Add compiler flags for GCC 10, along with updating warnhist script to accommodate them. (#217)

This commit is contained in:
Quincey Koziol 2020-12-21 12:57:18 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0483817a92
commit 71440cef1c
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 112 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -167,7 +167,9 @@
@ -177,6 +179,7 @@

View File

@ -30,10 +30,13 @@ use Getopt::Std;
# Global variables, for accumulating information
my $totalcount = 0;
my $notecount = 0;
my $dupcount = 0;
my %warn_count = ();
my $warncount;
my %warn_file = ();
my %warn_file_line = ();
my %warn_file_line_offset = ();
my %file_count = ();
my $filecount;
my $ignorecount = 0;
@ -48,10 +51,13 @@ my %file_warn_line = ();
my $current_warning = 0;
my $current_file = 0;
my $warn_index;
my $genericize = 1;
# Info about last name / line / offset for file
my $last_c_name;
my $last_fort_name;
my $last_fort_line;
my $genericize = 1;
my $last_fort_offset;
# Display usage
sub do_help {
@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ if($options{h}) {
# Parse list of file names to ignore
if(exists $options{i}) {
@ignorenames = split /,/, $options{i};
#print @ignorenames;
#print STDERR @ignorenames;
# Parse list of warning indices to expand file names
@ -106,18 +112,18 @@ if(exists $options{w}) {
my @tmp_indices;
@tmp_indices = split /,/, $options{w};
#print @tmp_indices;
#print STDERR @tmp_indices;
for my $x (@tmp_indices) {
#print "x = '$x'\n";
#print STDERR "x = '$x'\n";
if($x =~ /\-/) {
my $start_index;
my $end_index;
#print "matched = '$x'\n";
#print STDERR "matched = '$x'\n";
($start_index, $end_index) = split /\-/, $x;
#print "start_index = '$start_index', end_index = '$end_index'\n";
#print STDERR "start_index = '$start_index', end_index = '$end_index'\n";
for my $y ($start_index..$end_index) {
#print "y = '$y'\n";
#print STDERR "y = '$y'\n";
if(!exists $warn_file_indices{$y}) {
$warn_file_indices{$y} = $y;
@ -130,14 +136,14 @@ if(exists $options{w}) {
#foreach (sort keys %warn_file_indices) {
# print "$_ : $warn_file_indices{$_}\n";
# print STDERR "$_ : $warn_file_indices{$_}\n";
# Parse list of warning strings to expand file names
if(exists $options{s}) {
@warn_match_strings = split /,/, $options{s};
# print @warn_match_strings;
# print STDERR @warn_match_strings;
# Parse list of file indices to expand warnings
@ -145,18 +151,18 @@ if(exists $options{f}) {
my @tmp_indices;
@tmp_indices = split /,/, $options{f};
#print @tmp_indices;
#print STDERR @tmp_indices;
for my $x (@tmp_indices) {
#print "x = '$x'\n";
#print STDERR "x = '$x'\n";
if($x =~ /\-/) {
my $start_index;
my $end_index;
#print "matched = '$x'\n";
#print STDERR "matched = '$x'\n";
($start_index, $end_index) = split /\-/, $x;
#print "start_index = '$start_index', end_index = '$end_index'\n";
#print STDERR "start_index = '$start_index', end_index = '$end_index'\n";
for my $y ($start_index..$end_index) {
#print "y = '$y'\n";
#print STDERR "y = '$y'\n";
if(!exists $file_warn_indices{$y}) {
$file_warn_indices{$y} = $y;
@ -169,14 +175,14 @@ if(exists $options{f}) {
#foreach (sort keys %warn_file_indices) {
# print "$_ : $warn_file_indices{$_}\n";
# print STDERR "$_ : $warn_file_indices{$_}\n";
# Parse list of warning strings for files to expand warnings
if(exists $options{S}) {
@file_match_strings = split /,/, $options{S};
# print @file_match_strings;
# print STDERR @file_match_strings;
# Check if warnings should stay unique and not be "genericized"
@ -197,7 +203,7 @@ while (<>) {
# Retain last FORTRAN compile line, which comes a few lines before warning
if($_ =~ /.*\.[fF]90:.*/) {
($last_fort_name, $last_fort_line, $toss) = split /\:/, $_;
($last_fort_name, $last_fort_line, $last_fort_offset) = split /\:/, $_;
($last_fort_line, $toss) = split /\./, $last_fort_line;
@ -217,38 +223,34 @@ while (<>) {
# Skip warnings from linker
next if $_ =~ /ld: warning:/;
# Skip warnings from build_py and install_lib
# Skip warnings from build_py and install_lib
next if $_ =~ /warning: (build_py|install_lib)/;
# Skip variables with the word 'warning' in them
next if $_ =~ /_warning_/;
# "Hide" the C++ '::' symbol until we've parsed out the parts of the line
while($_ =~ /\:\:/) {
$_ =~ s/\:\:/@@@@/g;
# Check for weird formatting of warning message
$line = "??";
$offset = "??";
if($_ =~ /^cc1: warning:.*/) {
$name = $last_c_name;
$line = "??";
($toss, $toss, $warning, $extra, $extra2) = split /\:/, $_;
# Check for CMAKE build with warning on first line and no filename
} elsif($_ =~ /^\s*[Ww]arning:.*/) {
$name = $last_c_name;
$line = "??";
($toss, $warning, $extra, $extra2) = split /\:/, $_;
# Check for FORTRAN warning output
} elsif($_ =~ /^Warning:.*/) {
$name = $last_fort_name;
$line = $last_fort_line;
