import json import os import pathlib import tempfile import time import uuid from concurrent.futures import CancelledError, TimeoutError from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch import gradio as gr import huggingface_hub import pytest import uvicorn from fastapi import FastAPI from gradio.networking import Server from huggingface_hub.utils import RepositoryNotFoundError from gradio_client import Client from gradio_client.client import DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR from gradio_client.serializing import Serializable from gradio_client.utils import Communicator, ProgressUnit, Status, StatusUpdate os.environ["HF_HUB_DISABLE_TELEMETRY"] = "1" HF_TOKEN = "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" # Intentionally revealing this key for testing purposes @contextmanager def connect(demo: gr.Blocks, serialize: bool = True): _, local_url, _ = demo.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True) try: yield Client(local_url, serialize=serialize) finally: # A more verbose version of .close() # because we should set a timeout # the tests that call .cancel() can get stuck # waiting for the thread to join if demo.enable_queue: demo._queue.close() demo.is_running = False demo.server.should_exit = True demo.server.thread.join(timeout=1) class TestClientPredictions: @pytest.mark.flaky def test_raise_error_invalid_state(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="invalid state"): Client("gradio-tests/paused-space") @pytest.mark.flaky def test_numerical_to_label_space(self): client = Client("gradio-tests/titanic-survival") with open(client.predict("male", 77, 10, api_name="/predict")) as f: assert json.load(f)["label"] == "Perishes" with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="This Gradio app might have multiple endpoints. Please specify an `api_name` or `fn_index`", ): client.predict("male", 77, 10) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Cannot find a function with `api_name`: predict. Did you mean to use a leading slash?", ): client.predict("male", 77, 10, api_name="predict") @pytest.mark.flaky def test_private_space(self): client = Client("gradio-tests/not-actually-private-space", hf_token=HF_TOKEN) output = client.predict("abc", api_name="/predict") assert output == "abc" def test_state(self, increment_demo): with connect(increment_demo) as client: output = client.predict(api_name="/increment_without_queue") assert output == 1 output = client.predict(api_name="/increment_without_queue") assert output == 2 output = client.predict(api_name="/increment_without_queue") assert output == 3 client.reset_session() output = client.predict(api_name="/increment_without_queue") assert output == 1 output = client.predict(api_name="/increment_with_queue") assert output == 2 client.reset_session() output = client.predict(api_name="/increment_with_queue") assert output == 1 output = client.predict(api_name="/increment_with_queue") assert output == 2 def test_job_status(self, calculator_demo): with connect(calculator_demo) as client: statuses = [] job = client.submit(5, "add", 4, api_name="/predict") while not job.done(): time.sleep(0.1) statuses.append(job.status()) assert statuses # Messages are sorted by time assert sorted([s.time for s in statuses if s]) == [ s.time for s in statuses if s ] assert sorted([s.code for s in statuses if s]) == [ s.code for s in statuses if s ] @pytest.mark.flaky def test_job_status_queue_disabled(self, sentiment_classification_demo): with connect(sentiment_classification_demo) as client: statuses = [] job = client.submit("I love the gradio python client", api_name="/classify") while not job.done(): time.sleep(0.02) statuses.append(job.status()) statuses.append(job.status()) assert all(s.code in [Status.PROCESSING, Status.FINISHED] for s in statuses) assert not any(s.progress_data for s in statuses) @pytest.mark.flaky def test_intermediate_outputs(self, count_generator_demo): with connect(count_generator_demo) as client: job = client.submit(3, fn_index=0) while not job.done(): time.sleep(0.1) assert job.outputs() == [str(i) for i in