[svn-r13952] Purpose: Update Windows build scripts

I'm in the process of re-writing the Windows build scripts for Visual Studio .NET (and eventually VS2005).  These will be used with an autotest script, which is in the works.

VS.NET on WinXP, although probably still needs some work.
This commit is contained in:
Scott Wegner 2007-07-06 17:09:33 -05:00
parent 625e2f5047
commit 9db2bf9835
2 changed files with 310 additions and 239 deletions

View File

@ -1,38 +1,148 @@
@REM Copyright by The HDF Group.
@REM Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
@REM All rights reserved.
@REM This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
@REM terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
@REM the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
@REM of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
@REM root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
@REM is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
@REM http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
@REM access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
@rem Copyright by The HDF Group.
@rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
@rem All rights reserved.
@rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
@rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
@rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
@rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
@rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
@rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
@rem http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
@rem access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
@echo OFF
:: File Name: hdf5bt.bat
:: This batch file is used to build and test HDF5 Libraries and Tools.
:: There are currently only 2 options for this batch file:
:: hdf5bt /? -- Print a usage message and quit.
:: hdf5bt -- Build and test HDF5 tools and C/C++ libraries
:: By Xuan Bai
:: Created: Aug. 16, 2004
:: Last Updated: July 6, 2007
:: This batch file makes the following assumptions:
:: - Visual Studio .NET is installed, and VS71COMNTOOLS variable is set
:: - The directory structure is setup from a fresh source copy
:: - copy_hdf.bat has already been run from the ./windows directory
:: - Visual Studio already contains the required paths for external libraries
:: - szip and zlib DLLs are already placed in an accessible directory
:: - If HDF5_EXT_SZIP or HDF5_EXT_ZLIB are not set, then %SZIP_NAME% and %ZLIB_NAME%
:: will be used, respectively (defined in hdfbuild.BAT)
:: By default, only C and C++ libraries are built and tested.
if defined hdf5_debug echo ON
if "x%1"=="x" goto main
goto help
:: Print a help message
echo.Builds and tests HDF5 Libraries and Tools.
echo %0 [OPTION]
echo.Please use one of the following options!
echo. %0 Build and tests HDF5 C/C++ Library and Tools
echo. %0 /? Help information
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
@REM File Name: hdf5bt.bat
@REM This batch file is used to build and test HDF5 Libraries and Tools.
@REM There are 4 options for this batch file:
@REM 1. hdf5bt -- Build and test HDF5 tools and c library
@REM 2. hdf5bt enablecpp -- Build and test HDF5 tools and c/c++ library
@REM 3. hdf5bt enablefortran -- Build and test HDF5 tools and c/fortran library
@REM 4. hdf5bt enableall -- Build and test HDF5 tools and c/c++/fortran library
@REM By Xuan Bai
@REM Created: Aug. 16, 2004
@REM Last Updated: Aug. 19, 2004
:: This is where the magic happens
call :setup
type nul > hdf5_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> hdf5_results.txt
echo Build and Test HDF5 Library and Tools >> hdf5_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> hdf5_results.txt
echo.Build and testing all HDF5 libraries and tools
call hdf5build %1
more build_results.txt >> hdf5_results.txt
del build_results.txt
call hdf5check %1
more check_results.txt >> hdf5_results.txt
del check_results.txt
echo.***************************************************************************** >> %bt_results%
echo. Build and Test HDF5 Library and Tools >> %bt_results%
echo.***************************************************************************** >> %bt_results%
echo. >> %bt_results%
call :build
if errorlevel 1 (
echo.Error building HDF5 libraries!
goto error
call :test
if errorlevel 1 (
echo.Error testing HDF5 libraries!
goto error
echo. All HDF5 libraries and tools build and tested successfully!
echo. All HDF5 libraries and tools build and tested successfully! >> %build_results%
call :cleanup
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Setup our environment
:: Put us in the directory of the batch file.
pushd %~dp0
:: Constants
if "x%bt_results%"=="x" set bt_results="%CD%\bt_results.txt"
if "x%build_results%"=="x" set build_results="%CD%\build_results.txt"
:: Create our results file
type nul > %bt_results%
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Build HDF5 libraries and tools
call hdf5build.BAT
type %build_results% >> %bt_results%
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Test our libraries and tools
call hdf5check enablecpp
type check_results.txt >> %bt_results%
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Handle errors
:: For now, our error handling just consists of calling cleanup, and exiting
echo.hdf5bt failed.
echo.hdf5bt failed. >> %bt_results%
call :cleanup
set errorlevel=1
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Cleanup our environment
set bt_results=
set build_results=
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof

View File

@ -1,221 +1,182 @@
@REM Copyright by The HDF Group.
