[svn-r12446] Purpose: Maintenance

Description: More work on the test script: added all current UNIX tests.


Platforms tested: VMS server; many tests failed but I think it is false negative.
                  will investigate, but for now, let's save the code.

Misc. update:
This commit is contained in:
Elena Pourmal 2006-06-29 18:02:05 -05:00
parent 026e4e531a
commit 531ca9af8b

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ $ !
$ !
$ ! Define h5dump symbol
$ !
$! set message/notext/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity
$ current_dir = F$DIRECTRY()
$ len = F$LENGTH(current_dir)
$ temp = F$EXTRACT(0, len-10, current_dir)
@ -18,30 +19,255 @@ $ create h5dump.log
$ !
$ ! h5dump tests
$ !
$ CALL TOOLTEST tgroup-1.ddl "tgroup.h5"
$ ! CALL TOOLTEST tgroup-x.ddl "tgroup.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying groups
$ CALL TOOLTEST tgroup-1.ddl "tgroup.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying the selected groups
$ CALL TOOLTEST tgroup-2.ddl "--group=/g2 --group / -g /y tgroup.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying simple space datasets
$ CALL TOOLTEST tdset-1.ddl "tdset.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying selected datasets
$ CALL TOOLTEST tdset-2.ddl "-"""H""" -d dset1 -d /dset2 --dataset=dset3 tdset.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying attributes
$ CALL TOOLTEST tattr-1.ddl "tattr.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying the selected attributes of string type and scalar space
$ CALL TOOLTEST tattr-2.ddl "-a /attr1 --attribute /attr4 --attribute=/attr5 tattr.h5"
$ ! Test for header and error messages
$ CALL TOOLTEST tattr-3.ddl "--header -a /attr2 --attribute=/attr tattr.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying attributes in shared datatype (also in group and dataset)
$ CALL TOOLTEST tnamed_dtype_attr.ddl "tnamed_dtype_attr.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying soft links
$ CALL TOOLTEST tslink-1.ddl "tslink.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying the selected link
$ CALL TOOLTEST tslink-2.ddl "-l slink2 tslink.h5"
$ ! Tests for hard links
$ CALL TOOLTEST thlink-1.ddl "thlink.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST thlink-2.ddl "-d /g1/dset2 --dataset /dset1 --dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset3 thlink.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST thlink-3.ddl "-d /g1/g1.1/dset3 --dataset /g1/dset2 --dataset=/dset1 thlink.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST thlink-4.ddl "-g /g1 thlink.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST thlink-5.ddl "-d /dset1 -g /g2 -d /g1/dset2 thlink.h5"
$ ! Tests for compound data types
$ CALL TOOLTEST tcomp-1.ddl "tcompound.h5"
$ ! test for named data types
$ CALL TOOLTEST tcomp-2.ddl "-t /type1 --datatype /type2 --datatype=/group1/type3 tcompound.h5"
$ ! Test for unamed type
$ CALL TOOLTEST tcomp-3.ddl "-t /#6632:0 -g /group2 tcompound.h5"
$ ! Test complicated compound datatype
$ CALL TOOLTEST tcomp-4.ddl "tcompound_complex.h5"
$ ! Test for the nested compound type
$ CALL TOOLTEST tnestcomp-1.ddl "tnestedcomp.h5"
$ ! test for options
$ CALL TOOLTEST tall-1.ddl "tall.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tall-2.ddl "--header -g /g1/g1.1 -a attr2 tall.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tall-3.ddl "-d /g2/dset2.1 -l /g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/slink tall.h5"
$ ! Test for loop detection
$ CALL TOOLTEST tloop-1.ddl "tloop.h5"
$ ! Test for string
$ CALL TOOLTEST tstr-1.ddl "tstr.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tstr-2.ddl "tstr2.h5"
$ ! Test for file created by Lib SAF team
