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/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* Programmer: Mike McGreevy
* October 7, 2010
#include "h5test.h"
#define H5F_FRIEND /*suppress error about including H5Fpkg */
#define H5FD_FRIEND /*suppress error about including H5FDpkg */
#define H5FD_TESTING
#include "H5Fpkg.h"
#include "H5FDpkg.h"
#include "H5Iprivate.h"
/* Filename */
#define FILENAME "accum.h5"
/* The file name is the same as the define in accum_swmr_reader.c */
#define SWMR_FILENAME "accum_swmr_big.h5"
/* The reader forked by test_swmr_write_big() */
#define SWMR_READER "accum_swmr_reader"
/* "big" I/O test values */
#define BIG_BUF_SIZE (6 * 1024 * 1024)
/* Random I/O test values */
#define RANDOM_BUF_SIZE (1 * 1024 * 1024)
#define MAX_RANDOM_SEGMENTS (5 * 1024)
#define RAND_SEG_LEN (1024)
#define RANDOM_BASE_OFF (1024 * 1024)
/* Make file global to all tests */
H5F_t * f = NULL;
/* Function Prototypes */
unsigned test_write_read(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_write_read_nonacc_front(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_write_read_nonacc_end(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_accum_overlap(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_accum_overlap_clean(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_accum_overlap_size(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_accum_non_overlap_size(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_accum_adjust(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_read_after(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_free(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_big(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_random_write(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info);
unsigned test_swmr_write_big(hbool_t newest_format);
/* Helper Function Prototypes */
void accum_printf(void);
/* Private Test H5Faccum Function Wrappers */
#define accum_write(a,s,b) H5F_block_write(f, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)(a), (size_t)(s), H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, (b))
#define accum_read(a,s,b) H5F_block_read(f, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)(a), (size_t)(s), H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, (b))
#define accum_free(fio_info,a,s) H5F__accum_free(fio_info, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)(a), (hsize_t)(s))
#define accum_flush(fio_info) H5F__accum_flush(fio_info)
#define accum_reset(fio_info) H5F__accum_reset(fio_info, TRUE)
/* ================= */
/* Main Test Routine */
/* ================= */
* Function: main
* Purpose: Test the metadata accumulator code
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Mike McGreevy
* October 7, 2010
H5F_io_info2_t fio_info; /* I/O info for operation */
unsigned nerrors = 0; /* track errors */
hid_t fid = -1;
/* Test Setup */
puts("Testing the metadata accumulator");
/* Create a test file */
/* Get H5F_t * to internal file structure */
if(NULL == (f = (H5F_t *)H5I_object(fid))) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
/* We'll be writing lots of garbage data, so extend the
file a ways. 10MB should do. */
if(H5FD_set_eoa(f->shared->lf, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)(1024*1024*10)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
/* Set up I/O info for operation */
fio_info.f = f;
if(NULL == (fio_info.meta_dxpl = (H5P_genplist_t *)H5I_object(H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id))) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
if(NULL == (fio_info.raw_dxpl = (H5P_genplist_t *)H5I_object(H5AC_rawdata_dxpl_id))) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
/* Reset metadata accumulator for the file */
if(accum_reset(&fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
/* Test Functions */
nerrors += test_write_read(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_write_read_nonacc_front(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_write_read_nonacc_end(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_accum_overlap(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_accum_overlap_clean(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_accum_overlap_size(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_accum_non_overlap_size(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_accum_adjust(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_read_after(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_free(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_big(&fio_info);
nerrors += test_random_write(&fio_info);
/* End of test code, close and delete file */
if(H5Fclose(fid) < 0) TEST_ERROR
/* This test uses a different file */
nerrors += test_swmr_write_big(TRUE);
nerrors += test_swmr_write_big(FALSE);
goto error;
puts("All metadata accumulator tests passed.");
return 0;
puts("*** TESTS FAILED ***");
return 1;
} /* end main() */
/* ============================= */
/* Individual Unit Test Routines */
/* ============================= */
* Function: test_write_read
* Purpose: Simple test to write to then read from metadata accumulator.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Mike McGreevy
* October 7, 2010
test_write_read(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int *write_buf, *read_buf;
TESTING("simple write/read to/from metadata accumulator");
/* Allocate buffers */
write_buf = (int *)HDmalloc(1024 * sizeof(int));
read_buf = (int *)HDcalloc((size_t)1024, sizeof(int));
/* Fill buffer with data, zero out read buffer */
for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
write_buf[i] = i + 1;
/* Do a simple write/read/verify of data */
/* Write 1KB at Address 0 */
if(accum_write(0, 1024, write_buf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(0, 1024, read_buf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(write_buf, read_buf, (size_t)1024) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* test_write_read */
* Function: test_write_read_nonacc_front
* Purpose: Simple test to write to then read from before metadata accumulator.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Allen Byrne
* October 8, 2010
test_write_read_nonacc_front(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int *write_buf, *read_buf;
TESTING("simple write/read to/from before metadata accumulator");
/* Allocate buffers */
write_buf = (int *)HDmalloc(2048 * sizeof(int));
read_buf = (int *)HDcalloc((size_t)2048, sizeof(int));
/* Fill buffer with data, zero out read buffer */
for(i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
write_buf[i] = i + 1;
/* Do a simple write/read/verify of data */
/* Write 1KB at Address 0 */
if(accum_write(0, 1024, write_buf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_write(1024, 1024, write_buf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(0, 1024, read_buf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(write_buf, read_buf, (size_t)1024) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* test_write_read */
* Function: test_write_read_nonacc_end
* Purpose: Simple test to write to then read from after metadata accumulator.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Allen Byrne
* October 8, 2010
test_write_read_nonacc_end(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int *write_buf, *read_buf;
TESTING("simple write/read to/from after metadata accumulator");
/* Allocate buffers */
write_buf = (int *)HDmalloc(2048 * sizeof(int));
read_buf = (int *)HDcalloc((size_t)2048, sizeof(int));
/* Fill buffer with data, zero out read buffer */
for(i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
write_buf[i] = i + 1;
/* Do a simple write/read/verify of data */
/* Write 1KB at Address 0 */
if(accum_write(1024, 1024, write_buf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_write(0, 1024, write_buf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(1024, 1024, read_buf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(write_buf, read_buf, (size_t)1024) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* test_write_read */
* Function: test_free
* Purpose: Simple test to free metadata accumulator.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Raymond Lu
* October 8, 2010
test_free(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int32_t *wbuf = NULL;
int32_t *rbuf = NULL;
int32_t *expect = NULL;
TESTING("simple freeing metadata accumulator");
/* Write and free the whole accumulator. */
wbuf = (int32_t *)HDmalloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
rbuf = (int32_t *)HDmalloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
expect = (int32_t *)HDmalloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
/* Fill buffer with data */
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
wbuf[i] = (int32_t)(i + 1);
if(accum_write(0, 256 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_free(fio_info, 0, 256 * sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Free an empty accumulator */
if(accum_free(fio_info, 0, 256 * 1024 * sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write second quarter of the accumulator */
if(accum_write(64 * sizeof(int32_t), 64 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Free the second quarter of the accumulator, the requested area
* is bigger than the data region on the right side. */
if(accum_free(fio_info, 64 * sizeof(int32_t), 65 * sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write half of the accumulator. */
if(accum_write(0, 128 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Free the first block of 4B */
if(accum_free(fio_info, 0, sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Check that the accumulator still contains the correct data */
if(accum_read(1 * sizeof(int32_t), 127 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf + 1, rbuf, 127 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Free the block of 4B at 127*4B */
