
1029 lines
42 KiB
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* This file is an extension to NCSA HDF to enable the use of the
* Pablo trace library.
* Developed by: The TAPESTRY Parallel Computing Laboratory
* University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
* Department of Computer Science
* 1304 W. Springfield Avenue
* Urbana, IL 61801
* Copyright (c) 1995
* The University of Illinois Board of Trustees.
* All Rights Reserved.
* PABLO is a registered trademark of
* The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
* registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
* Author: George Xin Zhou (xzhou@cs.uiuc.edu)
* Contributing Author: Jonathan M. Reid (jreid@cs.uiuc.edu)
* Project Manager and Principal Investigator:
* Daniel A. Reed (reed@cs.uiuc.edu)
* Funded by: National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA
* Contracts NAG-1-613 and USRA 5555-22 and by the Advanced Research
* Projects Agency under ARPA contracts DAVT63-91-C-0029 and
* DABT63-93-C-0040.
// File: PabloHDF_SDDF.c *
// Purpose: support use of Pablo trace library to analyze HDF *
// performance *
// Contents: *
// HDFinitTrace_SDDF: initialize SDDF tracing *
// HDFendTrace_SDDF: end SDDF tracing *
// startHDFtraceEvent: record start of HDF procedure *
// endHDFtraceEvent: record end of HDF proc *
// preInitHDFProcTrace: called by HDFinitTrace_SDDF to set up SDDF *
// interface function calls *
// initHDFProcTrace: called by HDFinitTrace_SDDF to initialize data *
// structures used in tracing HDF procedures. *
// writeHDFProcRecordDescriptors: *
// generates the record descriptors for the HDF *
// procedure entry/exit event families. *
// HDFprocEventRecord: generates trace records for events which are *
// to produce procedure entry or exit event family *
// trace records. *
// findHDFProcEvent: retruns procedure entry/exit index *
// _hdfTraceEntryDescriptor: *
// Generate a SDDF binary format record descriptor *
// for HDF procedure entries *
// _hdfTraceExitDescriptor: *
// Generate a SDDF binary format record descriptor *
// for the HDF procedure exits *
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#include "H5private.h"
#define HAVE_PABLO
#include "H5config.h"
#include "ProcIDs.h"
#include "SystemDepend.h"
#include "SDDFparam.h"
#include "TraceParam.h"
#include "Trace.h"
#include "HDFTrace.h"
void HDFendTrace_SDDF(void);
void startHDFtraceEvent(int eventID);
void endHDFtraceEvent(int , int , char *, int );
int preInitHDFProcTrace( void );
int initHDFProcTrace( int , int * );
int writeHDFProcRecordDescriptors( void );
int findHDFProcEvent( int ) ;
TR_RECORD *HDFprocEventRecord( int, TR_EVENT *, CLOCK, HDFsetInfo *, unsigned );
TR_RECORD *miscEventRecord( int , TR_EVENT *, CLOCK, void *, unsigned );
void _hdfTraceEntryDescriptor( void );
void _hdfTraceExitDescriptor( void );
void _hdfMiscDescriptor( void );
void _hdfProcNameDescriptor( void );
int setEventRecordFunction( int, void * );
void HDFtraceIOEvent( int, void *, unsigned );
void initIOTrace( void );
void enableIOdetail( void );
void disableLifetimeSummaries( void );
void disableTimeWindowSummaries( void );
void disableFileRegionSummaries( void );
void initIOTrace( void );
void endIOTrace( void );
#define PABLO 1
/* on the ipsc/860 we don't include unistd.h */
#ifndef __NX
#include <unistd.h>
#define returnRecord(x) return x;
int initMPIOTrace( char *, int );
void endMPIOTrace( void ) ;
extern char *hdfRecordPointer;
// Prototypes of functions in this file. *
void HDFinitTrace_SDDF( char *, uint32 );
// Each procedure being traced has associated with it a distinct pair *
// of entry and exit event IDs. This code maintains a vector of such *
// matchings which permits the ready identification of an event ID as *
// being either an entry event or an exit event and for which procedure.*
typedef struct procEventMatch {
int entryID; /* procedure entry event ID */
int exitID; /* procedure exit event ID */
static PROC_EVENTS *procEvents = /* array of event ID pairs */
// For each procedure being traced this code maintains a stack of *
