The H5F_ACC_DEBUG symbol remains but has been defined to zero and
has been listed as deprecated.
Fixes: HDFFV-1074
Tested on:
32-bit Linux w/ C++ and Fortran and multi VFD
32-bit Linux w/ C++ and Fortran and multi VFD (no deprec symbols)
The error is that $EXAMPLETOPDIR is used without setting a value first.
Solution is to set them with the proper values.
Tested: jam only to confirm the error no longer exists.
Address HDFFV-9010: configure issue with gcc 4.9.2 "-l ".
Change default to disable_shared on CYGWIN.
Update for changed default and no CYGWIN szip binary.
AddressHDFFV-9010: Add cpp_doc_config to h5vers
Tested with h5committest, on CYGWIN.
- In DataType::DataType(const PredType& pred_type), using DataType::copy
will invoke DataType::close() unnecessarily, which will produce undefined
behavior. Changed to call H5Tcopy directly, code reuse is not useful in
this case.
- Also, fixed CommonFG::childObjVersion to return expected value outside of
an if/else block.
Platforms tested:
Linux/ppc64 (ostrich)
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
- Put back the UNUSED parameters in dsets test because the change to remove
the warning last time caused failure in setting filter, in turn, caused
failure in the test with such obscure/unrelated errors!
- Added incRefCount() to other constructors that missed from last time.
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
Per user Jason Newton request, the following constructor is added:
H5File(hid_t existing_id);
Also, fixed H5File::openFile to close current file first before re-using
the object.
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam gnu and Intel 15.0)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
When copy constructor or constructor that takes an existing id is invoked,
the C ref counter stays the same but there is an extra C++ object which
later is destroyed and may cause the HDF5 id to be closed prematurely. The
C++ library needs to increment the ref counter in these situations, so that
the C library will not close the id when it is still being referenced.
However, the incrementing of ref count left some objects opened at the end
of the program, perhaps, due to compiler's optimization on cons/destructors. The constructor, that takes an existing id, needs to increment the counter
but it seems that the matching destructor wasn't invoked. The workaround
is to have a function for each class that has "id" that only sets the id
and not increment the ref count for the library to use in these situations.
These functions are "friend" and not public.
The friend functions are:
void f_Attribute_setId(Attribute *, hid_t)
void f_DataSet_setId(DataSet *, hid_t)
void f_DataSpace_setId(DataSpace *, hid_t)
void f_DataType_setId(DataType *, hid_t)
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam gnu and Intel 15.0)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
Added wrappers for C functions H5P[s/g]et_libver_bounds and wrappers
for getting object header version
// Sets bounds on versions of library format to be used when creating
// or writing objects.
void setLibverBounds(H5F_libver_t libver_low, H5F_libver_t libver_high) const;
// Gets the current settings for the library version format bounds.
void getLibverBounds(H5F_libver_t& libver_low, H5F_libver_t& libver_high) const;
// Returns the object header version of an object in a file or group,
// given the object's name.
unsigned childObjVersion(const char* objname) const;
unsigned childObjVersion(const H5std_string& objname) const;
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6
SunOS 5.11
- Changed DataType::operator= to simply copy the id of rhs instead of
calling H5Tcopy because, when the operator= is invoked, a different
datatype id is created and it won't have the same characteristics as
rhs', specifically, if the rhs represents a named datatype, "this"
would still be a transient datatype.
- Added a DataType constructor that takes a PredType object, and this
constructor will cause H5Tcopy to generate another datatype id, from a
predefined datatype.
- Fixed various mistakes in tests.
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam/gnu and jam/icc 15)
SunOS 5.11 (emu development/production)
The following two constructors of classes: AbstractDs, IdComponent,
H5Location, and H5Object are no longer appropriate after the data member
"id" had been moved from IdComponent to the sub-classes.
The copy constructors are noop and will be generated by the compilers if
needed so they can be removed in 1.8.15 without effecting applications. The
other constructors will be removed from 1.10 release, and then from 1.8 if
their removal does not raise any problems in at least two 1.10 releases.