@REM Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
@REM All rights reserved.
@REM This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
@REM terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
@REM the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
@REM of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
@REM root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
@REM is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
@REM http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
@REM access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
@rem Copyright by The HDF Group.
@rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
@rem All rights reserved.
@rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
@rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
@rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
@rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
@rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
@rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
@rem http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
@rem access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
@REM File Name: hdf5build.bat
@REM This batch file is used to build HDF5 Libraries and Tools.
@REM There are 4 options for this batch file:
@REM 1. hdf5build -- Build HDF5 tools and c library
@REM 2. hdf5build enablecpp -- Build HDF5 tools and c/c++ library
@REM 3. hdf5build enablefortran -- Build HDF5 tools and c/fortran library
@REM 4. hdf5build enableall -- Build HDF5 tools and c/c++/fortran library
@REM By Xuan Bai
@REM Created: Aug. 16, 2004
@REM Last Updated: Oct. 6, 2004
@echo OFF
if %1.==. GOTO BUILDC
if "%1"=="/?" GOTO HELP
if %1==enablecpp GOTO BUILDCPP
if %1==enablefortran GOTO BUILDF90
if %1==enableall GOTO BUILDALL
:: File Name: hdf5build.bat
:: This batch file is used to build HDF5 Libraries and Tools.
:: There are currently only 2 options for this batch file:
:: 1. hdf5build -- Print a usage message and quit
:: 1. hdf5build -- Build HDF5 tools and c library
:: By Xuan Bai
:: Created: Aug. 16, 2004
:: Last Updated: July 7, 2007
type nul > build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Build H5Tinit.exe >> build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
:: This batch file makes the following assumptions:
:: - Visual Studio .NET is installed, and VS71COMNTOOLS variable is set
:: - The directory structure is setup from a fresh source copy
:: - copy_hdf.bat has already been run from the ./windows directory
:: - Visual Studio already contains the required paths for external libraries
:: - szip and zlib DLLs are already placed in an accessible directory
:: - If hdf5_ext_szip or hdf5_ext_zlib are not set, then %szip_name% and %zlib_name%
:: will be used, respectively.
cd windows\misc\typegen\h5tinit
msdev h5tinit.dsp /make "h5tinit - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\..\h5tinit.log
cd ..\..\..\..\
more h5tinit.log >> build_results.txt
del h5tinit.log
:: By default, only C and C++ libraries are built.
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Build HDF5 C Library and Tools >> build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
if defined hdf5_debug echo ON
cd src
h5tinit.exe > h5tinit.c
if "x%1"=="x" goto main
goto help
cd ..\windows\proj\all
msdev all.dsw /make "all - ALL" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\all.log
cd ..\..\..\
more all.log >> build_results.txt
del all.log
:: Print a help message
echo.Builds HDF5 Libraries and Tools.
echo %0 [OPTION]
echo.Please use one of the following options!
