2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
<title>HDF5 Software Changes</title>
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table border=0 width=98%>
<tr><td valign=top align=left>
<a href="../index.html">HDF5 documents and links</a> <br>
<a href="../H5.intro.html">Introduction to HDF5</a> <br>
<a href="../RM_H5Front.html">HDF5 Reference Manual</a> <br>
<a href="../Glossary.html">Glossary</a><br>
<td valign=top align=right>
<a href="../H5.user.html">HDF5 User's Guide</a> <br>
<a href="../ADGuide.html">HDF5 Application Developer's Guide</a>
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
<h1>HDF5 Software Changes from Release to Release</h1>
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
2001-01-13 04:44:44 +08:00
This document is intended to assist application developers who must keep
2002-01-25 23:28:30 +08:00
an application synchronized with the HDF5 library or related software.
2001-01-13 04:44:44 +08:00
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
2002-01-25 23:28:30 +08:00
<h2>Development Release 1.5 <br>(current development toward Production Release 1.6)</h2>
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
2002-01-25 23:28:30 +08:00
This section lists the API-level changes that have been made during the
Release 1.5 development phase. (The development release number, 1.5,
will be used to describe this version until this the current development
cycle is completed, at which point it will be promoted to a production
release. The first production release of this code will be as Release 1.6.)
Note that changes at the subrelease level in the Release 1.4 production
branch, i.e., Releases 1.4.1, 1.4.2, ..., are summarized in the
Release 1.4.x versions of this document; they are not reported here.
<h3>New Functions</h3>
The following functions are new for Release 1.5 and are included in the
<a href="../RM_H5Front.html"><cite>HDF5 Reference Manual</cite></a>.
H5function with full syntax
<h3>Deleted Functions</h3>
The following functions have been removed from the HDF5 library
and from the <cite>HDF5 Reference Manual</cite>.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<h3>Functions with Changed Syntax</h3>
The following functions have changed slightly.
<dd>Description of change
<h3>Constants with Changed Values</h3>
<h2>Release 1.4</h2>
Note: Changes at the subrelease level, i.e., 1.4.1, 1.4.2, ..., are
summarized in the Release 1.4.x version of this document; they are not
reported here.
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
Several functions were added to or removed from the HDF5 library
in the development of Release 1.4.
A few functions have been modified in minor ways.
<h3>New Functions</h3>
The following functions are new for Release 1.4 and are included in the
<a href="../RM_H5Front.html"><cite>HDF5 Reference Manual</cite></a>.
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
herr_t <font color=red>H5Dvlen_get_buf_size</font> (hid_t dataset_id, hid_t type_id,
hid_t space_id, hsize_t *size);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Epush</font> (const char *file, const char *func,
unsigned line, H5E_major_t maj, H5E_minor_t min,
const char *str);
hid_t <font color=red>H5Pget_driver</font> (hid_t plist_id);
void *<font color=red>H5Pget_driver_info</font> (hid_t plist_id);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_dxpl_mpio</font> (hid_t dxpl_id,
H5FD_mpio_xfer_t *xfer_mode/*out*/);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_dxpl_multi</font> (hid_t dxpl_id,
hid_t *memb_dxpl/*out*/);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_fapl_core</font> (hid_t fapl_id, size_t *increment/*out*/,
hbool_t *backing_store/*out*/)
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_fapl_family</font> (hid_t fapl_id,
hsize_t *memb_size/*out*/, hid_t *memb_fapl_id/*out*/);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_fapl_mpio</font> (hid_t fapl_id, MPI_Comm *comm/*out*/,
