[svn-r11941] Purpose:

Batch file improvement
Make tool test batch files easier to maintain

Platforms tested:
Windows XP
Misc. update:
This commit is contained in:
Fang Guo 2006-02-16 11:48:24 -05:00
parent f2b9b502d2
commit 6a3e8c405f

View File

@ -1,401 +1,173 @@
@REM Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
@REM All rights reserved.
@REM This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
@REM terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
@REM the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
@REM of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
@REM root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
@REM is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
@REM http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
@REM access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu.
@echo off
:: Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
:: All rights reserved.
:: This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
:: terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
:: the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
:: of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
:: root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
:: is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
:: http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
:: access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelpncsa.uiuc.edu.
mkdir temptest
cd h5ls%2\%1
h5ls%2 -w80 -h > ..\..\temptest\help-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\help-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\help-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\help-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\help-1_error.results
h5ls%2 -w80 -help > ..\..\temptest\help-2.results 2>..\..\temptest\help-2_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\help-2_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\help-2.results
del ..\..\temptest\help-2_error.results
h5ls%2 -w80 -? > ..\..\temptest\help-3.results 2>..\..\temptest\help-3_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\help-3_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\help-3.results
del ..\..\temptest\help-3_error.results
::This batch file is for h5dump general and xml tests.
:: lstest release -- release static version
:: lstest debug -- debug static version
:: lstest release dll -- release dll version
:: lstest debug dll -- debug dll version
:: Written By: Fang GUO
:: Date : Jan. 27, 2006
h5ls%2 -w80 ..\..\testfiles\tall.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tall-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tall-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tall-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tall-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tall-1_error.results
:: Track total number of testing errors
set /A totalerr=0
set /A totalskip=0
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -d ..\..\testfiles\tall.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tall-2.results 2>..\..\temptest\tall-2_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tall-2_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tall-2.results
del ..\..\temptest\tall-2_error.results
h5ls%2 -w80 ..\..\testfiles\tgroup.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tgroup.results 2>..\..\temptest\tgroup_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tgroup_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tgroup.results
del ..\..\temptest\tgroup_error.results
:: Generate a new temp directory for test h5dump
mkdir temptest
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -g ..\..\testfiles\tgroup.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tgroup-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tgroup-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tgroup-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tgroup-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tgroup-1_error.results
:: Set the Environment Variables & Change Dir to Dir with h5dump.EXE
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -d ..\..\testfiles\tdset.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tdset-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tdset-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tdset-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tdset-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tdset-1_error.results
:: The first incoming parameter should be configuration (debug or release)
set p1=%1
:: The second parameter should be the types of library (dll or blank)
set p2=%2
h5ls%2 -w80 -r ..\..\testfiles\tslink.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tslink-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tslink-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tslink-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tslink-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tslink-1_error.results
:: Before comparison between expected file and the actual outputfile,
:: Ignore the first line in actual outputfile and the first four lines
:: in the expected output file
set ln=0
set ln_exp=3
h5ls%2 -w80 ..\..\testfiles\thlink.h5 > ..\..\temptest\thlink-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\thlink-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\thlink-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\thlink-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\thlink-1_error.results
:: Save the tests output into a temporary file
set tempResults=lstest%2_%1.txt
type nul > %tempResults%
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -d ..\..\testfiles\tcompound.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tcomp-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tcomp-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tcomp-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tcomp-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tcomp-1_error.results
:: Define the .exe file based on the second parameter
set exefile=h5ls%p2%
:: For convenience, set a variable for the sub batch file
set tooltest=..\..\tooltest
:: For convenience, set variable for all testfiles/*.h5 files
for %%i in (testfiles\*.h5) do set %%~ni=..\..\%%i
:: Change the directory to dir including .exe file
cd h5ls%p2%\%p1%
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -d ..\..\testfiles\tnestedcomp.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tnestcomp-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tnestcomp-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tnestcomp-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tnestcomp-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tnestcomp-1_error.results
::Test h5ls with different options
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -d ..\..\testfiles\tloop.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tloop-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tloop-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tloop-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tloop-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tloop-1_error.results
echo. h5dump%2 %1 T E S T S
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -d ..\..\testfiles\tstr.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tstr-1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tstr-1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tstr-1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tstr-1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tstr-1_error.results
:: The paramter following %tooltest% is the expected output file
:: Path of the expected output file is not needed
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -d ..\..\testfiles\tsaf.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tsaf.results 2>..\..\temptest\tsaf_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tsaf_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tsaf.results
del ..\..\temptest\tsaf_error.results
:: Toss in a bunch of tests. Not sure if they are the right kinds.
