import { test, describe, assert, afterEach, vi, beforeAll, beforeEach, expect } from "vitest"; import { spyOn } from "tinyspy"; import { cleanup, render } from "@self/tootils"; import { setupi18n } from "../core/src/i18n"; import Video from "./Index.svelte"; import type { LoadingStatus } from "@gradio/statustracker"; const loading_status = { eta: 0, queue_position: 1, queue_size: 1, status: "complete" as LoadingStatus["status"], scroll_to_output: false, visible: true, fn_index: 0, show_progress: "full" as LoadingStatus["show_progress"] }; describe("Video", () => { beforeAll(() => { = vi.fn(); window.HTMLMediaElement.prototype.pause = vi.fn(); }); beforeEach(setupi18n); afterEach(() => cleanup()); test("renders provided value and label", async () => { const { getByTestId, queryAllByText } = await render(Video, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: { video: { path: "", url: "" }, subtitles: null }, label: "Test Label", root: "foo", proxy_url: null, streaming: false, pending: false, name: "bar", sources: ["upload"], interactive: true }); let vid = getByTestId("Test Label-player") as HTMLVideoElement; assert.equal( vid.src, "" ); assert.equal(queryAllByText("Test Label").length, 1); }); test("hides label", async () => { const { queryAllByText } = await render(Video, { show_label: false, loading_status, value: { video: { path: "", url: "" }, subtitles: null }, label: "Video Component", root: "foo", proxy_url: null, streaming: false, pending: false, name: "bar", sources: ["upload"], interactive: true }); assert.equal(queryAllByText("Video Component").length, 1); }); test("static Video sets value", async () => { const { getByTestId } = await render(Video, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: { video: { path: "", url: "" }, subtitles: null }, root: "foo", proxy_url: null, streaming: false, pending: false, name: "bar", sources: ["upload"], mode: "static" }); let vid = getByTestId("test-player") as HTMLVideoElement; assert.equal( vid.src, "" ); }); test("when autoplay is true `` should be called in static mode", async () => { const { getByTestId } = await render(Video, { show_label: true, loading_status, interactive: false, value: { video: { path: "", url: "" }, subtitles: null }, root: "foo", proxy_url: null, streaming: false, pending: false, sources: ["upload"], autoplay: true }); const startButton = getByTestId("test-player") as HTMLVideoElement; const fn = spyOn(startButton, "play"); startButton.dispatchEvent(new Event("loadeddata")); assert.equal(fn.callCount, 1); }); test("when autoplay is true `` should be called in dynamic mode", async () => { const { getByTestId } = await render(Video, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: { video: { path: "", url: "" }, subtitles: null }, root: "foo", proxy_url: null, streaming: false, pending: false, sources: ["upload"], autoplay: true }); const startButton = getByTestId("test-player") as HTMLVideoElement; const fn = spyOn(startButton, "play"); startButton.dispatchEvent(new Event("loadeddata")); assert.equal(fn.callCount, 1); }); test("when autoplay is true `` should be called in static mode when the Video data is updated", async () => { const { component, getByTestId } = await render(Video, { show_label: true, loading_status, interactive: false, value: { video: { path: "", url: "" }, subtitles: null }, root: "foo", proxy_url: null, streaming: false, pending: false, sources: ["upload"], autoplay: true }); const startButton = getByTestId("test-player") as HTMLVideoElement; const fn = spyOn(startButton, "play"); startButton.dispatchEvent(new Event("loadeddata")); component.$set({ value: { video: { path: "" } } }); startButton.dispatchEvent(new Event("loadeddata")); assert.equal(fn.callCount, 2); }); test("when autoplay is true `` should be called in dynamic mode when the Video data is updated", async () => { const { component, getByTestId } = await render(Video, { show_label: true, loading_status, interactive: true, value: { video: { path: "", url: "" }, subtitles: null }, root: "foo", proxy_url: null, streaming: false, pending: false, sources: ["upload"], autoplay: true }); const startButton = getByTestId("test-player") as HTMLVideoElement; const fn = spyOn(startButton, "play"); startButton.dispatchEvent(new Event("loadeddata")); component.$set({ value: { video: { path: "", url: "" }, subtitles: null } }); startButton.dispatchEvent(new Event("loadeddata")); assert.equal(fn.callCount, 2); }); test("renders video and download button", async () => { const data = { video: { path: "", url: "" } }; const results = await render(Video, { interactive: false, label: "video", show_label: true, value: data, root: "https://localhost:8000" }); const downloadButton = results.getAllByTestId("download-div")[0]; expect( downloadButton.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].getAttribute("href") ).toBe(; expect( downloadButton.getElementsByTagName("button").length ).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); test("video change event trigger fires when value is changed and only fires once", async () => { const { component, listen } = await render(Video, { show_label: true, loading_status, interactive: true, value: [ { path: "" } ], root: "foo", proxy_url: null, streaming: false, pending: false, sources: ["upload"], autoplay: true }); const mock = listen("change"); (component.value = [ { path: "" } ]), assert.equal(mock.callCount, 1); }); });