// procedure entry times. Each procedure entry event causes the *
// corresponding procedure's stack to be pushed, each procedure exit *
// event causes the corresponding procedure's stack to be popped, and *
// from the difference in time between entry and exit the procedure *
// duration may be calculated in a very straightforward subtraction. *
// The above procedure entry-exit event ID matching is used to map *
// events to their corresponding procedures. In addition, the *
// cumulative total of these procedure durations is maintained for all *
// traced subprocedures of each traced procedure. That is, when a *
// traced procedure exits, it increases this duration sum for its most *
// immediate traced ancestor procedure. By subtracting this *
// subprocedure duration sum from the traced procedure's inclusive *
// duration, we arrive at the exclusive duration of the procedure. *
typedef struct procEntryTime {
CLOCK entryTime; /* when proc entered */
CLOCK subProcTime; /* subproc duration */
struct procEntryTime *nextTime; /* stack pointer down */
struct procEntryTime *ancestorProc; /* traced ancestor */
static PROC_ENTRY **procEntryStack =*/ /* array of pointers to */
/* (PROC_ENTRY **) 0;*/ /* stack top elements */
// Define data structure types for procedure entry and exit trace *
// records, similarly to record data structures in Trace.h *
// FAMILY_PROCENTRY family Record Data packets: *
struct procEntryTraceRecordData {
int packetLength; /* bytes in packet */
int packetType; /* == PKT_DATA */
int eventID; /* ID of corresponding event */
double seconds; /* floating-point timestamp */
long sourceByte; /* source code byte offset in file */
int sourceLine; /* source code line number in file */
int nodeNumber; /* occurred on which node */
#define procEntryTraceLen 6*sizeof(int) + sizeof(long) + sizeof(double)
// FAMILY_PROCEXIT family Record Data packets: *
struct procExitTraceRecordData {
int packetLength; /* bytes in packet */
int packetType; /* == PKT_DATA */
int eventID; /* ID of corresponding event */
double seconds; /* floating-point timestamp */
long setID; /* index of file | Data Set accessed */
int nodeNumber; /* occurred on which node */
int nameLen; /* Length of file or data set name */
/* name comes next, but no space is allocated */
#define procExitTraceLen 6*sizeof(int) + 3*sizeof(double) +sizeof(long)
// misc Record Data packets: *
struct miscTraceRecordData {
int packetLength; /* bytes in packet */
int packetType; /* == PKT_DATA */
int packetTag; /* FAMILY_MISC | RECORD_TRACE */
int eventID; /* ID of corresponding event */
double seconds; /* floating-point timestamp */
double duration; /* floating-point operation duration */
unsigned long bytes; /* number of bytes requested */
int nodeNumber; /* occurred on which node */
#define miscTraceLen 5*sizeof(int) + 2*sizeof(double) +sizeof(long)
// HDFprocName Record Data packets: *
// These are used to pass information about the names of the traced *
// routine in the trace file to the post processing utilities. *
struct HDFprocNameRecordData {
int packetLength; /* bytes in packet */
int packetType; /* == PKT_DATA */
int eventID; /* ID of corresponding event */
int HDFeventID; /* ID of HDF proc */
int procIndex; /* Index of HDF proc */
int numProcs; /* Number of HDF procs */
int NameLen; /* length of HDF proc Name */
char *Name;
#define HDFprocNameRecLen 8*sizeof(int)
// Define data structures used to contain source code location data for *
// Pablo instrumenting parser-generated code. *
static long procByteOffset = -1; /* source code byte offset */
static int procLineNumber = -1; /* source code line number */
// The procEntries array specifies the event IDs of procedure entry *
// events. *
int procEntries[] = {
#include "HDFidList.h"
// The procEntryCalled array indicates whether or not a procedure entry *
// was called. *
int *procEntryCalled;
// The HDFProcNames array holds the names of the HDF entries. *
static char HDFProcNames[][40] = {
#include "HDFentryNames.h"
// NAME *