range(3)] outputs = [] for o in client.submit(3, fn_index=0): outputs.append(o) assert outputs == [str(i) for i in range(3)] def test_break_in_loop_if_error(self, calculator_demo): with connect(calculator_demo) as client: job = client.submit("foo", "add", 4, fn_index=0) output = list(job) assert output == [] @pytest.mark.flaky def test_timeout(self, sentiment_classification_demo): with pytest.raises(TimeoutError): with connect(sentiment_classification_demo.queue()) as client: job = client.submit(api_name="/sleep") job.result(timeout=0.05) @pytest.mark.flaky def test_timeout_no_queue(self, sentiment_classification_demo): with pytest.raises(TimeoutError): with connect(sentiment_classification_demo) as client: job = client.submit(api_name="/sleep") job.result(timeout=0.1) def test_raises_exception(self, calculator_demo): with pytest.raises(Exception): with connect(calculator_demo) as client: job = client.submit("foo", "add", 9, fn_index=0) job.result() def test_raises_exception_no_queue(self, sentiment_classification_demo): with pytest.raises(Exception): with connect(sentiment_classification_demo) as client: job = client.submit([5], api_name="/sleep") job.result() @pytest.mark.flaky def test_job_output_video(self): client = Client(src="gradio/video_component") job = client.submit( "", fn_index=0, ) assert Path(job.result()).exists() assert Path(DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR).resolve() in Path(job.result()).resolve().parents temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() client = Client(src="gradio/video_component", output_dir=temp_dir) job = client.submit( "", fn_index=0, ) assert Path(job.result()).exists() assert Path(temp_dir).resolve() in Path(job.result()).resolve().parents def test_progress_updates(self, progress_demo): with connect(progress_demo) as client: job = client.submit("hello", api_name="/predict") statuses = [] while not job.done(): statuses.append(job.status()) time.sleep(0.02) assert any(s.code == Status.PROGRESS for s in statuses) assert any(s.progress_data is not None for s in statuses) all_progress_data = [ p for s in statuses if s.progress_data for p in s.progress_data ] count = 0 for i in range(20): unit = ProgressUnit( index=i, length=20, unit="steps", progress=None, desc=None ) count += unit in all_progress_data assert count def test_cancel_from_client_queued(self, cancel_from_client_demo): with connect(cancel_from_client_demo) as client: start = time.time() job = client.submit(api_name="/long") while not job.done(): if job.status().code == Status.STARTING: job.cancel() break with pytest.raises(CancelledError): job.result() # The whole prediction takes 10 seconds to run # and does not iterate. So this tests that we can cancel # halfway through a prediction assert time.time() - start < 10 assert job.status().code == Status.CANCELLED job = client.submit(api_name="/iterate") iteration_count = 0 while not job.done(): if job.status().code == Status.ITERATING: iteration_count += 1 if iteration_count == 3: job.cancel() break time.sleep(0.5) # Result for iterative jobs is always the first result assert job.result() == 0 # The whole prediction takes 10 seconds to run # and does not iterate. So this tests that we can cancel # halfway through a prediction assert time.time() - start < 10 # Test that we did not iterate all the way to the end assert all(o in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for o in job.outputs()) assert job.status().code == Status.CANCELLED def test_cancel_subsequent_jobs_state_reset(self, yield_demo): with connect(yield_demo) as client: job1 = client.submit("abcdefefadsadfs") time.sleep(3) job1.cancel() assert len(job1.outputs()) < len("abcdefefadsadfs") assert job1.status().code == Status.CANCELLED job2 = client.submit("abcd") while not job2.done(): time.sleep(0.1) # Ran all iterations from scratch assert job2.status().code == Status.FINISHED assert len(job2.outputs()) == 4 @pytest.mark.flaky def test_upload_file_private_space(self): client = Client( src="gradio-tests/not-actually-private-file-upload", hf_token=HF_TOKEN ) with