[svn-r196] Changes since 19980128


	Added new files.

./bin/Makefile.dist		[NEW]
	This file becomes the default top-level Makefile which invokes
	configure with no arguments and then re-runs make.  It's for
	those people that don't read the INSTALL file.

./bin/release			[NEW]
	Build HDF release tarballs.  Arguments are a list of tarball
	types and are: tar, compress, gzip, or bzip2.  The default is
	gzip. If the only argument is `all' then all types of tarballs
	are created.  The results are put in the `releases' directory.
	Make sure you keep MANIFEST up to date.  This program requires
	perl-5.003 or better.

	Fixed a printf format.
This commit is contained in:
Robb Matzke 1998-01-29 11:31:24 -05:00
parent cf52ce8fc4
commit 5761b90f63
4 changed files with 171 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@

Makefile.dist Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Top-level distributed Makefile -*- makefile -*-
# This Makefile is a stub (copied from Makefile.dist) which will run
# configure and then invoke the same target in the new Makefile created
# by configure.
# Uncomment this variable if your make(1) doesn't set it automatically.
all lib progs test install uninstall dep depend clean mostlyclean: config
$(MAKE) $@
distclean maintainer-clean TAGS: config
$(MAKE) $@
sh configure
.PHONY: all lib progs test install uninstall dep depend clean mostlyclean \
distclean maintainer-clean config

bin/release Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
require 5.003;
# Builds a release. Arguments are zero or more of the words.
# tar -- build a tar file *.tar
# compress -- build a compressed tar file *.tar.Z
# gzip -- build a compressed tar file *.tar.gz
# bzip2 -- build a compressed tar file *.tar.bz2
# If no arguments are given then `gzip' is assumed. If the only argument
# is the word `all' then all forms are used.
$releases = "./releases"; # Directory for release tarballs
# Read version info, return an array (MAJOR,MINOR,RELEASE,PATCHLEVEL) or
sub getver () {
my @ver;
open SRC, "./src/H5private.h" or die "cannot read HDF5 version";
while (<SRC>) {
$ver[0] = $1 if /define\s+HDF5_MAJOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)/;
$ver[1] = $1 if /define\s+HDF5_MINOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)/;
$ver[2] = $1 if /define\s+HDF5_RELEASE_VERSION\s+(\d+)/;
$ver[3] = $1 if /define\s+HDF5_PATCH_VERSION\s+(\d+)/;
close SRC;
wantarray ? @ver : "$ver[0].$ver[1].$ver[2]".chr(ord('a')+$ver[3]);
# Set version information. Input is a string or an array.
sub setver ($;$$$) {
my @ver = @_;
local $_;
if ($ver[0]=~/\D/) {
@ver = $ver[0] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)([a-z])$/ or return "";
$ver[3] = ord($ver[3])-ord('a');
$_ = `cat ./src/H5private.h`;
open SRC, "> ./src/H5private.h" or return "";
print SRC $_;
close SRC;
return 1;
# Build a release
sub release (@) {
my @types = @_;
my ($ver, $status);
local $_;
# Make sure the version number is correct.
print "Building an HDF release...\n";
print "HDF version to release [", ($ver=getver), "] ";
return "" unless defined ($_=<STDIN>);
(setver ($ver=$_) or die "cannot set version") if /\S/;
# Clean the source tree, showing only errors.
print "Cleaning source tree...\n";
$status = system "make distclean >/dev/null";
die "cannot make distclean" if $status >> 8;
# Move default top-level makefile into place.
$status = system "cp Makefile.dist Makefile";
die "cannot install default Makefile" if $status >> 8;
# Make sure release directory exists and create a name.
(mkdir $releases, 0777 or die "cannot create $releases")
unless -d $releases;
die "no manifest" unless -r "MANIFEST";
my $name = "$releases/hdf-$ver";
# Build the releases
@types = ("gzip") unless @types;
@types = qw/tar gzip compress bzip2/ if 1==@types && "all" eq $types[0];
my $filelist = 'Makefile `cat MANIFEST`';
for (@types) {
print "Compressing with $_...\n";
/^tar$/ && do {
$status = system "tar cf $name.tar $filelist";
/^gzip$/ && do {
$status = system "tar cf - $filelist |gzip -9 >$name.tar.gz";
/^compress$/ && do {
$status = system "tar cf - $filelist |compress -c >$name.tar.Z";
/^bzip2$/ && do {
$status = system "tar cf - $filelist |bzip2 -9 >$name.tar.bz2";
} continue {
print STDERR "$_ failed\n" if $status >> 8;
# Update version info
print <<EOF;
If this is a real release then the version number for continued development
should be incremented. Otherwise just press return.
print "Set development version to [", ($ver=getver), "] ";
return "" unless defined ($_ = <STDIN>);
(setver ($ver=$_) or die "cannot set version") if /\S/;
if (-d "CVS") {
print <<EOF;
# If we're running under CVS then check in changes and tag all files
# with the release number. Quincey, do you want to add this to the
# bottom of the perl script? Otherwise just give me the commands
# and I'll add them.
return 1;
release @ARGV;

View File

@ -873,12 +873,13 @@ H5AC_debug(H5F_t *f)
} else {
sprintf(ascii, "%7.2f%%", miss_rate);
fprintf(stderr, " %18s: %8d %8d %7s %8d%+-9d\n", s,
fprintf(stderr, " %18s: %8u %8u %7s %8u%+-9ld\n", s,
cache->diagnostics[i].nflushes - cache->diagnostics[i].ninits);
((long)(cache->diagnostics[i].nflushes) -