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synced 2025-02-17 16:10:24 +08:00
[svn-r19833] Bug fix - In the code of N-bit filter, one line (the last line of H5Znbit.c in H5Z_nbit_compress -
"*buffer_size = j + 1;" was mistakenly taken out by someone. It is necessary to update the new size. I put it back and made 2 test cases for integer and float to verify the correct dataset size. I'm bringing the fix from 1.8 branch. The changes to configure.in, tools/misc, config, Makefile.am are only property changes. Tested on jam. But I tested 1.8 on jam, heiwa, and amani.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1365,17 +1365,17 @@ static void H5Z_nbit_compress_one_compound(unsigned char *data, size_t data_offs
static void H5Z_nbit_compress(unsigned char *data, unsigned d_nelmts, unsigned char *buffer,
size_t *buffer_size, const unsigned parms[])
/* i: index of data, j: index of buffer,
/* i: index of data, new_size: index of buffer,
buf_len: number of bits to be filled in current byte */
size_t i, j, size;
size_t i, size;
size_t new_size = 0;
int buf_len;
parms_atomic p;
/* must initialize buffer to be zeros */
for(j = 0; j < *buffer_size; j++) buffer[j] = 0;
HDmemset(buffer, 0, *buffer_size);
/* initialization before the loop */
j = 0;
buf_len = sizeof(unsigned char) * 8;
switch(parms[3]) {
@ -1387,14 +1387,14 @@ static void H5Z_nbit_compress(unsigned char *data, unsigned d_nelmts, unsigned c
p.offset = parms[7];
for(i = 0; i < d_nelmts; i++) {
H5Z_nbit_compress_one_atomic(data, i*p.size, buffer, &j, &buf_len, p);
H5Z_nbit_compress_one_atomic(data, i*p.size, buffer, &new_size, &buf_len, p);
size = parms[4];
parms_index = 4;
for(i = 0; i < d_nelmts; i++) {
H5Z_nbit_compress_one_array(data, i*size, buffer, &j, &buf_len, parms);
H5Z_nbit_compress_one_array(data, i*size, buffer, &new_size, &buf_len, parms);
parms_index = 4;
@ -1402,10 +1402,14 @@ static void H5Z_nbit_compress(unsigned char *data, unsigned d_nelmts, unsigned c
size = parms[4];
parms_index = 4;
for(i = 0; i < d_nelmts; i++) {
H5Z_nbit_compress_one_compound(data, i*size, buffer, &j, &buf_len, parms);
H5Z_nbit_compress_one_compound(data, i*size, buffer, &new_size, &buf_len, parms);
parms_index = 4;
} /* end switch */
/* Update the size to the new value after compression. If there are any bits hanging over in
* the last byte, increment the value by 1. */
*buffer_size = new_size + 1;
#endif /* H5_HAVE_FILTER_NBIT */
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ const char *FILENAME[] = {
#define FILENAME_BUF_SIZE 1024
#define KB 1024
#define FILE_DEFLATE_NAME "deflate.h5"
@ -99,6 +100,8 @@ const char *FILENAME[] = {
#define DSET_NBIT_COMPOUND_NAME "nbit_compound"
#define DSET_NBIT_COMPOUND_NAME_2 "nbit_compound_2"
#define DSET_NBIT_COMPOUND_NAME_3 "nbit_compound_3"
#define DSET_NBIT_INT_SIZE_NAME "nbit_int_size"
#define DSET_NBIT_FLT_SIZE_NAME "nbit_flt_size"
#define DSET_SCALEOFFSET_INT_NAME "scaleoffset_int"
#define DSET_SCALEOFFSET_INT_NAME_2 "scaleoffset_int_2"
#define DSET_SCALEOFFSET_FLOAT_NAME "scaleoffset_float"
@ -3931,6 +3934,384 @@ error:
return -1;
* Function: test_nbit_int_size
* Purpose: Tests the correct size of the integer datatype for nbit filter
* Return: Success: 0
* Failure: -1
* Programmer: Raymond Lu
* 19 November 2010
static herr_t
test_nbit_int_size(hid_t file)
hid_t dataspace, dataset, datatype, mem_datatype, dset_create_props;
hsize_t dims[2], chunk_size[2];
hsize_t dset_size = 0;
int orig_data[DSET_DIM1][DSET_DIM2];
int i, j;
size_t precision, offset;
#else /* H5_HAVE_FILTER_NBIT */
const char *not_supported= " Nbit is not enabled.";
#endif /* H5_HAVE_FILTER_NBIT */
TESTING(" nbit integer dataset size");
/* Define dataset datatype (integer), and set precision, offset */
if((datatype = H5Tcopy(H5T_NATIVE_INT)) < 0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Tcopy failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
precision = 16; /* precision includes sign bit */
