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synced 2025-02-11 16:01:00 +08:00
[svn-r4699] Purpose:
Bug fixes, feature, ... Description: Now it can do raw write. Platforms tested: modi4(pp), eirene (pp)
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,9 +30,7 @@
/* Macro definitions */
/* sizes of various items. these sizes won't change during program execution */
#define BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 1024) /* 1M buffer size */
#define ELMT_SIZE sizeof(int) /* we're doing ints */
#define GOTOERROR(errcode) { ret_code = errcode; goto done; }
#define GOTODONE { goto done; }
@ -123,17 +121,17 @@ typedef union _file_descr {
/* local functions */
static char *pio_create_filename(iotype iot, const char *base_name,
char *fullname, size_t size);
static herr_t do_write(file_descr fd, iotype iot, long ndsets,
long nelmts, hid_t h5dset_space_id, char *buffer);
static herr_t do_write(file_descr *fd, iotype iot, long ndsets,
long nelmts, long buf_size, char *buffer, MPI_Comm comm);
static herr_t do_fopen(iotype iot, char *fname, file_descr *fd /*out*/,
int flags, MPI_Comm comm);
static herr_t do_fclose(iotype iot, file_descr fd);
static herr_t do_fclose(iotype iot, file_descr *fd);
do_pio(parameters param)
/* return codes */
herr_t rc; /*routine return code */
int rc; /*routine return code */
int mrc; /*MPI return code */
herr_t ret_code = 0; /*return code */
results res;
@ -147,15 +145,13 @@ do_pio(parameters param)
int niters;
int color; /*for communicator creation */
char *buffer = NULL; /*data buffer pointer */
long buf_size; /*data buffer size in bytes */
/* HDF5 variables */
herr_t hrc; /*HDF5 return code */
hsize_t h5dims[1]; /*dataset dim sizes */
hid_t h5dset_space_id = -1; /*dataset space ID */
hid_t h5mem_space_id = -1; /*memory dataspace ID */
/* MPI variables */
MPI_Comm comm;
MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
int myrank, nprocs = 1;
/* Sanity check parameters */
@ -165,13 +161,15 @@ do_pio(parameters param)
switch (iot) {
case MPIO:
fd.mpifd = MPI_FILE_NULL;
res.timers = pio_time_new(MPI_TIMER);
case RAW:
fd.rawfd = -1;
res.timers = pio_time_new(SYS_TIMER);
case PHDF5:
fd.h5fd = -1;
res.timers = pio_time_new(SYS_TIMER);
@ -186,17 +184,18 @@ do_pio(parameters param)
nelmts = param.num_elmts; /* number of elements per dataset */
niters = param.num_iters; /* number of iterations of reads/writes */
maxprocs = param.max_num_procs; /* max number of mpi-processes to use */
buf_size = param.buf_size;
if (nelmts <= 0 ) {
"number of elements per dataset must be > 0 (%lu)\n",
"number of elements per dataset must be > 0 (%ld)\n",
if (maxprocs <= 0 ) {
"maximum number of process to use must be > 0 (%u)\n",
"maximum number of process to use must be > 0 (%d)\n",
@ -210,6 +209,22 @@ do_pio(parameters param)
if (buf_size <= 0 ){
"buffer size must be > 0 (%ld)\n", buf_size);
/* DEBUG*/
fprintf(stderr, "nfiles=%d\n", nfiles);
fprintf(stderr, "ndsets=%ld\n", ndsets);
fprintf(stderr, "nelmts=%ld\n", nelmts);
fprintf(stderr, "niters=%d\n", niters);
fprintf(stderr, "maxprocs=%d\n", maxprocs);
fprintf(stderr, "buffer size=%ld\n", buf_size);
/* nfiles=3; */
/*ndsets=5; */
/* Create a sub communicator for this run. Easier to use the first N