:: test the help syntax
set flag=-w80 -h
call %tooltest% help-1.ls
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -d ..\..\testfiles\tvldtypes1.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tvldtypes1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tvldtypes1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tvldtypes1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tvldtypes1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tvldtypes1_error.results
set flag=-w80 -help
call %tooltest% help-2.ls
h5ls%2 -w80 -r -d ..\..\testfiles\tarray1.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tarray1.results 2>..\..\temptest\tarray1_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tarray1_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tarray1.results
del ..\..\temptest\tarray1_error.results
set flag=-w80 -?
call %tooltest% help-3.ls
h5ls%2 -w80 -d ..\..\testfiles\tempty.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tempty.results 2>..\..\temptest\tempty_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tempty_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tempty.results
del ..\..\temptest\tempty_error.results
:: test simple command
set flag=-w80 %tall%
call %tooltest% tall-1.ls
h5ls%2 -w80 -v -S ..\..\testfiles\tattr2.h5 > ..\..\temptest\tattr2.results 2>..\..\temptest\tattr2_error.results
more ..\..\temptest\tattr2_error.results >> ..\..\temptest\tattr2.results
del ..\..\temptest\tattr2_error.results
set flag=-w80 -r -d %tall%
call %tooltest% tall-2.ls
cd ..\..\temptest
mkdir fctemp
set flag=-w80 %tgroup%
call %tooltest% tgroup.ls
REM ##############################################################################
REM ##############################################################################
REM ### T H E T E S T S ###
REM ##############################################################################
REM ##############################################################################
:: test for displaying groups
set flag=-w80 -r -g %tgroup%
call %tooltest% tgroup-1.ls
type nul > ..\lstest%2_%1.txt
echo ========================================== >> ..\lstest%2_%1.txt
echo Testing lstest.bat >> ..\lstest%2_%1.txt
echo ========================================== >> ..\lstest%2_%1.txt
:: test for displaying simple space datasets
set flag=-w80 -r -d %tdset%
call %tooltest% tdset-1.ls
REM Toss in a bunch of tests. Not sure if they are the right kinds.
REM test the help syntax
call ..\deleteline help-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline help-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc help-1.ls help-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -h PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
:: test for displaying soft links
set flag=-w80 -r %tslink%
call %tooltest% tslink-1.ls
:: tests for hard links
set flag=-w80 %thlink%
call %tooltest% thlink-1.ls
:: tests for compound data types
set flag=-w80 -r -d %tcompound%
call %tooltest% tcomp-1.ls
::test for the nested compound type
set flag=-w80 -r -d %tnestedcomp%
call %tooltest% tnestcomp-1.ls
:: test for loop detection
set flag=-w80 -r -d %tloop%
call %tooltest% tloop-1.ls
:: test for string
set flag=-w80 -r -d %tstr%
call %tooltest% tstr-1.ls
:: test test file created from lib SAF team
set flag=-w80 -r -d %tsaf%
call %tooltest% tsaf.ls
:: test for variable length data types
set flag=-w80 -r -d %tvldtypes1%
call %tooltest% tvldtypes1.ls
:: test for array data types
set flag=-w80 -r -d %tarray1%
call %tooltest% tarray1.ls
:: test for empty data
set flag=-w80 -d %tempty%
call %tooltest% tempty.ls
:: test for all dataset types written to attributes
:: enable -S for avoiding printing NATIVE types
:: need batch mask.bat
set flag=-w80 -v -S %tattr2%
call %tooltest% tattr2.ls MASK
if %totalerr%==0 (
echo. All of the %exefile% %p1% Tests Passed!
