Most models are black boxes such that the internal logic of the function is hidden from the end user. To encourage transparency, we've made it very easy to add interpretation to your model by simply setting the `interpretation` keyword in the `Interface` class to `default`. This allows your users to understand what parts of the input are responsible for the output. Take a look at the simple interface below which shows an image classifier that also includes interpretation:
In addition to `default`, Gradio also includes [Shapley-based interpretation](, which provides more accurate interpretations, albeit usually with a slower runtime. To use this, simply set the `interpretation` parameter to `"shap"` (note: also make sure the python package `shap` is installed). Optionally, you can modify the the `num_shap` parameter, which controls the tradeoff between accuracy and runtime (increasing this value generally increases accuracy). Here is an example:
This will work for any function, even if internally, the model is a complex neural network or some other black box. If you use Gradio's `default` or `shap` interpretation, the output component must be a `Label`. All common input components are supported. Here is an example with text input.
So what is happening under the hood? With these interpretation methods, Gradio runs the prediction multiple times with modified versions of the input. Based on the results, you'll see that the interface automatically highlights the parts of the text (or image, etc.) that contributed increased the likelihood of the class as red. The intensity of color corresponds to the importance of that part of the input. The parts that decrease the class confidence are highlighted blue.
You can also write your own interpretation function. The demo below adds custom interpretation to the previous demo. This function will take the same inputs as the main wrapped function. The output of this interpretation function will be used to highlight the input of each input component - therefore the function must return a list where the number of elements corresponds to the number of input components. To see the format for interpretation for each input component, check the Docs.
If you'd like to have more fine-grained control over any aspect of your demo, you can also write your own css or pass in a filepath to a css file, with the `css` parameter of the `Interface` class.
Gradio integrates nicely with the Hugging Face Hub, allowing you to load models and Spaces with just one line of code. To use this, simply use the `load()` method in the `Interface` class. So:
- To load any model from the Hugging Face Hub and create an interface around it, you pass `"model/"` or `"huggingface/"` followed by the model name, like these examples:
- To load any Space from the Hugging Face Hub and recreate it locally (so that you can customize the inputs and outputs for example), you pass `"spaces/"` followed by the model name:
gr.Interface.load("spaces/eugenesiow/remove-bg", inputs="webcam", title="Remove your webcam background!").launch()
One of the great things about loading Hugging Face models or spaces using Gradio is that you can then immediately use the resulting `Interface` object just like function in your Python code (this works for every type of model/space: text, images, audio, video, and even multimodal models):
Gradio also lets you mix interfaces very easily using the `gradio.Parallel` and `gradio.Series` classes. `Parallel` lets you put two similar models (if they have the same input type) in parallel to compare model predictions: