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synced 2025-03-19 16:50:46 +08:00
[svn-r13969] Description:
Initial checkin of API version macro generation script (bin/make_vers), along with configuration file (src/H5vers.txt) and generated header (src/H5version.h). Right now, no version macros are defined, since the main source code and tests need to be adjusted to pay attention to the macros defined. Also, fixed makefile for generating error header files when used with GNU make. Tested on: Mac OS X/32 10.4.10 (amazon) Linux/32 2.6 (chicago) Linux/64 2.6 (chicago2)
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
@ -414,6 +415,8 @@
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require 5.003;
# Global settings
# Max. library "index" (0 = v1.0, 1 = 1.2, etc)
$max_idx = 4;
# Min. supported previous library version "index" (0 = v1.0, 1 = 1.2, etc)
$min_sup_idx = 3;
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# Create public symbol version headers
# Read in the public symbol version description text file and create the
# appropriate headers needed by the library.
# Programmer: Quincey Koziol
# Creation Date: 2007/07/10
# Print the copyright into an open file
sub print_copyright ($) {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n";
print $fh " * Copyright by The HDF Group. *\n";
print $fh " * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *\n";
print $fh " * All rights reserved. *\n";
print $fh " * *\n";
print $fh " * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *\n";
print $fh " * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *\n";
print $fh " * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *\n";
print $fh " * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *\n";
print $fh " * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *\n";
print $fh " * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *\n";
print $fh " * http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *\n";
print $fh " * access to either file, you may request a copy from help\@hdfgroup.org. *\n";
print $fh " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */\n";
# Print the "do not change this file" warning
sub print_warning ($) {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "\n/* Generated automatically by bin/make_vers -- do not edit */\n";
print $fh "/* Add new versioned symbols to H5vers.txt file */\n\n";
# Print start of ifdef's to prevent a file from being re-included
sub print_startprotect ($$) {
my ($fh, $file) = @_;
# Clip off the ".h" part of the name
$file =~ s/(\w*)\.h/$1/;
# Print the ifdef info
print $fh "\n#ifndef _${file}_H\n";
print $fh "#define _${file}_H\n";
# Print check for conflicting version macro settings
sub print_checkoptions ($) {
my $fh = shift;
# Print the option checking
print $fh "\n/* Issue error if contradicting macros have been defined. */\n";
print $fh "#if defined(H5_USE_16_API) && defined(H5_WITHOUT_DEPRECATED_APIS)\n";
print $fh "#error \"Can't choose old API versions when deprecated APIs are disabled\"\n";
print $fh "#endif /* defined(H5_USE_16_API) && defined(H5_WITHOUT_DEPRECATED_APIS) */\n";
# Print "global" API version macro settings
sub print_globalapivers ($) {
my $fh = shift; # File handle for output file
my $curr_idx; # Current API version index
# Print the descriptive comment
print $fh "\n/* If a particular \"global\" version of the library's interfaces is chosen,\n";
print $fh " * set the versions for the API routines affected.\n";
print $fh " *\n";
print $fh " * Note: If an application has already chosen a particular version for an\n";
print $fh " * API routine, the individual API version macro takes priority.\n";
print $fh " */\n";
# Loop over supported older library APIs and define the appropriate macros
for $curr_idx ($min_sup_idx .. ($max_idx - 1)) {
# Print API version ifdef
print $fh "#ifdef H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API\n";
# Print the version macro info for each function that is defined for
# this API version
for $name (sort keys %{$api_vers[$curr_idx]}) {
print $fh "#if !defined(", $name, "_vers)\n";
print $fh "#define ", $name, "_vers $api_vers[$curr_idx]{$name}\n";
print $fh "#endif /* !defined(", $name, "_vers) */\n";
# Print API version endif
print $fh "#endif /* H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API */\n";
# Print "default" API version macro settings
sub print_defaultapivers ($) {