// HDFinitTrace_SDDF -- initalize HDF tracing with SDDF records *
// USAGE *
// HDFinitTrace_SDDF( traceFileName, procTraceMask ) *
// char *traceFileName -- name of trace file to hold output *
// uint32 prcoTraceMask -- mask indicating classes of HDF procs to *
// be traced *
// None *
void HDFinitTrace_SDDF( char *traceFileName, uint32 procTraceMask )
// set traceFileName and set IO tracing switches. If MPIO *
// tracing is available, this will be initialized also. *
// in the parallel case, initialize MPI-IO tracing. This will *
// initialize the traceFileName and set the I/O tracing *
// switches. *
MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myNode );
setTraceProcessorNumber( myNode );
initMPIOTrace( traceFileName, 0 );
buff = (char *)malloc( strlen(traceFileName)+12);
sprintf( buff, "%s.nd%.4d\0",traceFileName,myNode);
setTraceFileName( buff );
free( buff );
// in the non-parallel case, set the trace file name and the *
// I/O tracing switches. *
#endif /* HAVE_PARALLEL */
// complete HDF initiailization. *
initHDFProcTrace( sizeof(procEntries)/sizeof(int), procEntries );
procTrace = procTraceMask;
// NAME *
// HDFendTrace_SDDF -- end HDF tracing *
// USAGE *
// HDFendTrace_SDDF() *
// None. *
void HDFendTrace_SDDF(void)
HDFtraceIOEvent( -ID_timeStamp, 0, 0 );
// termintate MPI-IO tracing in the parallel case. This will *
// terminate the I/O tracing and close tracing as well. *
// terminate tracing *
// NAME *
// initHDFProcTrace: *
// This function initializes data structures specific to *
// the procedure entry/exit tracing extensions of the Pablo *
// instrumentation library. The argument numProcs specifies *
// how many procedures are to be traced. The argument procEntryID *
// is a vector specifying the event IDs to be use as entry events *
// for each of the procedures. The negative value is used for *
// the exit event ID. *
// USAGE *
// result = initHDFProcTrace(numProcs,procEntryID) *
// int numProcs -- number of Procedures to be initialized *
// int *procEntryID -- array of id entry codes for these procedures *
int initHDFProcTrace( int numProcs, int *procEntryID )
int procIndex;
if (( numProcs <= 0 ) || ( procEntryID == (int *) 0 ) )
return FAILURE;
// Allocate space to store a copy of the procedure entry-exit *
// event ID matchings and also the procedure entry stacks. *
procEvents = (PROC_EVENTS *) TRgetBuffer(
(numProcs+4)*sizeof(PROC_EVENTS) );
if ( procEvents == (PROC_EVENTS *) 0 )
TRfailure( "cannot allocate procedure events matching" );
procEntryCalled = ( int *)malloc( numProcs*sizeof(int) );
if ( procEvents == NULL )
TRfailure( "cannot allocate procedure Called indicators" );
// Initialize the procedure events matching from the arguments *
// passed. Configure the trace record-generating function for *
// these events. Initialize the flags indicating whether or *
// not the procedure was called. *
for ( procIndex = 0; procIndex < numProcs; procIndex++ ) {
procEvents[ procIndex ].entryID = procEntryID[ procIndex ];
procEvents[ procIndex ].exitID = -procEntryID[ procIndex ];
setEventRecordFunction( procEntryID[ procIndex ],
HDFprocEventRecord );
setEventRecordFunction( -procEntryID[ procIndex ],
HDFprocEventRecord );
procEntryCalled[ procIndex ] = 0;
// Initialize the procedure events for malloc. *
// Configure the trace record-generating function for this *
// event. *
procEvents[ numProcs ].entryID = ID_malloc;
procEvents[ numProcs ].exitID = -ID_malloc;
setEventRecordFunction( ID_malloc, miscEventRecord );
setEventRecordFunction( -ID_malloc, miscEventRecord );
procEvents[ numProcs+1 ].entryID = ID_free;
procEvents[ numProcs+1 ].exitID = -ID_free;
setEventRecordFunction( ID_free, miscEventRecord );
setEventRecordFunction( -ID_free, miscEventRecord );
procEvents[ numProcs+2 ].entryID = ID_timeStamp;
procEvents[ numProcs+2 ].exitID = -ID_timeStamp;
setEventRecordFunction( ID_timeStamp, miscEventRecord );
setEventRecordFunction( -ID_timeStamp, miscEventRecord );
return SUCCESS;
// NAME *
// preInitHDFProcTrace: *
// This function calls the trace library interface function *
