Fixed a typo in the registration of the `unsigned char' to
`unsigned long long' type conversion that caused it to not be
registered, falling back to software whenever that conversion
path was taken.
./test/theap.c [REMOVED]
./test/lheap.c [NEW]
./test/tohdr.c [REMOVED]
./test/ohdr.c [NEW]
./test/tstab.c [REMOVED]
./test/stab.c [NEW]
Removed the `t' from the front of these names and made each
test a stand-alone program following the format of most of the
other tests.
Uses libh5test.a but always sets the low-level driver to 1GB
file family.
The `#if' near the top to set the data space to 8GB has been
simplified now that `long_long' is always defined and the
error message is improved when `long_long' isn't wide enough.
Cleanup code was added to the error handling.
Uses libh5test.a. Added error cleanup code.
Added 68 new tests that check hardware and software
conversions between `long long' and `unsigned long long' and
the other integer types. The tests only run on machines where
sizeof(long_long)!=sizeof(long). We test a total of 180
different integer conversions, half in hardware and half in
Cut down the number of times each test is run from 5 to 1 so
it doesn't take so long. If you want to run more times
there's a constant that can be changed at the top of the file.
Removed unused variable.
The h5_cleanup() returns true/false so it can be used in an `if'
statement to clean up additional files.
Indented. Added HDF5_PREFIX and HDF5_DRIVER descriptions.
Changed the trace type for the second argument from `Iu' to
`x' since it's an output parameter.
Added a warning that the GNU zlib that comes with the latest
version of HDF4 is too old to use with HDF5 and must be
renamed so configure doesn't see it when `--enable-hdf4' is
With my poor eyesight I missed the definitions of SCHAR_MIN
and SCHAR_MAX in <limits.h> and used CHAR_MIN and CHAR_MAX
incorrectly. I changed all occurrences of the latter to the
former and the new hardware integer type conversions now work
on Irix.
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
Added a wrapper for HDsnprintf() that just calls sprintf() if
snprintf() isn't available.
Added Paul's new h5toh4 files.
./test/shtype.c [REMOVED]
Removed shtype.c because it was all commented out. Besides,
these tests are done in dtypes.c now anyway.
The tests that check the HDF5 API use the h5test support
functions. For one thing, that means that you can specify the
file driver that thay use by the HDF5_DRIVER environment
variable. Possible values are:
HDF5_DRIVER='sec2' Use read() and write()
HDF5_DRIVER='stdio' Use fread() and fwrite()
HDF5_DRIVER='core' Use malloc() and free()
HDF5_DRIVER='split' Split meta and raw data
HDF5_DRIVER='family N' Use file families with each
member being N megabytes (N
can be fractional, defaults to
Some tests might fail for certain drivers: for instance, the
mount and link tests fail for the `core' driver because
they must be able to close and then reopen a file.
New Feature
h5toh4 is an H5 utility which converts HDF5 files into
HDF4 files. It converts only those H5 objects which have
have mappings into H4 objects.
Some H5 objects that may be converted into H4 objects are:
1) H5 group objects may be converted into H4 Vgroup objects.
2) H5 dataset objects of integer or floating point datatype
may be converted into H4 SDS objects.
3) H5 dataset objects of compound datatype and rank 1 may
be converted into H4 Vdata objects. Field members of the
compound datatype are constrained to be single dimensional.
Platforms tested:
Solaris2.5, HP10.20
New feature
This file contains routines to find all shared objects and
committed types and store them in tables. These routines
are made available in the library hdf5/tools/libh5tools.a
Platform tested:
Solaris2.5, HP10.20
New Feature
These files are the expected results of the HDF4 hdp dumper,
which has been executed in the following order:
hdp dumpvg file.hdf > file.dmp
hdp dumpvd file.hdf >> file.dmp
hdp dumpsds file.hdf >> file.dmp
Platform tested:
Solaris2.5, HP10.20
New Feature
This is a tester for the h5toh4 converter. It is implemented
on different HDF5 files to produce HDF4 files. After each HDF4
file is produced, the file is run through the HDF4 dumper hdp.
The dumper results are compared with expected results and any
differences are noted.
Note: The "/hdf4/bin" directory needs to be part of the tester's
Platform tested:
Solaris2.5, HP10.20
Most of these changes are because the `interface_initialize_g'
variable change from hbool_t to int. It's a one line change.
Changed the way the library is closed so we have more control
over the order the interfaces are shut down. Instead of
registering an atexit() function for every interface in some
haphazard order we just register one: H5_term_library() which
then calls the H5*_term_interface() functions in a
well-defined order.
