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!****h* root/fortran/test/tH5R.f90
! tH5R.f90
! Basic testing of Fortran H5R, Reference Interface, APIs.
! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
! Copyright by The HDF Group. *
! Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
! All rights reserved. *
! *
! This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
! terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
! the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *
! of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *
! root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *
! is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *
! http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *
! access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. *
! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
! Tests h5rcreate_f, h5rdereference_f, h5rget_name_f
! and H5Rget_object_type functions
! refobjtest, refregtest
SUBROUTINE refobjtest(cleanup, total_error)
USE HDF5 ! This module contains all necessary modules
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: cleanup
INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: total_error
CHARACTER(LEN=9), PARAMETER :: filename = "reference"
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: fix_filename
CHARACTER(LEN=6), PARAMETER :: groupname1 = "GROUP1"
CHARACTER(LEN=6), PARAMETER :: groupname2 = "GROUP2"
INTEGER(HID_T) :: file_id ! File identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: grp1_id ! Group identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: grp2_id ! Group identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: dset1_id ! Dataset identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: dsetr_id ! Dataset identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: type_id ! Type identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: space_id ! Dataspace identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: spacer_id ! Dataspace identifier
INTEGER :: error, obj_type
INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(1) :: dims = (/5/)
INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(1) :: dimsr= (/4/)
INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(1) :: my_maxdims = (/5/)
INTEGER :: rank = 1
INTEGER :: rankr = 1
TYPE(hobj_ref_t_f), DIMENSION(4) :: ref
TYPE(hobj_ref_t_f), DIMENSION(4) :: ref_out
INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: DATA = (/1, 2, 3, 4, 5/)
CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: buf ! buffer to hold the region name
CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: buf_big ! buffer bigger then needed
INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: buf_size ! returned size of the region buffer name
!Create a new file with Default file access and
!file creation properties .
CALL h5_fixname_f(filename, fix_filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error)
IF (error .NE. 0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) "Cannot modify filename"
CALL h5fcreate_f(fix_filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file_id, error)
CALL check("h5fcreate_f",error,total_error)
! Create a group inside the file
CALL h5gcreate_f(file_id, groupname1, grp1_id, error)
CALL check("h5gcreate_f",error,total_error)
! Create a group inside the group GROUP1
CALL h5gcreate_f(grp1_id, groupname2, grp2_id, error)
CALL check("h5gcreate_f",error,total_error)
! Create dataspaces for datasets
CALL h5screate_simple_f(rank, dims, space_id, error, maxdims=my_maxdims)
CALL check("h5screate_simple_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5screate_simple_f(rankr, dimsr, spacer_id, error)
CALL check("h5screate_simple_f",error,total_error)
! Create integer dataset
CALL h5dcreate_f(file_id, dsetnamei, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, space_id, &
dset1_id, error)
CALL check("h5dcreate_f",error,total_error)
! Create dataset to store references to the objects
CALL h5dcreate_f(file_id, dsetnamer, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, spacer_id, &
dsetr_id, error)
CALL check("h5dcreate_f",error,total_error)
! Create a datatype and store in the file
CALL h5tcopy_f(H5T_NATIVE_REAL, type_id, error)
CALL check("h5tcopy_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5tcommit_f(file_id, "MyType", type_id, error)
