Removed "#ifndef H5_NO_DEPRECATED_SYMBOLS" in file space tests,
because the wrappers only use the latest functions now.
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Because H5Pset_file_space and H5Pget_file_space are deprecated, changed
to make wrappers for the new functions instead:
New wrappers in FileCreatPropList:
// Sets the strategy and the threshold value that the library will
// will employ in managing file space.
void setFileSpaceStrategy(H5F_fspace_strategy_t strategy, hbool_t persist, hsize_t threshold) const;
// Returns the strategy that the library uses in managing file space.
void getFileSpaceStrategy(H5F_fspace_strategy_t& strategy, hbool_t& persist, hsize_t& threshold) const;
// Sets the file space page size for paged aggregation.
void setFileSpacePagesize(hsize_t fsp_psize) const;
// Returns the threshold value that the library uses in tracking free
// space sections.
hsize_t getFileSpacePagesize() const;
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Deprecating versions of PropList::setProperty that have arguments that
miss "const"
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (jelly)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
* commit '98090fe3b08a0ff85ae9bc93218a14017a6f37fe':
Purpose: Add new C++ wrappers Description: Added wrappers for H5Iis_valid, H5Ps/get_nlinks, H5Tget_create_plist, H5Oopen, H5Oclose and H5Pset_virtual
Added wrappers for H5Iis_valid, H5Ps/get_nlinks, H5Tget_create_plist,
H5Oopen, H5Oclose and H5Pset_virtual
// Checks if the given ID is valid.
static bool isValid(hid_t an_id);
// Sets the number of soft or user-defined links that can be
// traversed before a failure occurs.
void setNumLinks(size_t nlinks) const;
// Gets the number of soft or user-defined link traversals allowed
size_t getNumLinks() const;
// Returns a copy of the creation property list of a datatype.
PropList getCreatePlist() const;
// Opens an object within a group or a file, i.e., root group.
hid_t getObjId(const char* name,...);
hid_t getObjId(const H5std_string& name,...);
// Closes an object opened by getObjId().
void closeObjId(hid_t obj_id) const;
// Maps elements of a virtual dataset to elements of the source dataset.
void setVirtual(const DataSpace& vspace, const char *src_fname,...);
void setVirtual(const DataSpace& vspace, const H5std_string src_fname,...);
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Added wrappers for H5Fget_info2, H5Inmembers, and H5Itype_exists
// Gets general information about this file.
void getFileInfo(H5F_info2_t& file_info) const;
// Returns the number of members in a type.
static hsize_t getNumMembers(H5I_type_t type);
// Determines if an element type exists.
static bool typeExists(H5I_type_t type);
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (jelly)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Added wrappers for H5Pset_file_space and H5Pget_file_space
// Sets the strategy and the threshold value that the library will
// will employ in managing file space.
void setFileSpace(H5F_file_space_type_t strategy, hsize_t threshold) const;
// Returns the strategy that the library uses in managing file space.
H5F_file_space_type_t getFileSpaceStrategy() const;
// Returns the threshold value that the library uses in tracking free
// space sections.
hsize_t getFileSpaceThreshold() const;
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (jelly)
Darwin (osx1010test)
* commit 'bd85e57904f1f943774bb99ea5e8b0d074db0edb':
tools/test/h5diff/ Add code to delete copies of test .h5 files copied from tools/testfiles/vds to tools/test/h5diff/testfiles when running "make check" for an in-source build.
Add code to delete copies of test .h5 files copied from
tools/testfiles/vds to tools/test/h5diff/testfiles when running
"make check" for an in-source build.
Change the name of the temporary test directory from "testfiles"
which is also used for 2 h5mkgrp test files under source control to
"testrepart" to avoid deleting source controlled files when running
"make check" in the source directory.
Fix test scripts that remove source-controlled files during "make check" when run in-source.
Fix test scripts that don't remove test files because they add files to test directories but don't remove them if the build directories are the same as the source directory.
Fix any test source file or files for tests that leave data files are removed by neither "make check" nor "make distclean".
Added more tests for the new constructors that replaced openXxxType()
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Added wrappers H5Location::exists() for H5Lexists.
Added wrapper H5Object::objVersion() to return the header version
of an HDF5 object.
Added new class LinkAccPropList to be used by H5Location::exists()
Added new exception: ObjHeaderIException for H5Object::objVersion()
Rearranged source files in
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
When adding wrappers for H5Lexists, a new class, LinkAccPropList, was
added to the C++ API, triggered complicated circular dependencies. Thus,
some improvement was made to resolve the problems.
- Replaced existing functions openXxxType with individual type constructors
+ Added individual XxxType constructors to replace the existing functions
openXxxType because it's rather awkward to use these functions.
+ Moved openXxxType from H5Location back to CommonFG
+ Put back CommonFG as a baseclass of Group for openXxxType functions.
+ This replacement should improve usability and prevent the problem of
circular dependencies.
- Removed overloaded constructor that takes an Attribute when there is
already one that takes H5Location because Attribute inherits from
H5Location now.
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Linux/64 (platypus)
- In the test for HDFFV-9758, a pragma pack(1) caused failure on Emu
because Sparc cannot access misaligned data. Changed it to pack() to
do the default alignment.
- Added DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS blocks to private elements to prevent
warnings from doxygen.
Platforms tested:
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Removed obsolet macros from C++ API:
H5_NO_NAMESPACE, H5_NO_STD, __cplusplus
Leave OLD_HEADER_FILENAME because iostream.h might still be in use,
until further checking is done.
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Fixed typo that caused daily test failed when --enable-deprecated-symbols
is used. Also, removed a commented-out function.
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus) with --enable-deprecated-symbols
Revised class brief description and other comments for up-to-date info.
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Adding user's test revealed a flaw in the fix.
Moved CommonFG's functions in Group to H5Location, so that they
could be called by objects that can be used to specify a location
Also, rearranged many "#include" header files to resolve conflicts.
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
- Used FP_EPSILON in comparing float values to verify read data
- Casted C macro to fix mismatched types in verify_val calls
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Continued rearranging the classes to model the relationship of HDF5
objects more accurately. The changes included:
- in the baseclass list of Attribute, changed "public IdComponent" to
"public H5Location", because location sometime can be specified with
- moved H5A wrappers in H5Location to H5Object because H5A functions
can't be called on attribute id
- removed the stubs Attribute::iterateAttrs and Attribute::renameAttr
- removed Attribute::getFileName and Attribute::flush, because
H5Location has them
- result of the modified partial class diagram, regarding Attribute
H5Location AbstractDs
/ \ /
H5Object Attribute
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Rearranged the classes to model the relationship of HDF5 objects more
accurately. The changes included:
- moved CommonFG's methods to Group
- removed CommonFG from Group's base class list
- removed CommonFG from H5File's base class list and changed
"public H5Location" to "public Group" in the base class list
- CommonFG became unused
- result of the modified partial class diagram:
/ / \
DadaType Group DataSet
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
Removed deprecated functions in previous releases due to missing const.
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)
- Added "const" to arguments that should be const
- Added "const" to const functions, i.e., function that don't change
the objects they operate on.
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Darwin (osx1010test)