If the library is closed and then reopened repeatedly by
calling H5close() and H5open() in a loop we only add one copy
of the library termination functions with atexit().
Termination is a two-step process in order to help detect
programming errors that would cause an infinite loop caused by
the termination of one interface waking up some other
previously terminated interface. The first step terminates
the interface and *marks it as unusable*. After all
interfaces are terminated then we mark them all as usable
again. The FUNC_ENTER() macro has been modified to return
failure or to dump core (depending on whether NDEBUG is
defined) if we try to call an interface while it's shutting
The H5dont_atexit() function returns failure if it's called
more than once or if it's called too late. However, the error
stack is not automatically printed on failure because the
library might not be initialized yet
Changed the extra cast for Win32 so we do floating point
division again -- it was just confusion about precedence and
associativity of casting and the C coercion rules. Removed
extra carriage returns inserted by broken operating system.
Fixed an bug where H5F_fam_write() lowered the EOF marker for
one of the family members causing H5F_fam_read() to read
./test/h5test.h [NEW]
./test/h5test.c [NEW]
Support library for test files. This isn't done yet but
Katie's contractions are ~10 minutes apart so I figured I
better back this stuff up just in case I'm not here next
Eventually all test files will understand HDF5_DRIVER to name
the low level file driver and parameters so we can easily test
various drivers. They will also understand HDF5_PREFIX to
prepend to the beginning of file names which is necessary for
testing ROMIO with various drivers. Also, the cleanup function
will know how to use the file name prefix and will understand
different file driver naming schemes like file families. I'm
not sure they'll understand the `gsf:' type prefixes yet.
Note, the external test is completely commented out because
I'm in the middle of modifying it. It will still compile and
run but it doesn't test anything at the moment.
Removed carriage-returns inserted by a broken operating system.
Removed inclusion of <H5config.h>, system header files, and definition
of __unused__ since this all happens in <H5private.h>.
Removed inclusion of <H5config.h> since <hdf5.h> includes it.
Includes <stdlib.h>, protects inclusion of <unistd.h> by using
The `long long' type isn't quite as prevalent as we had hoped;
there is at least one system that defines `__int64' but not
`long long'. Therefore, I've temporarily changed all
occurrences of `long long' to `long_long' and then #define
that in H5private.h based on the existence of `long long' or
`__int64'. This gets rid of some #ifdef's in other parts of the code.
The semantics of the hdf5 types are:
*int8_t Exactly one byte
*int16_t At least two bytes. We favor 32-bit integers over
16-bit integers if the 16-bit integer is 4-bytes wide
*int32_t At least four bytes.
*int64_t At least eight bytes
long_long The widest integral integer type
The H5Smpio.c contains debugging code which is non-portable.
Changed the order native types are detected so we favor the name `int'
over `short' or `long' if two of them are the same.
Added a rule to make test programs depend on the hdf5 library. This
fixes a minor bug where changing H5detect.c and then running `make
test' caused H5Tinit.c to not be recompiled and therefore the test
files are not relinked.
./INSTALL.parallel [NEW]
We're beginning to unify some of the parallel installation
steps. This file will contain general information for
installing the parallel library. It's not complete yet.
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
Check for xdr_int() in libnsl required on Solaris when linking
with hdf4. It's found on the Irix system I tested which
complains that `-lnsl' didn't resolve any symbols. Oh well.
Fixed the order of searching for libdf and libmfhdf for hdf4
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
Check for compress() in libz in order to find older versions
of the library that will still work for hdf4. Added a
separate check for compress2() that hdf5 will use.
./configure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
Added checks for Posix.1g types like `int8_t'. If not defined
then H5private.h defines them. Changed all `int8' etc. to
Calling H5*_term_interface() resets interface_initialize_g to
FALSE so a subsequent call to H5open() (implied or explicit)
reinitializes global variables properly.
match the Posix.1 constants in <limits.h>.
Added 36 more integer hardware conversion functions to the
type conversion table for conversions to/from `long long' and
`unsigned long long'. The `long long' names will be changed
shortly to make them portable to Win32.
Changed H5T_init() to H5T_native_open() and added an
H5T_native_close() to open and close the predefined native
data types.
Increased the initial size of the type conversion table from
64 to 128 entries.
Reordered the 90 new integer conversion functions so the names
that are printed favor `int' over `short' or `long' when two
of them are the same.
Added hardware and software integer conversion tests for the
56 functions I added recently but not the additional 36
checked in this time. That will come next.