CALL check("h5tcommit_f",error,total_error)
! Close dataspaces, groups and integer dataset
CALL h5sclose_f(space_id, error)
CALL check("h5sclose_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5sclose_f(spacer_id, error)
CALL check("h5sclose_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5dclose_f(dset1_id, error)
CALL check("h5dclose_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5tclose_f(type_id, error)
CALL check("h5tclose_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5gclose_f(grp1_id, error)
CALL check("h5gclose_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5gclose_f(grp2_id, error)
CALL check("h5gclose_f",error,total_error)
! Craete references to two groups, integer dataset and shared datatype
! and write it to the dataset in the file
CALL h5rcreate_f(file_id, groupname1, ref(1), error)
CALL check("h5rcreate_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5rcreate_f(file_id, "/GROUP1/GROUP2", ref(2), error)
CALL check("h5rcreate_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5rcreate_f(file_id, dsetnamei, ref(3), error)
CALL check("h5rcreate_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5rcreate_f(file_id, "MyType", ref(4), error)
CALL check("h5rcreate_f",error,total_error)
ref_dim(1) = SIZE(ref)
CALL h5dwrite_f(dsetr_id, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, ref, ref_dim, error)
CALL check("h5dwrite_f",error,total_error)
! getting path to normal dataset in root group
CALL H5Rget_name_f(dsetr_id, ref(1), buf, error, buf_size )
CALL check("H5Rget_name_f", error, total_error)
CALL VERIFY("H5Rget_name_f", INT(buf_size),7, total_error)
CALL VerifyString("H5Rget_name_f", buf, "/GROUP1", total_error)
! with buffer bigger then needed
CALL H5Rget_name_f(dsetr_id, ref(1), buf_big, error, buf_size )
CALL check("H5Rget_name_f", error, total_error)
CALL VERIFY("H5Rget_name_f", INT(buf_size),7,total_error)
CALL VerifyString("H5Rget_name_f", TRIM(buf_big), "/GROUP1", total_error)
! getting path to dataset in /Group1
CALL H5Rget_name_f(dsetr_id, ref(2), buf_big, error, buf_size )
CALL check("H5Rget_name_f", error, total_error)
CALL VERIFY("H5Rget_name_f", INT(buf_size),14,total_error)
CALL VerifyString("H5Rget_name_f", TRIM(buf_big), "/GROUP1/GROUP2", total_error)
!Close the dataset
CALL h5dclose_f(dsetr_id, error)
CALL check("h5dclose_f",error,total_error)
! Reopen the dataset with object references
CALL h5dopen_f(file_id, dsetnamer,dsetr_id,error)
CALL check("h5dopen_f",error,total_error)
ref_dim(1) = SIZE(ref_out)
CALL h5dread_f(dsetr_id, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, ref_out, ref_dim, error)
CALL check("h5dread_f",error,total_error)
!get the third reference's type and Dereference it
CALL h5rget_object_type_f(dsetr_id, ref(3), obj_type, error)
CALL check("h5rget_object_type_f",error,total_error)
IF (obj_type == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN
CALL h5rdereference_f(dsetr_id, ref(3), dset1_id, error)
CALL check("h5rdereference_f",error,total_error)
data_dims(1) = 5
CALL h5dwrite_f(dset1_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, DATA, data_dims, error)
CALL check("h5dwrite_f",error,total_error)
!get the fourth reference's type and Dereference it
CALL h5rget_object_type_f(dsetr_id, ref(4), obj_type, error)
CALL check("h5rget_object_type_f",error,total_error)
IF (obj_type == H5G_TYPE_F) THEN
CALL h5rdereference_f(dsetr_id, ref(4), type_id, error)
CALL check("h5rdereference_f",error,total_error)
! Close all objects.
CALL h5dclose_f(dset1_id, error)
CALL check("h5dclose_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5tclose_f(type_id, error)
CALL check("h5tclose_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5dclose_f(dsetr_id, error)
CALL check("h5dclose_f",error,total_error)
CALL h5fclose_f(file_id, error)
CALL check("h5fclose_f",error,total_error)
IF(cleanup) CALL h5_cleanup_f(filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error)
CALL check("h5_cleanup_f", error, total_error)
! The following subroutine tests h5rget_region_f, h5rcreate_f, h5rget_name_f,
! and h5rdereference_f functionalities
SUBROUTINE refregtest(cleanup, total_error)
USE HDF5 ! This module contains all necessary modules
! use iso_c_binding ! NOTE: if this is uncommented, then need to move subroutine into another file.