MPI_Info *info/*out*/);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_fapl_multi</font> (hid_t fapl_id,
H5FD_mem_t *memb_map/*out*/, hid_t *memb_fapl/*out*/,
char **memb_name/*out*/, haddr_t *memb_addr/*out*/,
hbool_t *relax/*out*/);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_fapl_stream</font> (hid_t fapl_id,
H5FD_stream_fapl_t *fapl /*out*/ );
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_meta_block_size</font> (hid_t fapl_id,
hsize_t *size/*out*/);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_sieve_buf_size</font> (hid_t fapl_id,
hsize_t *size/*out*/);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_driver</font> (hid_t plist_id, hid_t driver_id,
const void *driver_info);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_dxpl_mpio</font> (hid_t dxpl_id,
H5FD_mpio_xfer_t xfer_mode);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_dxpl_multi</font> (hid_t dxpl_id,
const hid_t *memb_dxpl);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_core</font> (hid_t fapl_id, size_t increment,
hbool_t backing_store)
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_family</font> (hid_t fapl_id, hsize_t memb_size,
hid_t memb_fapl_id);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_log</font> (hid_t fapl_id, char *logfile,
int verbosity);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_mpio</font> (hid_t fapl_id, MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Info info);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_multi</font> (hid_t fapl_id,
const H5FD_mem_t *memb_map, const hid_t *memb_fapl,
const char **memb_name, const haddr_t *memb_addr,
hbool_t relax);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_sec2</font> (hid_t fapl_id);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_split</font> (hid_t fapl, const char *meta_ext,
hid_t meta_plist_id, const char *raw_ext,
hid_t raw_plist_id);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_stdio</font> (hid_t fapl_id);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_stream</font> (hid_t fapl_id,
H5FD_stream_fapl_t *fapl);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_meta_block_size</font>(hid_t fapl_id, hsize_t size);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_sieve_buf_size</font>(hid_t fapl_id, hsize_t size);
2001-01-17 05:05:01 +08:00
hid_t <font color=red>H5Tarray_create</font> (hid_t base, int rank, const hsize_t dims[],
const int perm[])
int <font color=red>H5Tget_array_dims</font> (hid_t adtype_id, hsize_t *dims[], int *perm[])
int <font color=red>H5Tget_array_ndims</font> (hid_t adtype_id)
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
The following functions are new for Release 1.4, but
are intended only for use in specialized environments.
These are also included in the
<a href="../RM_H5Front.html"><cite>HDF5 Reference Manual</cite></a>.
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_fapl_dpss</font> (hid_t fapl_id);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_fapl_gass</font> (hid_t fapl_id, GASS_Info *info/*out*/);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pget_fapl_srb</font> (hid_t fapl_id, SRB_Info *info);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_dpss</font> (hid_t fapl_id);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_gass</font> (hid_t fapl_id, GASS_Info info);
herr_t <font color=red>H5Pset_fapl_srb</font> (hid_t fapl_id, SRB_Info info);
The following functions are new for Release 1.4 but are intended
only for driver development work, not for general use.
They are listed in the
<a href="../TechNotes/VFLfunc.html"><cite>List of VFL Functions</cite></a>
document in the
<a href="../TechNotes.html"><cite>HDF5 Technical Notes</cite></a>.
They are described in detail only in the source code and
do not appear in the <cite>HDF5 Reference Manual</cite>.
