const { join } = require("path"); const { readFileSync, existsSync, writeFileSync, unlinkSync } = require("fs"); const { getPackagesSync } = require("@manypkg/get-packages"); const RE_PKG_NAME = /^[\w-]+\b/; const pkg_meta = getPackagesSync(process.cwd()); /** * @typedef {{dirs: string[], highlight: {summary: string}[], feat: {summary: string}[], fix: {summary: string}[], current_changelog: string}} ChangesetMeta */ /** * @typedef {{[key: string]: ChangesetMeta}} ChangesetMetaCollection */ function run() { if (!existsSync(join(pkg_meta.rootDir, ".changeset", "_changelog.json"))) { console.warn("No changesets to process"); return; } /** * @type { ChangesetMetaCollection & { _handled: string[] } }} */ const { _handled, ...packages } = JSON.parse( readFileSync( join(pkg_meta.rootDir, ".changeset", "_changelog.json"), "utf-8" ) ); /** * @typedef { {packageJson: {name: string, version: string, python: boolean}, dir: string} } PackageMeta */ /** * @type { {[key:string]: PackageMeta} } */ const all_packages = pkg_meta.packages.reduce((acc, pkg) => { acc[] = /**@type {PackageMeta} */ ( /** @type {unknown} */ (pkg) ); return acc; }, /** @type {{[key:string] : PackageMeta}} */ ({})); for (const pkg_name in packages) { const { dirs, highlight, feat, fix, current_changelog } = /**@type {ChangesetMeta} */ (packages[pkg_name]); const { version, python } = all_packages[pkg_name].packageJson; const highlights = => `${h.summary}`); const features = => `- ${f.summary}`); const fixes = => `- ${f.summary}`); const release_notes = /** @type {[string[], string][]} */ ([ [highlights, "### Highlights"], [features, "### Features"], [fixes, "### Fixes"] ]) .filter(([s], i) => s.length > 0) .map(([lines, title]) => { if (title === "### Highlights") { return `${title}\n\n${lines.join("\n\n")}`; } return `${title}\n\n${lines.join("\n")}`; }) .join("\n\n"); const new_changelog = `# ${pkg_name} ## ${version} ${release_notes} ${current_changelog.replace(`# ${pkg_name}`, "").trim()} `.trim(); dirs.forEach((dir) => { writeFileSync(join(dir, ""), new_changelog); }); if (python) { bump_local_dependents(pkg_name, version); } } unlinkSync(join(pkg_meta.rootDir, ".changeset", "_changelog.json")); /** * @param {string} pkg_to_bump The name of the package to bump * @param {string} version The version to bump to * @returns {void} * */ function bump_local_dependents(pkg_to_bump, version) { for (const pkg_name in all_packages) { const { dir, packageJson: { python } } = all_packages[pkg_name]; if (!python) continue; const requirements_path = join(dir, "..", "requirements.txt"); const requirements = readFileSync(requirements_path, "utf-8").split("\n"); const pkg_index = requirements.findIndex((line) => { const m = line.trim().match(RE_PKG_NAME); if (!m) return false; return m[0] === pkg_to_bump; }); if (pkg_index !== -1) { requirements[pkg_index] = `${pkg_to_bump}==${version}`; writeFileSync(requirements_path, requirements.join("\n")); } } } } run();