import { test, expect } from "@gradio/tootils"; test("chatinterface works with streaming functions and all buttons behave as expected", async ({ page }) => { const submit_button = page.getByRole("button", { name: "Submit" }); const retry_button = page.getByRole("button", { name: "🔄 Retry" }); const undo_button = page.getByRole("button", { name: "↩ī¸ Undo" }); const clear_button = page.getByRole("button", { name: "🗑ī¸ Clear" }); const textbox = page.getByPlaceholder("Type a message..."); await textbox.fill("hello"); await; await expect(textbox).toHaveValue(""); const expected_text_el_0 = page.locator(".bot p", { hasText: "Run 1 - You typed: hello" }); await expect(expected_text_el_0).toBeVisible(); await expect .poll(async () => page.locator(".bot.message").count(), { timeout: 2000 }) .toBe(1); await textbox.fill("hi"); await; await expect(textbox).toHaveValue(""); const expected_text_el_1 = page.locator(".bot p", { hasText: "Run 2 - You typed: hi" }); await expect(expected_text_el_1).toBeVisible(); await expect .poll(async () => page.locator(".bot.message").count(), { timeout: 2000 }) .toBe(2); await; await expect .poll(async () => page.locator("").count(), { timeout: 5000 }) .toBe(1); await expect(textbox).toHaveValue("hi"); await; const expected_text_el_2 = page.locator(".bot p", { hasText: "" }); await expect(expected_text_el_2).toBeVisible(); await expect .poll(async () => page.locator("").count(), { timeout: 5000 }) .toBe(1); await textbox.fill("hi"); await; await expect(textbox).toHaveValue(""); const expected_text_el_3 = page.locator(".bot p", { hasText: "Run 4 - You typed: hi" }); await expect(expected_text_el_3).toBeVisible(); await expect .poll(async () => page.locator(".bot.message").count(), { timeout: 2000 }) .toBe(2); await; await expect .poll(async () => page.locator(".bot.message").count(), { timeout: 5000 }) .toBe(0); });