import { test, expect, Page, Locator } from "@playwright/test"; import { mock_theme, wait_for_page, mock_api, mock_demo } from "./utils"; //taken from: async function changeSlider( page: Page, thumb: Locator, slider: Locator, targetPercentage: number ) { const thumbBoundingBox = await thumb.boundingBox(); const sliderBoundingBox = await slider.boundingBox(); if (thumbBoundingBox === null || sliderBoundingBox === null) { return; // NOTE it's probably better to throw an error here } // Start from the middle of the slider's thumb const startPoint = { x: thumbBoundingBox.x + thumbBoundingBox.width / 2, y: thumbBoundingBox.y + thumbBoundingBox.height / 2 }; // Slide it to some endpoint determined by the target percentage const endPoint = { x: sliderBoundingBox.x + sliderBoundingBox.width * targetPercentage, y: thumbBoundingBox.y + thumbBoundingBox.height / 2 }; await page.mouse.move(startPoint.x, startPoint.y); await page.mouse.down(); await page.mouse.move(endPoint.x, endPoint.y); await page.mouse.up(); } test("slider release", async ({ page }) => { await mock_demo(page, "slider_release"); await mock_api(page, [[70, null, 1]]); await mock_theme(page); await wait_for_page(page); const slider = page.getByLabel("Slider"); await changeSlider(page, slider, slider, 0.7); const value = page.getByLabel("On release"); const events = page.getByLabel("Number of events fired"); const val = await slider.inputValue(); expect(parseInt(val)).toBeCloseTo(70); expect(value).toHaveValue("70"); expect(events).toHaveValue("1"); });