Clean up RM formatting.
Modify RM HTML code to facilitate automated generation of PDF version.
Minor edits.
Reworked format of "Parameters" sections.
Added HTML tags (and pseudo-HTML tags) used by HTMLdoc to
generate PDF files.
Fixed the "Copyright" link on RM_H5Front.html.
Other minor copy edits.
Platforms tested:
IE 5
replaced name of delete filter with remove filter for the new function H5Premove_filter
Platforms tested:
Misc. update:
Bug fix/optimization
Address slowdown in MPI-I/O file metadata operations that was introduced
mid-stream. We now _require_ a POSIX compliant parallel file system for the
MPI-I/O file driver (as well as for the MPI-POSIX file driver).
Also optimized file open operation when the file is being created by
reducing the number of collective & syncronizing calls.
Additionally, refactor the MPI routines into a common place, eliminating
duplicated code.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.9 (sleipnir) w/parallel
Code cleanup
Add C++ and FORTRAN wrappers for new H5Pdelete_filter routine, along with
documentation and a note in the release notes.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.9 (sleipnir)
Linux 2.4 (verbena) w/ C++ and FORTRAN
Too minor for full h5committest
Bug fix
When two property lists are compared, the H5Pequal routine was just
comparing the raw information for the property values. This causes problems
when the raw information contains pointers to other information.
Allow a 'compare' callback to be registered for properties, so that a user
application get perform the comparison itself, allowing for "deep" compares of
the property value.
This was exported to the H5Pregister & H5Pinsert routines in the development
branch, but not the release branch.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.9 (sleipnir)
Fixes for user-reported Ref Manual bugs:
H5Gget_objname_by_idx: corrected 'size' parameter specification
H5Sselect_elements: Expanded 'coord' parameter description to make it
clear that values are 0-based.
Additional minor copy edits and formatting cleanup.
Platforms tested:
IE 5
Bug fix
Correct list of files to install after recent FORTRAN documentation cleanup
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.9 (sleipnir) w/"make install-doc"
h5committest doesn't test this.
Removing the files
from CVS as the content has been integrated into the files
Glossary.html only: Clean up nesting of HTML tags
Glossary.html and PredefDTypes.html
Add HTML code that facilitates creating PDF version of RM
Platforms tested:
Safari, IE 5
Add pointer to location where PDF version of RM will be posted shortly
In the Fortran90 introductory text:
remove text describing presentation of F90 descriptions on
separate HTML pages
otherwise update discussion
Platforms tested:
IE 5, Safari
Integrate Fortran90 function descriptions
Remove "Non-C APIs" sections; add "Fortran90 Interface" sections
Remove note that Fortran APIs are described in a separate window
Add h5pset/get_fapl_mpiposix_f
Reinstate H5Pget_hyper_vector_size (previously removed in error)
Remove H5Pget_hyper_cache (function deprecated in 1.6, removed in 1.8)
Minor copy edits and formatting
Platforms tested:
IE 5, Safari
Integrate Fortran90 function descriptions
Remove "Non-C APIs" sections; add "Fortran90 Interface" sections
Remove note that Fortran APIs are described in a separate window
Platforms tested:
Integrate Fortran90 function descriptions
Remove "Non-C APIs" sections; add "Fortran90 Interface" sections
Remove note that Fortran APIs are described in a separate window
Touch up function index
Minor format fixes and copy edits
Platforms tested:
Integrate Fortran90 function descriptions
Remove "Non-C APIs" sections; add "Fortran90 Interface" sections
Remove note that Fortran APIs are described in a separate window
Platforms tested:
Integrate Fortran90 function descriptions
Remove "Non-C APIs" sections; add "Fortran90 Interface" sections
Remove note that Fortran APIs are described in a separate window
Platforms tested:
Integrate Fortran90 function descriptions
Remove "Non-C APIs" sections; add "Fortran90 Interface" sections
Remove note that Fortran APIs are described in a separate window
Corrected H5Gget_objname_by_idx return value description
Platforms tested:
Integrate Fortran90 function descriptions
Remove "Non-C APIs" sections; add "Fortran90 Interface" sections
Remove note that Fortran APIs are described in a separate window
Add H5Fget_freelist/h5fget_freelist_f
Platforms tested:
Safari, IE 5
Fortran90 integration cleanup pass
Removed note that Fortran APIs are described in a separate browser window
Platforms tested:
IE 5, Safari
Expand H5open/h5open_f and H5close/h5close_f descriptions
to indicate that these two calls are mandatory in Fortran90
applications (though optional in C).