patch.object( client.endpoints[0], "_upload", wraps=client.endpoints[0]._upload ) as upload: with patch.object( client.endpoints[0], "serialize", wraps=client.endpoints[0].serialize ) as serialize: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as f: f.write("Hello from private space!") output = client.submit( 1, "foo",, api_name="/file_upload" ).result() with open(output) as f: assert == "Hello from private space!" upload.assert_called_once() assert all(f["is_file"] for f in serialize.return_value()) with patch.object( client.endpoints[1], "_upload", wraps=client.endpoints[0]._upload ) as upload: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as f: f.write("Hello from private space!") with open(client.submit(, api_name="/upload_btn").result()) as f: assert == "Hello from private space!" upload.assert_called_once() with patch.object( client.endpoints[2], "_upload", wraps=client.endpoints[0]._upload ) as upload: # `delete=False` is required for Windows compat with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as f1: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as f2: f1.write("File1") f2.write("File2") r1, r2 = client.submit( 3, [,], "hello", api_name="/upload_multiple", ).result() with open(r1) as f: assert == "File1" with open(r2) as f: assert == "File2" upload.assert_called_once() @pytest.mark.flaky def test_upload_file_upload_route_does_not_exist(self): client = Client( src="gradio-tests/not-actually-private-file-upload-old-version", hf_token=HF_TOKEN, ) with patch.object( client.endpoints[0], "serialize", wraps=client.endpoints[0].serialize ) as serialize: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as f: f.write("Hello from private space!") client.submit(1, "foo",, fn_index=0).result() serialize.assert_called_once_with(1, "foo", def test_state_without_serialize(self, stateful_chatbot): with connect(stateful_chatbot, serialize=False) as client: initial_history = [["", None]] message = "Hello" ret = client.predict(message, initial_history, api_name="/submit") assert ret == ("", [["", None], ["Hello", "I love you"]]) def test_can_call_mounted_app_via_api(self): def greet(name): return "Hello " + name + "!" gradio_app = gr.Interface( fn=greet, inputs=gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Name Here..."), outputs="text", ) app = FastAPI() app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, gradio_app, path="/test/gradio") config = uvicorn.Config( app=app, port=8000, log_level="info", ) server = Server(config=config) # Using the gradio Server class to not have # to implement code again to run uvicorn in a separate thread # However, that means we need to set this flag to prevent # run_in_thread_from_blocking server.started = True try: server.run_in_thread() time.sleep(1) client = Client("") assert client.predict("freddy") == "Hello freddy!" finally: server.thread.join(timeout=1) class TestStatusUpdates: @patch("gradio_client.client.Endpoint.make_end_to_end_fn") def test_messages_passed_correctly(self, mock_make_end_to_end_fn): now = messages = [ StatusUpdate( code=Status.STARTING, eta=None, rank=None, success=None, queue_size=None, time=now, progress_data=None, ), StatusUpdate( code=Status.SENDING_DATA, eta=None, rank=None, success=None, queue_size=None, time=now + timedelta(seconds=1), progress_data=None, ), StatusUpdate( code=Status.IN_QUEUE, eta=3, rank=2, queue_size=2, success=None, time=now + timedelta(seconds=2), progress_data=None, ), StatusUpdate( code=Status.IN_QUEUE, eta=2, rank=1, queue_size=1, success=None, time=now + timedelta(seconds=3), progress_data=None, ), StatusUpdate( code=Status.ITERATING, eta=None, rank=None, queue_size=None, success=None, time=now + timedelta(seconds=3), progress_data=None, ), StatusUpdate( code=Status.FINISHED, eta=None, rank=None, queue_size=None, success=True, time=now + timedelta(seconds=4), progress_data=None, ), ] class MockEndToEndFunction: def __init__(self, communicator: Communicator): self.communicator = communicator def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): for m in messages: with self.communicator.lock: self.communicator.job.latest_status = m