// setRecordDescriptor, which records the address of the *
// procedure that generates the record descriptors for the *
// procedure trace event families. It is automatically *
// invoked by HDFinitTrace_SDDF. *
// USAGE *
// result = preInitHDFProcTrace(); *
int preInitHDFProcTrace( void )
static int preInitDone = FALSE;
if ( preInitDone == TRUE )
return SUCCESS;
// Give the instrumentation library a pointer to the functions *
// in which we output the specialized record descriptors for *
// procedure entry/exit. *
setRecordDescriptor( writeHDFProcRecordDescriptors );
preInitDone = TRUE;
return SUCCESS;
// NAME *
// writeHDFProcRecordDescriptors: *
// This function generates the record descriptors for the HDF *
// procedure entry/exit event families. It will be invoked *
// by the instrumentation library initialization routines. *
// Patterned after instrumentation library internal function *
// writeRecordDescriptors. *
// USAGE *
// result = writeHDFProcRecordDescriptors(); *
int writeHDFProcRecordDescriptors( void )
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "writeHDFProcRecordDescriptors\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
_hdfTraceEntryDescriptor() ;
_hdfTraceExitDescriptor() ;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "writeHDFProcRecordDescriptors done\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
return SUCCESS;
// NAME *
// HDFprocEventRecord: *
// This function generates trace records for events which are *
// to produce procedure entry or exit event family trace records. *
// Patterned after the instrumentation library internal functions *
// externalEventRecord and sddfRecord. *
// USAGE *
// REC = HDFprocEventRecord( recordType, eventPointer, timeStamp, *
// dataPointer, dataLength) *
// int recordType -- type of event record *
// TR_EVENT eventPointer -- pointer to event data structure *
// CLOCK timeStamp -- time event is recorded *
// HDFsetInfo dataPointer -- information about HDF data set accessed *
// unsigned dataLength -- dummy for compatability *
// pointer to trace record for this event *
HDFprocEventRecord( int recordType, TR_EVENT *eventPointer, CLOCK timeStamp,
HDFsetInfo *dataPointer, unsigned dataLength )
static TR_RECORD traceRecord;
static void *recordBuffer = NULL;
static int bufferLength = 0;
struct procEntryTraceRecordData *entryTraceRecordHeader;
struct procExitTraceRecordData *exitTraceRecordHeader;
struct HDFprocNameRecordData *nameRecord;
int procIndex;
int recordFamily;
char *namePtr;
int NameLen;
int NameRecLen;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "HDFprocEventRecord\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
// Find the index in the tables for the procedure corresponding *
// to this eventID. *
procIndex = findHDFProcEvent( eventPointer->eventID );
if ( procIndex < 0 ) {
return nullRecordFunction( recordType, eventPointer,
timeStamp, (char *)dataPointer, dataLength );
// Produce a packet for the name of the procedure if one has *
// not already been produced. *
if ( procEntryCalled[procIndex] == 0 ) {
NameLen = strlen( HDFProcNames[procIndex] );
NameRecLen = HDFprocNameRecLen + NameLen;
nameRecord = ( struct HDFprocNameRecordData *)malloc( NameRecLen );
nameRecord->packetLength = NameRecLen;
nameRecord->packetType = PKT_DATA;
nameRecord->eventID = ID_HDFprocName;
nameRecord->HDFeventID = abs(eventPointer->eventID);
nameRecord->procIndex = procIndex;
nameRecord->numProcs = NumHDFProcs;
nameRecord->NameLen = NameLen;
// copy procedure name into the packet, write out the packet *
// and set ProcEntryCalled[procIndex] to indicate the name *
// packet was produced. *
memcpy( &(nameRecord->Name), HDFProcNames[procIndex], NameLen );
putBytes( (char *)nameRecord , NameRecLen );
free( nameRecord );
procEntryCalled[procIndex] = 1;
// Determine whether this is a procedure entry or a procedure *
// exit family event by lookup in the procedure event ID *
// matching. *
if ( procEvents[ procIndex ].entryID == eventPointer->eventID ) {
recordFamily = FAMILY_PROCENTRY;
} else {
recordFamily = FAMILY_PROCEXIT;
