make installcheck, compile and run installed examples using the installed scripts. They were being compiled but not run.
Add Fortran2003 examples to the run-ex-fortran script when fortran2003 is enabled.
Set flag to -O3 in production mode for Intel compilers other than those with specified other settings.
Gentoo patches:
Remove unnecessary setting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH from configure.
Prevent potential array subscript out of bounds error in perform/pio_engine.c and sio_engine.c.
Tested with h5committest on jam, koala, ostrich and platypus, on emu and kite, and parallel tests on jam, koala and platypus with mpich built with gnu 4.8.2 and with intel compilers.
AIX compiler complains that:
ex_ds1.f90, line 89.16: 1512-050 (W) Field separator is missing, in literal FMT specifier, after edit descriptor X. A comma is assumed.
Line 89:
WRITE(*,'(/,5X 3(A,1X),I0,A,L1)') 'Is',TRIM(DS_1_NAME),&
Added the missing comma after "5X".
AIX system.
Remove all traces of MPI-POSIX VFD and GPFS detection/code.
Remove remaining traces of stream VFD.
Remove testpar/t_posix_compliant test (it's not actually verifying anything).
Clean up H5D__mpio_opt_possible() further.
Moved environment variable that disables MPI collective operations into
MPI-IO VFD (instead of it being in src/H5S.c).
A few other small code cleanups.
Tested on:
Mac OSX/64 10.9.2 (amazon) w/parallel & serial
KitWare recommendations: Change CMake commands to lower case.
Bump up CMake minimum versions.
Split test file into separate file for h5repack test.
Tested: local linux
KitWare recommendations: Change CMake commands to lower case.
Bump up CMake minimum versions.
Split test file into separate file for h5repack test.
Tested: local linux
behind by "make distclean" (see below); modified appropriate Makefile.am files and ran
bin/reconfigure to create Makefile.in to fix the problem.
Here is the list of the files "make disclean" doesn't remove:
Tested on jam and emu in place and using srcdir with the svn stat command.
This fix doesn't address two problems:
tool/h5dump/testfiles directory is not removed by "make distclean" and it should be
tools/misc/testfiles directory is removed by "make distclean" and it shouldn't be
Prep work for adding a memory free function, part of HDFFV-8551.
Tested on:
32-bit LE linux (jam)
* with C++, Fortran
* with thread safety on
These are minor changes (almost entirely renaming foo functions
to HDfoo) that don't change functionality. This should not
require a full commit test.
Ran bin/reconfigure to update the Makefile.in in directories not part of the fortran directory check=in. Updates Makefile.in due to changes made in configure.in for the Fortran 2003 additions.
Tested on all platforms run under daily tests.
Switch from H5P_DATASET_ACCESS_DEFAULT to H5P_DEFAULT for calls to
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.6.8 (amazon) w/debug
(too minor to require h5committest)
General shared library improvements for CYGWIN / AIX
Shared libraries are disabled on both CYGWIN and AIX due
to inability to build them correctly. Part of the problem
in both of these situations is the lack of the libtool
flag -no-undefined, which tells libtool that all needed
symbols are defined at link time (a requirement on these
systems) and that it's okay to build shared libraries.
Another problem are lack of dependencies between wrapper
libraries and core C HDF5 library.
This patch addresses both of these by fixing configure to
add in -no-undefined flag for libtool during linking and
adds automake dependencies in the Makefile.am files.
After testing, both CYGWIN and AIX now generate shared
libraries, but there are still some test failures in each.
(cache_api, dt_arith, and testerror.sh on CYGWIN, and
fortran tests on AIX).
Even though the shared libraries are not quite perfect,
this is a general improvement to what we had before, so
I'm applying the patch anyways. Note that default behavior
of shared libraries on these systems being disabled has
NOT been changed and requires the use of the
--enable-unsupported to attempt to build them.
We will need to address the test failures in each
architecture prior to formally supporting shared
libraries on each.
h5committested & CYGWIN tested (on bangan)
(AIX tested by Albert on bp-login2)
Add "silent make" mode configure option.
Automake 1.11 has a new option available that allows for a
silent make mode. This functionality needs to be explicitly
enabled in configure.in via the use of the automake macro
AM_SILENT_RULES, which is what this commit is adding.
