import json import os from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth from import GoogleDrive gauth = GoogleAuth() if os.path.exists("google_credentials.json"): gauth.LoadCredentialsFile("google_credentials.json") if gauth.credentials is None: gauth.LocalWebserverAuth() elif gauth.access_token_expired: gauth.Refresh() else: gauth.Authorize() gauth.SaveCredentialsFile("google_credentials.json") with open("client_secrets.json") as client_secrets_file: client_secrets = with open("google_credentials.json") as google_credentials_file: google_credentials = GRADIO_DEMO_DIR = "../../demo/" NOTEBOOK_TYPE = "application/" GOOGLE_FOLDER_TYPE = "application/" def run(): drive = GoogleDrive(gauth) demo_links = {} with open("colab_template.ipynb") as notebook_template_file: notebook_template = file_list = drive.ListFile( { "q": f"title='Demos' and mimeType='{GOOGLE_FOLDER_TYPE}' and 'root' in parents and trashed=false" } ).GetList() if len(file_list) > 0: demo_folder = file_list[0].metadata["id"] else: demo_folder_file = drive.CreateFile( {"title": "Demos", "mimeType": GOOGLE_FOLDER_TYPE} ) demo_folder_file.Upload() demo_folder = demo_folder_file.metadata["id"] for demo_name in os.listdir(GRADIO_DEMO_DIR): notebook_title = demo_name + ".ipynb" print("--- " + demo_name + " ---") with open(os.path.join(GRADIO_DEMO_DIR, demo_name, "")) as demo_file: demo_content = demo_content = demo_content.replace( 'if __name__ == "__main__":\n iface.launch()', "iface.launch()" ) lines = demo_content.split("/n") demo_content = [ line + "\n" if i != len(lines) - 1 else line for i, line in enumerate(lines) ] notebook = json.loads(notebook_template) notebook["cells"][1]["source"] = demo_content file_list = drive.ListFile( { "q": f"title='{notebook_title}' and mimeType='{NOTEBOOK_TYPE}' and 'root' in parents and trashed=false" } ).GetList() if len(file_list) > 0: drive_file = file_list[0] else: drive_file = drive.CreateFile( { "title": notebook_title, "mimeType": NOTEBOOK_TYPE, "parents": [{"id": demo_folder}], } ) drive_file.SetContentString(json.dumps(notebook)) drive_file.Upload() drive_file.InsertPermission( {"type": "anyone", "value": "anyone", "role": "reader"} ) demo_links[demo_name] = drive_file["alternateLink"] with open("../.env", "w") as env_file: env_file.write(f"COLAB_NOTEBOOK_LINKS='{json.dumps(demo_links)}'") if __name__ == "__main__": run()