if(accum_free(fio_info, 127 * sizeof(int32_t), sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Check that the accumulator still contains the correct data */
if(accum_read(1 * sizeof(int32_t), 126 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf + 1, rbuf, 126 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Free the block of 4B at 2*4B */
if(accum_free(fio_info, 2 * sizeof(int32_t), sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Check that the accumulator still contains the correct data */
if(accum_read(1 * sizeof(int32_t), 1 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf + 1, rbuf, 1 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_read(3 * sizeof(int32_t), 124 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf + 3, rbuf, 124 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Test freeing section that overlaps the start of the accumulator and is
* entirely before dirty section */
if(accum_write(64 * sizeof(int32_t), 128 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 64, wbuf, 128 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_write(68 * sizeof(int32_t), 4 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 68, wbuf, 4 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_free(fio_info, 62 * sizeof(int32_t), 4 * sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Check that the accumulator still contains the correct data */
if(accum_read(66 * sizeof(int32_t), 126 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(expect + 66, rbuf, 126 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Test freeing section that overlaps the start of the accumulator and
* completely contains dirty section */
if(accum_write(64 * sizeof(int32_t), 128 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 64, wbuf, 128 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_write(68 * sizeof(int32_t), 4 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 68, wbuf, 4 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_free(fio_info, 62 * sizeof(int32_t), 16 * sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Check that the accumulator still contains the correct data */
if(accum_read(78 * sizeof(int32_t), 114 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(expect + 78, rbuf, 114 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Test freeing section completely contained in accumulator and is entirely
* before dirty section */
if(accum_write(64 * sizeof(int32_t), 128 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 64, wbuf, 128 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_write(72 * sizeof(int32_t), 4 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 72, wbuf, 4 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_free(fio_info, 66 * sizeof(int32_t), 4 * sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Check that the accumulator still contains the correct data */
if(accum_read(70 * sizeof(int32_t), 122 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(expect + 70, rbuf, 122 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Test freeing section completely contained in accumulator, starts before
* dirty section, and ends in dirty section */
if(accum_write(64 * sizeof(int32_t), 128 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 64, wbuf, 128 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_write(72 * sizeof(int32_t), 4 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 72, wbuf, 4 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_free(fio_info, 70 * sizeof(int32_t), 4 * sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Check that the accumulator still contains the correct data */
if(accum_read(74 * sizeof(int32_t), 118 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(expect + 74, rbuf, 118 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Test freeing section completely contained in accumulator and completely
* contains dirty section */
if(accum_write(64 * sizeof(int32_t), 128 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 64, wbuf, 128 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_write(72 * sizeof(int32_t), 4 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 72, wbuf, 4 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_free(fio_info, 70 * sizeof(int32_t), 8 * sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Check that the accumulator still contains the correct data */
if(accum_read(78 * sizeof(int32_t), 114 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(expect + 78, rbuf, 114 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Test freeing section completely contained in accumulator, starts at start
* of dirty section, and ends in dirty section */
if(accum_write(64 * sizeof(int32_t), 128 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 64, wbuf, 128 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_write(72 * sizeof(int32_t), 8 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemcpy(expect + 72, wbuf, 8 * sizeof(int32_t));
if(accum_free(fio_info, 72 * sizeof(int32_t), 4 * sizeof(int32_t)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Check that the accumulator still contains the correct data */
if(accum_read(76 * sizeof(int32_t), 116 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(expect + 76, rbuf, 116 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
[svn-r23219] Description: Bring reviewed changes from Coverity branch back to trunk (QK & JK): r20457: Coverity issue 691: return of H5duo could be negative. Fixed by using STDOUT_FILENO and redesign parse_command_line and main to cleanup file allocations. The output_file var is null when using stdout. In cleanup do not close output_file if NULL. r20510: Initialize ufid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ufid != -1 r20511: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 1715 Description: Free "file" and nested data on failure in H5FD_core_open. r20512: Initialize ifid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ifid != -1 r20514: Initialize h5fid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on h5fid != -1 r20516: Added else branch to the if (ret_value < 0) check. r20522: Addressed coverity issues 930-933, 850, 836, 835, 1307. All minor potential buffer overwrite bugs, or coverity errors. Fixed by replacing strcpy and sprintf with strncpy and snprintf. r20523: fixed coverity issues 68, 1120, 1116i r20524: Check H5Z_SZIP->encoder_present < 1 assuming 0 represents absence. r20601: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 1703-1705 Description: Modified the cleanup code in test_free in accum.c to reset allocated buffers to NULL after they are freed, and modified the error cleanup code to check if these buffers are NULL before freeing them. Also fixed some unrelated warnings in accum.c. r20602: Use HDsnprintf and HDstrncat r20603: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 808-809 Description: Modified test_core in vfd.c to check the returns from malloc, and keep track of whether points and check are allocated by setting them to NULL when they are not. Added code to free points and check on error if they are not NULL. Also fixed unrelated warnings in vfd.c. r20604: Use HDstrncpy. r20605: Use HDstrncpy and HDstrncat. r20606: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 807 Description: Modified long_compact in stab.c to keep track of whether objname is allocated by setting it to NULL when it is not. Added code to free objname on error if it is not NULL. r20607: Changed string function calls to use versions that specify the string length to fix coverity issues 832 and 839. Tested on: Mac OSX/64 10.8.2 (amazon) (Too minor to require h5committest)
2013-02-02 09:53:32 +08:00
wbuf = NULL;
[svn-r23219] Description: Bring reviewed changes from Coverity branch back to trunk (QK & JK): r20457: Coverity issue 691: return of H5duo could be negative. Fixed by using STDOUT_FILENO and redesign parse_command_line and main to cleanup file allocations. The output_file var is null when using stdout. In cleanup do not close output_file if NULL. r20510: Initialize ufid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ufid != -1 r20511: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 1715 Description: Free "file" and nested data on failure in H5FD_core_open. r20512: Initialize ifid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ifid != -1 r20514: Initialize h5fid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on h5fid != -1 r20516: Added else branch to the if (ret_value < 0) check. r20522: Addressed coverity issues 930-933, 850, 836, 835, 1307. All minor potential buffer overwrite bugs, or coverity errors. Fixed by replacing strcpy and sprintf with strncpy and snprintf. r20523: fixed coverity issues 68, 1120, 1116i r20524: Check H5Z_SZIP->encoder_present < 1 assuming 0 represents absence. r20601: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 1703-1705 Description: Modified the cleanup code in test_free in accum.c to reset allocated buffers to NULL after they are freed, and modified the error cleanup code to check if these buffers are NULL before freeing them. Also fixed some unrelated warnings in accum.c. r20602: Use HDsnprintf and HDstrncat r20603: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 808-809 Description: Modified test_core in vfd.c to check the returns from malloc, and keep track of whether points and check are allocated by setting them to NULL when they are not. Added code to free points and check on error if they are not NULL. Also fixed unrelated warnings in vfd.c. r20604: Use HDstrncpy. r20605: Use HDstrncpy and HDstrncat. r20606: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 807 Description: Modified long_compact in stab.c to keep track of whether objname is allocated by setting it to NULL when it is not. Added code to free objname on error if it is not NULL. r20607: Changed string function calls to use versions that specify the string length to fix coverity issues 832 and 839. Tested on: Mac OSX/64 10.8.2 (amazon) (Too minor to require h5committest)