echo. %0 Build HDF5 C Library and Tools
echo. %0 /? Help information
goto :eof
type nul > build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Build H5Tinit.exe >> build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
cd windows\misc\typegen\h5tinit
msdev h5tinit.dsp /make "h5tinit - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\..\h5tinit.log
cd ..\..\..\..\
more h5tinit.log >> build_results.txt
del h5tinit.log
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Build HDF5 C/C++ Libraries and Tools >> build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
:: This is where the magic happens
cd src
h5tinit.exe > h5tinit.c
call :setup
cd ..\windows\proj\all
msdev all.dsw /make "hl_test_table_cpp - ALL" "hl_test_table_cppdll - ALL" "testhdf5_cppdll - ALL" "testhdf5_cpp - ALL" "dsets_cppdll - ALL" "dsets_cpp - ALL" "all - ALL" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\all.log
cd ..\..\..\
more all.log >> build_results.txt
del all.log
type nul > build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Build H5Tinit.exe >> build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
cd windows\misc\typegen\h5tinit
msdev h5tinit.dsp /make "h5tinit - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\..\h5tinit.log
cd ..\..\..\..\
more h5tinit.log >> build_results.txt
del h5tinit.log
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Generate H5f90i_gen.h and H5fortran_types.f90
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
REM Generate H5fortran_detect.f90
cd windows\misc\H5fortran_detect_gen
dfdev H5fortran_detect_gen.dsp /make "H5fortran_detect_gen - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\H5fortran_detect_gen.log
cd ..\..\..\fortran\src
H5fortran_detect_gen.exe > H5fortran_detect.f90
del H5fortran_detect_gen.exe
cd ..\..\
more H5fortran_detect_gen.log >> build_results.txt
del H5fortran_detect_gen.log
REM Generate H5fort_type_defines.h
cd windows\misc\fortrantypegen
dfdev H5fortran_detect.dsp /make "H5fortran_detect - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\H5fortran_detect.log
cd ..\..\..\fortran\src
H5fortran_detect.exe > H5fort_type_defines.h
del H5fortran_detect.exe
cd ..\..\
more H5fortran_detect.log >> build_results.txt
del H5fortran_detect.log
REM Generate H5f90i_gen.h and H5fortran_types.f90
cd windows\misc\matchtypegen
dfdev H5match_types.dsp /make "H5match_types - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\H5match_types.log
cd ..\..\..\fortran\src
del H5match_types.exe
cd ..\..\
more H5match_types.log >> build_results.txt
del H5match_types.log
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Build HDF5 C/Fortran Libraries and Tools >> build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
cd src
h5tinit.exe > h5tinit.c
cd ..\windows\proj\all
msdev all.dsw /make "hl_test_image_fortrandll - ALL" "hl_test_lite_fortrandll - ALL" "hl_test_table_fortrandll - ALL" "hl_test_image_fortran - ALL" "hl_test_lite_fortran - ALL" "hl_test_table_fortran - ALL" "testhdf5_fortrandll - ALL" "testhdf5_fortran - ALL" "flush2_fortrandll - ALL" "flush2_fortran - ALL" "flush1_fortrandll - ALL" "flush1_fortran - ALL" "all - ALL" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\all.log
cd ..\..\..\
more all.log >> build_results.txt
del all.log
type nul > build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Build H5Tinit.exe >> build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
cd windows\misc\typegen\h5tinit
msdev h5tinit.dsp /make "h5tinit - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\..\h5tinit.log
cd ..\..\..\..\
more h5tinit.log >> build_results.txt
del h5tinit.log
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Generate H5f90i_gen.h and H5fortran_types.f90
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
REM Generate H5fortran_detect.f90
cd windows\misc\H5fortran_detect_gen
dfdev H5fortran_detect_gen.dsp /make "H5fortran_detect_gen - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\H5fortran_detect_gen.log
cd ..\..\..\fortran\src
H5fortran_detect_gen.exe > H5fortran_detect.f90
del H5fortran_detect_gen.exe
cd ..\..\
more H5fortran_detect_gen.log >> build_results.txt
del H5fortran_detect_gen.log
REM Generate H5fort_type_defines.h
cd windows\misc\fortrantypegen
dfdev H5fortran_detect.dsp /make "H5fortran_detect - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\H5fortran_detect.log
cd ..\..\..\fortran\src
H5fortran_detect.exe > H5fort_type_defines.h
del H5fortran_detect.exe
cd ..\..\
more H5fortran_detect.log >> build_results.txt
del H5fortran_detect.log
REM Generate H5f90i_gen.h and H5fortran_types.f90
cd windows\misc\matchtypegen
dfdev H5match_types.dsp /make "H5match_types - Win32 Debug" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\H5match_types.log
cd ..\..\..\fortran\src
del H5match_types.exe
cd ..\..\
more H5match_types.log >> build_results.txt
del H5match_types.log
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
echo Build HDF5 C/C++/Fortran Libraries and Tools >> build_results.txt
echo ***************************************************************************** >> build_results.txt
cd src
h5tinit.exe > h5tinit.c
cd ..\windows\proj\all
msdev all.dsw /make "hl_test_image_fortrandll - ALL" "hl_test_lite_fortrandll - ALL" "hl_test_table_fortrandll - ALL" "hl_test_image_fortran - ALL" "hl_test_lite_fortran - ALL" "hl_test_table_fortran - ALL" "testhdf5_fortrandll - ALL" "testhdf5_fortran - ALL" "flush2_fortrandll - ALL" "flush2_fortran - ALL" "flush1_fortrandll - ALL" "flush1_fortran - ALL" "testhdf5_cppdll - ALL" "testhdf5_cpp - ALL" "dsets_cppdll - ALL" "dsets_cpp - ALL" "hl_test_table_cpp - ALL" "hl_test_table_cppdll - ALL" "all - ALL" /Rebuild /out ..\..\..\all.log
cd ..\..\..\
more all.log >> build_results.txt
del all.log
echo The syntax of the command is incorrect.