// The time stamp stored in the event descriptor will be used *
// unless one is specified in the timeStamp parameter. *
if ( clockCompare( timeStamp, noSuchClock ) == 0 ) {
timeStamp = eventPointer->eventLast;
// Determine how many bytes of storage will be needed for the *
// contents of the trace record. *
switch (( recordFamily | recordType )) {
traceRecord.recordLength = sizeof *entryTraceRecordHeader;
traceRecord.recordLength = sizeof *exitTraceRecordHeader;
if ( dataPointer != NULL && dataPointer->setName != NULL ) {
traceRecord.recordLength += strlen( dataPointer->setName );
// If there is a previously-allocated buffer and its size will *
// hold this record, re-use the buffer. Otherwise, deallocate *
// the buffer (if allocated) and allocate a bigger one. *
if ( bufferLength < traceRecord.recordLength ) {
if ( recordBuffer != NULL ) {
TRfreeBuffer( recordBuffer );
recordBuffer = (char *)TRgetBuffer( traceRecord.recordLength );
if ( recordBuffer == NULL ) {
TRfailure( "cannot allocate storage for trace record" );
bufferLength = traceRecord.recordLength;
traceRecord.recordContents = recordBuffer;
// Load the trace record fields into the allocated buffer *
switch (( recordFamily | recordType )) {
entryTraceRecordHeader = (struct procEntryTraceRecordData *)
entryTraceRecordHeader->packetLength =
entryTraceRecordHeader->packetType = PKT_DATA;
entryTraceRecordHeader->packetTag = recordFamily | recordType;
entryTraceRecordHeader->seconds = clockToSeconds( timeStamp );
entryTraceRecordHeader->eventID = eventPointer->eventID;
entryTraceRecordHeader->nodeNumber = TRgetNode();
entryTraceRecordHeader->sourceByte = procByteOffset;
entryTraceRecordHeader->sourceLine = procLineNumber;
exitTraceRecordHeader = (struct procExitTraceRecordData *)
exitTraceRecordHeader->packetLength =
exitTraceRecordHeader->packetType = PKT_DATA;
exitTraceRecordHeader->packetTag = recordFamily | recordType;
exitTraceRecordHeader->seconds = clockToSeconds( timeStamp );
exitTraceRecordHeader->eventID = eventPointer->eventID;
exitTraceRecordHeader->nodeNumber = TRgetNode();
if ( dataPointer != 0 ) {
exitTraceRecordHeader->setID = dataPointer->setID;
if (dataPointer->setName != NULL ) {
= (int)strlen( dataPointer->setName );
// copy name directly into the end of the buffer. *
namePtr = (char *)exitTraceRecordHeader
+ procExitTraceLen;
memcpy( namePtr, dataPointer->setName,
exitTraceRecordHeader->nameLen );
} else {
exitTraceRecordHeader->nameLen = 0;
} else {
exitTraceRecordHeader->setID = NoDSid;
exitTraceRecordHeader->nameLen = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "HDFprocEventRecord done\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
// Internal Routine: miscEventRecord *
// Called for misc start and end events. *
TR_RECORD *miscEventRecord( int recordType,
TR_EVENT *eventPointer,
CLOCK timeStamp,
void *dataPointer,
unsigned dataLength )
static TR_RECORD traceRecord;
static struct miscTraceRecordData miscRecord;
static int initialized = FALSE;
int eventID;
if ( clockCompare( timeStamp, noSuchClock ) == 0 ) {
timeStamp = eventPointer->eventLast;
eventID = eventPointer->eventID;
if ( ! initialized ) {
miscRecord.packetLength = sizeof( miscRecord );
miscRecord.packetType = PKT_DATA;
miscRecord.packetTag = FAMILY_MISC | RECORD_TRACE;
miscRecord.nodeNumber = traceProcessorNumber;
traceRecord.recordLength = miscRecord.packetLength;
traceRecord.recordContents = (char *) &miscRecord;
initialized = TRUE;
switch ( eventID ) {
case ID_malloc:
case ID_free:
miscRecord.seconds = clockToSeconds( timeStamp ) ;
miscRecord.bytes = *(size_t *)dataPointer;
miscRecord.eventID = eventID ;
case -ID_malloc:
case -ID_free:
miscRecord.duration = clockToSeconds( timeStamp)
- miscRecord.seconds;
return &traceRecord; /* generate trace record */
case ID_timeStamp:
case -ID_timeStamp:
miscRecord.seconds = clockToSeconds( timeStamp ) ;
miscRecord.bytes = 0;
miscRecord.eventID = eventID ;
miscRecord.duration = 0;
return &traceRecord;
fprintf( stderr, "miscEventRecord: unknown eventID %d\n", eventID );
// If we get here then no trace record generated. Normally we *