2013-02-02 09:53:32 +08:00
rbuf = NULL;
[svn-r23219] Description: Bring reviewed changes from Coverity branch back to trunk (QK & JK): r20457: Coverity issue 691: return of H5duo could be negative. Fixed by using STDOUT_FILENO and redesign parse_command_line and main to cleanup file allocations. The output_file var is null when using stdout. In cleanup do not close output_file if NULL. r20510: Initialize ufid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ufid != -1 r20511: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 1715 Description: Free "file" and nested data on failure in H5FD_core_open. r20512: Initialize ifid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ifid != -1 r20514: Initialize h5fid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on h5fid != -1 r20516: Added else branch to the if (ret_value < 0) check. r20522: Addressed coverity issues 930-933, 850, 836, 835, 1307. All minor potential buffer overwrite bugs, or coverity errors. Fixed by replacing strcpy and sprintf with strncpy and snprintf. r20523: fixed coverity issues 68, 1120, 1116i r20524: Check H5Z_SZIP->encoder_present < 1 assuming 0 represents absence. r20601: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 1703-1705 Description: Modified the cleanup code in test_free in accum.c to reset allocated buffers to NULL after they are freed, and modified the error cleanup code to check if these buffers are NULL before freeing them. Also fixed some unrelated warnings in accum.c. r20602: Use HDsnprintf and HDstrncat r20603: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 808-809 Description: Modified test_core in vfd.c to check the returns from malloc, and keep track of whether points and check are allocated by setting them to NULL when they are not. Added code to free points and check on error if they are not NULL. Also fixed unrelated warnings in vfd.c. r20604: Use HDstrncpy. r20605: Use HDstrncpy and HDstrncat. r20606: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 807 Description: Modified long_compact in stab.c to keep track of whether objname is allocated by setting it to NULL when it is not. Added code to free objname on error if it is not NULL. r20607: Changed string function calls to use versions that specify the string length to fix coverity issues 832 and 839. Tested on: Mac OSX/64 10.8.2 (amazon) (Too minor to require h5committest)
2013-02-02 09:53:32 +08:00
expect = NULL;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
return 0;
[svn-r23219] Description: Bring reviewed changes from Coverity branch back to trunk (QK & JK): r20457: Coverity issue 691: return of H5duo could be negative. Fixed by using STDOUT_FILENO and redesign parse_command_line and main to cleanup file allocations. The output_file var is null when using stdout. In cleanup do not close output_file if NULL. r20510: Initialize ufid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ufid != -1 r20511: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 1715 Description: Free "file" and nested data on failure in H5FD_core_open. r20512: Initialize ifid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ifid != -1 r20514: Initialize h5fid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on h5fid != -1 r20516: Added else branch to the if (ret_value < 0) check. r20522: Addressed coverity issues 930-933, 850, 836, 835, 1307. All minor potential buffer overwrite bugs, or coverity errors. Fixed by replacing strcpy and sprintf with strncpy and snprintf. r20523: fixed coverity issues 68, 1120, 1116i r20524: Check H5Z_SZIP->encoder_present < 1 assuming 0 represents absence. r20601: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 1703-1705 Description: Modified the cleanup code in test_free in accum.c to reset allocated buffers to NULL after they are freed, and modified the error cleanup code to check if these buffers are NULL before freeing them. Also fixed some unrelated warnings in accum.c. r20602: Use HDsnprintf and HDstrncat r20603: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 808-809 Description: Modified test_core in vfd.c to check the returns from malloc, and keep track of whether points and check are allocated by setting them to NULL when they are not. Added code to free points and check on error if they are not NULL. Also fixed unrelated warnings in vfd.c. r20604: Use HDstrncpy. r20605: Use HDstrncpy and HDstrncat. r20606: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 807 Description: Modified long_compact in stab.c to keep track of whether objname is allocated by setting it to NULL when it is not. Added code to free objname on error if it is not NULL. r20607: Changed string function calls to use versions that specify the string length to fix coverity issues 832 and 839. Tested on: Mac OSX/64 10.8.2 (amazon) (Too minor to require h5committest)
2013-02-02 09:53:32 +08:00
return 1;
} /* test_free */
* Function: test_accum_overlap
* Purpose: This test will write a series of pieces of data
* to the accumulator with the goal of overlapping
* the writes in various different ways.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Mike McGreevy
* October 7, 2010
test_accum_overlap(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int32_t *wbuf, *rbuf;
TESTING("overlapping write to metadata accumulator");
/* Allocate buffers */
wbuf = (int32_t *)HDmalloc(4096 * sizeof(int32_t));
rbuf = (int32_t *)HDcalloc((size_t)4096, sizeof(int32_t));
/* Case 1: No metadata in accumulator */
/* Write 10 1's at address 40 */
/* @0:| 1111111111| */
/* Put some data in the accumulator initially */
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
wbuf[i] = 1;
if(accum_write(40, 10 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(40, 10 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 10 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 2: End of new piece aligns with start of accumulated data */
/* Write 5 2's at address 20 */
/* @0:| 222221111111111| */
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
wbuf[i] = 2;
if(accum_write(20, 5 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(20, 5 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 5 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 3: Start of new piece aligns with start of accumulated data */
/* Write 3 3's at address 20 */
/* @0:| 333221111111111| */
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
wbuf[i] = 3;
if(accum_write(20, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(20, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 3 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 4: New piece overlaps start of accumulated data */
/* Write 5 4's at address 8 */
/* @0:| 444443221111111111| */
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
wbuf[i] = 4;
if(accum_write(8, 5 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(8, 5 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 5 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 5: New piece completely within accumulated data */
/* Write 4 5's at address 48 */
/* @0:| 444443221155551111| */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
wbuf[i] = 5;
if(accum_write(48, 4 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(48, 4 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 4 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 6: End of new piece aligns with end of accumulated data */
/* Write 3 6's at address 68 */
/* @0:| 444443221155551666| */
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
wbuf[i] = 6;
if(accum_write(68, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(68, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 3 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 7: New piece overlaps end of accumulated data */
/* Write 5 7's at address 76 */
/* @0:| 4444432211555516677777| */
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
wbuf[i] = 7;
if(accum_write(76, 5 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(76, 5 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 5 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 8: Start of new piece aligns with end of accumulated data */
/* Write 3 8's at address 96 */
/* @0:| 4444432211555516677777888| */
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
wbuf[i] = 8;
if(accum_write(96, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(96, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 3 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Set up expected data buffer and verify contents of
accumulator as constructed by cases 1-8, above */
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
wbuf[i] = 4;
for(i = 5; i < 6; i++)
wbuf[i] = 3;
for(i = 6; i < 8; i++)
wbuf[i] = 2;
for(i = 8; i < 10; i++)
wbuf[i] = 1;
for(i = 10; i < 14; i++)
wbuf[i] = 5;
for(i = 14; i < 15; i++)
wbuf[i] = 1;
for(i = 15; i < 17; i++)
wbuf[i] = 6;
for(i = 17; i < 22; i++)
wbuf[i] = 7;
for(i = 22; i < 25; i++)
wbuf[i] = 8;
if(accum_read(8, 25 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 25 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 9: New piece completely before accumulated data */
/* Write 1 9 at address 0 */
/* @0:|9 4444432211555516677777888| */
for(i = 0; i < 1; i++)
wbuf[i] = 9;
if(accum_write(0, 1 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(0, 1 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 1 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 10: New piece completely after accumulated data */
/* Write 4 3's at address 116 */
/* @0:|9 4444432211555516677777888 3333| */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