* processes. */
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
@ -232,100 +247,90 @@ do_pio(parameters param)
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myrank);
/* allocate data buffer */
buffer = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
buffer = malloc(buf_size);
if (buffer == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "malloc for data buffer failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, "malloc for data buffer size (%ld) failed\n",
/* hdf5 dataset setup */
if (iot == PHDF5){
/* define a contiquous dataset of nelmts native ints */
h5dims[0] = nelmts;
h5dset_space_id = H5Screate_simple(1, h5dims, NULL);
VRFY((h5dset_space_id >= 0), "H5Screate_simple");
/* create the memory dataspace */
h5dims[0] = NELMTS_IN_BUFFER;
h5mem_space_id = H5Screate_simple(1, h5dims, NULL);
VRFY((h5mem_space_id >= 0), "H5Screate_simple");
for (nf = 1; nf <= nfiles; nf++) {
* Wirte performance measurement
/* Open file for write */
char base_name[256];
sprintf(base_name, "#pio_tmp_%u", nf);
pio_create_filename(iot, base_name, fname, sizeof(fname));
fprintf(stderr, "filename=%s\n", base_name);
set_time(res.timers, HDF5_FILE_OPENCLOSE, START);
rc = do_fopen(iot, fname, &fd, PIO_CREATE | PIO_WRITE, comm);
hrc = do_fopen(iot, fname, &fd, PIO_CREATE | PIO_WRITE, comm);
set_time(res.timers, HDF5_FILE_OPENCLOSE, STOP);
VRFY((rc == SUCCESS), "do_fopen failed");
VRFY((hrc == SUCCESS), "do_fopen failed");
set_time(res.timers, HDF5_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS, START);
rc = do_write(fd, iot, ndsets, nelmts, h5dset_space_id, buffer);
hrc = do_write(&fd, iot, ndsets, nelmts, buf_size, buffer, comm);
set_time(res.timers, HDF5_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS, STOP);
VRFY((rc == SUCCESS), "do_write failed");
VRFY((hrc == SUCCESS), "do_write failed");
/* Close file for write */
set_time(res.timers, HDF5_FILE_OPENCLOSE, START);
rc = do_fclose(iot, fd);
hrc = do_fclose(iot, &fd);
set_time(res.timers, HDF5_FILE_OPENCLOSE, STOP);
VRFY((rc == SUCCESS), "do_fclose failed");
VRFY((hrc == SUCCESS), "do_fclose failed");
#if 0
* Read performance measurement
/* Open file for read */
hrc = do_fopen(iot, fname, &fd, PIO_READ, comm);
VRFY((rc == SUCCESS), "do_fopen failed");
VRFY((hrc == SUCCESS), "do_fopen failed");
/* Calculate dataset offset within a file */
hrc = do_read(&fd, iot, ndsets, nelmts, buffer);
VRFY((hrc == SUCCESS), "do_read failed");
/* Open dataset for read */
/* Prepare read */
/* Calculate offset of read within a dataset/file */
/* Read */
/* Calculate read time */
/* Close dataset for read */
/* Close file for read */
rc = do_fclose(iot, fd);
VRFY((rc == SUCCESS), "do_fclose failed");
#endif /* 0 */
hrc = do_fclose(iot, &fd);
VRFY((hrc == SUCCESS), "do_fclose failed");
/* clean up */
/* release HDF5 objects */
if (h5dset_space_id != -1) {
rc = H5Sclose(h5dset_space_id);
if (rc < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "HDF5 Dataset Space Close failed\n");
ret_code = FAIL;
} else {
h5dset_space_id = -1;
/* close any opened files */
/* no remove(fname) because that should have happened normally. */
switch (iot) {
case RAW:
if (fd.rawfd != -1)
hrc = do_fclose(iot, &fd);
