Renamed old "HDF5 User's Guide" as "HDF5 User's Guide, Release 1.4.5".
Added navigation bar link to new user's guide on HDF server.
Changed release tag line (in old UG only) back to
"Describes HDF5 Release 1.4.5, February 200 3"
Platforms tested:
IE 5
Add short copyright notice.
Update release tag line.
Added short copyright notice as comment in source files;
does not display in browser.
Updated release tag line in footers to read as follows:
Describes HDF5 Release 1.6.0, July 2003
Platforms tested:
IE 5
DreamWeaver (DW) adaptation of the HDF5 doc set, introducing the use of
stylesheets and DW libraries.
Stylesheets -- for consistent format management.
DW libraries -- for managing common elements across documents.
Platforms tested:
IE 5 and 6
Bringing 'last minute' release branch edits into development branch.
Chunking.html, Filters.html, and Performance.html
Added links, with explanatory note, from the first 2 files above
to the new freespace management section in Performance.html.
Platforms tested:
IE 5
Checking in MountingFiles.html and Performance.html.
These documents were originally created in 1.2 branch and never
checked in to the development branch.
Platforms tested:
IE 5