wbuf[i] = 3;
if(accum_write(116, 4 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(116, 4 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 4 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 11: New piece completely overlaps accumulated data */
/* Write 6 4's at address 112 */
/* @0:|9 4444432211555516677777888 444444| */
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
wbuf[i] = 4;
if(accum_write(112, 6 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(112, 6 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 6 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* test_accum_overlap */
* Function: test_accum_overlap_clean
* Purpose: This test will write a series of pieces of data
* to the accumulator with the goal of overlapping
* the writes in various different ways, with clean
* areas in the accumulator.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Neil Fortner
* October 8, 2010
test_accum_overlap_clean(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int32_t *wbuf, *rbuf;
TESTING("overlapping write to partially clean metadata accumulator");
/* Allocate buffers */
wbuf = (int32_t *)HDmalloc(4096 * sizeof(int32_t));
rbuf = (int32_t *)HDcalloc((size_t)4096, sizeof(int32_t));
/* Case 1: No metadata in accumulator */
/* Write 10 1's at address 40 */
/* @0:| 1111111111| */
/* Put some data in the accumulator initially */
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
wbuf[i] = 1;
if(accum_write(40, 10 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(40, 10 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 10 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 2: End of new piece aligns with start of clean accumulated data */
/* Write 5 2's at address 20 */
/* @0:| 222221111111111| */
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
wbuf[i] = 2;
if(accum_write(20, 5 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(20, 5 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 5 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 3: Start of new piece aligns with start of accumulated data,
* completely encloses dirty section of accumulator */
/* Write 6 3's at address 20 */
/* @0:| 333333111111111| */
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
wbuf[i] = 3;
if(accum_write(20, 6 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(20, 6 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 6 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 4: New piece completely within accumulated data, overlaps
* end of dirty section of accumulator */
/* Write 2 4's at address 40 */
/* @0:| 333334411111111| */
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
wbuf[i] = 4;
if(accum_write(40, 2 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(40, 2 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 2 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 5: New piece completely within accumulated data, completely
* after dirty section of accumulator */
/* Write 2 5's at address 52 */
/* @0:| 333334415511111| */
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
wbuf[i] = 5;
if(accum_write(52, 2 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(52, 2 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 2 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 6: New piece completely within clean accumulated data */
/* Write 3 6's at address 44 */
/* @0:| 333334666511111| */
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
wbuf[i] = 6;
if(accum_write(44, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(44, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 3 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 7: New piece overlaps start of clean accumulated data */
/* Write 2 7's at address 16 */
/* @0:| 7733334666511111| */
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
wbuf[i] = 7;
if(accum_write(16, 2 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(16, 2 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 2 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 8: New piece overlaps start of accumulated data, completely
* encloses dirty section of accumulator */
/* Write 4 8's at address 12 */
/* @0:| 88883334666511111| */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
wbuf[i] = 8;
if(accum_write(12, 4 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(12, 4 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 4 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 9: Start of new piece aligns with end of clean accumulated data */
/* Write 3 9's at address 80 */
/* @0:| 88883334666511111999| */
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
wbuf[i] = 9;
if(accum_write(80, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(80, 3 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 3 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 10: New piece overlaps end of clean accumulated data */
/* Write 3 2's at address 88 */
/* @0:| 888833346665111119922| */
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
wbuf[i] = 2;
if(accum_write(88, 2 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(88, 2 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 2 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 11: New piece overlaps end of accumulated data, completely encloses
* dirty section of accumulator */
/* Write 4 7's at address 84 */
/* @0:| 8888333466651111197777| */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
wbuf[i] = 7;
if(accum_write(84, 4 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(84, 4 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 4 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Set up expected data buffer and verify contents of
accumulator as constructed by cases 1-11, above */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
wbuf[i] = 8;
for(i = 4; i < 7; i++)
wbuf[i] = 3;
for(i = 7; i < 8; i++)
wbuf[i] = 4;
for(i = 8; i < 11; i++)
wbuf[i] = 6;
for(i = 11; i < 12; i++)
wbuf[i] = 5;
for(i = 12; i < 17; i++)
wbuf[i] = 1;
for(i = 17; i < 18; i++)
wbuf[i] = 9;
for(i = 18; i < 22; i++)
wbuf[i] = 7;
if(accum_read(12, 22 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 22 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* test_accum_overlap_clean */
* Function: test_accum_non_overlap_size
* Purpose: This test will write a series of pieces of data
* to the accumulator with the goal of not overlapping
* the writes with a data size larger then the accum size.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Allen Byrne
* October 8, 2010
test_accum_non_overlap_size(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int32_t *wbuf, *rbuf;
TESTING("non-overlapping write to accumulator larger then accum_size");
/* Allocate buffers */
wbuf = (int *)HDmalloc(4096 * sizeof(int32_t));
rbuf = (int *)HDcalloc((size_t)4096, sizeof(int32_t));
/* Case 1: No metadata in accumulator */
/* Write 10 1's at address 140 */
/* @0:| 1111111111| */
/* Put some data in the accumulator initially */
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
wbuf[i] = 1;
if(accum_write(140, 10 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(140, 10 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 10 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 9: New piece completely before accumulated data */
/* Write 20 9 at address 0 */
/* @0:|9 1111111111| */
for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
wbuf[i] = 9;
if(accum_write(0, 20 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(0, 20 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 20 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* test_accum_non_overlap_size */
* Function: test_accum_overlap_size
* Purpose: This test will write a series of pieces of data
* to the accumulator with the goal of overlapping
* the writes with a data size completely overlapping
* the accumulator at both ends.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Allen Byrne
* October 8, 2010
test_accum_overlap_size(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int32_t *wbuf, *rbuf;
TESTING("overlapping write to accumulator larger then accum_size");
/* Allocate buffers */
wbuf = (int32_t *)HDmalloc(4096 * sizeof(int32_t));
rbuf = (int32_t *)HDcalloc((size_t)4096, sizeof(int32_t));
/* Case 1: No metadata in accumulator */
/* Write 10 1's at address 64 */
/* @0:| 1111111111| */
/* Put some data in the accumulator initially */
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
wbuf[i] = 1;
if(accum_write(64, 10 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(64, 10 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 10 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Case 9: New piece completely before accumulated data */
/* Write 72 9 at address 60 */
/* @0:|9 1111111111| */
for(i = 0; i < 72; i++)
wbuf[i] = 9;
if(accum_write(60, 72 * sizeof(int32_t), wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(60, 72 * sizeof(int32_t), rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, 72 * sizeof(int32_t)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* test_accum_overlap_size */
* Function: test_accum_adjust
* Purpose: This test examines the various ways the accumulator might
* adjust itself as a result of data appending or prepending
* to it.
* This test program covers all the code in H5F_accum_adjust,
* but NOT all possible paths through said code. It only covers
* six potential paths through the function. (Again, though, each
* piece of code within an if/else statement in H5F_accum_adjust is
* covered by one of the paths in this test function). Since there
* are a ridiculous number of total possible paths through this
* function due to its large number of embedded if/else statements,
* that's certainly a lot of different test cases to write by hand.
* (Though if someone comes across this code and has some free
* time, go for it).
