In this guide we will demonstrate some of the ways you can use Gradio with Comet. We will cover the basics of using Comet with Gradio and show you some of the ways that you can leverage Gradio's advanced features such as [Embedding with iFrames]( and [State]( to build some amazing model evaluation workflows.
Here is a list of the topics covered in this guide.
1. Logging Gradio UI's to your Comet Experiments
2. Embedding Gradio Applications directly into your Comet Projects
3. Embedding Hugging Face Spaces directly into your Comet Projects
4. Logging Model Inferences from your Gradio Application to Comet
## What is Comet?
[Comet]( is an MLOps Platform that is designed to help Data Scientists and Teams build better models faster! Comet provides tooling to Track, Explain, Manage, and Monitor your models in a single place! It works with Jupyter Notebooks and Scripts and most importantly it's 100% free!
## Setup
First, install the dependencies needed to run these examples
Next, you will need to [sign up for a Comet Account]( Once you have your account set up, [grab your API Key]( and configure your Comet credentials
If you're running these examples as a script, you can either export your credentials as environment variables
export COMET_API_KEY="<YourAPIKey>"
export COMET_WORKSPACE="<YourWorkspaceName>"
export COMET_PROJECT_NAME="<YourProjectName>"
or set them in a `.comet.config` file in your working directory. You file should be formatted in the following way.
If you are using the provided Colab Notebooks to run these examples, please run the cell with the following snippet before starting the Gradio UI. Running this cell allows you to interactively add your API key to the notebook.
import comet_ml
## 1. Logging Gradio UI's to your Comet Experiments
In this example, we will go over how to log your Gradio Applications to Comet and interact with them using the Gradio Custom Panel.
Let's start by building a simple Image Classification example using `resnet18`.
The last line in this snippet will log the URL of the Gradio Application to your Comet Experiment. You can find the URL in the Text Tab of your Experiment.
## 3. Embedding Hugging Face Spaces directly into your Comet Projects
<iframewidth="560"height="315"src=""title="YouTube video player"frameborder="0"allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"allowfullscreen></iframe>
You can also embed Gradio Applications that are hosted on Hugging Faces Spaces into your Comet Projects using the Hugging Face Spaces Panel.
Go to your Comet Project page, and head over to the Panels tab. Click the `+ Add` button to bring up the Panels search page. Next, search for the Hugging Face Spaces Panel in the Public Panels section and click `Add`.
<iframewidth="560"height="315"src=""title="YouTube video player"frameborder="0"allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"allowfullscreen></iframe>
In the previous examples, we demonstrated the various ways in which you can interact with a Gradio application through the Comet UI. Additionally, you can also log model inferences, such as SHAP plots, from your Gradio application to Comet.
In the following snippet, we're going to log inferences from a Text Generation model. We can persist an Experiment across multiple inference calls using Gradio's [State]( object. This will allow you to log multiple inferences from a model to a single Experiment.
import comet_ml
import gradio as gr
import shap
import torch
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
if torch.cuda.is_available():
device = "cuda"
device = "cpu"
MODEL_NAME = "gpt2"
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
# set model decoder to true
model.config.is_decoder = True
# set text-generation params under task_specific_params