from minor typos and bug fixes to new features. The HDF Group is committed to work with the code contributors and make contribution process enjoyable and straightforward.
> We will assume that you are familiar with `git` and `GitHub`. If not, you may go through the GitHub tutorial found at []( This tutorial should only take around 10 minutes.
* Build and test your changes. Detailed instructions on building and testing HDF5 can be found in the `INSTALL*` files in the `release_docs` directory.
Once a pull request is correctly formatted and passes **ALL** CI tests, it will be reviewed and evaluated by The HDF Group developers and HDF5 community members who can approve pull requests.
* **The pull request passes HDF5 regression testing** - Any issue fixed or functionality added should be accompanied by the corresponding
tests and pass HDF5 regression testing run by The HDF Group. We do not expect you to perform comprehensive testing across multiple platforms
before we accept the pull request. If the pull request does not pass regression testing after the merge, The HDF Group developers will work with you on the fixes.
**please** discuss this with us first. File format changes and features required by those changes can be introduced only in a new major release.
* HDF5 has a commitment to remaining *machine-independent*; data created on one platform/environment/architecture **must** remain readable by HDF5 on any other.
* [ ] Is the pull request applicable to any other branches? If yes, which ones? Please document it in the GitHub issue.
* [ ] Is the new code sufficiently documented for future maintenance?
* [ ] Does the new feature require a change to an existing API? See "API Compatibility Macros" document (
* Documentation
* [ ] Was the change described in the release_docs/RELEASE.txt file?
* [ ] Was MANIFEST updated if new files had been added to the source?