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Mike McGreevy
* October 11, 2010
test_accum_adjust(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int s = 1048576; /* size of buffer */
int32_t *wbuf, *rbuf;
TESTING("accumulator adjustments after append/prepend of data");
/* Allocate buffers */
wbuf = (int32_t *)HDmalloc((size_t)s * sizeof(int32_t));
rbuf = (int32_t *)HDcalloc((size_t)s, sizeof(int32_t));
/* Fill up write buffer */
for(i = 0; i < s; i++)
wbuf[i] = i + 1;
/* ================================================================ */
/* CASE 1: Prepending small block to large, fully dirty accumulator */
/* ================================================================ */
/* Write data to the accumulator to fill it just under 1MB (max size),
* but not quite full. This will force the accumulator to, on subsequent
* writes, a) have to adjust since it's nearly full, and b) prevent
* an increase in size because it's already at it's maximum size */
if(accum_write((1024 * 1024), (1024 * 1024) - 1, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a small (1KB) block that prepends to the front of the accumulator. */
/* ==> Accumulator will need more buffer space */
/* ==> Accumulator will try to resize, but see that it's getting too big */
/* ==> Size of new block is less than half maximum size of accumulator */
/* ==> New block is being prepended to accumulator */
/* ==> Accumulator is dirty, it will be flushed. */
/* ==> Dirty region overlaps region to eliminate from accumulator */
if(accum_write((1024 * 1024) - 1024, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read back and verify first write */
if(accum_read((1024 * 1024), (1024 * 1024) - 1, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)((1024 * 1024) - 1)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Read back and verify second write */
if(accum_read((1024 * 1024) - 1024, 1024, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)1024) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset accumulator for next case */
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* ================================================================ */
/* Case 2: Prepending large block to large, fully dirty accumulator */
/* ================================================================ */
/* Write data to the accumulator to fill it just under 1MB (max size),
* but not quite full. This will force the accumulator to, on subsequent
* writes, a) have to adjust since it's nearly full, and b) prevent
* an increase in size because it's already at it's maximum size */
if(accum_write((1024 * 1024), (1024 * 1024) - 1, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a large (just under 1MB) block to the front of the accumulator. */
/* ==> Accumulator will need more buffer space */
/* ==> Accumulator will try to resize, but see that it's getting too big */
/* ==> Size of new block is larger than half maximum size of accumulator */
/* ==> New block is being prepended to accumulator */
/* ==> Accumulator is dirty, it will be flushed. */
/* ==> Dirty region overlaps region to eliminate from accumulator */
if(accum_write(5, (1024 * 1024) - 5, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read back and verify both pieces of data */
if(accum_read(1048576, 1048575, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)1048576) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_read(5, 1048571, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)1048571) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset accumulator for next case */
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* ========================================================= */
/* Case 3: Appending small block to large, clean accumulator */
/* ========================================================= */
/* Write data to the accumulator to fill it just under 1MB (max size),
* but not quite full. This will force the accumulator to, on subsequent
* writes, a) have to adjust since it's nearly full, and b) prevent
* an increase in size because it's already at it's maximum size */
if(accum_write(0, (1024 * 1024) - 1, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Flush the accumulator -- we want to test the case when
accumulator contains clean data */
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
/* Write a small (1KB) block to the end of the accumulator */
/* ==> Accumulator will need more buffer space */
/* ==> Accumulator will try to resize, but see that it's getting too big */
/* ==> Size of new block is larger than half maximum size of accumulator */
/* ==> New block being appended to accumulator */
/* ==> Accumulator is NOT dirty */
/* ==> Since we're appending, need to adjust location of accumulator */
if(accum_write((1024 * 1024) - 1, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a piece of metadata outside current accumulator to force write
to disk */
if(accum_write(0, 1, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read in the piece we wrote to disk above, and then verify that
the data is as expected */
if(accum_read((1024 * 1024) - 1, 1024, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)1024) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset accumulator for next case */
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Case 4: Appending small block to large, partially dirty accumulator, */
/* with existing dirty region NOT aligning with the new block */
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Write data to the accumulator to fill it just under 1MB (max size),
* but not quite full. This will force the accumulator to, on subsequent
* writes, a) have to adjust since it's nearly full, and b) prevent
* an increase in size because it's already at it's maximum size */
if(accum_write(0, (1024 * 1024) - 5, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Flush the accumulator to clean it */
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
/* write to part of the accumulator so just the start of it is dirty */
if(accum_write(0, 5, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a small (~340KB) piece of data to the other end of the accumulator */
/* ==> Accumulator will need more buffer space */
/* ==> Accumulator will try to resize, but see that it's getting too big */
/* ==> Size of new block is less than than half maximum size of accumulator */
/* ==> New block being appended to accumulator */
/* ==> We can slide the dirty region down, to accomodate the request */
/* ==> Max Buffer Size - (dirty offset + adjust size) >= 2 * size) */
/* ==> Need to adjust location of accumulator while appending */
/* ==> Accumulator will need to be reallocated */
if(accum_write(1048571, 349523, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a piece of metadata outside current accumulator to force write
to disk */
if(accum_write(1398900, 1, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read in the piece we wrote to disk above, and then verify that
the data is as expected */
if(accum_read(1048571, 349523, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)349523) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset accumulator for next case */
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Case 5: Appending small block to large, partially dirty accumulator, */
/* with existing dirty region aligning with new block */
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Write data to the accumulator to fill it just under max size (but not full) */
if(accum_write(0, (1024 * 1024) - 5, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Flush the accumulator to clean it */
if(accum_flush(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
/* write to part of the accumulator so it's dirty, but not entirely dirty */
/* (just the begging few bytes will be clean) */
if(accum_write(10, (1024 * 1024) - 15, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a small piece of data to the dirty end of the accumulator */
/* ==> Accumulator will need more buffer space */
/* ==> Accumulator will try to resize, but see that it's getting too big */
/* ==> Size of new block is less than than half maximum size of accumulator */
/* ==> New block being appended to accumulator */
/* ==> We can slide the dirty region down, to accomodate the request */
/* ==> Max Buffer Size - (dirty offset + adjust size) < 2 * size) */
/* ==> Need to adjust location of accumulator while appending */
if(accum_write((1024 * 1024) - 5, 10, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a piece of metadata outside current accumulator to force write
to disk */
if(accum_write(0, 1, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read in the piece we wrote to disk above, and then verify that
the data is as expected */
if(accum_read((1024 * 1024) - 5, 10, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)10) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset accumulator for next case */
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* ================================================================= */
/* Case 6: Appending small block to large, fully dirty accumulator */
/* ================================================================= */
/* Write data to the accumulator to fill it just under 1MB (max size),
* but not quite full. This will force the accumulator to, on subsequent
* writes, a) have to adjust since it's nearly full, and b) prevent
* an increase in size because it's already at it's maximum size */
if(accum_write(0, (1024 * 1024) - 5, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a small (~340KB) piece of data to the end of the accumulator */
/* ==> Accumulator will need more buffer space */
/* ==> Accumulator will try to resize, but see that it's getting too big */
/* ==> Size of new block is less than than half maximum size of accumulator */
/* ==> New block being appended to accumulator */
/* ==> We cannot slide dirty region down, it's all dirty */
/* ==> Dirty region overlaps region to eliminate from accumulator */
/* ==> Need to adjust location of accumulator while appending */
if(accum_write(1048571, 349523, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a piece of metadata outside current accumulator to force write
to disk */
if(accum_write(1398900, 1, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read in the piece we wrote to disk above, and then verify that
the data is as expected */
if(accum_read(1048571, 349523, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)349523) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* test_accum_adjust */
* Function: test_read_after
* Purpose: This test will verify the case when metadata is read partly
* from the accumulator and partly from disk. The test will
* write a block of data at address 512, force the data to be
* written to disk, write new data partially overlapping the
* original block from below, then read data at address 512.
