2024-06-24 21:41:06 +00:00

47 lines
1.4 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import type { HTMLImgAttributes } from "svelte/elements";
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ load?: void }>();
interface Props extends HTMLImgAttributes {
"data-testid"?: string;
type $$Props = Props;
import { resolve_wasm_src } from "@gradio/wasm/svelte";
export let src: HTMLImgAttributes["src"] = undefined;
let resolved_src: typeof src;
// The `src` prop can be updated before the Promise from `resolve_wasm_src` is resolved.
// In such a case, the resolved value for the old `src` has to be discarded,
// This variable `latest_src` is used to pick up only the value resolved for the latest `src` prop.
let latest_src: typeof src;
$: {
// In normal (non-Wasm) Gradio, the `<img>` element should be rendered with the passed `src` props immediately
// without waiting for `resolve_wasm_src()` to resolve.
// If it waits, a blank image is displayed until the async task finishes
// and it leads to undesirable flickering.
// So set `src` to `resolved_src` here.
resolved_src = src;
latest_src = src;
const resolving_src = src;
resolve_wasm_src(resolving_src).then((s) => {
if (latest_src === resolving_src) {
resolved_src = s;
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-missing-attribute -->
<img src={resolved_src} {...$$restProps} on:load={() => dispatch("load")} />
img {
object-fit: cover;