Labelled all files in hdf5/doc/src/ as "do not distribute."
Added hdf5/doc/html/DDL.html, but labelled as "do not distribute."
New User Guide documents.
RM_H5I.html Identifier Interface
RM_H5R.html Reference Interface
Created these two sections of Reference Manual.
Major rewrite to Groups section. New Example 7 (groups).
Added TOC and requisite links.
Numbered sections.
Labelled figures and centered those that were not.
Fixed table formatting.
User Guide
Linked in Chunking.html.
Linked in References.html.
Linked in DDL.html.
Minor edits.
New documents.
Added "R Reference" to base name description and
"H5T_STD_ROBJ -- Reference to an entire object
in a file" to list of datatype names.
Added scope parameter.
Removed references to "current working group."
Removed H5Gpush, H5Gpop, and H5Gset functions.
Removed note that H5Glink and H5Gunlink were not implemented.
Reference Manual
RM_*.html and Tools.html
Updated Reference Manual internal cross-linking (the link
banner at the top and bottom of each page).
Returns SUCCEED (0) if successful;
otherwise FAIL (-1).
to read
Returns a non-negative value if successful;
otherwise returns a negative value.
and several derived changes where circumstances differred
only slightly.
Minor copy edits throughout.
Corrected H5open "Purpose" statement.
Changed H5Aget_name return type to hssize_t.
Added scope parameter.
Added H5Freopen.
Reordered listing of interfaces to alphabetical order (H5,
H5A, H5D, ...)
Added H5I, H5R, and H5RA.
Edited "Description."
Added named datatype to list of valid values for loc_id.
RM_H5I.html Identifier Interface
New section.
Added H5Pset_fill_value and H5Pget_fill_value.
Several minor copy edits.
RM_H5R.html Reference Interface
New section.
Essentially a new section. It was in the tree previously,
but it did not actually have content.
Changed H5Sget_select_npoints return type to hssize_t.
Updated h5dump documentation.
./test/th5s.h5 [NEW]
Added a test to make sure that creating a data space with too
large a rank fails.
Added a test to make sure that reading a file that has a
dataset with a space with too large a rank fails. Actually,
this one is a little weird: the code that reads the data space
message assumes the space is scalar if the message cannot be
read. Fortunately the layout message fails also, preventing
the dataset from being opened. However, since the data type
message is still visible h5ls will report that the object is a
named data type.
./test/space_overflow.c [NEW]
This is the little program that makes the th5s.h5 file.
Updated trace info.
Added code to fail if the dimensionality is too large when
decoding a layout or simple data space message.
Redefined H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS in terms of H5S_MAX_RANK.
Check for ndims>H5S_MAX_RANK in API function calls, added
assert to internal functions.
Changed a `<' to an `<=' in an assert.
Includes stdlib.h for getenv().
Able to handle up to H5S_MAX_RANK dimensions during output.
./test/flush1.c [NEW]
./test/flush2.c [NEW]
Test to see if calling H5Fflush() results in a consistent
Changed comparisons against SUCCEED and FAIL to >=0 and <0 in
about 15 places.
Removed ^M from the end of lines inserted on broken OS's ;-)
Changed c++ comments to c comments.
Added tracing macros.
Use all.dsw and allexamples.dsw. Will build all the projects. 2 errors
are expected for each at the end of compilation since all and allexamples
are not creating any executables or libraries of their own.
changes - all changes surrounded by a #if defined(WIN32)
defined __undef__ to be equal to nothing, changed long long to __int64
removed body of H5TimerBegin, defined F_OK,R_OK,W_OK, some other
changes involving header files.
./doc/html/study.html [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_1000x1000.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_250x250.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_499x499.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_5000x1000.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_500x500.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_p1.gif [DELETED]
./doc/html/study_p1.obj [DELETED]
Removed these old files -- the data was from before the chunk
cache was implemented and therefore the whole file was pretty
much garbage.
./doc/html/Chunking.html [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f1.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f1.obj [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f2.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f2.obj [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f3.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f4.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f5.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f6.gif [NEW]
./doc/html/Chunk_f6.obj [NEW]
New documentation for chunking. It's not quite complete but
it gives a pretty good idea of some of the issues affecting
Changed H5Sget_space_type to H5Sget_simple_extent_type.
Changed H5Sget_simple_extent_type FAIL return value to
H5Fflush. Corrected function name in sytax line, which
had read H5Fis_hdf.
Removed discussion of "current working group" and associated
information from the introductory discussion.
H5Gset, H5Gpush, H5Gpop
Removed these functions.
H5Gunlink, H5Gmove
Removed the "not yet implemented" notations from
these functions.
If we ran out of object ID's (which happens after about 67
million requests) then we'd wrap back to the first possible ID
but if we ran out a second time (after ~134 million requests)
then H5I_register() failed. Now it continues to wrap as often
as needed.
If we wrapped to the beginning of the possible ID's and then
requested ID's till we got toward the end of the list then
H5I_register() failed if the last possible ID's were in use.
The new behavior is to try all possible ID's (not just higher
ID's) before giving up.