case MPIO:
if (fd.mpifd != MPI_FILE_NULL)
hrc = do_fclose(iot, &fd);
case PHDF5:
if (fd.h5fd != -1)
hrc = do_fclose(iot, &fd);
if (h5mem_space_id != -1) {
rc = H5Sclose(h5mem_space_id);
if (rc < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "HDF5 Memory Space Close failed\n");
/* release MPI resources */
if (comm != MPI_COMM_NULL){
mrc = MPI_Comm_free(&comm);
if (mrc != MPI_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "MPI_Comm_free failed\n");
ret_code = FAIL;
} else {
h5mem_space_id = -1;
@ -454,21 +459,48 @@ pio_create_filename(iotype iot, const char *base_name, char *fullname, size_t si
* Modifications:
static herr_t
do_write(file_descr fd, iotype iot, long ndsets,
long nelmts, hid_t h5dset_space_id, char *buffer)
do_write(file_descr *fd, iotype iot, long ndsets,
long nelmts, long buf_size, char *buffer, MPI_Comm comm)
int ret_code = SUCCESS;
register long ndset;
int rc; /*routine return code */
long ndset;
long nelmts_towrite, nelmts_written;
char dname[64];
off_t dset_offset; /*dataset offset in a file */
long dset_size; /*one dataset size in bytes */
long nelmts_in_buf;
int myrank, nprocs = 1;
/* HDF5 variables */
herr_t hrc; /*HDF5 return code */
hsize_t h5dims[1]; /*dataset dim sizes */
hid_t h5dset_space_id = -1; /*dataset space ID */
hid_t h5mem_space_id = -1; /*memory dataspace ID */
hid_t h5ds_id = -1; /* dataset handle */
/* determine the mpi rank of in this comm */
MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nprocs);
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myrank);
/* calculate dataset parameters. data type is always native C int */
dset_size = nelmts * ELMT_SIZE;
nelmts_in_buf = buf_size/ELMT_SIZE;
/* hdf5 dataset setup */
if (iot == PHDF5){
/* define a contiquous dataset of nelmts native ints */
h5dims[0] = nelmts;
h5dset_space_id = H5Screate_simple(1, h5dims, NULL);
VRFY((h5dset_space_id >= 0), "H5Screate_simple");
/* create the memory dataspace */
h5dims[0] = nelmts_in_buf;
h5mem_space_id = H5Screate_simple(1, h5dims, NULL);
VRFY((h5mem_space_id >= 0), "H5Screate_simple");
for (ndset = 1; ndset <= ndsets; ++ndset) {
hid_t h5ds_id = -1; /* dataset handle */
/* Calculate dataset offset within a file */
@ -482,7 +514,7 @@ do_write(file_descr fd, iotype iot, long ndsets,
case PHDF5:
sprintf(dname, "Dataset_%lu", ndset);
h5ds_id = H5Dcreate(fd.h5fd, dname, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
h5ds_id = H5Dcreate(fd->h5fd, dname, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
h5dset_space_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (h5ds_id < 0) {
@ -498,8 +530,8 @@ do_write(file_descr fd, iotype iot, long ndsets,
while (nelmts_written < nelmts){
nelmts_towrite = nelmts - nelmts_written;
if (nelmts - nelmts_written >= (int)NELMTS_IN_BUFFER) {
nelmts_towrite = NELMTS_IN_BUFFER;
if (nelmts - nelmts_written >= nelmts_in_buf) {
nelmts_towrite = nelmts_in_buf;
} else {
/* last write of a partial buffer */
nelmts_towrite = nelmts - nelmts_written;
@ -519,8 +551,10 @@ do_write(file_descr fd, iotype iot, long ndsets,
/* Calculate offset of write within a dataset/file */
switch (iot){
case RAW:
RAWSEEK(fd.rawfd, dset_offset + nelmts_written * ELMT_SIZE);
