import inspect import pathlib from contextlib import contextmanager import pytest from gradio_client import Client import gradio as gr def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "flaky: mark test as flaky. Failure will not cause te" ) @pytest.fixture def test_file_dir(): return pathlib.Path(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent, "test_files") @pytest.fixture def io_components(): classes_to_check = gr.components.Component.__subclasses__() subclasses = [] while classes_to_check: subclass = classes_to_check.pop() if subclass in [gr.components.FormComponent, gr.State]: continue children = subclass.__subclasses__() if children: classes_to_check.extend(children) if "value" in inspect.signature(subclass.__init__).parameters: subclasses.append(subclass) return subclasses @pytest.fixture def connect(): @contextmanager def _connect(demo: gr.Blocks, serialize=True): _, local_url, _ = demo.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True) try: yield Client(local_url, serialize=serialize) finally: # A more verbose version of .close() # because we should set a timeout # the tests that call .cancel() can get stuck # waiting for the thread to join demo._queue.close() demo.is_running = False demo.server.should_exit = True demo.server.thread.join(timeout=1) return _connect @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def gradio_temp_dir(monkeypatch, tmp_path): """tmp_path is unique to each test function. It will be cleared automatically according to pytest docs: """ monkeypatch.setenv("GRADIO_TEMP_DIR", str(tmp_path)) return tmp_path