Call H5close() after each test so type conversion statistics
are easier to follow. Try this: $ HDF5_DEBUG=t ./dtypes
Added more debugging output for when things go wrong.
Removed trailing carriage-returns inserted by broken operating
system ;-)
In machine (e.g. O2K) where long long and long are the same sizes, it
ended up defining GB8LL as 1 which is way too small for the dataset size.
Add an entry to define GB8LL if long can hold it. When all fails,
define GB8LL as 0. During runtime, enough_room() will detect this
special value and skips the test.
Platform tested:
The Makefile $TESTS variable has finally been split into
$TEST_PROGS and $TEST_SCRIPTS with the latter being the names
of shell scripts that need to be run with `/bin/sh'. Now we
don't have to copy each shell script before we run it. NOTE:
Added H5Snone.c to the source list.
Plugged a memory leak by emptying the object type "isa" table
when the library is closed.
Added 48 new type functions to take advantage of hardware for
integer type conversions. These functions are not registered
in the conversion table yet because I haven't fully tested
Removed __unused__ qualifiers from prototypes.
Added instructions about specifying a path for GNU zlib and
HDF4 headers and library.
Added comments for each of the tool names. Added h5toh4 as a
tool name.
./conigure [REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in [REGENERATED]
The config/* scripts get invoked with $CC_BASENAME set the
base name of the compiler in order to make it easier to handle
setting compiler flags for different compilers in a big case
statement. For instance, if $CC has the value
/usr/local/mpi/bin/mpicc -ansi -64
then $CC_BASENAME will be `mpicc'. The $CC_BASENAME is not
set if $CC is not set.
Fixed alignment in `configure --help'.
An include and/or library path can be specified for GNU zlib
if configure can't find it in normal places. The "normal"
means wherever your compiler normally searches, including
search paths you've added through environment variables like
CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS. The INSTALL file has instructions.
The `-ljpeg' library is detected.
If `ssize_t' is not found then a #define is added to
H5config.h similar to what we already do for `size_t'.
We detect the hdf5 header file `mfhdf.h' and libraries
`-lmfhdf' and `-ldf' and if found define the H5TOH4 and
TESTH5TOH4 Makefile variables. The user can specify an
include and/or library path. The INSTALL file has
The `RUNTEST' variable has been split into `RUNSERIAL' and
`RUNPARALLEL' because these are different commands. The
makefile still uses `RUNTEST', which defaults to the RUNSERIAL
value. The new testpar/Makefile.in sets RUNTEST to the
RUNPARALLEL value. The default RUNSERIAL value is empty and
the default RUNPARALLEL value is `mpirun -np 2'. These can
both be overridden in the config/* files. To make the value
the empty string set it like `RUNPARALLEL=none' in the
config/* file.
The new testpar/Makefile is generated from testpar/Makefile.in
Added the RUNSERIAL and RUNPARALLEL makefile definitions.
The `H5detect' program is run with RUNSERIAL, which is empty
on all platforms except intel-osf1 (ASCI/Red)
Removed the `.c.a:' implicit rule -- we don't use it any more.
All of these files have been updated to hande multiple
compilers. Most of them assume `cc' if CC is not set. The
documentation in `BlankForm' has been updated and
documentation in the other files refer to `BlankForm'.
The intel-osf1 uses LDFLAGS instead of LIBS to specify the extra
library search paths.
Simplified by grouping some dependency information together
more succinctly.
The tools Makefile.in has been modified to work with the
`h5toh4' and `testh5toh4' programs. Until Paul checks these
in you may have problems compiling. If so, just create files
h5toh4.c and testh5toh4.c that contain:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: not implemented\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
Removed definition for `ssize_t' since this is now handled by
configure in H5config.h with a #define.
./testpar/Makefile.in [NEW]
Added a makefile for parallel tests. As soon as we get this
working properly we can remove the other four makefiles in
that directory and maintain just one.
The chunk dimensions and total size is printed for chunked datasets.
Removed extra carriage-return characters inserted by a broken
OS :-)
Reformatted strange-looking comments.
Removed C++ comments.
Wrapped long lines.
Removed inclusion of private headers.
Changed `uint32' (originally `uint') to `unsigned' because
`int32' is not exported as part of the API.
Removed includes for <sys/types.h> and <sys/stat.h> since
they're already included by H5private.h. All system include
files should be included in H5private.h so we can wrap them
with appropriate feature macros.
Included header files like all other programs in that
Better type checking for `hsize_t' and `hssize_t'.