<Classname>(const hid_t h5_id);
<Classname>(const <Classname>& original);
Deprecation warnings are added to each of these classes.
The other classes are changed to call the default constructor instead of
one of the constructors above.
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
Fixed base classes that were in wrong order on the prototype lines and
some misc. warnings.
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
Parameter had the same name as the class' member's. Replaced parameter
with a different name.
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
Missing initializing one of the base classes in multiple inheritance.
Added CommonFG() to constructors' prototype.
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (platypus)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
This was due to a removed AM_CONDITIONAL macro in
The CXX_SHARED_CONDITIONAL code was removed from the
files. Additionally, the C++ shared library build settings field in
libhdf5.settings file was updated.
Tested on: local linux VM w/ C++
--enable-shared --enable-static
--enable-shared --disable-static
--disable-shared --enable-static
Removed the configure option that allows selective disabling of individual
internal filters (fletcher32, shuffle, etc.).
This feature mucked up the code with a lot of #ifdefs, saved very little space,
and was not scalable to a general scheme for library size reduction. We've
decided to remove the feature while we investigate a more general scheme for
decreasing the library size.
Part of: HDFFV-9086
Tested on: h5committest
- Remove Infering parallel compilers (C and Fortran) from
- Remove restriction to build shared with parallel
- Cleanup parallel sections in
- remove large file support checks
- MPE fixes.
tested with h5committest.
Developers will now have to run bin/reconfigure (deprecated, will be removed
soon) or after checking out code.
Part of: HDFFV-9120
Tested on: jam with Fortran and C++
Changed all the instances of AC_TRY_RUN for the Fortran and C++ tests to use
AC_COMPILE_IFELSE and moved all the tests to new files in m4 directory:
aclocal_cxx.m4 (for C++ tests)
aclocal_fc.m4 (for Fortran tests)
tested: jam
Added notes regarding UTF-8 and extended ASCII, provided in HDFFV-8899,
to C++ API.
Platforms tested:
Linux/32 2.6 (jam) - only in comments
Removed the try/block with new/bad_alloc that were unintentionally
committed previously.
Platforms tested:
Linux/ppc64 (ostrich)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
Followed hints on the JIRA issue to remove several potential memory
Platforms tested:
Linux/ppc64 (ostrich)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
- Used H5I_INVALID_HID instead of 0 to initialized member "id" in classes
that represent HDF5 objects. For PropList, H5P_DEFAULT has to be used
instead of H5I_INVALID_HID.
- Added try/catch block to some dynamically allocating memory code and
re-throw the bad_alloc exception with a message informing the location of
the failure.
Platforms tested:
Linux/ppc64 (ostrich)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
H5F_ACC_CREAT was included in the C++ API while the C library doesn't
allow it yet. Possibly, in the future, but not now. In addition, the
two flags H5F_ACC_RDONLY and H5F_ACC_RDWR were missing from the
documentation, causing confusion that appending is not supported.
- Removed H5F_ACC_CREAT from the function until the C library support it
- Added H5F_ACC_RDONLY and H5F_ACC_RDWR to the comments to update the
Platforms tested:
Linux/ppc64 (ostrich)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
Set OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to cpplus_RM and HTML_OUTPUT to '.' because
they were reset by accident causing "bin/release doc" to fail.
Ran bin/release to verify the failure was gone.
Made printError() virtual as the original; missed it from the previous fix.
Platforms tested:
Linux/ppc64 (ostrich)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)
ib files. The fix also removed dependencies on libhdf5, etc. when the --disable-sharedlib-rpath co
nfigure option was invoked.
Added instead configure variable hardcode_into_lib=no. This removes rpath from lib files on Linux
and solaris machines.
Tested with h5committest on jam, koala, ostrich and platypus (cmake), and with configure option --disable-sharedlib-rpath on emu, platypus and quail.
- Put back Exception::printError for backward compatibility
- Added static member function Exception::printErrorStack to print
error stack without an instance of Exception.
Platforms tested:
Linux/ppc64 (ostrich)
Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
SunOS 5.11 (emu)