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Custom JS and CSS

This guide covers how to style Blocks with more flexibility, as well as adding Javascript code to event listeners.

Custom CSS

For additional styling ability, you can pass any CSS to your app using the css= kwarg.

The base class for the Gradio app is gradio-container, so here's an example that changes the background color of the Gradio app:

with gr.Blocks(css=".gradio-container {background-color: red}") as demo:

If you'd like to reference external files in your css, preface the file path (which can be a relative or absolute path) with "file=", for example:

with gr.Blocks(css=".gradio-container {background: url('file=clouds.jpg')}") as demo:

You can also pass the filepath to a CSS file to the css argument.

The elem_id amd elem_classes Arguments

You can elem_id to add an HTML element id to any component, and elem_classes to add a class or list of classes. This will allow you to select elements more easily with CSS.

with gr.Blocks(css="#warning {background-color: red} .feedback {font-size: 24px}") as demo:
    box1 = gr.Textbox(value="Good Job", elem_classes="feedback")
    box2 = gr.Textbox(value="Failure", elem_id="warning", elem_classes="feedback")

The CSS #warning ruleset will only target the second Textbox, while the .feedback ruleset will target both.

Custom JS

Event listeners have a _js argument that can take a Javascript function as a string and treat it just like a Python event listener function. You can pass both a Javascript function and a Python function (in which case the Javascript function is run first) or only Javascript (and set the Python fn to None). Take a look at the code below:

$code_blocks_js_methods $demo_blocks_js_methods