$offset = $last_fort_offset;
($toss, $warning, $extra, $extra2) = split /\:/, $_;
#print "1:",$.,":",$_;
# $_ = <>;
#print "2:",$.,":",$_;
# if($_ =~ /^\sFC.*/) {
# $_ = <>;
#print "3:",$.,":",$_;
# }
# ($name, $line, $toss) = split /\:/, $_;
#print "4:","'",$name,"'","-","'",$line,"'","\n";
# Check for improperly parsed filename or line
if($name =~ /^$/) {
print "Filename is a null string! Input line #$. is: '$_'";
@ -265,8 +267,6 @@ while (<>) {
$name =~ s/^\"//g;
$name =~ s/\"$//g;
$line =~ s/^\s*line\s*//g;
# print "name:'", $name, "'-'", $line, "'\n";
# print "warning:'", $warning, "'\n";
# Check for Intel icc warning
} elsif($_ =~ /.*[A-Za-z0-9_]\.[chC]\(.*[0-9]\):.*#.*/) {
($last_c_name, $toss, $warning) = split /\:/, $last_c_name;
@ -310,9 +310,7 @@ while (<>) {
# Check for ignored file
if(exists $options{i}) {
for my $x (@ignorenames) {
#print "x = '$x'\n";
if($name =~ /$x/) {
# print "matched name = '$name'\n";
if(!(exists $ignored_files{$name})) {
$ignored_files{$name} = $name;
@ -347,13 +345,22 @@ while (<>) {
# These skipped messages & "genericizations" may be specific to GCC
# Skip supplemental warning message
next if $warning =~ /near initialization for/;
if($warning =~ /near initialization for/) {
# Skip C++ supplemental warning message
next if $warning =~ /in call to/;
if($warning =~ /in call to/) {
# Skip GCC warning that should be a note
next if $_ =~ /\(this will be reported only once per input file\)/;
if($_ =~ /\(this will be reported only once per input file\)/) {
if($genericize) {
# Eliminate C/C++ "{aka <some type>}" and "{aka '<some type>'}" info
@ -402,16 +409,16 @@ while (<>) {
$warning =~ s/[A-Za-z_0-9]*\([A-Za-z_,0-9]*\) in [A-Za-z_0-9]*/-\(-\) in -/g;
# print "warning = $warning\n";
# <end possible GCC-specific code>
# Check if we've already seen this warning on this line in this file
# (Can happen for warnings from inside header files)
if( !exists $warn_file_line{$warning}{$name}{$line} ) {
if( !exists $warn_file_line_offset{$warning}{$name}{$line}{$offset} ) {
# Increment count for [generic] warning
# Increment count for filename
@ -421,14 +428,20 @@ while (<>) {
# Increment total count of warnings
else {
# Increment count of duplicate warnings
# print "name = $name\n";
# print "line = $line\n";
# print "offset = $offset\n";
# print "warning = \"$warning\"\n";
# print STDERR "name = $name\n";
# print STDERR "line = $line\n";
# print STDERR "offset = $offset\n";
# print STDERR "warning = \"$warning\"\n";
print "Total unique [non-ignored] warnings: $totalcount\n";
print "Ignored notes / supplemental warning lines [not counted in unique warnings]: $notecount\n";
print "Duplicated warning lines [not counted in unique warnings]: $dupcount\n";
print "Total ignored warnings: $ignorecount\n";
$warncount = keys %warn_count;
print "Total unique kinds of warnings: $warncount\n";
@ -439,7 +452,7 @@ print "Total files with warnings: $filecount\n\n";
print "# of Warnings by frequency (file count)\n";
print "=======================================\n";
for my $x (sort {$warn_count{$b} <=> $warn_count{$a}} keys(%warn_count)) {
printf ("[%2d] %4d (%2d) - %s\n", $current_warning++, $warn_count{$x}, scalar(keys %{$warn_file_line{$x}}), $x);
printf ("[%2d] %4d (%2d) - %s\n", $current_warning++, $warn_count{$x}, scalar(keys %{$warn_file{$x}}), $x);
if((exists $options{W}) || (exists $options{w}) || (exists $options{s})) {
my $curr_index = $current_warning - 1;
my $match = 0;
@ -447,9 +460,9 @@ for my $x (sort {$warn_count{$b} <=> $warn_count{$a}} keys(%warn_count)) {
# Check for string from list in current warning
if(exists $options{s}) {
for my $y (@warn_match_strings) {
# print "y = '$y'\n";
# print STDERR "y = '$y'\n";
if($x =~ /$y/) {
# print "matched warning = '$x'\n";
# print STDERR "matched warning = '$x'\n";
$match = 1;
@ -477,7 +490,7 @@ for my $x (sort {$warn_count{$b} <=> $warn_count{$a}} keys(%warn_count)) {
print "\n# of Warnings by filename (warning type)\n";
print "========================================\n";
for my $x (sort {$file_count{$b} <=> $file_count{$a}} keys(%file_count)) {
printf ("[%3d] %4d (%2d) - %s\n", $current_file++, $file_count{$x}, scalar(keys %{$file_warn_line{$x}}), $x);
printf ("[%3d] %4d (%2d) - %s\n", $current_file++, $file_count{$x}, scalar(keys %{$file_warn{$x}}), $x);
if((exists $options{F}) || (exists $options{f}) || (exists $options{S})) {
my $curr_index = $current_file - 1;
my $match = 0;
@ -485,9 +498,9 @@ for my $x (sort {$file_count{$b} <=> $file_count{$a}} keys(%file_count)) {
# Check for string from list in current file
if(exists $options{S}) {
for my $y (@file_match_strings) {
# print "y = '$y'\n";
# print STDERR "y = '$y'\n";
if($x =~ /$y/) {
# print "matched warning = '$x'\n";
# print STDERR "matched warning = '$x'\n";
$match = 1;