time.sleep(0.1) mock_make_end_to_end_fn.side_effect = MockEndToEndFunction client = Client(src="gradio/calculator") job = client.submit(5, "add", 6, api_name="/predict") statuses = [] while not job.done(): statuses.append(job.status()) time.sleep(0.09) assert all(s in messages for s in statuses) @patch("gradio_client.client.Endpoint.make_end_to_end_fn") def test_messages_correct_two_concurrent(self, mock_make_end_to_end_fn): now = messages_1 = [ StatusUpdate( code=Status.STARTING, eta=None, rank=None, success=None, queue_size=None, time=now, progress_data=None, ), StatusUpdate( code=Status.FINISHED, eta=None, rank=None, queue_size=None, success=True, time=now + timedelta(seconds=4), progress_data=None, ), ] messages_2 = [ StatusUpdate( code=Status.IN_QUEUE, eta=3, rank=2, queue_size=2, success=None, time=now + timedelta(seconds=2), progress_data=None, ), StatusUpdate( code=Status.IN_QUEUE, eta=2, rank=1, queue_size=1, success=None, time=now + timedelta(seconds=3), progress_data=None, ), ] class MockEndToEndFunction: n_counts = 0 def __init__(self, communicator: Communicator): self.communicator = communicator self.messages = ( messages_1 if MockEndToEndFunction.n_counts == 0 else messages_2 ) MockEndToEndFunction.n_counts += 1 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): for m in self.messages: with self.communicator.lock: print(f"here: {m}") self.communicator.job.latest_status = m time.sleep(0.1) mock_make_end_to_end_fn.side_effect = MockEndToEndFunction client = Client(src="gradio/calculator") job_1 = client.submit(5, "add", 6, api_name="/predict") job_2 = client.submit(11, "subtract", 1, api_name="/predict") statuses_1 = [] statuses_2 = [] while not (job_1.done() and job_2.done()): statuses_1.append(job_1.status()) statuses_2.append(job_2.status()) time.sleep(0.05) assert all(s in messages_1 for s in statuses_1) class TestAPIInfo: @pytest.mark.parametrize("trailing_char", ["/", ""]) def test_test_endpoint_src(self, trailing_char): src = "" + trailing_char client = Client(src=src) assert client.endpoints[0].root_url == "" @pytest.mark.flaky def test_numerical_to_label_space(self): client = Client("gradio-tests/titanic-survival") assert client.view_api(return_format="dict") == { "named_endpoints": { "/predict": { "parameters": [ { "label": "Sex", "type": {"type": "string"}, "python_type": {"type": "str", "description": ""}, "component": "Radio", "example_input": "Howdy!", "serializer": "StringSerializable", }, { "label": "Age", "type": {"type": "number"}, "python_type": { "type": "int | float", "description": "", }, "component": "Slider", "example_input": 5, "serializer": "NumberSerializable", }, { "label": "Fare (british pounds)", "type": {"type": "number"}, "python_type": { "type": "int | float", "description": "", }, "component": "Slider", "example_input": 5, "serializer": "NumberSerializable", }, ], "returns": [ { "label": "output", "type": {"type": {}, "description": "any valid json"}, "python_type": { "type": "str", "description": "filepath to JSON file", }, "component": "Label", "serializer": "JSONSerializable", } ], }, "/predict_1": { "parameters": [ { "label": "Sex", "type": {"type": "string"}, "python_type": {"type": "str", "description": ""}, "component": "Radio", "example_input": "Howdy!", "serializer": "StringSerializable", }, { "label": "Age", "type": {"type": "number"}, "python_type": { "type": "int | float", "description": "", }, "component": "Slider", "example_input": 5, "serializer": "NumberSerializable", }, { "label": "Fare (british pounds)", "type": {"type": "number"}, "python_type": { "type": "int | float", "description": "", }, "component": "Slider", "example_input": 5, "serializer": "NumberSerializable", }, ], "returns": [ { "label": "output", "type": {"type": {}, "description": "any valid json"}, "python_type": { "type": "str", "description": "filepath to JSON file", }, "component": "Label", "serializer": "JSONSerializable", } ], }, "/predict_2": { "parameters": [ { "label": "Sex", "type": {"type": "string"}, "python_type": {"type": "str", "description": ""}, "component": "Radio", "example_input": "Howdy!", "serializer": "StringSerializable", }, { "label": "Age", "type": {"type": "number"}, "python_type": { "type": "int | float", "description": "", }, "component": "Slider", "example_input": 5, "serializer": "NumberSerializable", }, { "label": "Fare (british pounds)", "type": {"type": "number"}, "python_type": { "type": "int | float", "description": "", }, "component": "Slider", "example_input": 5, "serializer": "NumberSerializable", }, ], "returns": [ { "label": "output", "type": {"type": {}, "description": "any valid json"}, "python_type": { "type": "str", "description": "filepath to JSON file", }, "component": "Label", "serializer": "JSONSerializable", } ], }, }, "unnamed_endpoints": {}, } def test_serializable_in_mapping(self, calculator_demo): with connect(calculator_demo) as client: assert all( isinstance(c, Serializable) for c in client.endpoints[0].serializers ) def test_state_does_not_appear(self, state_demo): with connect(state_demo) as client: api_info = client.view_api(return_format="dict") assert isinstance(api_info, dict) for parameter in api_info["named_endpoints"]["/predict"]["parameters"]: assert parameter["component"] != "State" @pytest.mark.flaky def test_private_space(self): client = Client("gradio-tests/not-actually-private-space", hf_token=HF_TOKEN) assert len(client.endpoints) == 3 assert len([e for e in client.endpoints if e.is_valid]) == 2 assert len([e for e in client.endpoints if e.is_valid and e.api_name]) == 1 assert client.view_api(return_format="dict") == { "named_endpoints": { "/predict": { "parameters": [ { "label": "x", "type": {"type": "string"}, "python_type": {"type": "str", "description": ""}, "component": "Textbox", "example_input": "Howdy!", "serializer": "StringSerializable", } ], "returns": [ { "label": "output", "type": {"type": "string"}, "python_type": {"type": "str", "description": ""}, "component": "Textbox", "serializer": "StringSerializable", } ], } }, "unnamed_endpoints": {}, } @pytest.mark.flaky def test_fetch_fixed_version_space(self): assert Client("gradio-tests/calculator").view_api(return_format="dict") == { "named_endpoints": { "/predict": { "parameters": [ { "label": "num1", "type": {"type": "number"}, "python_type": {"type": "int | float", "description": ""}, "component": "Number", "example_input": 5, "serializer": "NumberSerializable", }, { "label": "operation", "type": {"type": "string"}, "python_type": {"type": "str", "description": ""}, "component": "Radio", "example_input": "add", "serializer": "StringSerializable", }, { "label": "num2", "type": {"type": "number"}, "python_type": {"type": "int | float", "description": ""}, "component": "Number", "example_input": 5, "serializer": "NumberSerializable", }, ], "returns": [ { "label": "output", "type": {"type": "number"}, "python_type": {"type": "int | float", "description": ""}, "component": "Number", "serializer": "NumberSerializable", } ], } }, "unnamed_endpoints": {}, } def test_unnamed_endpoints_use_fn_index(self, count_generator_demo): with connect(count_generator_demo) as client: info = client.view_api(return_format="str") assert "fn_index=0" in info assert "api_name" not in info def test_api_false_endpoints_do_not_appear(self, count_generator_demo): with connect(count_generator_demo) as client: info = client.view_api(return_format="dict") assert len(info["named_endpoints"]) == 0 assert len(info["unnamed_endpoints"]) == 2 def test_file_io(self, file_io_demo): with connect(file_io_demo) as client: info = client.view_api(return_format="dict") inputs = info["named_endpoints"]["/predict"]["parameters"] outputs = info["named_endpoints"]["/predict"]["returns"] assert inputs[0]["type"]["type"] == "array" assert inputs[0]["python_type"] == { "type": "List[str]", "description": "List of filepath(s) or URL(s) to files", } assert isinstance(inputs[0]["example_input"], list) assert isinstance(inputs[0]["example_input"][0], str) assert inputs[1]["python_type"] == { "type": "str", "description": "filepath or URL to file", } assert isinstance(inputs[1]["example_input"], str) assert outputs[0]["python_type"] == { "type": "List[str]", "description": "List