if(H5Tset_precision(datatype,precision)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_precision failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
offset = 8;
if(H5Tset_offset(datatype,offset)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Tset_offset failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
/* Copy to memory datatype */
if((mem_datatype = H5Tcopy(datatype)) < 0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Tcopy failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
/* Set order of dataset datatype */
if(H5Tset_order(datatype, H5T_ORDER_BE)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_order failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
if(H5Tset_size(datatype, 4)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_size failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
/* Initiliaze data buffer with random data within correct range
* corresponding to the memory datatype's precision and offset.
for (i=0; i < DSET_DIM1; i++)
for (j=0; j < DSET_DIM2; j++)
orig_data[i][j] = rand() % (int)pow(2, precision-1) <<offset;
/* Describe the dataspace. */
dims[0] = DSET_DIM1;
dims[1] = DSET_DIM2;
if((dataspace = H5Screate_simple (2, dims, NULL))<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pcreate failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Set the dataset creation property list to specify the chunks
chunk_size[0] = DSET_DIM1/10;
chunk_size[1] = DSET_DIM2/10;
if((dset_create_props = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE))<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pcreate failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
if(H5Pset_chunk (dset_create_props, 2, chunk_size)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_chunk failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Set for n-bit compression
if(H5Pset_nbit (dset_create_props)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_nbit failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Create a new dataset within the file.
if((dataset = H5Dcreate2 (file, DSET_NBIT_INT_SIZE_NAME, datatype,
dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
dset_create_props, H5P_DEFAULT))<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5dwrite failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Write the array to the file.
if(H5Dwrite (dataset, mem_datatype, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
H5P_DEFAULT, orig_data)<0) {
printf(" Line %d: H5Dwrite failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Get the precision of the data type
if((precision = H5Tget_precision(datatype)) == 0) {
printf(" Line %d: wrong precision size: %d\n",__LINE__, precision);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* The size of the dataset after compression should around 2 * DSET_DIM1 * DSET_DIM2
if((dset_size = H5Dget_storage_size(dataset)) < DSET_DIM1*DSET_DIM2*(precision/8) ||
dset_size > DSET_DIM1*DSET_DIM2*(precision/8) + 1*KB) {
printf(" Line %d: wrong dataset size: %d\n",__LINE__, dset_size);
goto error;
} /* end if */
H5Tclose (datatype);
H5Tclose (mem_datatype);
H5Dclose (dataset);
H5Sclose (dataspace);
H5Pclose (dset_create_props);
return 0;
return -1;
* Function: test_nbit_flt_size
* Purpose: Tests the correct size of the floating-number datatype for
* nbit filter
* Return: Success: 0
* Failure: -1
* Programmer: Raymond Lu
* 19 November 2010
static herr_t
test_nbit_flt_size(hid_t file)
hid_t dataspace, dataset, datatype, dset_create_props;
hsize_t dims[2], chunk_size[2];
hsize_t dset_size = 0;
float orig_data[DSET_DIM1][DSET_DIM2];
int i, j;
size_t precision, offset;
size_t spos, epos, esize, mpos, msize;
#else /* H5_HAVE_FILTER_NBIT */
const char *not_supported= " Nbit is not enabled.";
#endif /* H5_HAVE_FILTER_NBIT */
TESTING(" nbit floating-number dataset size");
/* Define floating-point type for dataset
* size=4 byte, precision=16 bits, offset=8 bits,
* mantissa size=9 bits, mantissa position=8,
* exponent size=6 bits, exponent position=17,
* exponent bias=31.