View File

@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ if test "X-g++" = "X-$cxx_vendor"; then
H5_ECXXFLAGS="$H5_ECXXFLAGS $(load_gnu_arguments cxx-error-general)"
H5_NECXXFLAGS="$H5_NECXXFLAGS $(load_gnu_arguments cxx-noerror-general)"
# Developer warnings #
# Developer warnings #
NO_DEVELOPER_WARNING_CXXFLAGS=$(load_gnu_arguments no-developer-general)
DEVELOPER_WARNING_CXXFLAGS=$(load_gnu_arguments developer-general)
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ if test "X-g++" = "X-$cxx_vendor"; then
# gcc >= 4.8
if test $cxx_vers_major -ge 5 -o $cxx_vers_major -eq 4 -a $cxx_vers_minor -ge 8; then
H5_CXXFLAGS="$H5_CXXFLAGS $(load_gnu_arguments 4.8)"
H5_CXXFLAGS="$H5_CXXFLAGS $(load_gnu_arguments cxx-4.8)"

View File

@ -264,6 +264,16 @@ if test "X-gcc" = "X-$cc_vendor"; then
H5_CFLAGS="$H5_CFLAGS $(load_gnu_arguments 9)"
# gcc >= 9.3
if test $cc_vers_major -ge 10 -o $cc_vers_major -eq 9 -a $cc_vers_minor -ge 3; then
H5_CFLAGS="$H5_CFLAGS $(load_gnu_arguments 9.3)"
# gcc >= 10
if test $cc_vers_major -ge 10; then
# Flags are set #

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
# warning flag added for GCC >= 4.5
# This warning can only be truly addressed using the gcc extension of
# using D to indicate doubles (e.g., 1.23D).

config/gnu-warnings/9.3 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# warning flags added for GCC >= 4.3
# warning flags added for GCC >= 4.4
# warning flag added for GCC >= 4.5
# warning flags added for GCC >= 4.6
# warning flag added for GCC >= 4.7
# -Wstack-usage=8192 warnings need to be swept up on a branch so
# that we can stop burdening the whole development team.
# warning flag added for GCC >= 4.8

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# New warning
# Enable static analysis of program flow