RAWWRITE(fd.rawfd, buffer, nelmts_towrite * ELMT_SIZE);
rc = RAWSEEK(fd->rawfd, dset_offset + nelmts_written*ELMT_SIZE);
VRFY((rc>=0), "RAWSEEK");
rc = RAWWRITE(fd->rawfd, buffer, nelmts_towrite*ELMT_SIZE);
VRFY((rc==(nelmts_towrite*ELMT_SIZE)), "RAWWRITE");
case MPIO:
@ -535,7 +569,7 @@ do_write(file_descr fd, iotype iot, long ndsets,
/* Close dataset. Only HDF5 needs to do an explicit close. */
if (iot == PHDF5){
herr_t hrc = H5Dclose(h5ds_id);
hrc = H5Dclose(h5ds_id);
if (hrc < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "HDF5 Dataset Close failed\n");
@ -547,6 +581,27 @@ do_write(file_descr fd, iotype iot, long ndsets,
/* release HDF5 objects */
if (h5dset_space_id != -1) {
hrc = H5Sclose(h5dset_space_id);
if (hrc < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "HDF5 Dataset Space Close failed\n");
ret_code = FAIL;
} else {
h5dset_space_id = -1;
if (h5mem_space_id != -1) {
hrc = H5Sclose(h5mem_space_id);
if (hrc < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "HDF5 Memory Space Close failed\n");
ret_code = FAIL;
} else {
h5mem_space_id = -1;
return ret_code;
@ -583,10 +638,10 @@ do_fopen(iotype iot, char *fname, file_descr *fd /*out*/, int flags,
case MPIO:
if ((flags | PIO_CREATE) || (flags | PIO_WRITE)) {
mrc = MPI_File_open(comm, fname, MPI_MODE_CREATE | MPI_MODE_RDWR,
MPI_INFO_NULL, &fd->mpifd);
MPI_INFO_NULL, &(fd->mpifd));
} else {
mrc = MPI_File_open(comm, fname, MPI_MODE_RDONLY,
MPI_INFO_NULL, &fd->mpifd);
MPI_INFO_NULL, &(fd->mpifd));
if (mrc != MPI_SUCCESS) {
@ -646,43 +701,43 @@ done:
* Modifications:
static herr_t
do_fclose(iotype iot, file_descr fd)
do_fclose(iotype iot, file_descr *fd /*out*/)
herr_t ret_code = SUCCESS, hrc;
int mrc = 0, rc = 0;
switch (iot) {
case RAW:
rc = RAWCLOSE(fd.rawfd);
rc = RAWCLOSE(fd->rawfd);
if (rc != 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Raw File Close failed\n");
fd.rawfd = -1;
fd->rawfd = -1;
case MPIO:
mrc = MPI_File_close(&fd.mpifd);
mrc = MPI_File_close(&(fd->mpifd));
if (mrc != MPI_SUCCESS){
fprintf(stderr, "MPI File close failed\n");
fd.mpifd = MPI_FILE_NULL;
fd->mpifd = MPI_FILE_NULL;
case PHDF5:
hrc = H5Fclose(fd.h5fd);
hrc = H5Fclose(fd->h5fd);
if (hrc < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "HDF5 File Close failed\n");
fd.h5fd = -1;
fd->h5fd = -1;
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ typedef enum iotype_ {
} iotype;
typedef struct parameters_ {
unsigned int max_num_procs; /* Maximum number of processes to use */
int max_num_procs; /* Maximum number of processes to use */
iotype io_type; /* The type of IO test to perform */
unsigned int num_files; /* Number of files to create */
unsigned long num_dsets; /* Number of datasets to create */
unsigned long num_elmts; /* Number of native ints in each dset */
unsigned int num_iters; /* Number of times to loop doing the IO */
unsigned long buf_size; /* Buffer size */
int num_files; /* Number of files to create */
long num_dsets; /* Number of datasets to create */
long num_elmts; /* Number of native ints in each dset */
int num_iters; /* Number of times to loop doing the IO */
long buf_size; /* Buffer size */
} parameters;
typedef struct results_ {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user