
Build & share delightful machine learning apps easily

| [Documentation](https://gradio.app/docs/)
| [Guides](https://gradio.app/guides/)
| [Getting Started](https://gradio.app/getting_started/)
| [Examples](demo/)
| [中文](readme_files/zh-cn#readme)
# Gradio: Build Machine Learning Web Apps — in Python
Gradio is an open-source Python library that is used to build machine learning and data science demos and web applications.
With Gradio, you can quickly create a beautiful user interface around your machine learning models or data science workflow and let people "try it out" by dragging-and-dropping in their own images,
pasting text, recording their own voice, and interacting with your demo, all through the browser.

Gradio is useful for:
- **Demoing** your machine learning models for clients/collaborators/users/students.
- **Deploying** your models quickly with automatic shareable links and getting feedback on model performance.
- **Debugging** your model interactively during development using built-in input manipulation tools.
## Open Source Stack
Gradio is built with many wonderful open-source libraries, please support them as well!