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This module defines various classes that can serve as the `output` to an interface. Each class must inherit from
`OutputComponent`, and each class must define a path to its template. All of the subclasses of `OutputComponent` are
automatically added to a registry, which allows them to be easily referenced in other parts of the code.
from posixpath import basename
from gradio.component import Component
import numpy as np
import json
from gradio import processing_utils
import operator
from numbers import Number
import warnings
import tempfile
from pydub import AudioSegment
import os
import pandas as pd
import PIL
from types import ModuleType
from ffmpy import FFmpeg
class OutputComponent(Component):
Output Component. All output components subclass this.
def postprocess(self, y):
Any postprocessing needed to be performed on function output.
return y
class Textbox(OutputComponent):
Component creates a textbox to render output text or number.
Output type: Union[str, float, int]
Demos: hello_world.py, sentence_builder.py
def __init__(self, type="auto", label=None):
type (str): Type of value to be passed to component. "str" expects a string, "number" expects a float value, "auto" detects return type.
label (str): component name in interface.
self.type = type
def get_template_context(self):
return {
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"text": {"type": "str"},
"textbox": {"type": "str"},
"number": {"type": "number"},
def postprocess(self, y):
if self.type == "str" or self.type == "auto":
return str(y)
elif self.type == "number":
return y
raise ValueError("Unknown type: " + self.type +
". Please choose from: 'str', 'number'")
class Label(OutputComponent):
Component outputs a classification label, along with confidence scores of top categories if provided. Confidence scores are represented as a dictionary mapping labels to scores between 0 and 1.
Output type: Union[Dict[str, float], str, int, float]
Demos: image_classifier.py, main_note.py, titanic_survival.py
CONFIDENCES_KEY = "confidences"
def __init__(self, num_top_classes=None, type="auto", label=None):
num_top_classes (int): number of most confident classes to show.
type (str): Type of value to be passed to component. "value" expects a single out label, "confidences" expects a dictionary mapping labels to confidence scores, "auto" detects return type.
label (str): component name in interface.
self.num_top_classes = num_top_classes
self.type = type
def postprocess(self, y):
if self.type == "label" or (self.type == "auto" and (isinstance(y, str) or isinstance(y, Number))):
return {"label": str(y)}
elif self.type == "confidences" or (self.type == "auto" and isinstance(y, dict)):
sorted_pred = sorted(
if self.num_top_classes is not None:
sorted_pred = sorted_pred[:self.num_top_classes]
return {
"label": sorted_pred[0][0],
"confidences": [
"label": pred[0],
"confidence": pred[1]
} for pred in sorted_pred
raise ValueError("The `Label` output interface expects one of: a string label, or an int label, a "
"float label, or a dictionary whose keys are labels and values are confidences.")
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"label": {},
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
Returns: (Union[str, Dict[str, number]]): Either a string representing the main category label, or a dictionary with category keys mapping to confidence levels.
if "confidences" in data:
return json.dumps({example["label"]: example["confidence"] for example in data["confidences"]})
return data["label"]
def restore_flagged(self, data):
data = json.loads(data)
return data
return data
class Image(OutputComponent):
Component displays an output image.
Output type: Union[numpy.array, PIL.Image, str, matplotlib.pyplot, Tuple[Union[numpy.array, PIL.Image, str], List[Tuple[str, float, float, float, float]]]]
Demos: image_mod.py, webcam.py
def __init__(self, type="auto", labeled_segments=False, plot=False, label=None):
type (str): Type of value to be passed to component. "numpy" expects a numpy array with shape (width, height, 3), "pil" expects a PIL image object, "file" expects a file path to the saved image, "plot" expects a matplotlib.pyplot object, "auto" detects return type.
labeled_segments (bool): If True, expects a two-element tuple to be returned. The first element of the tuple is the image of format specified by type. The second element is a list of tuples, where each tuple represents a labeled segment within the image. The first element of the tuple is the string label of the segment, followed by 4 floats that represent the left-x, top-y, right-x, and bottom-y coordinates of the bounding box.
plot (bool): DEPRECATED. Whether to expect a plot to be returned by the function.
label (str): component name in interface.
self.labeled_segments = labeled_segments
if plot:
"The 'plot' parameter has been deprecated. Set parameter 'type' to 'plot' instead.", DeprecationWarning)
self.type = "plot"
self.type = type
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"image": {},
"segmented_image": {"labeled_segments": True},
"plot": {"type": "plot"},
"pil": {"type": "pil"}
def postprocess(self, y):
if self.labeled_segments:
y, coordinates = y
coordinates = []
if self.type == "auto":
if isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
dtype = "numpy"
elif isinstance(y, PIL.Image.Image):
dtype = "pil"
elif isinstance(y, str):
dtype = "file"
elif isinstance(y, ModuleType):
dtype = "plot"
raise ValueError(
"Unknown type. Please choose from: 'numpy', 'pil', 'file', 'plot'.")