echo.Building HDF5 Libraries and Tools
echo Builds HDF5 Libraries and Tools.
echo hdf5build [OPTION]
echo Please use one of the following options!
echo hdf5build Build HDF5 C Library and Tools
echo hdf5build enablecpp Build HDF5 C/C++ Libraries and Tools
echo hdf5build enablefortran Build HDF5 C/Fortran Libraries and Tools
echo hdf5build enableall Build HDF5 C/C++/Fortran Libraries and Tools
echo hdf5build /? Help information
echo.***************************************************************************** >> %build_results%
echo. Build HDF5 Libraries and Tools >> %build_results%
echo.***************************************************************************** >> %build_results%
echo. >> %build_results%
call :h5tinit
if errorlevel 1 (
echo. Error building h5tinit!
echo. Error building h5tinit! >> %build_results%
goto error
call :all
if errorlevel 1 (
echo. Error building HDF5 libraries!
echo. Error building HDF5 libraries! >> %build_results%
goto error
echo. All HDF5 libraries and tools build successfully!
echo. All HDF5 libraries and tools build successfully! >> %build_results%
call :cleanup
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Setup our environment
echo. Setting up environment >> %build_results%
:: Put us in the directory of the batch file.
pushd %~dp0
:: Constants
if "x%zlib_name%"=="x" set zlib_name=zdll.lib
if "x%szip_name%"=="x" set szip_name=szlibdll.lib
if "x%build_results%"=="x" set build_results="%CD%\build_results.txt"
:: Create our results file
type nul > %build_results%
:: Set external libraries if they aren't already set
if x%hdf5_ext_zlib%==x set hdf5_ext_zlib=%zlib_name%
if x%hdf5_ext_szip%==x set hdf5_ext_szip=%szip_name%
:: By default, use the Visual Studio .NET environment
call "%vs71comntools%\vsvars32.bat" >> %build_results%
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Build H5tinit.exe and generate h4tinit.c
echo. Generating H5tint.c
echo.***************************************************************************** >> %build_results%
echo. Build H5Tinit.exe >> %build_results%
echo.***************************************************************************** >> %build_results%
echo. >> %build_results%
devenv .\windows\misc\typegen\typegen.sln /rebuild Debug >> %build_results% 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
:: Use output to generate h5tinit.c
.\src\h5tinit.exe > .\src\h5tinit.c
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Build the HDF5 libraries. By default, C and C++ libraries are built.
echo. Building HDF5
echo.***************************************************************************** >> %build_results%
echo. Build HDF5 C Library and Tools >> %build_results%
echo.***************************************************************************** >> %build_results%
echo. >> %build_results%
:: Build both debug and release versions
for %%a in (debug release) DO (
echo. Building %%a libraries...
echo. Building %%a libraries... >> %build_results%
devenv .\windows\proj\all\all.sln /rebuild %%a >> %build_results% 2>%1
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Handle errors
:: For now, our error handling just consists of calling cleanup, and setting errorlevel
echo.HDF5 build failed.
echo.HDF5 build failed. >> %build_results%
call :cleanup
set errorlevel=1
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof
:: Cleanup our environment
set zlib_name=
set szip_name=
set build_results=
if defined hdf5_debug pause
goto :eof