More than 30 awesome developers have contributed to the `gradio` library, and we'd be thrilled if you would like be the next `gradio` contributor! You can start by forking or cloning the repo ( and creating your own branch to work from.
* Navigate to the repo folder and install test requirements (note that it is highly recommended to use a virtual environment since the versions are pinned)
All PRs should be against `master`. Direct commits to master are blocked, and PRs require an approving review to merge into master. By convention, the Gradio maintainers will review PRs when:
* An initial review has been requested, and
* A maintainer (@abidlabs, @aliabid94, @aliabd, @AK391, or @dawoodkhan82) is tagged in the PR comments and asked to complete a review
We ask that you make sure initial CI checks are passing before requesting a review. One of the Gradio maintainers will merge the PR when all the checks are passing.