my $fh = shift; # File handle for output file
my $curr_name; # Current API function
# Print the descriptive comment
print $fh "\n/* Choose the correct version of each API routine, defaulting to the latest\n";
print $fh " * version of each API routine. The \"best\" name for API parameters/data\n";
print $fh " * structures that have changed definitions is also set. An error is\n";
print $fh " * issued for specifying an invalid API version.\n";
print $fh " */\n";
# Loop over function names that are versioned and set up the version macros
for $curr_name (sort keys %functions) {
my $curr_vers_name; # Name of version macro for current function
my $curr_vers; # Version of function
# Set up variables for later use
$curr_vers_name = $curr_name . "_vers";
$curr_vers = $functions{$curr_name};
# Set up default/latest version name mapping
print $fh "#if !defined($curr_vers_name) || $curr_vers_name == $curr_vers\n";
print $fh "#define $curr_name $curr_name$curr_vers\n";
# Loop to print earlier version name mappings
while($curr_vers > 0) {
print $fh "#elif $curr_vers_name == $curr_vers\n";
print $fh "#define $curr_name $curr_name$curr_vers\n";
# Finish up with error for unknown version and endif
print $fh "#else /* $curr_vers_name */\n";
print $fh "#error \"$curr_vers_name set to invalid value\"\n";
print $fh "#endif /* $curr_vers_name */\n\n";
# Print end of ifdef's to prevent a file from being re-included
sub print_endprotect ($$) {
my ($fh, $file) = @_;
# Clip off the ".h" part of the name
$file =~ s/(\w*)\.h/$1/;
# Print the endif info
print $fh "\n#endif /* ${file}_H */\n\n";
# Parse a meaningful line (not a comment or blank line) into the appropriate
# data structure
sub parse_line ($) {
my $line = shift; # Get the line to parse
# Parse API function lines
#print "line=$line\n";
if($line =~ /^\s*FUNCTION,/) {
my $name; # The name of the function
my $vers; # The version info for the function
my @vers_list; # Version info, as a list
my $num_versions; # Number of versions for function
my %func_versions; # Versions for a function
my $last_idx; # The previous version index seen for a function
my $last_vers; # The previous version # seen for a function
# Get the function's name & version info
($name, $vers) = ($line =~ /^\s*FUNCTION,\s*(\w*),\s*(.*?)\s*$/);
#print "FUNCTION: name='$name', vers='$vers'\n";
# Check if the name already exists in the list of functions
if(exists($functions{$name})) {
die "duplicated name: $name";
# Check for no version info given
if($vers eq "") {
die "no version information: $name";
# Split up version info
@vers_list = split(/\s*,\s*/, $vers);
#print "FUNCTION: vers_list=(@vers_list)\n";
# Check for invalid version info given
$last_idx = -1;
$last_vers = 1;
foreach(sort(@vers_list)) {
my $vers_idx; # Index of version in array
#print "FUNCTION: _=$_ last_idx='$last_idx'\n";
# Do some validation on the input
if(!($_ =~ /v1[02468]/)) {
die "bad version information: $name";
if(exists($func_versions{$_})) {
die "duplicate version information: $name";
# Store the versions for the function in a local hash table, indexed by the version
# Get the index of the version
($vers_idx) = ($_ =~ /v1(\d)/);
$vers_idx /= 2;
#print "FUNCTION: vers_idx='$vers_idx'\n";
# Update intermediate versions of the library that included the API routine
if($last_idx >= 0) {
#print "FUNCTION: last_idx='$last_idx'\n";
# Add the function to the list of API routines available in
# different versions of the library
while($last_idx < $vers_idx) {
$api_vers[$last_idx]{$name} = $last_vers;
# Increment the version # of the function
# Keep track of last version index seen
$last_idx = $vers_idx;
# Finish updating versions of the library that included the API routine
if($last_idx >= 0) {
#print "FUNCTION: max_idx='$max_idx'\n";
# Add the function to the list of API routines available in
# different versions of the library
while($last_idx <= $max_idx) {
$api_vers[$last_idx]{$name} = $last_vers;
# Store the number of function versions in a hash table, indexed by the name
$functions{$name} = $#vers_list + 1;
# Unknown keyword
else {
die "unknown keyword: $line";
# Create the generated portion of the public header file
sub create_public ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5version.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of function
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Read symbol version file (given as command-line argument) in and process it