* The data read should be partly new and partly original.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Larry Knox
* October 8, 2010
test_read_after(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
int i = 0;
int s = 128; /* size of buffer */
int32_t *wbuf, *rbuf;
TESTING("reading data from both accumulator and disk");
/* Allocate buffers */
wbuf = (int32_t *)HDmalloc((size_t)s * sizeof(int32_t));
rbuf = (int32_t *)HDcalloc((size_t)s, sizeof(int32_t));
/* Fill up write buffer with 1s */
for(i = 0; i < s; i++)
wbuf[i] = 1;
/* Write data to the accumulator to fill it. */
if(accum_write(512, 512, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write a piece of metadata outside current accumulator to force write
to disk */
if(accum_write(0, 1, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Fill up write buffer with 2s */
for(i = 0; i < s; i++)
wbuf[i] = 2;
/* Write a block of 2s of the original size that will overlap the lower half
of the original block */
if(accum_write(256, 512, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read 128 bytes at the original address, and then */
if(accum_read(512, 512, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Set the second half of wbuf back to 1s */
for(i = 64; i < s; i++)
wbuf[i] = 1;
/* Read in the piece we wrote to disk above, and then verify that
the data is as expected */
if(accum_read(512, 512, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)128) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* end test_read_after */
* Function: test_big
* Purpose: This test exercises writing large pieces of metadata to the
* file.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Quincey Koziol
* October 12, 2010
test_big(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
uint8_t *wbuf, *wbuf2, *rbuf, *zbuf; /* Buffers for reading & writing, etc */
unsigned u; /* Local index variable */
/* Allocate space for the write & read buffers */
wbuf = (uint8_t *)HDmalloc((size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE);
wbuf2 = (uint8_t *)HDmalloc((size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE);
rbuf = (uint8_t *)HDcalloc((size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1536), (size_t)1);
zbuf = (uint8_t *)HDcalloc((size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1536), (size_t)1);
/* Initialize write buffers */
for(u = 0; u < BIG_BUF_SIZE; u++) {
wbuf[u] = (uint8_t)u;
wbuf2[u] = (uint8_t)(u + 1);
} /* end for */
TESTING("large metadata I/O operations");
/* Write large data segment to file */
if(accum_write(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read entire segment back from file */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE);
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section to middle of accumulator */
if(accum_write(1024, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read entire segment back from file */
/* (Read covers entire dirty region) */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(zbuf, rbuf, (size_t)1024) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf + 1024, (size_t)1024) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(zbuf, rbuf + 2048, (size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE - 2048)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(1024, 1024, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE);
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section to overlap with end of "big" region */
if(accum_write(BIG_BUF_SIZE - 512, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read entire segment back from file */
/* (Read covers bottom half of dirty region) */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(zbuf, rbuf, (size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE - 512)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf + (BIG_BUF_SIZE - 512), (size_t)512) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(BIG_BUF_SIZE - 512, 1024, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE);
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section to overlap with beginning of "big" region */
if(accum_write(0, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read entire segment back from file */
/* (Read covers bottom half of dirty region) */
if(accum_read(512, BIG_BUF_SIZE, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf + 512, rbuf, (size_t)512) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(zbuf, rbuf + 512, (size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE - 512)) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(0, 1024, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE);
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section to middle of accumulator */
/* (With write buffer #1) */
if(accum_write(1024, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write entire segment to from file */
/* (With write buffer #2) */
/* (Write covers entire dirty region) */
if(accum_write(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, wbuf2) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read entire segment back from file */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf2, rbuf, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE);
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section to overlap with end of "big" region */
/* (With write buffer #1) */
if(accum_write(BIG_BUF_SIZE - 512, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write entire segment to from file */
/* (With write buffer #2) */
/* (Read covers bottom half of dirty region) */
if(accum_write(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, wbuf2) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read both segments back from file */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE + 512, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf2, rbuf, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf + 512, rbuf + BIG_BUF_SIZE, (size_t)512) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE + 512, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 512));
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section to be past "big" region */
/* (With write buffer #1) */
if(accum_write(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 512, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read section before "big" region */
/* (To enlarge accumulator, to it will intersect with big write) */
if(accum_read(BIG_BUF_SIZE - 512, 1024, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write entire segment to from file */
/* (With write buffer #2) */
/* (Doesn't overlap with small section) */
if(accum_write(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE, wbuf2) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read both segments & gap back from file */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1024, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf2, rbuf, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(zbuf, rbuf + BIG_BUF_SIZE, (size_t)512) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf + BIG_BUF_SIZE + 512, (size_t)512) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1536, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1024));
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section to be past "big" region */
/* (With write buffer #1) */
if(accum_write(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 512, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read section before "big" region */
/* (To enlarge accumulator, so it will intersect with big write) */
if(accum_read(BIG_BUF_SIZE - 512, 1024, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(accum_read(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1536, 1024, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write entire segment to from file */
/* (With write buffer #2) */
/* (Overwriting dirty region, but not invalidating entire accumulator) */
if(accum_write(1536, BIG_BUF_SIZE, wbuf2) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read both segments & gap back from file */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1536, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(zbuf, rbuf, (size_t)1536) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf2, rbuf + 1536, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(1536, BIG_BUF_SIZE, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1536));
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section before "big" region */
/* (With write buffer #1) */
if(accum_write(1024, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read section before "big" region */
/* (To enlarge accumulator, so it will intersect with big write) */
if(accum_read(0, 1024, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write entire segment to from file */
/* (With write buffer #2) */
/* (Overwriting dirty region, but not invalidating entire accumulator) */
if(accum_write(512, BIG_BUF_SIZE, wbuf2) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read both segments & gap back from file */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE + 512, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(zbuf, rbuf, (size_t)512) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf2, rbuf + 512, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(512, BIG_BUF_SIZE, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 512));
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section before "big" region */
/* (With write buffer #1) */
if(accum_write(0, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read section before "big" region */
/* (To enlarge accumulator, so it will intersect with big write) */
if(accum_read(1024, 1024, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write entire segment to from file */
/* (With write buffer #2) */
/* (Avoiding dirty region, and not invalidating entire accumulator) */
if(accum_write(1536, BIG_BUF_SIZE, wbuf2) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read both segments & gap back from file */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1536, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)1024) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(zbuf, rbuf + 1024, (size_t)512) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf2, rbuf + 1536, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
/* Reset data in file back to zeros & reset the read buffer */
if(accum_write(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1536, zbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
HDmemset(rbuf, 0, (size_t)(BIG_BUF_SIZE + 1536));
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write small section before "big" region */
/* (With write buffer #1) */
if(accum_write(0, 1024, wbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read section before "big" region */
/* (To enlarge accumulator, so it will intersect with big write) */
if(accum_read(1024, 1024, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Write entire segment to from file */
/* (With write buffer #2) */
/* (Partially overwriting dirty region, and not invalidating entire accumulator) */
if(accum_write(512, BIG_BUF_SIZE, wbuf2) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Read both segments back from file */
if(accum_read(0, BIG_BUF_SIZE + 512, rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify data read */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)512) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf2, rbuf + 512, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
return 1;
} /* end test_big() */
* Function: test_random_write
* Purpose: This test writes random pieces of data to the file and
* then reads it all back.
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Quincey Koziol
* October 11, 2010
test_random_write(const H5F_io_info2_t *fio_info)
uint8_t *wbuf, *rbuf; /* Buffers for reading & writing */