* It can be illustrated in little-endian order as:
* (S - sign bit, E - exponent bit, M - mantissa bit,
* ? - padding bit)
* 3 2 1 0
* ???????? SEEEEEEM MMMMMMMM ????????
* To create a new floating-point type, the following
* properties must be set in the order of
* set fields -> set offset -> set precision -> set size.
* All these properties must be set before the type can function.
* Other properties can be set anytime. Derived type size cannot
* be expanded bigger than original size but can be decreased.
* There should be no holes among the significant bits. Exponent
* bias usually is set 2^(n-1)-1, where n is the exponent size.
if((datatype = H5Tcopy(H5T_IEEE_F32LE)) < 0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Tcopy failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
msize = 9;
spos = 23;
epos = 17;
esize = 6;
mpos = 8;
offset = 8;
precision = 16;
if(H5Tset_fields(datatype, spos, epos, esize, mpos, msize)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Tset_fields failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
if(H5Tset_offset(datatype,offset)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Tset_offset failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
if(H5Tset_precision(datatype,precision)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Tset_precision failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
if(H5Tset_size(datatype, 4)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_size failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
/* Set order of dataset datatype */
if(H5Tset_order(datatype, H5T_ORDER_BE)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_order failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
if(H5Tset_ebias(datatype, 31)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_size failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Initiliaze data buffer with random data
for (i=0; i < DSET_DIM1; i++)
for (j=0; j < DSET_DIM2; j++)
orig_data[i][j] = (rand() % 1234567) / 2;
/* Describe the dataspace. */
dims[0] = DSET_DIM1;
dims[1] = DSET_DIM2;
if((dataspace = H5Screate_simple (2, dims, NULL))<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pcreate failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Set the dataset creation property list to specify the chunks
chunk_size[0] = DSET_DIM1/10;
chunk_size[1] = DSET_DIM2/10;
if((dset_create_props = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE))<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pcreate failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
if(H5Pset_chunk (dset_create_props, 2, chunk_size)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_chunk failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Set for n-bit compression
if(H5Pset_nbit (dset_create_props)<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5Pset_nbit failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Create a new dataset within the file.
if((dataset = H5Dcreate2 (file, DSET_NBIT_FLT_SIZE_NAME, datatype,
dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
dset_create_props, H5P_DEFAULT))<0) {
printf(" line %d: H5dwrite failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Write the array to the file.
if(H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
H5P_DEFAULT, orig_data)<0) {
printf(" Line %d: H5Dwrite failed\n",__LINE__);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* Get the precision of the data type
if((precision = H5Tget_precision(datatype)) == 0) {
printf(" Line %d: wrong precision size: %d\n",__LINE__, precision);
goto error;
} /* end if */
* The size of the dataset after compression should around 2 * DSET_DIM1 * DSET_DIM2
if((dset_size = H5Dget_storage_size(dataset)) < DSET_DIM1*DSET_DIM2*(precision/8) ||
dset_size > DSET_DIM1*DSET_DIM2*(precision/8) + 1*KB) {
printf(" Line %d: wrong dataset size: %d\n",__LINE__, dset_size);
goto error;
} /* end if */
H5Tclose (datatype);
H5Dclose (dataset);
H5Sclose (dataspace);
H5Pclose (dset_create_props);
return 0;
return -1;
* Function: test_scaleoffset_int
@ -7770,6 +8151,8 @@ main(void)
nerrors += (test_nbit_compound(file) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
nerrors += (test_nbit_compound_2(file) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
nerrors += (test_nbit_compound_3(file) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
nerrors += (test_nbit_int_size(file) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
nerrors += (test_nbit_flt_size(file) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
nerrors += (test_scaleoffset_int(file) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
nerrors += (test_scaleoffset_int_2(file) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
nerrors += (test_scaleoffset_float(file) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user