"""Contains tests for networking.py and app.py""" import os import unittest import unittest.mock as mock import urllib import warnings from fastapi.testclient import TestClient import gradio as gr from gradio import Interface, networking os.environ["GRADIO_ANALYTICS_ENABLED"] = "False" class TestPort(unittest.TestCase): def test_port_is_in_range(self): start = 7860 end = 7960 try: port = networking.get_first_available_port(start, end) self.assertTrue(start <= port <= end) except OSError: warnings.warn("Unable to test, no ports available") def test_same_port_is_returned(self): start = 7860 end = 7960 try: port1 = networking.get_first_available_port(start, end) port2 = networking.get_first_available_port(start, end) self.assertEqual(port1, port2) except OSError: warnings.warn("Unable to test, no ports available") class TestInterfaceErrors(unittest.TestCase): def test_processing_error(self): io = Interface(lambda x: 1 / x, "number", "number") app, _, _ = io.launch(show_error=True, prevent_thread_lock=True) client = TestClient(app) response = client.post("/api/predict/", json={"data": [0], "fn_index": 0}) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 500) self.assertTrue("error" in response.json()) io.close() def test_validation_error(self): io = Interface(lambda x: 1 / x, "number", "number") app, _, _ = io.launch(show_error=True, prevent_thread_lock=True) client = TestClient(app) response = client.post("/api/predict/", json={"fn_index": [0]}) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 422) io.close() class TestStartServer(unittest.TestCase): def test_start_server(self): io = Interface(lambda x: x, "number", "number") io.favicon_path = None io.config = io.get_config_file() io.show_error = True io.flagging_callback.setup(gr.Number(), io.flagging_dir) io.auth = None port = networking.get_first_available_port( networking.INITIAL_PORT_VALUE, networking.INITIAL_PORT_VALUE + networking.TRY_NUM_PORTS, ) io.enable_queue = False _, local_path, _, server = networking.start_server(io, server_port=port) url = urllib.parse.urlparse(local_path) self.assertEquals(url.scheme, "http") self.assertEquals(url.port, port) server.close() # class TestFlagging(unittest.TestCase): # def test_flagging_analytics(self): # callback = flagging.CSVLogger() # callback.flag = mock.MagicMock() # aiohttp.ClientSession.post = mock.MagicMock() # aiohttp.ClientSession.post.__aenter__ = None # aiohttp.ClientSession.post.__aexit__ = None # io = Interface( # lambda x: x, # "text", # "text", # analytics_enabled=True, # flagging_callback=callback, # ) # app, _, _ = io.launch(show_error=True, prevent_thread_lock=True) # client = TestClient(app) # response = client.post( # "/api/flag/", # json={"data": {"input_data": ["test"], "output_data": ["test"]}}, # ) # aiohttp.ClientSession.post.assert_called() # callback.flag.assert_called_once() # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # io.close() # class TestInterpretation(unittest.TestCase): # def test_interpretation(self): # io = Interface( # lambda x: len(x), # "text", # "label", # interpretation="default", # analytics_enabled=True, # ) # app, _, _ = io.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True) # client = TestClient(app) # aiohttp.ClientSession.post = mock.MagicMock() # aiohttp.ClientSession.post.__aenter__ = None # aiohttp.ClientSession.post.__aexit__ = None # io.interpret = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(None, None)) # response = client.post("/api/interpret/", json={"data": ["test test"]}) # aiohttp.ClientSession.post.assert_called() # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # io.close() class TestURLs(unittest.TestCase): def test_setup_tunnel(self): networking.create_tunnel = mock.MagicMock(return_value="test") res = networking.setup_tunnel(None, None) self.assertEqual(res, "test") def test_url_ok(self): res = networking.url_ok("https://www.gradio.app") self.assertTrue(res) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()