[svn-r23219] Description: Bring reviewed changes from Coverity branch back to trunk (QK & JK): r20457: Coverity issue 691: return of H5duo could be negative. Fixed by using STDOUT_FILENO and redesign parse_command_line and main to cleanup file allocations. The output_file var is null when using stdout. In cleanup do not close output_file if NULL. r20510: Initialize ufid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ufid != -1 r20511: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 1715 Description: Free "file" and nested data on failure in H5FD_core_open. r20512: Initialize ifid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ifid != -1 r20514: Initialize h5fid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on h5fid != -1 r20516: Added else branch to the if (ret_value < 0) check. r20522: Addressed coverity issues 930-933, 850, 836, 835, 1307. All minor potential buffer overwrite bugs, or coverity errors. Fixed by replacing strcpy and sprintf with strncpy and snprintf. r20523: fixed coverity issues 68, 1120, 1116i r20524: Check H5Z_SZIP->encoder_present < 1 assuming 0 represents absence. r20601: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 1703-1705 Description: Modified the cleanup code in test_free in accum.c to reset allocated buffers to NULL after they are freed, and modified the error cleanup code to check if these buffers are NULL before freeing them. Also fixed some unrelated warnings in accum.c. r20602: Use HDsnprintf and HDstrncat r20603: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 808-809 Description: Modified test_core in vfd.c to check the returns from malloc, and keep track of whether points and check are allocated by setting them to NULL when they are not. Added code to free points and check on error if they are not NULL. Also fixed unrelated warnings in vfd.c. r20604: Use HDstrncpy. r20605: Use HDstrncpy and HDstrncat. r20606: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 807 Description: Modified long_compact in stab.c to keep track of whether objname is allocated by setting it to NULL when it is not. Added code to free objname on error if it is not NULL. r20607: Changed string function calls to use versions that specify the string length to fix coverity issues 832 and 839. Tested on: Mac OSX/64 10.8.2 (amazon) (Too minor to require h5committest)
2013-02-02 09:53:32 +08:00
unsigned seed = 0; /* Random # seed */
size_t *off; /* Offset of buffer segments to write */
size_t *len; /* Size of buffer segments to write */
size_t cur_off; /* Current offset */
size_t nsegments; /* Number of segments to write */
size_t swap; /* Position to swap with */
unsigned u; /* Local index variable */
/* Allocate space for the write & read buffers */
wbuf = (uint8_t *)HDmalloc((size_t)RANDOM_BUF_SIZE);
rbuf = (uint8_t *)HDcalloc((size_t)RANDOM_BUF_SIZE, (size_t)1);
/* Initialize write buffer */
for(u = 0; u < RANDOM_BUF_SIZE; u++)
wbuf[u] = (uint8_t)u;
TESTING("random writes to accumulator");
/* Choose random # seed */
[svn-r23219] Description: Bring reviewed changes from Coverity branch back to trunk (QK & JK): r20457: Coverity issue 691: return of H5duo could be negative. Fixed by using STDOUT_FILENO and redesign parse_command_line and main to cleanup file allocations. The output_file var is null when using stdout. In cleanup do not close output_file if NULL. r20510: Initialize ufid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ufid != -1 r20511: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 1715 Description: Free "file" and nested data on failure in H5FD_core_open. r20512: Initialize ifid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ifid != -1 r20514: Initialize h5fid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on h5fid != -1 r20516: Added else branch to the if (ret_value < 0) check. r20522: Addressed coverity issues 930-933, 850, 836, 835, 1307. All minor potential buffer overwrite bugs, or coverity errors. Fixed by replacing strcpy and sprintf with strncpy and snprintf. r20523: fixed coverity issues 68, 1120, 1116i r20524: Check H5Z_SZIP->encoder_present < 1 assuming 0 represents absence. r20601: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 1703-1705 Description: Modified the cleanup code in test_free in accum.c to reset allocated buffers to NULL after they are freed, and modified the error cleanup code to check if these buffers are NULL before freeing them. Also fixed some unrelated warnings in accum.c. r20602: Use HDsnprintf and HDstrncat r20603: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 808-809 Description: Modified test_core in vfd.c to check the returns from malloc, and keep track of whether points and check are allocated by setting them to NULL when they are not. Added code to free points and check on error if they are not NULL. Also fixed unrelated warnings in vfd.c. r20604: Use HDstrncpy. r20605: Use HDstrncpy and HDstrncat. r20606: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 807 Description: Modified long_compact in stab.c to keep track of whether objname is allocated by setting it to NULL when it is not. Added code to free objname on error if it is not NULL. r20607: Changed string function calls to use versions that specify the string length to fix coverity issues 832 and 839. Tested on: Mac OSX/64 10.8.2 (amazon) (Too minor to require h5committest)
2013-02-02 09:53:32 +08:00
seed = (unsigned)HDtime(NULL);
#ifdef QAK
[svn-r23219] Description: Bring reviewed changes from Coverity branch back to trunk (QK & JK): r20457: Coverity issue 691: return of H5duo could be negative. Fixed by using STDOUT_FILENO and redesign parse_command_line and main to cleanup file allocations. The output_file var is null when using stdout. In cleanup do not close output_file if NULL. r20510: Initialize ufid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ufid != -1 r20511: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 1715 Description: Free "file" and nested data on failure in H5FD_core_open. r20512: Initialize ifid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ifid != -1 r20514: Initialize h5fid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on h5fid != -1 r20516: Added else branch to the if (ret_value < 0) check. r20522: Addressed coverity issues 930-933, 850, 836, 835, 1307. All minor potential buffer overwrite bugs, or coverity errors. Fixed by replacing strcpy and sprintf with strncpy and snprintf. r20523: fixed coverity issues 68, 1120, 1116i r20524: Check H5Z_SZIP->encoder_present < 1 assuming 0 represents absence. r20601: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 1703-1705 Description: Modified the cleanup code in test_free in accum.c to reset allocated buffers to NULL after they are freed, and modified the error cleanup code to check if these buffers are NULL before freeing them. Also fixed some unrelated warnings in accum.c. r20602: Use HDsnprintf and HDstrncat r20603: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 808-809 Description: Modified test_core in vfd.c to check the returns from malloc, and keep track of whether points and check are allocated by setting them to NULL when they are not. Added code to free points and check on error if they are not NULL. Also fixed unrelated warnings in vfd.c. r20604: Use HDstrncpy. r20605: Use HDstrncpy and HDstrncat. r20606: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 807 Description: Modified long_compact in stab.c to keep track of whether objname is allocated by setting it to NULL when it is not. Added code to free objname on error if it is not NULL. r20607: Changed string function calls to use versions that specify the string length to fix coverity issues 832 and 839. Tested on: Mac OSX/64 10.8.2 (amazon) (Too minor to require h5committest)
2013-02-02 09:53:32 +08:00
/* seed = (unsigned)1155438845; */
HDfprintf(stderr, "Random # seed was: %u\n", seed);
#endif /* QAK */
/* Allocate space for the segment length buffer */
off = (size_t *)HDmalloc(MAX_RANDOM_SEGMENTS * sizeof(size_t));
len = (size_t *)HDmalloc(MAX_RANDOM_SEGMENTS * sizeof(size_t));
/* Randomly choose lengths of segments */
cur_off = 0;
for(u = 0; u < MAX_RANDOM_SEGMENTS; ) {
size_t length = 0; /* Length of current segment */
/* Choose random length of segment, allowing for variance */
do {
length += (size_t)(HDrandom() % RAND_SEG_LEN) + 1;
} while((HDrandom() & 256) >= 128); /* end while */
/* Check for going off end of buffer */
if((cur_off + length) > RANDOM_BUF_SIZE)
length = RANDOM_BUF_SIZE - cur_off;
/* Set offset & length of segment */
off[u] = cur_off;
len[u] = length;
/* Advance array offset */
/* Advance current offset */
cur_off += length;
/* If we've used up entire buffer before hitting limit of segments, get out */
if(cur_off >= RANDOM_BUF_SIZE)
} /* end for */
nsegments = u;
/* Increase length of last segment, if it doesn't reach end of buffer */
if(nsegments < MAX_RANDOM_SEGMENTS)
len[nsegments - 1] = RANDOM_BUF_SIZE - off[nsegments - 1];
/* Shuffle order of segments, to randomize positions to write */
for(u = 0; u < nsegments; u++) {
size_t tmp; /* Temporary holder for offset & length values */
/* Choose value within next few elements to to swap with */
swap = ((size_t)HDrandom() % 8) + u;
if(swap >= nsegments)
swap = nsegments - 1;
/* Swap values */
tmp = off[u]; off[u] = off[swap]; off[swap] = tmp;
tmp = len[u]; len[u] = len[swap]; len[swap] = tmp;
} /* end for */
/* Write data segments to file */
for(u = 0; u < nsegments; u++) {
if(accum_write(RANDOM_BASE_OFF + off[u], len[u], wbuf + off[u]) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Verify individual reads */
if(accum_read(RANDOM_BASE_OFF + off[u], len[u], rbuf) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf + off[u], rbuf, len[u]) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
} /* end for */
/* Read entire region back from file */
/* Verify data read back in */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)RANDOM_BUF_SIZE) != 0) TEST_ERROR;
if(accum_reset(fio_info) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR;
/* Release memory */
return 0;
/* Release memory */
[svn-r23219] Description: Bring reviewed changes from Coverity branch back to trunk (QK & JK): r20457: Coverity issue 691: return of H5duo could be negative. Fixed by using STDOUT_FILENO and redesign parse_command_line and main to cleanup file allocations. The output_file var is null when using stdout. In cleanup do not close output_file if NULL. r20510: Initialize ufid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ufid != -1 r20511: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 1715 Description: Free "file" and nested data on failure in H5FD_core_open. r20512: Initialize ifid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on ifid != -1 r20514: Initialize h5fid = -1 and predicate HDclose call on h5fid != -1 r20516: Added else branch to the if (ret_value < 0) check. r20522: Addressed coverity issues 930-933, 850, 836, 835, 1307. All minor potential buffer overwrite bugs, or coverity errors. Fixed by replacing strcpy and sprintf with strncpy and snprintf. r20523: fixed coverity issues 68, 1120, 1116i r20524: Check H5Z_SZIP->encoder_present < 1 assuming 0 represents absence. r20601: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 1703-1705 Description: Modified the cleanup code in test_free in accum.c to reset allocated buffers to NULL after they are freed, and modified the error cleanup code to check if these buffers are NULL before freeing them. Also fixed some unrelated warnings in accum.c. r20602: Use HDsnprintf and HDstrncat r20603: Purpose: Fix coverity issues 808-809 Description: Modified test_core in vfd.c to check the returns from malloc, and keep track of whether points and check are allocated by setting them to NULL when they are not. Added code to free points and check on error if they are not NULL. Also fixed unrelated warnings in vfd.c. r20604: Use HDstrncpy. r20605: Use HDstrncpy and HDstrncat. r20606: Purpose: Fix coverity issue 807 Description: Modified long_compact in stab.c to keep track of whether objname is allocated by setting it to NULL when it is not. Added code to free objname on error if it is not NULL. r20607: Changed string function calls to use versions that specify the string length to fix coverity issues 832 and 839. Tested on: Mac OSX/64 10.8.2 (amazon) (Too minor to require h5committest)
2013-02-02 09:53:32 +08:00
HDfprintf(stderr, "Random # seed was: %u\n", seed);
return 1;
} /* end test_random_write() */
* Function: test_swmr_write_big
* Purpose: A SWMR test: verifies that writing "large" metadata to a file
* opened with SWMR_WRITE will flush the existing metadata in the
* accumulator to disk first before writing the "large" metadata
* to disk.