dtype = self.type
if dtype in ["numpy", "pil"]:
if dtype == "pil":
y = np.array(y)
out_y = processing_utils.encode_array_to_base64(y)
elif dtype == "file":
out_y = processing_utils.encode_file_to_base64(y)
elif dtype == "plot":
out_y = processing_utils.encode_plot_to_base64(y)
raise ValueError("Unknown type: " + dtype +
". Please choose from: 'numpy', 'pil', 'file', 'plot'.")
return out_y, coordinates
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
Returns: (str) path to image file
return self.save_flagged_file(dir, label, data[0], encryption_key)
class Video(OutputComponent):
Used for video output.
Output type: filepath
Demos: video_flip.py
def __init__(self, type=None, label=None):
type (str): Type of video format to be passed to component, such as 'avi' or 'mp4'. Use 'mp4' to ensure browser playability. If set to None, video will keep returned format.
label (str): component name in interface.
self.type = type
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"video": {},
"playable_video": {"type": "mp4"}
def postprocess(self, y):
returned_format = y.split(".")[-1].lower()
if self.type is not None and returned_format != self.type:
output_file_name = y[0: y.rindex(
".") + 1] + self.type
ff = FFmpeg(
inputs={y: None},
outputs={output_file_name: None}
y = output_file_name
return {
"name": os.path.basename(y),
"data": processing_utils.encode_file_to_base64(y, type="video")
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
Returns: (str) path to image file
return self.save_flagged_file(dir, label, data, encryption_key)
class KeyValues(OutputComponent):
Component displays a table representing values for multiple fields.
Output type: Union[Dict, List[Tuple[str, Union[str, int, float]]]]
Demos: text_analysis.py
def __init__(self, label=None):
label (str): component name in interface.
def postprocess(self, y):
if isinstance(y, dict):
return list(y.items())
elif isinstance(y, list):
return y
raise ValueError("The `KeyValues` output interface expects an output that is a dictionary whose keys are "
"labels and values are corresponding values.")
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"key_values": {},
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
return json.dumps(data)
def restore_flagged(self, data):
return json.loads(data)
class HighlightedText(OutputComponent):
Component creates text that contains spans that are highlighted by category or numerical value.
Output is represent as a list of Tuple pairs, where the first element represents the span of text represented by the tuple, and the second element represents the category or value of the text.
Output type: List[Tuple[str, Union[float, str]]]
Demos: diff_texts.py, text_analysis.py
def __init__(self, color_map=None, label=None):
color_map (Dict[str, str]): Map between category and respective colors
label (str): component name in interface.
self.color_map = color_map
def get_template_context(self):
return {
"color_map": self.color_map,
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"highlight": {},
def postprocess(self, y):
return y
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
return json.dumps(data)
def restore_flagged(self, data):
return json.loads(data)
class Audio(OutputComponent):
Creates an audio player that plays the output audio.
Output type: Union[Tuple[int, numpy.array], str]
Demos: generate_tone.py, reverse_audio.py
def __init__(self, type="auto", label=None):
type (str): Type of value to be passed to component. "numpy" returns a 2-set tuple with an integer sample_rate and the data numpy.array of shape (samples, 2), "file" returns a temporary file path to the saved wav audio file, "auto" detects return type.
label (str): component name in interface.
self.type = type
def get_template_context(self):
return {
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"audio": {},
def postprocess(self, y):
if self.type in ["numpy", "file", "auto"]:
if self.type == "numpy" or (self.type == "auto" and isinstance(y, tuple)):
sample_rate, data = y
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
audio_segment = AudioSegment(
y = file.name
return processing_utils.encode_file_to_base64(y, type="audio", ext="wav")
raise ValueError("Unknown type: " + self.type +
". Please choose from: 'numpy', 'file'.")
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
Returns: (str) path to audio file
return self.save_flagged_file(dir, label, data, encryption_key)
class JSON(OutputComponent):
Used for JSON output. Expects a JSON string or a Python object that is JSON serializable.
Output type: Union[str, Any]
Demos: zip_to_json.py
def __init__(self, label=None):
label (str): component name in interface.
def postprocess(self, y):
if isinstance(y, str):
return json.dumps(y)
return y
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"json": {},
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
return json.dumps(data)
def restore_flagged(self, data):
return json.loads(data)
class HTML(OutputComponent):
Used for HTML output. Expects an HTML valid string.
Output type: str
Demos: text_analysis.py
def __init__(self, label=None):
label (str): component name in interface.
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"html": {},
class File(OutputComponent):
Used for file output.
Output type: Union[file-like, str]
Demos: zip_two_files.py
def __init__(self, label=None):
label (str): component name in interface.