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: cleanup
INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: total_error
CHARACTER(LEN=6), PARAMETER :: filename = "Refreg"
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: fix_filename
CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: buf ! buffer to hold the region name
CHARACTER(LEN=11) :: buf_big ! buffer bigger then needed
CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: buf_small ! buffer smaller then needed
INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: buf_size ! returned size of the region buffer name
INTEGER(HID_T) :: file_id ! File identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: space_id ! Dataspace identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: spacer_id ! Dataspace identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: dsetv_id ! Dataset identifier
INTEGER(HID_T) :: dsetr_id ! Dataset identifier
INTEGER :: error
! TYPE(hdset_reg_ref_t_f) , DIMENSION(1:2), TARGET :: ref
TYPE(hdset_reg_ref_t_f) , DIMENSION(1:2) :: ref
TYPE(hdset_reg_ref_t_f) , DIMENSION(1:2) :: ref_out
INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: ref_dim = (/0,0/)
INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: data_dims ! = (/0,0/)
INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: dims = (/2,9/) ! Datasets dimensions
INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(1) :: dimsr = (/2/) !
INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: start ! = (/0,0/)
INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: count ! = (/0,0/)
INTEGER :: rankr = 1
INTEGER :: rank = 2
INTEGER , DIMENSION(2,9) :: data_out = 0
INTEGER(SIZE_T) ::num_points = 3 ! Number of selected points
! type(c_ptr) :: f_ptr
coord = RESHAPE((/1,1,2,7,1,9/), (/2,3/)) ! Coordinates of selected points
DATA = RESHAPE ((/1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6/), (/2,9/))
ref_out(1)%ref = 0
ref_out(2)%ref = 0
! Initialize FORTRAN predefined datatypes.
! CALL h5init_types_f(error)
! CALL check("h5init_types_f", error, total_error)
! Create a new file.
CALL h5_fixname_f(filename, fix_filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error)
IF (error .NE. 0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) "Cannot modify filename"
CALL h5fcreate_f(fix_filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file_id, error)
! Default file access and file creation
! properties are used.
CALL check("h5fcreate_f", error, total_error)
! Create dataspaces:
! for dataset with references to dataset regions
CALL h5screate_simple_f(rankr, dimsr, spacer_id, error)
CALL check("h5screate_simple_f", error, total_error)
! for integer dataset
CALL h5screate_simple_f(rank, dims, space_id, error)
CALL check("h5screate_simple_f", error, total_error)
! Create and write datasets:
! Integer dataset
CALL h5dcreate_f(file_id, dsetnamev, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, space_id, &
dsetv_id, error)
CALL check("h5dcreate_f", error, total_error)
data_dims(1) = 2
data_dims(2) = 9
! f_ptr = c_loc(data)
! CALL h5dwrite_f(dsetv_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, f_ptr, error)
CALL h5dwrite_f(dsetv_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, DATA, data_dims, error)
CALL check("h5dwrite_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5dclose_f(dsetv_id, error)
CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error)
! Dataset with references
CALL h5dcreate_f(file_id, dsetnamer, H5T_STD_REF_DSETREG, spacer_id, &
dsetr_id, error)
CALL check("h5dcreate_f", error, total_error)
! Create a reference to the hyperslab selection.
start(1) = 0
start(2) = 3
COUNT(1) = 2
COUNT(2) = 3
CALL h5sselect_hyperslab_f(space_id, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, &
start, count, error)
CALL check("h5sselect_hyperslab_f", error, total_error)
ref(1)%ref(:) = 0
! f_ptr = C_LOC(ref(1))
! CALL h5rcreate_f(file_id, dsetnamev, 1, space_id, f_ptr, error)
CALL h5rcreate_f(file_id, dsetnamev, space_id, ref(1), error)
CALL check("h5rcreate_f", error, total_error)
! Create a reference to elements selection.
CALL h5sselect_none_f(space_id, error)
CALL check("h5sselect_none_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5sselect_elements_f(space_id, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, rank, num_points,&
coord, error)
CALL check("h5sselect_elements_f", error, total_error)
ref(2)%ref(:) = 0
CALL h5rcreate_f(file_id, dsetnamev, space_id, ref(2), error)
CALL check("h5rcreate_f", error, total_error)
! Write dataset with the references.
ref_dim(1) = SIZE(ref)
CALL h5dwrite_f(dsetr_id, H5T_STD_REF_DSETREG, ref, ref_dim, error)
CALL check("h5dwrite_f", error, total_error)
! Close all objects.