* This test will fork and exec a reader "accum_swmr_reader" which
* opens the same file with SWMR_READ and verifies that the correct
* metadata is read from disk.
* Return: Success: 0
* Failure: 1
* Programmer: Vailin Choi; April 2013
test_swmr_write_big(hbool_t newest_format)
hid_t fid = -1; /* File ID */
hid_t fapl = -1; /* File access property list */
H5F_t *rf = NULL; /* File pointer */
uint8_t *wbuf2 = NULL, *rbuf = NULL; /* Buffers for reading & writing */
uint8_t wbuf[1024]; /* Buffer for reading & writing */
unsigned u; /* Local index variable */
pid_t pid; /* Process ID */
#endif /* H5_HAVE_UNISTD_H */
int status; /* Status returned from child process */
H5F_io_info2_t fio_info; /* I/O info for operation */
char *new_argv[] = {NULL};
char *driver = NULL; /* VFD string (from env variable) */
if(newest_format) {
TESTING("SWMR write of large metadata: with latest format");
} else {
TESTING("SWMR write of large metadata: with non-latest-format");
} /* end if */
#if !(defined(H5_HAVE_FORK) && defined(H5_HAVE_WAITPID))
HDputs(" Test skipped due to fork or waitpid not defined.");
return 0;
#else /* defined(H5_HAVE_FORK && defined(H5_HAVE_WAITPID) */
/* Skip this test if SWMR I/O is not supported for the VFD specified
* by the environment variable.
driver = HDgetenv("HDF5_DRIVER");
if (!H5FD_supports_swmr_test(driver)) {
HDputs(" Test skipped due to VFD not supporting SWMR I/O.");
return 0;
} /* end if */
/* File access property list */
if((fapl = h5_fileaccess()) < 0)
/* Both cases will result in v3 superblock and version 2 object header for SWMR */
if(newest_format) { /* latest format */
if(H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0)
if((fid = H5Fcreate(SWMR_FILENAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0)
} else { /* non-latest-format */
} /* end if */
/* Close the file */
if(H5Fclose(fid) < 0)
/* Open the file with SWMR_WRITE */
if((fid = H5Fopen(SWMR_FILENAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR | H5F_ACC_SWMR_WRITE, fapl)) < 0)
/* Get H5F_t * to internal file structure */
if(NULL == (rf = (H5F_t *)H5I_object(fid))) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
/* Set up I/O info for operation */
fio_info.f = rf;
if(NULL == (fio_info.meta_dxpl = (H5P_genplist_t *)H5I_object(H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id)))
if(NULL == (fio_info.raw_dxpl = (H5P_genplist_t *)H5I_object(H5AC_rawdata_dxpl_id)))
/* We'll be writing lots of garbage data, so extend the
file a ways. 10MB should do. */
if(H5FD_set_eoa(rf->shared->lf, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)(1024*1024*10)) < 0)
if(H5Fflush(fid, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL) < 0)
/* Reset metadata accumulator for the file */
if(accum_reset(&fio_info) < 0)
/* Allocate space for the write & read buffers */
if((wbuf2 = (uint8_t *)HDmalloc((size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL)
if((rbuf = (uint8_t *)HDmalloc((size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL)
/* Initialize wbuf with "0, 1, 2...1024"*/
for(u = 0; u < 1024; u++)
wbuf[u] = (uint8_t)u;
/* Write [1024, 1024] bytes with wbuf */
if(H5F_block_write(rf, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)1024, (size_t)1024, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, wbuf) < 0)
/* Read the data */
if(H5F_block_read(rf, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)1024, (size_t)1024, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, rbuf) < 0)
/* Verify the data read is correct */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)1024) != 0)
/* Flush the data to disk */
if(accum_reset(&fio_info) < 0)
/* Initialize wbuf with all 1s */
for(u = 0; u < 1024; u++)
wbuf[u] = (uint8_t)1;
/* Initialize wbuf2 */
for(u = 0; u < BIG_BUF_SIZE; u++)
wbuf2[u] = (uint8_t)(u + 1);
/* Write [1024,1024] with wbuf--all 1s */
if(H5F_block_write(rf, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)1024, (size_t)1024, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, wbuf) < 0)
/* Read the data */
if(H5F_block_read(rf, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)1024, (size_t)1024, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, rbuf) < 0)
/* Verify the data read is correct */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf, rbuf, (size_t)1024) != 0)
/* The data stays in the accumulator */
/* Write a large piece of metadata [2048, BIG_BUF_SIZE] with wbuf2 */
if(H5F_block_write(rf, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)2048, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, wbuf2) < 0)
/* Read the data */
if(H5F_block_read(rf, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (haddr_t)2048, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, rbuf) < 0)
/* Verify the data read is correct */
if(HDmemcmp(wbuf2, rbuf, (size_t)BIG_BUF_SIZE) != 0)
/* Fork child process to verify that the data at [1024, 2014] does get written to disk */
if((pid = HDfork()) < 0) {
} else if(0 == pid) { /* Child process */
/* Run the reader */
status = HDexecv(SWMR_READER, new_argv);
printf("errno from execv = %s\n", strerror(errno));
} /* end if */
/* Parent process -- wait for the child process to complete */
while(pid != HDwaitpid(pid, &status, 0))
/* Check if child process terminates normally and its return value */
if(WIFEXITED(status) && !WEXITSTATUS(status)) {
/* Flush the accumulator */
if(accum_reset(&fio_info) < 0)
/* Close the property list */
if(H5Pclose(fapl) < 0)
/* Close and remove the file */
if(H5Fclose(fid) < 0)
/* Release memory */
return 0;
} /* end if */
/* Closing and remove the file */
/* Release memory */
return 1;
} /* end test_swmr_write_big() */
* Function: accum_printf
* Purpose: Debug function to print some stats about the accumulator
* Return: Success: SUCCEED
* Failure: FAIL
* Programmer: Mike McGreevy
* October 7, 2010
H5F_meta_accum_t * accum = &f->shared->accum;
printf("Current contents of accumulator:\n");
if (accum->alloc_size == 0) {
printf(" No accumulator allocated.\n");
} else {
printf(" accumulator allocated size == %zu\n", accum->alloc_size);
printf(" accumulated data size == %zu\n", accum->size);
HDfprintf(stdout, " accumulator dirty? == %t\n", accum->dirty);
HDfprintf(stdout, " start of accumulated data, loc = %a\n", accum->loc);
if(accum->dirty) {
HDfprintf(stdout, " start of dirty region, loc = %a\n", (haddr_t)(accum->loc + accum->dirty_off));
HDfprintf(stdout, " end of dirty region, loc = %a\n", (haddr_t)(accum->loc + accum->dirty_off + accum->dirty_len));
} /* end if */
HDfprintf(stdout, " end of accumulated data, loc = %a\n", (haddr_t)(accum->loc + accum->size));
HDfprintf(stdout, " end of accumulator allocation, loc = %a\n", (haddr_t)(accum->loc + accum->alloc_size));
} /* accum_printf() */