echo. All of the %exefile% %p1% Tests Passed! >> %tempResults%
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -h FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
echo. %exefile% %p1% Tests Finished with %totalerr% Errors!
echo. %exefile% %p1% Tests Finished with %totalerr% Errors!>> %tempResults%
del temp.txt
cd ..
call ..\deleteline help-2.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline help-2.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc help-2.ls help-2.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -help PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -help FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
if not %totalskip%==0 (
echo. %totalskip% Tests in total Skiped! >> %tempResults%
echo. %totalskip% Tests in total Skiped!
find "SKIPED" %tempResults% | more +2
del temp.txt
cd ..
call ..\deleteline help-3.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline help-3.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc help-3.ls help-3.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -? PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -? FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test simple command
call ..\deleteline tall-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tall-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tall-1.ls tall-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 tall.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 tall.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
cd ..\..
rmdir /s/q temptest
call ..\deleteline tall-2.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tall-2.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tall-2.ls tall-2.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tall.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tall.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
for %%i in (testfiles\*.h5) do set %%~ni=
set test_szip=
set output_szip=
for %%v in (p1 p2 tempResults exefile tooltest ln ln_exp tsplit_file tmulti tfamily05d totalskip) do set %%v=
call ..\deleteline tgroup.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tgroup.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tgroup.ls tgroup.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 tgroup.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 tgroup.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for displaying groups
call ..\deleteline tgroup-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tgroup-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tgroup-1.ls tgroup-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -g tgroup.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -g tgroup.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for displaying simple space datasets
call ..\deleteline tdset-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tdset-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tdset-1.ls tdset-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tdset.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tdset.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for displaying soft links
call ..\deleteline tslink-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tslink-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tslink-1.ls tslink-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r tslink.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r tslink.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM tests for hard links
call ..\deleteline thlink-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline thlink-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc thlink-1.ls thlink-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -w80 thlink.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -w80 thlink.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM tests for compound data types
call ..\deleteline tcomp-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tcomp-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tcomp-1.ls tcomp-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tcompound.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tcompound.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for the nested compound type
call ..\deleteline tnestcomp-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tnestcomp-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tnestcomp-1.ls tnestcomp-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tnestedcomp.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tnestedcomp.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for loop detection
call ..\deleteline tloop-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tloop-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tloop-1.ls tloop-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tloop.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tloop.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for string
call ..\deleteline tstr-1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tstr-1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tstr-1.ls tstr-1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tstr.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tstr.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test test file created from lib SAF team
call ..\deleteline tsaf.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tsaf.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tsaf.ls tsaf.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tsaf.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tsaf.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for variable length data types
call ..\deleteline tvldtypes1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tvldtypes1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tvldtypes1.ls tvldtypes1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tvldtypes1.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tvldtypes1.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for array data types
call ..\deleteline tarray1.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tarray1.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tarray1.ls tarray1.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tarray1.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -r -d tarray1.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for empty data
call ..\deleteline tempty.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\deleteline tempty.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tempty.ls tempty.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -d tempty.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -d tempty.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
REM test for all dataset types written to attributes
REM enable -S for avoiding printing NATIVE types
call ..\mask tattr2.results tattr2_temp.results
del tattr2.results
rename tattr2_temp.results tattr2.results
call ..\deleteline tattr2.results 1
cd ..\testfiles
call ..\mask tattr2.ls tattr2_temp.ls
del tattr2.ls
rename tattr2_temp.ls tattr2.ls
call ..\deleteline tattr2.ls 4
cd ..\temptest\fctemp
fc tattr2.ls tattr2.results >temp.txt
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -v -S tattr2.h5 PASSED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
) else (
echo Testing h5ls -w80 -v -S tattr2.h5 FAILED >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
more temp.txt >> ..\..\lstest%2_%1.txt
del temp.txt
cd ..
cd ..
rmdir /s/q temptest