$ CALL TOOLTEST tsaf.ddl "tsaf.h5"
$ ! Test for file with variable length data
$ CALL TOOLTEST tvldtypes1.ddl "tvldtypes1.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tvldtypes2.ddl "tvldtypes2.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tvldtypes3.ddl "tvldtypes3.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tvldtypes4.ddl "tvldtypes4.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tvldtypes5.ddl "tvldtypes5.h5"
$ ! Test for file with variable length string data
$ CALL TOOLTEST tvlstr.ddl "tvlstr.h5"
$ ! Test for files with array data
$ CALL TOOLTEST tarray1.ddl "tarray1.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tarray2.ddl "tarray2.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tarray3.ddl "tarray3.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tarray4.ddl "tarray4.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tarray5.ddl "tarray5.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tarray6.ddl "tarray6.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tarray7.ddl "tarray7.h5"
$ ! Test for files with empty data
$ CALL TOOLTEST tempty.ddl "tempty.h5"
$ ! Test for files with groups that have comments
$ CALL TOOLTEST tgrp_comments.ddl "tgrp_comments.h5"
$ ! Test the --filedriver flag
$ CALL TOOLTEST tsplit_file.ddl "--filedriver=split tsplit_file"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tfamily.ddl "--filedriver=family tfamily%05d.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tmulti.ddl "--filedriver=multi tmulti"
$ ! Test for files with group names which reach > 1024 bytes in size
$ CALL TOOLTEST tlarge_objname.ddl -w157 "tlarge_objname.h5"
$ ! Test '-A' to suppress data but print attr's
$ CALL TOOLTEST tall-2A.ddl "-"""A""" tall.h5"
$ ! Test '-r' to print attributes in ASCII instead of decimal
$ CALL TOOLTEST tall-2B.ddl "-"""A""" -r tall.h5"
$ ! Test Subsetting
$ CALL TOOLTEST tall-4s.ddl "--dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.1 --start=1,1 --stride=2,3 --count=3,2 --block=1,1 tall.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tall-5s.ddl "-d """/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.2[0;2;10;]""" tall.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tdset-3s.ddl "-d """/dset1[1,1;;;]""" tdset.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tdset2-1s.ddl "-d """/dset1[;3,2;4,4;1,4]""" tdset2.h5"
$ ! Test printing characters in ASCII instead of decimal
$ CALL TOOLTEST tchar1.ddl -r "tchar.h5"
$ ! Test failure handling
$ ! Missing file name
$ CALL TOOLTEST "tnofilename.ddl"
$ ! rev. 2004
$ ! Tests for super block
$ CALL TOOLTEST tboot1.ddl "-"""H""" -"""B""" -d dset tfcontents1.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tboot2.ddl "-"""B""" tfcontents2.h5"
$ ! Test -p with a non existing dataset
$ CALL TOOLTEST tperror.ddl "-p -d bogus tfcontents1.h5"
$ ! Test for file contents
$ CALL TOOLTEST tcontents.ddl "-n tfcontents1.h5"
$ ! Tests for storage layout
$ ! Compact
$ CALL TOOLTEST tcompact.ddl "-"""H""" -p -d compact tfilters.h5"
$ ! Contiguous
$ CALL TOOLTEST tcontiguos.ddl "-"""H""" -p -d contiguous tfilters.h5"
$ ! Chunked
$ CALL TOOLTEST tchunked.ddl "-"""H""" -p -d chunked tfilters.h5"
$ ! External
$ CALL TOOLTEST texternal.ddl "-"""H""" -p -d external tfilters.h5"
$ ! Fill values
$ CALL TOOLTEST tfill.ddl "-p tfvalues.h5"
$ ! Several datatype, with references , print path
$ CALL TOOLTEST treference.ddl "tattr2.h5"
$ ! Escape/not escape non printable characters
$ CALL TOOLTEST tstringe.ddl "-e tstr3.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tstring.ddl "tstr3.h5"
$ ! Char data as ASCII with non escape
$ CALL TOOLTEST tstring2.ddl "-r -d str4 tstr3.h5"
$ ! Array indices print/not print