haddr_t <font color=red>H5FDalloc</font> (H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type,
hsize_t size);
herr_t <font color=red>H5FDclose</font> (H5FD_t *file);
int <font color=red>H5FDcmp</font> (const H5FD_t *f1, const H5FD_t *f2);
herr_t <font color=red>H5FDflush</font> (H5FD_t *file);
herr_t <font color=red>H5FDfree</font> (H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type,
haddr_t addr, hsize_t size);
haddr_t <font color=red>H5FDget_eoa</font> (H5FD_t *file);
haddr_t <font color=red>H5FDget_eof</font> (H5FD_t *file);
H5FD_t *<font color=red>H5FDopen</font> (const char *name, unsigned flags,
hid_t fapl_id, haddr_t maxaddr);
int <font color=red>H5FDquery</font> (const H5FD_t *f, unsigned long *flags);
herr_t <font color=red>H5FDread</font> (H5FD_t *file, hid_t dxpl_id, haddr_t addr,
hsize_t size, void *buf/*out*/);
haddr_t <font color=red>H5FDrealloc</font> (H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type,
haddr_t addr, hsize_t old_size, hsize_t new_size);
hid_t <font color=red>H5FDregister</font> (const H5FD_class_t *cls);
herr_t <font color=red>H5FDset_eoa</font> (H5FD_t *file, haddr_t eof);
herr_t <font color=red>H5FDunregister</font> (hid_t driver_id);
herr_t <font color=red>H5FDwrite</font> (H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type,
hid_t dxpl_id, haddr_t addr, hsize_t size,
const void *buf);
<h3>Deleted Functions</h3>
The following functions have been removed from the HDF5 library
and from the <cite>HDF5 Reference Manual</cite>.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
2001-01-17 05:05:01 +08:00
2001-01-23 01:27:41 +08:00
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
2001-01-17 05:05:01 +08:00
2001-01-23 01:27:41 +08:00
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
2001-01-23 01:27:41 +08:00
2001-01-17 05:05:01 +08:00
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
2001-01-23 01:27:41 +08:00
Note that the entire H5RA interface, an esperimental interface for
ragged arrays, has been removed from the library.
2001-01-13 04:33:29 +08:00
<h3>Functions with Changed Syntax</h3>
The following functions have changed slightly.
<dd>Return type has changed to <em>hsize_t</em>.
<dd>The type of the <code>size</code> parameter has changed
to <em>hsize_t</em>.
<dd>The type of the <code>nelmts</code> parameter has changed
to <em>hsize_t</em>.
<h3>Constants with Changed Values</h3>
The values of the constants <code>H5P_DEFAULT</code> and
<code>H5S_ALL</code> have been changed from <code>-2</code>
to <code>0</code>.
These default values had to be special-cased in situations where
they could be returned to distinguish them from error values.
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
2001-02-03 05:45:09 +08:00
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
2001-02-03 05:45:09 +08:00
<h2>This and Prior Releases: The RELEASE and HISTORY Files</h2>
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
2001-02-03 05:45:09 +08:00
The HDF5 source code, as distributed to users and developers,
contains two files that will be of interest to readers of this
document. Both files are located at the top level of the
source code tree (i.e., in <code>.../hdf5/</code>) and are
duplicated here for your reference:
<dt><a href="RELEASE.txt" target="ExtWin">RELEASE</a>
<dd>Technical notes regarding the release, including
new features and the changes since the last release,
notes regarding new or revised utilities,
notes regarding alternative language APIs (Fortran90, C++),
bugs fixed since the last release,
platforms on which the release has been tested,
known problems.
This is the file commonly known among developers as
"the release notes."
<dt><a href="HISTORY.txt" target="ExtWin">HISTORY</a>
<dd>A release-by-release history of the HDF5 library.
This file is a compiled set of the release notes
(i.e., the RELEASE files) from prior releases.
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
<table border=0 width=98%>
<tr><td valign=top align=left>
<a href="../index.html">HDF5 documents and links</a> <br>
<a href="../H5.intro.html">Introduction to HDF5</a> <br>
<a href="../RM_H5Front.html">HDF5 Reference Manual</a> <br>
<a href="../Glossary.html">Glossary</a><br>
<td valign=top align=right>
<a href="../H5.user.html">HDF5 User's Guide</a> <br>
<a href="../ADGuide.html">HDF5 Application Developer's Guide</a>
<a href="mailto:hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu">HDF Help Desk</a>
<!-- Created: Spring 1999 -->
<!-- hhmts start -->
2002-01-25 23:28:30 +08:00
Last modified: 25 January 2002
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00
<!-- hhmts end -->
2001-04-19 06:09:17 +08:00
Describes HDF5 Release 1.5, Unreleased Development Branch
2001-01-12 03:41:34 +08:00