# into internal data structures, then create header files.
for $file (@ARGV) {
my $prefix; # Local prefix for generated files
#print "file = '$file'\n";
($prefix) = ($file =~ /(^.*\/)/);
#print "prefix = '$prefix'\n";
# Read in the entire file
open SOURCE, $file or die "$file: $!\n";
while ( defined ($line=<SOURCE>) ) {
# Skip blank lines and those lines whose first character is a '#'
if(!($line =~ /(^\s*#.*$)|(^\s*$)/)) {
# Construct data structures for later printing
close SOURCE;
# Create header files
print "Generating 'H5version.h'\n";
#for $name (sort keys %functions) {
# print "functions{$name} = $functions{$name}\n";
#for $i (0 .. $#api_vers) {
# my $vers_name; # Name of indexed version
# $vers_name = "v1." . ($i * 2);
# print "$vers_name functions: ";
# for $name (sort keys %{$api_vers[$i]}) {
# print "$name$api_vers[$i]{$name} ";
# }
# print "\n";
@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
#include "H5pubconf.h" /*from configure */
/* API Version macro wrapper definitions */
#include "H5version.h"
#include <features.h> /*for setting POSIX, BSD, etc. compatibility */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# This file is used to generate the various headers that are needed for
# versioning the public symbols for the library.
# The bin/make_vers script reads in this file and creates the appropriate files
# in the src/ directory when the generated headers are out of date with respect
# to this file.
# Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored
# The format of this file is as follows:
# <type>, <base routine name>, <version introduced>, <list of revised versions>
# For example, the following sample input shows two functions with different
# API versions for each. The example below shows H5Gfoo being added to the
# library in the v1.0 branch and revised in the v1.4 and v1.8 branches (so
# there should be three versioned names for the routine: H5Gfoo1, H5Gfoo2 and
# H5Gfoo3). H5Gbar is shown as being added to the library in the v1.2 branch
# (so the "base" version of the API name wouldn't appear if the library
# was configured with the default API interface corresponding to v1.0) and
# revised in the v1.6 branch (so there should be two versioned names for the
# routine: H5Gbar1 and H5Gbar2).
# FUNCTION, H5Gfoo, v10, v14, v18
# FUNCTION, H5Gbar, v12, v16
# Programmer: Quincey Koziol
# Creation Date: 2007/07/10
# API function names
# (although not required, it's easier to compare this file with the headers
# generated if the list below is in alphanumeric sort order - QAK)
#FUNCTION, H5Gcreate, v10, v14, v18
#FUNCTION, H5Gopen, v12, v18
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *
* of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *
* root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *
* is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *
* http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *
* access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* Generated automatically by bin/make_vers -- do not edit */
/* Add new versioned symbols to H5vers.txt file */
#ifndef _H5version_H
#define _H5version_H
/* Issue error if contradicting macros have been defined. */
#if defined(H5_USE_16_API) && defined(H5_WITHOUT_DEPRECATED_APIS)
#error "Can't choose old API versions when deprecated APIs are disabled"
#endif /* defined(H5_USE_16_API) && defined(H5_WITHOUT_DEPRECATED_APIS) */
/* If a particular "global" version of the library's interfaces is chosen,
* set the versions for the API routines affected.
* Note: If an application has already chosen a particular version for an
* API routine, the individual API version macro takes priority.
#ifdef H5_USE_16_API
#endif /* H5_USE_16_API */
/* Choose the correct version of each API routine, defaulting to the latest
* version of each API routine. The "best" name for API parameters/data
* structures that have changed definitions is also set. An error is
* issued for specifying an invalid API version.