of filepath(s) or URL(s) to files", } assert outputs[0]["type"]["type"] == "array" assert outputs[1]["python_type"] == { "type": "str", "description": "filepath or URL to file", } class TestEndpoints: def test_upload(self): client = Client( src="gradio-tests/not-actually-private-file-upload", hf_token=HF_TOKEN ) response = MagicMock(status_code=200) response.json.return_value = [ "file1", "file2", "file3", "file4", "file5", "file6", "file7", ] with patch("", MagicMock(return_value=response)): with patch("", MagicMock()): with patch.object(pathlib.Path, "name") as mock_name: mock_name.side_effect = lambda x: x results = client.endpoints[0]._upload( ["pre1", ["pre2", "pre3", "pre4"], ["pre5", "pre6"], "pre7"] ) res = [] for re in results: if isinstance(re, list): res.append([r["name"] for r in re]) else: res.append(re["name"]) assert res == [ "file1", ["file2", "file3", "file4"], ["file5", "file6"], "file7", ] cpu = huggingface_hub.SpaceHardware.CPU_BASIC class TestDuplication: @pytest.mark.flaky @patch("huggingface_hub.get_space_runtime", return_value=MagicMock(hardware=cpu)) @patch("gradio_client.client.Client.__init__", return_value=None) def test_new_space_id(self, mock_init, mock_runtime): Client.duplicate("gradio/calculator", "test", hf_token=HF_TOKEN) mock_runtime.assert_any_call("gradio/calculator", token=HF_TOKEN) mock_runtime.assert_any_call("gradio-tests/test", token=HF_TOKEN) mock_init.assert_called_with( "gradio-tests/test", hf_token=HF_TOKEN, max_workers=40, verbose=True ) Client.duplicate("gradio/calculator", "gradio-tests/test", hf_token=HF_TOKEN) mock_runtime.assert_any_call("gradio/calculator", token=HF_TOKEN) mock_runtime.assert_any_call("gradio-tests/test", token=HF_TOKEN) mock_init.assert_called_with( "gradio-tests/test", hf_token=HF_TOKEN, max_workers=40, verbose=True ) @pytest.mark.flaky @patch("gradio_client.utils.set_space_timeout") @patch("huggingface_hub.get_space_runtime", return_value=MagicMock(hardware=cpu)) @patch("gradio_client.client.Client.__init__", return_value=None) def test_dont_set_timeout_if_default_hardware( self, mock_init, mock_runtime, mock_set_timeout ): Client.duplicate("gradio/calculator", "test", hf_token=HF_TOKEN) mock_set_timeout.assert_not_called() @pytest.mark.flaky @patch("huggingface_hub.request_space_hardware") @patch("gradio_client.utils.set_space_timeout") @patch( "huggingface_hub.get_space_runtime", return_value=MagicMock(hardware=huggingface_hub.SpaceHardware.CPU_UPGRADE), ) @patch("gradio_client.client.Client.__init__", return_value=None) def test_set_timeout_if_not_default_hardware( self, mock_init, mock_runtime, mock_set_timeout, mock_request_hardware ): Client.duplicate( "gradio/calculator", "test", hf_token=HF_TOKEN, hardware="cpu-upgrade", sleep_timeout=15, ) mock_set_timeout.assert_called_once_with( "gradio-tests/test", hf_token=HF_TOKEN, timeout_in_seconds=15 * 60 ) @pytest.mark.flaky @patch("huggingface_hub.get_space_runtime", return_value=MagicMock(hardware=cpu)) @patch("gradio_client.client.Client.__init__", return_value=None) def test_default_space_id(self, mock_init, mock_runtime): Client.duplicate("gradio/calculator", hf_token=HF_TOKEN) mock_runtime.assert_any_call("gradio/calculator", token=HF_TOKEN) mock_runtime.assert_any_call("gradio-tests/calculator", token=HF_TOKEN) mock_init.assert_called_with( "gradio-tests/calculator", hf_token=HF_TOKEN, max_workers=40, verbose=True ) @pytest.mark.flaky @patch("huggingface_hub.add_space_secret") @patch("huggingface_hub.duplicate_space") @patch("gradio_client.client.Client.__init__", return_value=None) @patch("gradio_client.utils.set_space_timeout") def test_add_secrets(self, mock_time, mock_init, mock_duplicate, mock_add_secret): with pytest.raises(RepositoryNotFoundError): name = str(uuid.uuid4()) Client.duplicate( "gradio/calculator", name, hf_token=HF_TOKEN, secrets={"test_key": "test_value", "test_key2": "test_value2"}, ) mock_add_secret.assert_called_with( f"gradio-tests/{name}", "test_key", "test_value", token=HF_TOKEN, ) mock_add_secret.assert_any_call( f"gradio-tests/{name}", "test_key2", "test_value2", token=HF_TOKEN, )