// should get here if this is an entry call. *
return( nullRecordFunction( recordType, eventPointer, timeStamp,
dataPointer, dataLength ) );
// NAME *
// findHDFProcEvent: *
// Search the procedure entry/exit event ID matching data *
// structure for an event ID (either entry or exit) which is *
// the same as the argument eventID. If found, return the *
// index from that table, which will be between 0 and *
// numberProcedures - 1, inclusive. If not found, return -1; *
// USAGE *
// index = findHDFProcEvent *
// index of the procedure corresponding to this ID *
int findHDFProcEvent( int eventID )
int procIndex;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "findHDFProcEvent\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
if ( isBeginHDFEvent(eventID) ) {
procIndex = eventID - BEGIN_HDF;
} else if ( isEndHDFEvent( eventID ) ) {
procIndex = -eventID - BEGIN_HDF;
} else {
procIndex = -1 ;
return procIndex;
// NAME *
// _hdfTraceEntryDescriptor *
// Generate a SDDF binary format record descriptor for the *
// full trace class of events in the HDF procedure entry *
// USAGE *
// _hdfTraceEntryDescriptro() *
// void *
void _hdfTraceEntryDescriptor( void )
static char recordBuffer[ 4096 ];
int recordLength;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "_hdfTraceEntryDescriptor entered\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
// Allow space at the beginning of the record for the packet *
//length which will be computed after the packet is complete. *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 0 );
// The record type, tag, and name *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, PKT_DESCRIPTOR );
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, ( FAMILY_PROCENTRY | RECORD_TRACE ) );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "HDF Procedure Entry Trace" );
// The record attribute count and string pair *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 1 );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "description" );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "HDF Procedure Entry Trace Record" );
// The record field count *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 5);
// Create fields *
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Event Identifier",
"Event ID",
"Event Identifier Number",
"Floating Point Timestamp",
DOUBLE, 0 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Source Byte",
"Source Byte Offset",
LONG, 0 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Source Line",
"Source Line Number",
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Processor Number",
"Processor number",
recordLength = (int)(hdfRecordPointer - recordBuffer);
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, recordLength );
putBytes( recordBuffer, (unsigned) recordLength );
// NAME *
// _hdfTraceExitDescriptor *
// Generate a SDDF binary format record descriptor for the *
// full trace class of events in the HDF procedure exit *
// USAGE *
// _hdfTraceExitDescriptor() *
// void *
void _hdfTraceExitDescriptor( void )
static char recordBuffer[ 4096 ];
int recordLength;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "_hdfExitTraceDescriptor entered\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
// Allow space at the beginning of the record for the packet *
// length which will be computed after the packet is complete. *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 0 );
// The record type, tag, and name *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, PKT_DESCRIPTOR );
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, ( FAMILY_PROCEXIT | RECORD_TRACE ) );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "HDF Procedure Exit Trace" );
// The record attribute count and string pair *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 1 );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "description" );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "HDF Procedure Exit Trace Record" );
// The record field count *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 5);
