Bug fix (#56)
h52gif creash for data > 1 byt
check datatype and return with error message if not 1 byte int
Platforms tested:
Misc. update:
user reported a bug on h5 to gif tool
h5 to gif did not read an HDF5 image correctly
updated the program so that it reads the updated HDF5 image format to the latest specification
the debug version of MSVC was giving a failure on the write of the GIF file,
regarding the GIF file pointer
this write error is eliminated declaring that pointer a global variable
there is still an applicattion error on the exit of the program, only on the debug version of MSVC
Platforms tested:
Code cleanups, mostly..
Work on pacifying the SGI compiler to get the generic properties working
correctly with --enable-parallel and --enable-fortran. It's not quite
fixed yet, but I need to head home and these patches help... :-/
Platforms tested:
IRIX64 6.5 (modi4)
Reformatted the code so that it's much clearer and conforms to the
HDF5 coding standards. Changed the function headers to use the ANSI
style instead of the KnR style. Kept the use of typedef's such as
"unsigned char" being "BYTE" and so on since of of this code is
copied from some other place and that's the style they use...I didn't
want to break things.
Platforms tested:
It compiles fine on Linux, but there aren't any tests for this
package, so...
Bug fix
One of the function calls (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims) used parameter with
the wrong type. That caused compilation errors on T3E.
Used NULL since that argument is optional and was never used.
Platforms tested:
T3E(mcurie) and IRIX64 (modi4)
Adding new feature
Added gif2h5 and h52gif conversion utilities
The utilites follow the framework built for the gif2hdf and hdf2gif
utilities for hdf4. The main files modified were those that read the
H5 file and those that write H5 file. In the future, if you wish to
continue with the framework and extend it to .png or some other fileformat
the main files to edit will be the gif reader and writer.
One point to note with h52gif. You have to specify the exact location of
the image and the palette that it links to. You can choose not to specify
a palette (uniform grayscale chosen in this case) but you must specify
image location. In the future, someone could edit the readhdf.c source
to enable the reader to parse the hdf file and select all images with
corresponding palettes.
Platforms tested:
modi4 , eirene , hawkwind , arabica , Ren (NT 4.0) , Personal box (win2k)