import os from copy import deepcopy import numpy as np import pytest import pytest_asyncio import gradio.interpretation from gradio import Interface, media_data from gradio.processing_utils import decode_base64_to_image os.environ["GRADIO_ANALYTICS_ENABLED"] = "False" class TestDefault: @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_default_text(self): max_word_len = lambda text: max([len(word) for word in text.split(" ")]) text_interface = Interface( max_word_len, "textbox", "label", interpretation="default" ) interpretation = (await text_interface.interpret(["quickest brown fox"]))[0][ "interpretation" ] assert interpretation[0][1] > 0 # Checks to see if the first word has >0 score. assert 0 == interpretation[-1][1] # Checks to see if the last word has 0 score. class TestShapley: @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_shapley_text(self): max_word_len = lambda text: max([len(word) for word in text.split(" ")]) text_interface = Interface( max_word_len, "textbox", "label", interpretation="shapley" ) interpretation = (await text_interface.interpret(["quickest brown fox"]))[0][ "interpretation" ][0] assert interpretation[1] > 0 # Checks to see if the first word has >0 score. class TestCustom: @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_custom_text(self): max_word_len = lambda text: max([len(word) for word in text.split(" ")]) custom = lambda text: [(char, 1) for char in text] text_interface = Interface( max_word_len, "textbox", "label", interpretation=custom ) result = (await text_interface.interpret(["quickest brown fox"]))[0][ "interpretation" ][0] assert result[1] == 1 # Checks to see if the first letter has score of 1. @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_custom_img(self): max_pixel_value = lambda img: img.max() custom = lambda img: img.tolist() img_interface = Interface( max_pixel_value, "image", "label", interpretation=custom ) result = (await img_interface.interpret([deepcopy(media_data.BASE64_IMAGE)]))[ 0 ]["interpretation"] expected_result = np.asarray( decode_base64_to_image(deepcopy(media_data.BASE64_IMAGE)).convert("RGB") ).tolist() assert result == expected_result class TestHelperMethods: def test_diff(self): diff = gradio.interpretation.diff(13, "2") assert diff == 11 diff = gradio.interpretation.diff("cat", "dog") assert diff == 1 diff = gradio.interpretation.diff("cat", "cat") assert diff == 0 def test_quantify_difference_with_number(self): iface = Interface(lambda text: text, ["textbox"], ["number"]) diff = gradio.interpretation.quantify_difference_in_label(iface, [4], [6]) assert diff == -2 def test_quantify_difference_with_label(self): iface = Interface(lambda text: len(text), ["textbox"], ["label"]) diff = gradio.interpretation.quantify_difference_in_label(iface, ["3"], ["10"]) assert -7 == diff diff = gradio.interpretation.quantify_difference_in_label(iface, ["0"], ["100"]) assert -100 == diff def test_quantify_difference_with_confidences(self): iface = Interface(lambda text: len(text), ["textbox"], ["label"]) output_1 = {"cat": 0.9, "dog": 0.1} output_2 = {"cat": 0.6, "dog": 0.4} output_3 = {"cat": 0.1, "dog": 0.6} diff = gradio.interpretation.quantify_difference_in_label( iface, [output_1], [output_2] ) assert 0.3 == pytest.approx(diff) diff = gradio.interpretation.quantify_difference_in_label( iface, [output_1], [output_3] ) assert 0.8 == pytest.approx(diff) def test_get_regression_value(self): iface = Interface(lambda text: text, ["textbox"], ["label"]) output_1 = {"cat": 0.9, "dog": 0.1} output_2 = {"cat": float("nan"), "dog": 0.4} output_3 = {"cat": 0.1, "dog": 0.6} diff = gradio.interpretation.get_regression_or_classification_value( iface, [output_1], [output_2] ) assert 0 == diff diff = gradio.interpretation.get_regression_or_classification_value( iface, [output_1], [output_3] ) assert 0.1 == pytest.approx(diff) def test_get_classification_value(self): iface = Interface(lambda text: text, ["textbox"], ["label"]) diff = gradio.interpretation.get_regression_or_classification_value( iface, ["cat"], ["test"] ) assert 1 == diff diff = gradio.interpretation.get_regression_or_classification_value( iface, ["test"], ["test"] ) assert 0 == diff