// Create fields *
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Event Identifier",
"Event ID",
"Event Identifier Number",
"Floating Point Timestamp",
DOUBLE, 0 );
"HDF ID", "File, Data Set or Dim Identifier number",
"0", "No HDF ID specified",
LONG, 0 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Processor Number",
"Processor number",
"HDF Name", "Name of File, Data Set or Dim",
recordLength = (int)(hdfRecordPointer - recordBuffer);
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, recordLength );
putBytes( recordBuffer, (unsigned) recordLength );
// NAME *
// _hdfMiscDescriptor *
// Generate a SDDF binary format record descriptor for the *
// misc procedure *
// USAGE *
// _hdfMiscDescriptor() *
// void *
void _hdfMiscDescriptor( void )
static char recordBuffer[ 4096 ];
int recordLength;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "_hdfMiscDescriptor entered\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
// Allow space at the beginning of the record for the packet *
//length which will be computed after the packet is complete. *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 0 );
// The record type, tag, and name *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, PKT_DESCRIPTOR );
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, ( FAMILY_MISC | RECORD_TRACE ) );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "Misc Trace" );
// The record attribute count and string pair *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 1 );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "description" );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "Misc Trace Record" );
// The record field count *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 5);
// Create fields *
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Event Identifier",
"Event ID",
"Event Identifier Number",
"Floating Point Timestamp",
DOUBLE, 0 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Duration",
"Operation Duration",
DOUBLE, 0 );
"Bytes Requested",
LONG, 0 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Processor Number",
"Processor number",
recordLength = (int)(hdfRecordPointer - recordBuffer);
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, recordLength );
putBytes( recordBuffer, (unsigned) recordLength );
// NAME *
// _hdfProcNameDescriptor *
// Generate a SDDF binary format record descriptor for the *
// HDFProcName Records *
// USAGE *
// _hdfProcNameDescriptor() *
// void *
void _hdfProcNameDescriptor( void )
static char recordBuffer[ 4096 ];
int recordLength;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "_hdfProcNameDescriptor entered\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
// Allow space at the beginning of the record for the packet *
//length which will be computed after the packet is complete. *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 0 );
// The record type, tag, and name *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, PKT_DESCRIPTOR );
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, ( FAMILY_HDFPROCNAME| RECORD_TRACE ) );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "HDF Procedure Information" );
// The record attribute count and string pair *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 1 );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "description" );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "HDF Proc Info Record" );
// The record field count *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 5);
// Create fields *
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Event Identifier",
"Event ID",
"Event Identifier Number",
"HDF Proc Event Identifier",
"HDF Proc Event Identifier Number",
"HDF Proc Index",
"Index of HDF Proc in Tables",
"Num HDF Procs",
"Number of HDF Procedures",
"HDF Proc Name",
"Name of HDF Procedure",
recordLength = (int)(hdfRecordPointer - recordBuffer);
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, recordLength );
putBytes( recordBuffer, (unsigned) recordLength );
/*#endif */ /* HAVE_PABLO */