CALL h5sclose_f(space_id, error)
CALL check("h5sclose_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5sclose_f(spacer_id, error)
CALL check("h5sclose_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5dclose_f(dsetr_id, error)
CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5fclose_f(file_id, error)
CALL check("h5fclose_f", error, total_error)
! Reopen the file to test selections.
CALL h5fopen_f (fix_filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR_F, file_id, error)
CALL check("h5fopen_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5dopen_f(file_id, dsetnamer, dsetr_id, error)
CALL check("h5dopen_f", error, total_error)
! Read references to the dataset regions.
ref_dim(1) = SIZE(ref_out)
CALL h5dread_f(dsetr_id, H5T_STD_REF_DSETREG, ref_out, ref_dim, error)
CALL check("h5dread_f", error, total_error)
! Get name of the dataset the first region reference points to using H5Rget_name_f
CALL H5Rget_name_f(dsetr_id, ref_out(1), buf, error, buf_size )
CALL check("H5Rget_name_f", error, total_error)
CALL VERIFY("H5Rget_name_f", INT(buf_size),7,total_error)
CALL VerifyString("H5Rget_name_f", buf, "/MATRIX", total_error)
! Get name of the dataset the first region reference points to using H5Rget_name_f
! buffer bigger then needed
CALL H5Rget_name_f(dsetr_id, ref_out(1), buf_big, error, buf_size )
CALL check("H5Rget_name_f", error, total_error)
CALL VERIFY("H5Rget_name_f", INT(buf_size),7,total_error)
CALL VerifyString("H5Rget_name_f", TRIM(buf_big), "/MATRIX", total_error)
! Get name of the dataset the first region reference points to using H5Rget_name_f
! buffer smaller then needed
CALL H5Rget_name_f(dsetr_id, ref_out(1), buf_small, error, buf_size )
CALL check("H5Rget_name_f", error, total_error)
CALL VERIFY("H5Rget_name_f", INT(buf_size),7,total_error)
CALL VerifyString("H5Rget_name_f", TRIM(buf_small), "/MAT", total_error)
! Dereference the first reference.
CALL H5rdereference_f(dsetr_id, ref_out(1), dsetv_id, error)
CALL check("h5rdereference_f", error, total_error)
CALL H5rget_region_f(dsetr_id, ref_out(1), space_id, error)
CALL check("h5rget_region_f", error, total_error)
! Get name of the dataset the second region reference points to using H5Rget_name_f
CALL H5Rget_name_f(dsetr_id, ref_out(2), buf, error) ! no optional size
CALL check("H5Rget_name_f", error, total_error)
CALL VerifyString("H5Rget_name_f", TRIM(buf), "/MATRIX", total_error)
! Read selected data from the dataset.
data_dims(1) = 2
data_dims(2) = 9
CALL h5dread_f(dsetv_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data_out, data_dims, error, &
mem_space_id = space_id, file_space_id = space_id)
CALL check("h5dread_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5sclose_f(space_id, error)
CALL check("h5sclose_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5dclose_f(dsetv_id, error)
CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error)
data_out = 0
! Dereference the second reference.
CALL H5rdereference_f(dsetr_id, ref_out(2), dsetv_id, error)
CALL check("h5rdereference_f", error, total_error)
CALL H5rget_region_f(dsetr_id, ref_out(2), space_id, error)
CALL check("h5rget_region_f", error, total_error)
! Read selected data from the dataset.
CALL h5dread_f(dsetv_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data_out, data_dims, error, &
mem_space_id = space_id, file_space_id = space_id)
CALL check("h5dread_f", error, total_error)
! Close all objects
CALL h5sclose_f(space_id, error)
CALL check("h5sclose_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5dclose_f(dsetv_id, error)
CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5dclose_f(dsetr_id, error)
CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error)
CALL h5fclose_f(file_id, error)
CALL check("h5fclose_f", error, total_error)
IF(cleanup) CALL h5_cleanup_f(filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error)
CALL check("h5_cleanup_f", error, total_error)