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synced 2025-03-25 17:00:45 +08:00
[svn-r17869] Removed VS6 reference in install_dll.bat.
Added option to not build and test debug versions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,12 +22,10 @@ rem . Note: Default is Visual Studio 2005
rem . /fort Build HDF5 with Fortran libraries
rem . /ivf101 Build HDF5 Fortran using Intel Visual Fortran 10.1
rem . /ivf91 Note: Default is Intel Visual Fortran 9.1
rem . /nodebug Note: Default is to build debug and release versions
rem . /useenv Build HDF5 using compiler settings defined
rem . in the environment, rather than the IDE.
rem . /? Help information
rem By Xuan Bai
rem Created: Aug. 16, 2004
rem Last Updated: Scott Wegner, 7/2/08
rem This batch file makes the following assumptions:
rem - The appropriate version of Visual Studio is installed and setup
@ -48,6 +46,8 @@ pushd %~dp0
set nerrors=0
if "%1"=="/?" goto help
set blddebug=debug
set bldrelease=release
goto main
rem Print a help message
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ rem Print a help message
echo. Intel Fortran version specified, or 9.1 by default
echo. /ivf101 Build HDF5 Fortran using Intel Visual Fortran 10.1
echo. /ivf91 Note: Default is Intel Visual Fortran 9.1
echo. /nodebug Note: Default is to build debug and release versions
echo. /useenv Build HDF5 using compiler settings defined
echo. in the environment, rather than the IDE.
echo. /? Help information
@ -95,6 +96,10 @@ rem Parse through the parameters sent to file, and set appropriate variables
rem Enable Fortran
set hdf5_ivf101=true
) else if "%%a"=="/nodebug" (
rem Enable Fortran
set blddebug=
) else if "%%a"=="/useenv" (
rem Pass /useenv flag to devenv
set hdf5_useenv=true
@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ rem Build the HDF5 libraries. By default, C and C++ libraries are built.
rem Build both debug and release versions
for %%a in (debug release) DO (
for %%a in (%blddebug% %bldrelease%) DO (
echo.Building %hdf5_platform% %%a libraries...
devenv %hdf5_sln% %ccflags% /rebuild "%%a|%hdf5_platform%"
if not errorlevel 0 (
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ rem File Name: hdf5build_examples.bat
rem This batch file is used to build HDF5 C/C++/Fortran examples.
rem This batch file takes the following options:
rem . /fort Build HDF5 examples, including Fortran
rem . /nodebug Note: Default is to build debug and release versions
rem . /useenv Build HDF5 examples using compiler settings defined
rem . in the environment, rather than the IDE.
rem . /? Help information
@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ pushd %~dp0
set nerrors=0
if "%1"=="/?" goto help
set blddebug=debug
set bldrelease=release
goto main
rem Print a help message
@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ rem Print a help message
echo.Usage: %~nx0 [OPTION]
echo. /fort Build HDF5 examples, including Fortran
echo. /nodebug Note: Default is to build debug and release versions
echo. /useenv Build HDF5 examples using compiler settings defined
echo. in the environment, rather than the IDE.
echo. /? Help information
@ -67,6 +71,10 @@ rem Parse through the parameters sent to file, and set appropriate variables
rem Enable Fortran
set hdf5_enablefortran=true
) else if "%%a"=="/nodebug" (
rem Enable Fortran
set blddebug=
) else if "%%a"=="/useenv" (
rem Pass /useenv flag to devenv
set hdf5_useenv=true
@ -163,7 +171,7 @@ rem Build the HDF5 libraries. By default, C and C++ libraries are built.
echo. Building %%a Examples
for %%b in (Debug Release) do (
for %%b in (%blddebug% %bldrelease%) do (
echo.Building %%a %%b examples...
devenv !%%a_SLN! %ccflags% /rebuild %%b
if !errorlevel! neq 0 (
@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ rem 1. hdf5check -- HDF5 tools and c library tests
rem 2. hdf5check enablecpp -- HDF5 tools and c/c++ library tests
rem 3. hdf5check enablefortran -- HDF5 tools and c/fortran library tests
rem 4. hdf5check enableall -- HDF5 tools and c/c++/fortran library tests
rem By Xuan Bai
rem Created: Aug. 12, 2004
rem Last Updated: Scott Wegner, 9/10/07
rem disabledebug -- can be added to any of the above to not test debug versions
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd %~dp0
@ -35,6 +33,8 @@ rem --SJW 9/5/07
set hdf5_test_=foo
for /f "tokens=1 delims==" %%a in ('set hdf5_test_') do set %%a=
set hdf5_test_tests=
set chkdebug=debug
set chkrelease=release
rem Put built DLLs in the system folder for testing
call install_dll.BAT
@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ if /i "%1" equ "enablecpp" (
) else if /i "%1" equ "enableall" (
set build_cpp_conditional=true
set build_fortran_conditional=true
) else if /i "%1" equ "disabledebug" (
set chkdebug=
if /i "%2" equ "disabledebug" (
set chkdebug=
goto main
@ -129,7 +134,7 @@ rem on it for sending parameters. --SJW 9/6/07
rem it out below. --SJW 9/10/07
for %%b in (nodll dll) do (
for %%a in (debug release) do (
for %%a in (%chkdebug% %chkrelease%) do (
set hdf5_config=%%a %%b
call :run_tests !hdf5_config:nodll=!
if not errorlevel 0 (
@ -45,15 +45,8 @@ rem Add the DLLS to be copied here.
rem HDF5 Library
call :copy_dll proj\hdf5dll\debug\hdf5ddll.dll
call :copy_dll proj\hdf5dll\release\hdf5dll.dll
rem We need this conditional because vs6 uses libtestD rather than libtestdll,
rem Remove later when we fix the VS6 project name.
if exist test\libtestdll\debug\libtestddll.dll (
call :copy_dll test\libtestdll\debug\libtestddll.dll
call :copy_dll test\libtestdll\release\libtestdll.dll
) else (
call :copy_dll test\libtestD\debug\libtestDd.dll
call :copy_dll test\libtestD\release\libtestD.dll
call :copy_dll test\libtestdll\debug\libtestddll.dll
call :copy_dll test\libtestdll\release\libtestdll.dll
rem C++
call :copy_dll proj\hdf5_cppdll\debug\hdf5_cppddll.dll
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