Platforms tested:
IE 5, Safari
Purpose: Bug fix
Description: The third parameter to the h5pget(set)_cache_f subroutines
had a wrong type
Solution: Fixed the type and changed the docs.
Platforms tested: kelgia, arabica 64-bit, copper 64-bit
Misc. update:
Alphabetic sort of RM function entries
Additional and modified HTML coding to accomodate HTMLdoc and
automated PDF generation
Function index formatting
Platforms tested:
IE 5, Safari
Alphabetic sort of RM function entries
Additional and modified HTML coding to accomodate HTMLdoc and
automated PDF generation
Minor copy edits
Platforms tested:
IE 5, Safari
Alphabetic sort of RM function entries
Additional and modified HTML coding to accomodate HTMLdoc and
automated PDF generation
Corrected link to the F90 subroutine h5rget_object_type_f from the
H5Rget_obj_type function description
Platforms tested:
IE 5, Safari
Alphabetic sort of RM function entries
Additional and modified HTML coding to accomodate HTMLdoc and
automated PDF generation
Minor copy edits
Platforms tested:
Safari, IE 5
Alphabetic sort of RM function entries
Additional and modified HTML coding to accomodate HTMLdoc and
automated PDF generation
Platforms tested:
Misc. update:
Added the entry of document of the three basic performance tools.
The information was provided by Robb long time ago.
Platforms tested:
Viewed by IE.
Misc. update:
Code cleanup, etc.
Generalize Ray's datatype fixes to handle packing compound datatypes which
are the base type of an array or variable-length type, etc.
Also track "packedness" of a compound datatype from it's creation, instead
of only setting the 'packed' flag after the datatype was explicitly packed.
Updated docs to reflect that a compound datatype is allowed to grow (but
not shrink).
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.9 (sleipnir)
Bug Fix and code cleanup
Correct error in H5T_detect_class that was causing nested compound datatypes
with to not detect the datatype class of fields correctly, which caused errors
with fill-values, variable-length datatypes and chunks later on.
Return the rank of the array datatype from H5Tget_array_dims(), like
Lots of cleanups to datatype code, to make the handling of arrays, compound
types, variable-length strings and sequences and enumerated types more
consistent and robust.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.9 (sleipnir)
Enhanced indexing; copy edits.
Restructured index and clarify descriptions and/or make them more
parallel; added link to "Other tools"
Added note that h4toh5 and h5toh4 are no longer part of the HDF5 library
Lots of copy edits
Platforms tested:
IE 5, Safari
Bug fix
H5Gget_objname_by_idx should allow NULL for the 'name' parameter, to allow
for querying for the name's length.
Allow NULL for the 'name' parameter, the internal functions were already
ready to handle that case.
Clean up RM information about H5Gget_objname_by_idx and
H5Gget_objtype_by_idx also.
Platforms tested:
FreeBSD 4.8 (sleipnir)
Checking in Version 2 of this specification, which was done
in July 2002. It should have been in the doc tree a long time
Platforms tested:
Misc. update:
Changed "HDF5 User's Guide" links (in navigation bars, primarily)
to point to new user's guide, which will reside for a while yet on
the HDF server.
The old user's guide will still go out with the distribution under
the label "HDF5 User's Guide, Release 1.4.5."
Platforms tested:
IE 5
Renamed old "HDF5 User's Guide" as "HDF5 User's Guide, Release 1.4.5".
Added navigation bar link to new user's guide on HDF server.
Changed release tag line (in old UG only) back to
"Describes HDF5 Release 1.4.5, February 200 3"
Platforms tested:
IE 5
Update links.
Add documents.
Bring in current links and notes from the R1.4.5 document.
Add the documents which have been collected in
These documents include discussions of SZIP, generic properties,
the shuffle algorithm and its influence on performance, fill values
and space allocation, and error detection.
Platforms tested:
IE 5
Update information
Update with more correct information. (Still not finished, but its better
than it was before... :-)
Platforms tested:
Mozilla 1.4.0
Changed UG link to point to new UG, retaining secondary link to 1.4.5 UG.
Removed pointer to printable documents.
Minor formatting.
Platforms tested:
IE 5
To segregate HDF4/HDF5 conversion tools and add link to H4toH5 Library
Restructured indexing at the top of the page into these sections:
User utilities
Configuration and library management utilities
Java-based tools
HDF5/HDF4 conversion tools
Added link to http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/h4toh5/
Platforms tested:
IE 5