$ CALL TOOLTEST tindicesyes.ddl "taindices.h5"
$ CALL TOOLTEST tindicesno.ddl "-y taindices.h5"
$ ! tests for filters
$ ! SZIP
$ !option="-H -p -d szip tfilters.h5"
$ !if test $USE_FILTER_SZIP != "yes"; then
$ !SKIP $option
$ !else
$ !CALL TOOLTEST tszip.ddl $option
$ !fi
$ !# deflate
$ !option="-H -p -d deflate tfilters.h5"
$ !if test $USE_FILTER_DEFLATE != "yes"; then
$ ! SKIP $option
$ !else
$ ! CALL TOOLTEST tdeflate.ddl $option
$ !fi
$ !# shuffle
$ !option="-H -p -d shuffle tfilters.h5"
$ !if test $USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE != "yes"; then
$ ! SKIP $option
$ !else
$ ! CALL TOOLTEST tshuffle.ddl $option
$ !fi
$ !# fletcher32
$ !option="-H -p -d fletcher32 tfilters.h5"
$ !if test $USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32 != "yes"; then
$ ! SKIP $option
$ !else
$ ! CALL TOOLTEST tfletcher32.ddl $option
$ !fi
$ !# nbit
$ !option="-H -p -d nbit tfilters.h5"
$ !if test $USE_FILTER_NBIT != "yes"; then
$ ! SKIP $option
$ !else
$ ! CALL TOOLTEST tnbit.ddl $option
$ !fi
$ !# scaleoffset
$ !option="-H -p -d scaleoffset tfilters.h5"
$ !if test $USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET != "yes"; then
$ ! SKIP $option
$ !else
$ ! CALL TOOLTEST tscaleoffset.ddl $option
$ !fi
$ !# all
$ !option="-H -p -d all tfilters.h5"
$ !if test $USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32 != "yes" -o $USE_FILTER_SZIP != "yes" -o $USE_FILTER_DEFLATE != "yes" -o $USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE != "yes" -o $USE_FILTER_NBIT != "yes" -o $USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET != "yes"; then
$ ! SKIP $option
$ !else
$ ! CALL TOOLTEST tallfilters.ddl $option
$ !fi
$ ! User defined
$ CALL TOOLTEST tuserfilter.ddl "-"""H""" -p -d myfilter tfilters.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying dataset and attribute of null space
$ CALL TOOLTEST tnullspace.ddl "tnullspace.h5"
$ ! Test for displaying objects with very long names
$ CALL TOOLTEST tlonglinks.ddl "tlonglinks.h5"
$ ! Test for long double (some systems do not have long double)
$ ! CALL TOOLTEST tldouble.ddl "tldouble.h5"
$ ! Test for vms
$ CALL TOOLTEST tvms.ddl "tvms.h5"
$ !test for binary output
$ CALL TOOLTEST tbin.ddl "-d integer -b out.bin test1.h5"
$ !
$ len = F$LENGTH(P1)
$ base = F$EXTRACT(0,len-3,P1)
$ actual = base + "out"
$ actual_err = base + "err"
$ begin = "Testing h5dump "
$ !
$ ! Run the test and save output in the 'actual' file
$ !
$ define sys$output 'actual'
$ define/nolog sys$output 'actual'
$ define/nolog sys$error 'actual_err'
$ write sys$output "#############################"
$ write sys$output "Expected output for 'h5dump ''P2''"
$ write sys$output "#############################"
$ h5dump 'P2
$ deassign sys$output
$ deassign sys$error
$ if F$SEARCH(actual_err) .NES. ""
$ then
$ set message/notext/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity
$ append 'actual_err' 'actual'
$ set message/ntext/facility/identification/severity
$ endif
$ !
$ ! Compare the results
$ !
$ diff/output=h5dump_temp 'actual' 'P1'
$ diff/output=h5dump_temp/ignore=(spacing,trailing_spaces,blank_lines) 'actual' 'P1'
$ open/read temp_out h5dump_temp.dif
$ read temp_out record1
$ close temp_out
@ -53,10 +279,10 @@ $ err_code = F$EXTRACT(len-1,1,record1)
$ if err_code .eqs. "0"
$ then
$ result = "PASSED"
$ line = F$FAO("!15AS !50AS !70AS", begin, P1, result)
$ line = F$FAO("!15AS !50AS !70AS", begin, P2, result)
$ else
$ result = "*FAILED*"
$ line = F$FAO("!15AS !49AS !69AS", begin, P1, result)
$ line = F$FAO("!15AS !49AS !69AS", begin, P2, result)
$ endif
$ !
$ ! Print test result
@ -69,7 +295,8 @@ $ append h5dump_temp.dif h5dump.log
$ !
$ ! Delete temporary files
$ !
$ del *.out;*
$! del *.out;*
$! del *.dif;*
$ !