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"file": {},
def postprocess(self, y):
return {
"name": os.path.basename(y),
"size": os.path.getsize(y),
"data": processing_utils.encode_file_to_base64(y, header=False)
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
Returns: (str) path to image file
return self.save_flagged_file(dir, label, data["data"], encryption_key)
class Dataframe(OutputComponent):
Component displays 2D output through a spreadsheet interface.
Output type: Union[pandas.DataFrame, numpy.array, List[Union[str, float]], List[List[Union[str, float]]]]
Demos: filter_records.py, matrix_transpose.py, fraud_detector.py
def __init__(self, headers=None, max_rows=20, max_cols=None, overflow_row_behaviour="paginate", type="auto", label=None):
headers (List[str]): Header names to dataframe. Only applicable if type is "numpy" or "array".
max_rows (int): Maximum number of rows to display at once. Set to None for infinite.
max_cols (int): Maximum number of columns to display at once. Set to None for infinite.
overflow_row_behaviour (str): If set to "paginate", will create pages for overflow rows. If set to "show_ends", will show initial and final rows and truncate middle rows.
type (str): Type of value to be passed to component. "pandas" for pandas dataframe, "numpy" for numpy array, or "array" for Python array, "auto" detects return type.
label (str): component name in interface.
self.headers = headers
self.max_rows = max_rows
self.max_cols = max_cols
self.overflow_row_behaviour = overflow_row_behaviour
self.type = type
def get_template_context(self):
return {
"headers": self.headers,
"max_rows": self.max_rows,
"max_cols": self.max_cols,
"overflow_row_behaviour": self.overflow_row_behaviour,
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"dataframe": {},
"numpy": {"type": "numpy"},
"matrix": {"type": "array"},
"list": {"type": "array"},
def postprocess(self, y):
if self.type == "auto":
if isinstance(y, pd.core.frame.DataFrame):
dtype = "pandas"
elif isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
dtype = "numpy"
elif isinstance(y, list):
dtype = "array"
dtype = self.type
if dtype == "pandas":
return {"headers": list(y.columns), "data": y.values.tolist()}
elif dtype in ("numpy", "array"):
if dtype == "numpy":
y = y.tolist()
if len(y) == 0 or not isinstance(y[0], list):
y = [y]
return {"data": y}
raise ValueError("Unknown type: " + self.type +
". Please choose from: 'pandas', 'numpy', 'array'.")
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
Returns: (List[List[Union[str, float]]]) 2D array
return json.dumps(data["data"])
def restore_flagged(self, data):
return json.loads(data)
class Carousel(OutputComponent):
Component displays a set of output components that can be scrolled through.
Output type: List[List[Any]]
Demos: disease_report.py
def __init__(self, components, label=None):
components (Union[List[OutputComponent], OutputComponent]): Classes of component(s) that will be scrolled through.
label (str): component name in interface.
if not isinstance(components, list):
components = [components]
self.components = [get_output_instance(
component) for component in components]
def get_template_context(self):
return {
"components": [component.get_template_context() for component in self.components],
def postprocess(self, y):
if isinstance(y, list):
if len(y) != 0 and not isinstance(y[0], list):
y = [[z] for z in y]
output = []
for row in y:
output_row = []
for i, cell in enumerate(row):
return output
raise ValueError(
"Unknown type. Please provide a list for the Carousel.")
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
return json.dumps([
dir, f"{label}_{j}", data[i][j], encryption_key)
for j, component in enumerate(self.components)
] for i, sample in enumerate(data)])
def get_output_instance(iface):
if isinstance(iface, str):
shortcut = OutputComponent.get_all_shortcut_implementations()[iface]
return shortcut[0](**shortcut[1])
elif isinstance(iface, OutputComponent):
return iface
raise ValueError(
"Output interface must be of type `str` or "
class Timeseries(OutputComponent):
Component accepts pandas.DataFrame.
Output type: pandas.DataFrame
Demos: fraud_detector.py
def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, label=None):
x (str): Column name of x (time) series. None if csv has no headers, in which case first column is x series.
y (Union[str, List[str]]): Column name of y series, or list of column names if multiple series. None if csv has no headers, in which case every column after first is a y series.
label (str): component name in interface.
self.x = x
if isinstance(y, str):
y = [y]
self.y = y
def get_template_context(self):
return {
"x": self.x,
"y": self.y,
def get_shortcut_implementations(cls):
return {
"timeseries": {},
def postprocess(self, y):
return {
"headers": y.columns.values.tolist(),
"data": y.values.tolist()
def save_flagged(self, dir, label, data, encryption_key):
Returns: (List[List[Union[str, float]]]) 2D array
return json.dumps(data)
def restore_flagged(self, data):
return json.loads(data)