This introduces a new configure option:
This option is on by default, and simplies compile and link
line outputs when building the library. Disabling this option
will print full "verbose" output (i.e., full compile and
linking lines for each target).
This was tested on jam & h5committested
Fixed issue HDFFV-5866 (BZ 2156). Changed scripts to run examples to use specific names for compiled executable files instead of a.out, which did not work on Cywin as it produces a.exe by default. Removed issue from known problems section of RELEASE.txt.
Tested with Cygwin 1.7.8 on Windows 7.
This line, and those below, will be ignored--
M release_docs/RELEASE.txt
M hl/c++/examples/run-hlc++-ex.sh.in
M hl/fortran/examples/run-hlfortran-ex.sh.in
M hl/examples/run-hlc-ex.sh.in
M c++/examples/run-c++-ex.sh.in
M fortran/examples/run-fortran-ex.sh.in
M examples/run-c-ex.sh.in
- Revise shared Fortran library disabling scenarios in configure
- Improve configure output summary
Shared Fortran libraries are not supported on Mac, but were being
disabled by configure in a way that also forced the C libraries
to be static-only. This has been fixed, so now only shared Fortran
is disabled while shared C can remain.
This prompted two additional changes:
1. While working on the check that addresses whether or not
shared Fortran libraries are allowed, removed old and no
longer needed check(s) that disable shared Fortran
libraries with HP, Intel 8, PGI, and Absoft compilers.
(Essentially, Mac is the only situation in which Fortran
shared are disabled by configure.)
2. Having two different states of libraries (i.e. shared C
library with static-only Fortran library) was not apparent
in the configure summary, which labeled all libraries as
either shared and/or static. I've added lines to both the
C++ and Fortran output sections to list shared/static-ness
of these libraries specifically.
Additionally, I've made sure that the new --enable-unsupported
configure option correctly overrides configure if it tries to
disable a shared library.
jam, fred, & h5committest
* Fixed error in passing an array of characters with different length
field names for h5tbmake_table.
* Fixed error in h5tget_field_info_f with packing the C strings
into a fortran array of strings.
* Added optional arguement to h5tbget_field_info_f called maxlen
which returns the maximum string character length in a field name
* Uncommented out test for h5tbget_field_info_f in the test program
and added additional checks for the output.
Tested: jam (intel and gnu compilers)
Bring Coverity revisions from branch back to trunk, and clean up some other
misc. compiler warnings also.
Fix coverity items 1446 and 1447. Moved up calls to memset in test_cont in
ohdr.c so the test never tries to close uninitialized locations.
Fix coverity items 1398-1445. Various uninitialized variable errors in fheap.c.
Fixed coverity issue 579 and some additional warnings in the file as well.
Bug fix: This fix addressed the "RESOURCE_LEAK" problems #789 and 790, run 26
minor mods to try to keep coverity from flagging false positives.
Fixed coverity issues 566 - 571. Declared variables that are passed to functions that use them as arrays to be arrays of size 1.
Tested on:
Mac OS X/32 10.6.4 (amazon) w/debug, production & parallel
(h5committested on trunk)
Corrected use/name of source folder aliases.
Duplicated FindMPI.cmake so that non-c++ compiler is found first (recommemded commands did not work).
Tested: local linux with mpich
- Add an install rule to copy compiled fortran module files
- Only build the xlatefile utility if testing and tools are enabled
- Don't do MPI HAVE_XXX checks until MPI_FOUND is true
- Install needs H5version.h & H5overflow.h to be copied
- Add debug information flags to debug compile and link lines for win32 Intel compiler
Improve configure's large-file support control.
Modified configure to now attempt to add defines necessary for
supporting largefiles on all systems, instead of solely on linux. This
is in response to user requests to enable largefile support on Solaris
by default, as well as to give extra control on AIX (instead of just
jamming the necessary flag into the config files).
The old --enable-linux-lfs flag has been removed in favor of the
--enable-largefile flag (enabled by default), which can be used on all
On systems where large files cannot be supported in this manner,
configure will report as such.
AIX (NCSA's blue_print machine)
duty, liberty, and linew.