#endif /* H5version_H */
@ -89,29 +89,22 @@ libhdf5_la_SOURCES= H5.c H5checksum.c H5dbg.c H5system.c H5timer.c H5trace.c \
# Public headers
include_HEADERS =H5public.h H5Apublic.h H5ACpublic.h \
H5Cpublic.h H5Dpublic.h \
include_HEADERS = hdf5.h H5api_adpt.h H5pubconf.h H5public.h H5version.h \
H5Apublic.h H5ACpublic.h \
H5Cpublic.h H5Dpublic.h \
H5Epubgen.h H5Epublic.h H5Fpublic.h H5FDpublic.h H5FDcore.h H5FDdirect.h \
H5FDfamily.h H5FDlog.h H5FDmpi.h H5FDmpio.h H5FDmpiposix.h \
H5FDmulti.h H5FDsec2.h H5FDstdio.h H5FDstream.h \
H5Gpublic.h H5Ipublic.h H5Lpublic.h \
H5MMpublic.h H5Opublic.h H5Ppublic.h H5Rpublic.h H5Spublic.h \
H5Tpublic.h H5Zpublic.h H5pubconf.h hdf5.h H5api_adpt.h
H5Tpublic.h H5Zpublic.h
# install libhdf5.settings in lib directory
# Error header generation
# Actually, H5Einit.h, H5Eterm.h, H5Edefin.h and H5Epubgen.h all
# depend on H5err.txt, but the perl script generates them all, so just
# list one here.
$(top_srcdir)/src/H5Edefin.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/H5err.txt
perl $(top_srcdir)/bin/make_err $>
# Number format detection
# The LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting is a klutch.
# The LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting is a kludge.
# Things should have been all set during H5detect making.
# Remove the generated .c file if errors occur unless HDF5_Make_Ignore
# is set to ignore the error.
@ -122,6 +115,18 @@ H5Tinit.c: H5detect$(EXEEXT)
(test $$HDF5_Make_Ignore && echo "*** Error ignored") || \
($(RM) $@ ; exit 1)
# Error header generation
# Actually, H5Einit.h, H5Eterm.h, H5Edefin.h and H5Epubgen.h all
# depend on H5err.txt, but the perl script generates them all, so just
# list one here.
$(top_srcdir)/src/H5Edefin.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/H5err.txt
perl $(top_srcdir)/bin/make_err $?
# API version macro generation
$(top_srcdir)/src/H5version.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/H5vers.txt
perl $(top_srcdir)/bin/make_vers $?
# Add TRACE macros to library source files. This is done via the trace script
# in the hdf5/bin directory. If the file contains HDF5 API macros, a "clean"
# version of the source file is saved with a tilde (~) after its name and
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ libhdf5_la_SOURCES = H5.c H5checksum.c H5dbg.c H5system.c H5timer.c H5trace.c \
# Public headers
include_HEADERS = H5public.h H5Apublic.h H5ACpublic.h \
include_HEADERS = H5public.h H5version.h H5Apublic.h H5ACpublic.h \
H5Cpublic.h H5Dpublic.h \
H5Epubgen.h H5Epublic.h H5Fpublic.h H5FDpublic.h H5FDcore.h H5FDdirect.h \
H5FDfamily.h H5FDlog.h H5FDmpi.h H5FDmpio.h H5FDmpiposix.h \
@ -1062,13 +1062,18 @@ help:
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# API version macro generation
$(top_srcdir)/src/H5version.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/H5vers.txt
perl $(top_srcdir)/bin/make_vers $?
# Error header generation
# Actually, H5Einit.h, H5Eterm.h, H5Edefin.h and H5Epubgen.h all
# depend on H5err.txt, but the perl script generates them all, so just
# list one here.
$(top_srcdir)/src/H5Edefin.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/H5err.txt
perl $(top_srcdir)/bin/make_err $>
perl $(top_srcdir)/bin/make_err $?
# Number format detection
# The LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting is a klutch.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user